Eight figures flew in one after another, and as they continued to descend, the environment in the crack was clearly transmitted into the aircraft.

An Xin and Wen Xiu observed the three people's vision, while Wei Lan was constantly analyzing possible dangers.

The charred remains of some mutated lizards were still hanging on the cracks in the stone wall. This level of attack almost completely carbonized these mutated lizards, and they shattered into pieces with just a light touch.

No. 3 pulled out a blue source power crystal from the remains, and then thought of the countless mutated lizards that had been killed in the cracks, and his hands couldn't help but tremble.

"Captain, how many are these?"

They sometimes find ways to hunt mutant lizards, but such mutant creatures often appear in groups. Under normal circumstances, they don't dare to provoke them. They have been on a mission in the Kunlun Mountains for so long, but they haven't gotten three of them.

"No matter how many there are, they are all commanded by Lin. Don't you have any other ideas!"

Cui Yuandong couldn't help but remind him that even he was a little shaken in the face of such a big temptation, but he still persisted in his intention and took the source power crystal and prepared to hand it to Lin Qi.

"Forget it, you can keep that stuff, but don't bother looking for it anymore. When the mission is over, you can take as much as you want."

Such a large number of source power crystals are naturally very precious, but Lin Qi cannot take care of them all without giving others any benefit.

After hearing the promise, the five people were shocked and all became excited, but their eyes could not help but search on the stone wall.

One! Two! Two and a half!

Going deep into the crack, the middle slowly became a lot narrower, but after passing through the narrow part, it became extremely spacious again.

After reaching the ground, Lin Qi suddenly discovered that there was no place to stay on the ground. There was a dense layer of mutated lizard corpses stacked on top of each other, and the charred corpses were covered dozens of meters thick!
The dried corpses were superimposed on top, but thick corpse oil oozed from underneath, exuding a special stench.

Fortunately, the Source Project armor has an air filtration system, otherwise just this smell would make people lose their combat effectiveness.

"Scan the cave and find me an exit."

Lin Qi raised his arm and a sound wave spread out, echoing in the cave. In just a moment, the holographic projection in the cave appeared before his eyes.

Moreover, in the image, there are many living creatures that are quickly approaching the eight people.

"Get ready to fight. Keep your spirits up. Don't die here."

Lin Qi switched his long sword to a long bow and separated arrows from the quiver on his back.

An arrow was shot out, and the sound was transmitted through the cave. As soon as a dark mutant lizard poked its head out, an arrow penetrated its head.

"Wherever my arrow hits, you can rush towards it. Don't worry about being attacked."

Lin Qi took a look at the holographic projection. A passage extended all the way to the depths of the underground. Even if he had just used sonar to detect the distribution of underground caves, it had not been completely scanned.

"I'll go help too."

Bai Su moved his body, extending red knife shadows from his hands, and even his body exuded a red aura of source power, burning like a flame.

Her body turned into a red light and rushed forward. "Keep up, keep up! We can't fall behind!"

Cui Yuandong quickly commanded the team to step forward. The five of them formed a small formation and rushed into the mutant lizard group at one go.

In the narrow environment of the cave, the mutant lizard seemed to have some scruples. It did not immediately focus on the laser attack, but used its powerful body to swarm towards several people!

Perhaps ordinary awakened people would have been so frightened that their legs were weak when faced with such dense attacks, but they were all strong men with Source Project armor, and had long been accustomed to all kinds of dangerous battles, and were not afraid of the impact in front of them.

A layer of red light and shadow spread over Bai Su's body, as if he was wearing a layer of red armor, and his strange figure quickly shuttled among the mutant lizards.

Every time the figure flashed, a mutated lizard's head separated, and its body even split into two!

"Is the red source of power so terrifying?"

This was the first time that Lin Qi had seen Bai Su's strength improve to this extent. Although he did not have the multi-functional mobility of the Source Plan armor, he already had the strength of others wearing the armor just by relying on his physical fitness.

The mutated lizard couldn't stop Bai Su's footsteps at all, and even the source power laser ejected from his mouth had no effect at all. Even if it hit Bai Su's body, it was blocked by the pure red source power.

"I'll go in first, hurry up and follow."

After Bai Su finished speaking, his figure flashed again and he rushed directly into a cave.

"Is he so strong? Are everyone around him so strong?"

Cui Yuandong was trembling all over. Bai Su passed by him just now. The terrifying speed even prevented him from reacting. If the target was him, he probably wouldn't be able to avoid it.

Just as he was about to look back at Lin Qi, another blurry figure suddenly appeared in front of him. The space was torn apart, and a mutated lizard was divided into two halves. Its internal organs were clearly visible, and even the severed aorta was visible. Was cut in half!

It was not until the blood seeped out that the smoothness of the wound could not be seen clearly.

For a moment, a chill came over my heart.

"Speed ​​up, you don't have to worry about these little miscellaneous fish!"

Lin Qi greeted him. Although he didn't understand why Bai Su was eager to go deep into the cave, there must be unexpected secrets hidden inside.

So he drew out three arrows, raised his bow and shot!
Three arrows shot out of the air, targeting the mutant lizards, spinning continuously in the cave!

Lin Qi used his mental power to lock onto all the mutant lizards, without even looking at them with his eyes. Three arrows quickly shuttled through the cave, and the mutant lizards were like straws, one after another being pierced through the head!
When all the arrows flew back, the first mutated lizard fell to the ground, and the rest followed him and lay on the ground!
Going deep into it again, a special cave suddenly appeared in front of us!

The entire cave was shrouded in a layer of blue fluorescence. After the stone walls were contaminated with a large amount of source power, they actually condensed a layer of source power energy, and the emitted fluorescence illuminated the cave clearly!
Bai Su stood at the end of the cave. In front of her, several special mutated creatures were confronting each other with fearful expressions.

"Are they those aliens? No, there seems to be something different!"

Jin Na appeared from the void again and screamed in surprise, but she quickly judged that the mutated creature that appeared in front of her was somewhat different from the one in the underground laboratory of the base.

These mutated creatures also have humanoid forms, but they still have many lizard characteristics, especially a lizard head, bright green eyes, and narrow and cold pupils! (End of chapter)

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