Chapter 252 Spaceship
A gun was swung out, and the gun body was filled with illusory giant light and shadow, and it hit the large nest hard!

In an instant, the ground shook!

I saw an explosion in the middle of the nest, spreading to both sides. The entire black giant nest was split into two in an instant, and cracks continued to spread on both sides!

A stream of blue liquid seeped out from the crack, and almost instantly flowed into a small river underground.

In the cracked nest, one mutant lizard man struggled to crawl out, but because his body had not yet completed development and his genes were not perfect, he lost his vitality not long after leaving the nest.

Only a few alien life forms in the center of the lair managed to survive.

"These things already have very obvious human characteristics!"

It was probably because the acquired lizard genes made the fusion experimental subjects less than ideal, so these lizards also captured humans to promote the experimental fusion of alien life forms.

Looking at the current situation, it seems that it has been partially successful.

At least the few surviving experimental subjects in the center not only retained the human body shape, but also retained the genes of lizards and the abilities of alien creatures.

"Come on, you guys, while these guys are still weak, tie them up for me!"

When Lin Qi saw Cui Yuandong and the other five people standing there stunned, he kicked them.

The five people woke up as if from a dream, responded quickly, and then quickly flew towards the broken stones.

The five special experimental subjects in the center of the lair, as Lin Qi said, were in a weak state, unable to even stand, and the layer of viscous blue liquid on their bodies had not completely dried.

Even the skin has a softness and elasticity.

Cui Yuandong separated a rope from the armor and directly tied up one of the large ones. The rope was so tight that it even made a deep mark on its body!

The remaining four people also followed suit, each using special knotting techniques to tie the remaining four experimental subjects into rice dumplings.

"Turtle-shell binding, you have some skills."

Seeing Cui Yuandong flying back with the experimental subjects, Lin Qi joked and picked one of them up with his spear.

In just a short moment, the experimental subject had almost recovered, but its body was completely restrained and could not exert any strength at all.

"Humans of the old era, you will be replaced by us sooner or later. The only masters of this planet are us..."


With a crisp sound, Lin Qi shot the guy's head open, and blue juice splashed all over the floor.

Cui Yuandong quickly moved his feet away and almost didn't get contaminated.

After one died, the remaining four were obviously much more honest.

However, before they could relax or say harsh words, Lin Qi stabbed them again and exploded another head.

While the remaining three were stunned, the spear thrust out again!

The three brain seeds were shattered, the blue brain matter was almost mixed together, and three genetic crystals the size of peanuts were picked out.

"Don't kill me! What do you want to know! I will never hide anything!"

Before Lin Qi could shake the blue brain off the gun, another experimental subject impatiently begged for mercy.

"I also confess, in the words of your Blue Star, I confess, please be lenient and please treat the prisoners preferentially!"

The bodies of the two experimental subjects were trembling. Although they had just been born, the results of death were recorded in the genetic database. They had not really seen the world, so how could they be willing to die.

The birth of consciousness shows that they are already real life forms and have independent thoughts. However, this thought is affected by the knowledge of the genetic database and of course the absorbed genes. "It's hard to carry two of them. They're so big and so tiring to carry."

Lin Qi looked at the two mutant experimental subjects. They were both about the same size, then turned to look at Cui Yuandong.

"You think it's troublesome, why don't you kill another one?"

You only need one prisoner who can communicate, there is no need to bring an extra burden.

"Commander Lin, we don't feel tired at all, but we are afraid of what if this guy runs away?"

Unknown creatures always have unknown abilities, and turtle shell binding may not be able to trap them.

"Don't! Don't! Our prisoners must be honest and don't dare to resist!"

The two experimental subjects rushed to express their attitude, fearing that another one would be stabbed to death.

Seeing how weak these two guys were, Cui Yuandong immediately said that he would take good care of these two prisoners.

"Then just keep an eye on them. If you feel they dare to move, just kill them."

After the instructions, Lin Qi set his sights deep in the cave, where a dazzling light seemed to be the location of the spaceship.

Several people quickly flew up and approached. After the giant breeding nest was broken, the blue liquid that flowed out gathered in the low-lying area, giving people an extremely disgusting feeling.

Of course, this special nutrient solution is also extremely valuable. After all, it can breed special life forms, which cannot be produced by Blue Star's technology.

When it fell to the light, it was a cave passage that extended to the depths of the cave. There were also blue veins on the stone wall, but the blue liquid inside had stopped flowing.

"These should be the biological nutrient solutions delivered to the giant cultivation nest."

Bai Su stretched out his hand and pressed it on the blue pipe, carefully sensing the changes in source power.

"I'll get some and study them later. This thing should be useful."

The value of Yuanli Nutrient Solution is naturally self-evident, and it may also have a considerable effect on humans.

Several people continued to move forward, and after passing through the long passage, a huge space appeared in front of them again.

A spaceship that looked overall streamlined appeared in front of us. The entire hull was more than 500 meters long and 300 meters wide. It was parked in an underground cave like a behemoth.

The streamlined spacecraft does not have any complicated external structure, and its surface is smooth, but complex lines are vaguely visible. When everyone approaches, it flickers with a dim blue light.

"Come, let the prisoner speak."

Lin Qi signaled Cui Yuandong to bring the two experimental prisoners to the front, preparing to ask for information about the spacecraft.

"You tell me. If I'm not satisfied with the answer, I'll have to find someone else."

Lin Qi put the spear against the prisoner's head and tapped it lightly.

"Is there any way to control this spaceship?"

The first time he saw this spaceship, Lin Qi planned to take it away entirely. With this thing, although it could not significantly improve the combat effectiveness, at least he could reach anywhere on Blue Star at any time.

Moreover, with the current level of science and technology of mankind, it is simply impossible to create a spacecraft of this level.

"Human, this is an aircraft used by our race for space exploration. Only our bloodline can activate it. Originally, after the five of us received the inheritance, we would have the right to activate it, but now it has been noticed by the intelligent life in the aircraft and has been deprived of it. Our control."

The experimental subject whose head was held against his head explained in a low voice, his body trembling slightly, for fear that Lin Qi would be displeased and pierce its head directly.

(End of this chapter)

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