The suspicious survivors, at least in Azure's understanding, should not belong to the Federation.

The screen zoomed in step by step, and the equipment just installed came into play for the first time, and the entire safety zone was covered.

A clear picture gradually unfolded in front of Lin Qi's eyes, which was a ruins in the safe zone.

It was a small aircraft parked in the ruins of a building, and several strange Source Project soldiers were walking around in the ruins.

They all wore Project Source armor. The Federation's armor model was a little different. It seemed to fit more closely to the body and had a tight-fitting feel.

"You guys can go back to the safe area by yourselves. I'll go see who they are first."

The last time he met the warrior armor of the island country, Lin Qi directly took away all their nests, but there would definitely be more than that in the coastal areas. He thought he would search again when he had more time, but he didn't expect that Some people have gone deep into the Central Plains.

An Xin also followed closely, fearing that such exciting things would not catch up.

Not long after, the two of them had flown near the ruins and landed on the roof of a building that had not yet collapsed, observing from a distance.

"The markings on the aircraft have been obscured. I don't know which federation it is from, but it must be from the Western Federation."

An Xin observed for a moment and nodded firmly.

Among them is a woman with big red waves, a curvy figure, wearing tight black clothes, very tempting.

"It's the end of the world, and yet they've crossed the sea to come to us. It seems like they have some ulterior motive."

Lin Di nodded and asked Wei Lan to prepare to invade their aircraft to see which federal warrior it was.

"How about I go ask? In the name of the Central Plains Security Zone, maybe they are here to ask for help?"

An Xin holds on to some illusions. This is a common problem among people from the Central Asian Federation. They always treat others with good intentions.

"Are you going to be sneaky when asking for help from others? Didn't you see that their aircraft has turned on the hidden mode, and there is information blocking and interference around them."

At this moment, Wei Lan's message was also passed on, further confirming Lin Qi's suspicion.

These people were sent by other federations to confront Lin Qi.

Although the Source Project Center is not connected to other federations, there are always times when information is leaked.

Lin Qi took a spaceship from the Kunlun Mountains. Although the four major bases knew about it, they did not dare to provoke Lin Qi because of his strong personal strength. They only sent personnel to negotiate.

But other federations don't think so. In their eyes, how can a small safe zone leader be qualified to occupy an alien spacecraft? He must contribute it and let them study it.

Therefore, as soon as they got the news, these people dispatched a Source Project team to snatch the spacecraft.

In the ruins, several people were debugging instruments and constantly searching for signals from the Central Plains Safety Zone.

This instrument is very precious and is one of Blue Star's top technologies. It uses artificial intelligence programs to quickly receive all nearby information and decipher it.

"Captain, I found an interesting channel, would you like to check it out?"

The man who was wearing headphones and checking the screen next to the instrument waved, and several people organizing equipment nearby quickly came over.

After seeing the screen clearly, it was a picture of the ground looking down from a high altitude. As the picture continued to zoom in, the expressions of several people changed.

That picture was exactly the environment they were in now, especially the parked aircraft, which was extremely conspicuous.

An arrow flew through the air and was noticed by several people before it got close. However, when they tried to avoid it, they found that the arrow seemed to have locked onto the target.

There was a soft pop, and the arrow instantly penetrated the blond man's head!
"The head is pretty hard!"

Although the arrow passed through the head, the arrow body was stuck and could not penetrate to attack the next target.

But this sudden death made the remaining people vigilant, and they started to activate the Source Plan armor to save their lives.

The leader condensed a shield in his hand and looked warily at the direction in which the arrow was coming. Among them, there was actually one person with a bow and arrow, aiming at Lin Qi to fight back.

"The God of Thunder is dead! Someone attacked!"

The voice reached Lin Qi's ears and was automatically translated into a language he could understand. But can a guy who can be shot to death with an arrow also be called a god?
"Hawkeye, find his location!"

The man holding the shield quickly ordered while hiding behind the cover.

"Hey, are the Avengers out?"

Lin Qi remembered that there were Marvel movies in this world. Could they be imitating the superheroes in those comics?

Sure enough, on the other side of the aircraft, a man with a mustache's golden-red armor surged around his body, instantly covering his body.

Although they are all fakes, the similarity that can be imitated is over 90%.

Black Widow hid in the shadows, waiting for an opportunity to attack, while Hawkeye aimed his arrow, trying to find Lin Qi's location.

But they carefully observed it for a long time and didn't notice any fluctuation.

Lin Qi, who was several miles away, could clearly see the actions of several people from the screen projected by the armor.

So he shot another arrow, aiming at the conspicuous golden-red bag.


The arrow penetrated the armor and stabbed firmly into his head, exactly like the unlucky blond man before.

Their strength is also top-notch in the North American Federation, but when they came to the unknown Central Asian Federation, two of them died inexplicably without even seeing their opponents.

And he was killed by a cold weapon like a bow and arrow!
"Eagle Eye, lock the target quickly!"

The captain said anxiously, not noticing that the man named Hawkeye's hands were trembling slightly.

As both bow and arrow users, the other party had completely crushed him to this extent, and even made him feel fearful.

Two arrows in a row, he was not sure where the arrows were coming from, let alone where the target was.

"Captain! Let's retreat quickly, I can't find the target!"

Hawkeye quickly hid in the ruins, breathing heavily.

If you are facing the enemy head-on, even if you can't defeat him, you won't feel so much pressure.

But there are people in the dark who can harvest their lives at any time, and the sense of oppression is immediately full.

Lin Qi casually shot an arrow again and looked at the woman hidden in the shadows on the screen.

His arrows only lock on the target. As for how to fly in the middle, he doesn't know.

Sure enough, the arrow flew around for a while, even took a turn, and one arrow passed through the blond's wavy head.

"How dare you get rid of the big ocean horse? Why don't you keep it to enjoy the exotic scenery?"

An Xin looked at Lin Qi in surprise. She thought Lin Qi would keep that woman. After all, she had such a stunning figure and big red waves.

"I don't want to be bitten off while I'm sleeping. That woman obviously has a special relationship with the others."

Sure enough, when the big red wave was headshot, the remaining people became obviously excited.

"Run away! Get out of this terrible place!"

The captain exclaimed loudly and quickly rushed towards the aircraft. (End of chapter)

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