Chapter 272 Zombie Transformation
Devouring the body of a seventh-level mutant zombie caused the mother zombie to completely transform. It seemed that a new life was gestating in the huge flesh ball.

After Lin Qi noticed the information, he immediately flew towards the small city in the south.

After flying over the last safe zone, there are almost no traces of human existence anymore. The places covered by vegetation have been covered by a patch of green. The vegetation has expanded crazily, covering the top of the mountain.

The cities of the past have also become ruins. Greenery spreads out from the green belts and corners of the ruins, embellishing the ruined cities with color. Only the spacious cement roads still maintain a touch of black.

Signals that mutant beasts were found flashed in the armor that was speeding by, but Lin Qi remained unmoved until he reached the city where his target was located.

The bright red meat ball was standing in the center of the city. Tens of thousands of mutated zombies had gathered around it, seemingly worshiping the birth of this mutated zombie.

"Hey, someone arrived early?"

Lin Qi keenly sensed that there were several weak auras on the edge of the city. At the same time, Wei Lan also reminded that abnormal signal fluctuations were found.

Since the mother zombie was taken away, the base has also sent out a search team for this object. During this time, they have been looking for traces of the mother zombie.

Although it does not have the extensive search capabilities of a spacecraft, the base also has special methods of searching.

When Lin Qi was hesitating whether to say hello, he saw a blue light shooting out from the upper floors of a ruined building and heading towards the giant meat ball!

The blue source laser left a deep trace in the air. When it hit the huge meat ball, a wave suddenly appeared on the surface of the meat ball, completely blocking the energy.

This attack instantly attracted the attention of the mutated zombies in the city. As the explosion sounded, sharp roars came from the zombies. One by one, the weird zombies jumped up, stepping on the bodies of the same kind and rushing towards the high-rise building where the laser was shot. go.

In just a short time, the tall building was crawling with dense mutant zombies, and attacks were constantly pouring out from it.

The mutated zombies fell like dumplings, but they still couldn't stop crawling. After a while, the people above couldn't hold on and flew out of the floor one after another.

"Chen Feng?"

From afar, Lin Qi saw Chen Feng's iconic battle armor. After it flew out of the floor, the whole building exploded instantly, turning into rubble and scattering on the ground!
After seeing an acquaintance, Lin Qi quickly flew over and stepped forward to say hello.

"Brother Chen, I haven't seen you for so many days. I'm really embarrassed."

Chen Feng was indeed a little embarrassed. He thought it would be easy to deal with these mutated zombies, but he didn't expect these guys to be so ferocious and directly demolished the building.

This resulted in all the important equipment installed inside being scrapped.

"Commander Lin? Why are you here?"

The moment he saw Lin Qi, Chen Feng was stunned for a moment, and the next second he opened his visor, a look of joy on his face.

When he was in a dilemma, he unexpectedly met Lin Qi here, as if he had seen a savior.

"I also received information about something abnormal here, so I came here to take a look. You guys came in advance. Do you have any information?"

There were five Yuan Project warriors beside Chen Feng. Although they were not very strong, they were still at an average level, and there were even a few of them who had been slapped by Lin Qi that night.

But at this moment, he was like a younger brother, not daring to take a step forward.

"We arrived three hours ago, when this giant meaty egg wasn't so red."

The seven people found an abandoned building nearby and landed there. Although it was a bit far away, they could still observe the changes in the dome.

They made several attempts to attack, but the effect was minimal because the distance was too far, so they set up a source laser cannon upstairs. But the effect of the laser cannon attack just now was still not ideal.

There seemed to be a special energy shield on the surface of the dome, blocking attacks from the outside world.

The dome became redder and redder, and finally reached the extreme point of redness, with a layer of black and red color from dried blood. It was obvious that the transformation was happening very quickly.

"I'll shoot an arrow first to see if I can break it."

Seeing that if it continued, there might be abnormal changes, Lin Qi decisively drew his bow and arrow and aimed at the dome in the center of the city.

The arrow penetrated the void and flew quickly towards the center of the city. The rotating power condensed a whirlwind and accurately hit the center of the dome.

The imaginable explosion did not appear. There was only a twisted vortex in the center of the dome, and the arrow was deeply trapped in it, and then disappeared.

Although this arrow has no skills, it also comes with the passive ability of the spiral arrow. Logically speaking, it should not only cause such a small amount of damage.

Lin Qi was slightly surprised. The defense inside this thing seemed to be stronger than expected.

So he took out a thicker and longer arrow and prepared to shoot again.

When he first took aim, Lin Qi suddenly noticed something was wrong. The height of the giant meaty egg seemed to have dropped a bit.

"Something's wrong. Do you feel that the egg is a little lower?"

When aiming, there was a reference object in the field of vision. Although the distance was far enough, Lin Qi could still detect a slight difference.

"There is indeed something wrong. Look around the egg, it seems to have sunk in!"

Sure enough, after Lin Qi reminded him, a visual enhancer in the team discovered the abnormality.

Just after he warned loudly, the ground suddenly trembled, and the giant egg sank directly into the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the zombies in the city jumped into the pit like water, and the entire pit was filled in just a moment.

"Going underground again!"

The arrow flew through the air and shot straight into the sky!
When the flying whirlwind arrow reached the critical point, it drew a perfect arc and fell towards the deep pit.

After adding skills this time, the power of the arrow reached its extreme, like a missile, hitting the center of the city!

Although the ground did not tremble violently, it also set off a huge wind wave, blowing the surrounding mutated zombies around!
The originally filled cave was instantly cut open by the wind blade, and mud, blood and flesh were mixed all over the place, like exploding watermelon juice.

The seven people quickly flew over the ruins of the city and arrived at the top of the deep cave. When they looked into the cave, they saw that it was full of corpses of mutated zombies. The previous giant egg had disappeared.

"Commander Lin, I used sound waves to detect it. The cave below is bottomless and I don't know where it leads."

A soldier in the team fired a shot at the cave with a sonic weapon, and the echo was transmitted, but the signal received surprised him.

"You can turn it into an egg and make it escape. You guys clean up the zombies outside. I'll go in and take a look!"

This time Lin Qi made up his mind to kill this mother zombie that was full of uncertainties!

(End of this chapter)

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