Doomsday: My skills are becoming more and more abnormal

Chapter 284 The team’s first experience

"I just want to be the strongest. If I reach my limit later, I will still be far behind you, and I will regret it for the rest of my life."

Compared with this kind of regret, it was easier to accept the matter of dedicating herself. After all, she still had good feelings about Lin Qi.

Although I received a slap in the face at that time, I couldn't sleep well for several days because of my grievance.

That slap knocked away her self-confidence, and at the same time, it also allowed Lin Qi to take over her heart.

"Okay, come up!"

Since it was the other party who took the initiative, Lin Qi didn't have to pay anything, he could just lie on the bed and enjoy it.

Shu Ya walked up slowly, fumbled to align it, and then sat on it.

The severe pain that penetrated her body made her tremble and make a strange sound.

Outside the room, several people gathered in front of the door to eavesdrop. When they heard the slightest movement from inside, they dispersed with different expressions.

"Let's go to my room and let's play mahjong."

This night is destined to be sleepless, so why not have some fun.

"Tuan Tuan, what did you and Jin Na teach her?"

The curious An Xin couldn't help but ask, she was called here by Jin Na just now, but she didn't expect to witness such a ridiculous thing.

Although at that time, she also had the idea of ​​dragging Shu Ya into the water.

"The teachings we both teach are very interesting. Let's go in and talk slowly."

The four of them gathered together, chattering and laughing.

The next day, Lin Qi went out early in the morning and came to the underground base near the repair shop.

The cloned giant zombies are still wreaking havoc on that island. Once traces of human activities are discovered, they lead zombies and mutant beasts to attack, and finally destroy a shelter with their own hands.

Lin Qi enjoyed the behavior of the fighting hero and became more familiar with controlling the giant clone.

"Next, we need to choose a weaker mutated beast for them to practice with. Let's start from level five."

Lin Qi called up the real-time monitoring screen of Wei Lan and selected a fifth-level mutant beast.

This is a mutated giant lizard. Its shape is somewhat similar to Godzilla, but this one walks on all fours and lies on the ground.

The body shape is far inferior, only about thirty meters tall, but the scale defense is very outstanding.

This giant lizard is not the same species as the lizard-men found in the Kunlun Mountains. It seems to have awakened its ancient bloodline, but it does not have any special abilities.

At least when it comes to targets in the air, this giant lizard's ability is only to spray venom, which poses little threat.

After thoroughly studying the capabilities of this fifth-level mutant monitor lizard, Lin Qi formed a combat team and began a targeted hunting mission.

The Source Project combat team, which had been resting for a few days, assembled again.

Lin Qi played the data video of the mutant monitor lizard and asked everyone to study it in a targeted manner.

"You have also seen that this mutant giant lizard is already at the top of the fifth level. Although it has no special abilities, its toxins are not something that ordinary mutant beasts can withstand. Even when encountering sixth-level mutant beasts, it can't bear it. If we can fight, let’s talk about the battle plan.”

When preparing for a war, you must have a reasonable plan. Otherwise, even if you find the target, you will inevitably have omissions when you are fighting each other.

"I think it's enough to just burn it to death with fire and spray a special burning fluid from the air. After all, it's a carbon-based organism."

Su Yu was the first to express his opinion. He had always used this method to deal with mutated beasts, but every time he could smell the aroma of meat, some of them were burnt to charcoal if they used too much force.

Lin Qi ignored his battle plan and motioned for others to put forward their opinions.

Xu Sen raised his hand, letting everyone's eyes focus on him. "It's just a fifth-level mutant beast. Just hit it hard. As long as it's not contaminated by venom, I can kill it."

Xu Sen's strength is obvious to all, and can even be compared with the Pangu armor owners of the four major bases. After all, the general's awakening ability is basically the same, and Xu Sen's is even stronger.

"Brother Sen, we are talking about a battle plan. Don't be so brutal. Just rush up and destroy it with random attacks!"

Fangzhou rolled his eyes. There was no reason for people like them who played with elemental abilities to encounter someone with such physical strength.

"You want me to condense a ball of water to wrap it up and drown it directly!"

After all, they are animals, and they will die if they suffocate.

"Ark, how long do you think it will take for this fifth-level mutant creature to suffocate to death?"

The changes brought about by animal mutation are so comprehensive that if this lizard is thrown into the water, it will not survive for a day or two.

Everyone discussed and discussed, all based on their own abilities, and the combat plans were extremely simple and direct.

Shu Ya, who was sitting at the back, couldn't help but shake her head when she saw the lively discussion.

Although these people are good in strength, their combat literacy is too poor and they have no record of it at all.

But what she didn't know was that this was exactly what Lin Qi wanted.

Rather than being the kind of warriors who follow orders and take steps step by step, Lin Qi hoped that these people would have their own opinions and be able to stand alone in the future.

This was also the reason why I didn't rush to deny them.

"In that case, let's do what you said. When the time comes, everyone will try it one by one to see whose method is the most effective."

Everyone had enough time, so they were summoned to the aircraft, locked on the target location, and asked Wenxiu to start the aircraft and quickly take off.

The location of the fifth-level mutated giant lizard is in an abandoned village in the south. That place has become the territory of this giant lizard, and its hunting range covers hundreds of miles.

After a short flight, everyone arrived at the target location, landed the aircraft in a nearby open space, and walked out of it one after another.

"I won't take action next. Let's see how you perform. If anyone can kill this mutated giant lizard, then everything on it will be yours to use."

A mutated beast of this level could be dealt with by Lin Qi with one strike. If he tried to help again, he would not be able to achieve the effect of experience at all.

Simply stay on the aircraft and observe their battle plan.

Tuantuan, Xiaoling and others have no interest in fighting at all. Girls have an inexplicable resistance to this kind of scaly reptile.

Shu Ya, on the other hand, followed, as if she wanted to show her valuable side in front of Lin Qi.

"Be careful, this guy will burrow into the ground, don't let him get away."

Xu Sen warned, a huge ax appeared in his hand, and his figure gradually grew larger.

It skyrocketed to about ten meters before stabilizing.

In this form, his physique and strength have been comprehensively improved, and even his body has a metallic silver luster.

His speed became faster and faster, he flew forward and hit the mutated giant lizard on the head with an ax that was still unaware!

There was a loud bang, and the giant lizard was stunned. Its head was deeply embedded in the soil, and its body rolled violently.

"Brother Sen, stop your efforts and give your brothers a chance!"

Seeing that the damage caused by one blow was so powerful, the remaining people rushed forward one after another, fearing that if they were one step behind, they would have no chance to take action. (End of chapter)

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