I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 110 A gift for the teacher

Chapter 110 A gift for the teacher

The most fortunate thing in this world is that you have personally experienced the tragedy that is about to happen in the future, and when you wake up, you find that the tragedy has not happened.

And, you can change tragedy.

The medicine of regret must be the most precious medicine in the world, bar none.

So when Yoshizakigawa saw Tomie attacking him like that, he didn't say anything back.

Kayako was carrying her schoolbag. She originally wanted to get down first and hug the teacher;

But when she reached the top of the stairs, she saw Tomie who was already bored downstairs, drawing with his legs crossed on a chair, so her progress became slower and slower, until she finally met Mako's classmate and walked downstairs together;

Even if he sees Yoshizaki River, he can only suppress his emotions in his heart and dare not show them at all;

But surely if the teacher saw his video, he would understand what he was thinking, right?

——Or, should I "accidentally" lose that shameful notebook in a place where the teacher often sees it.

Then the teacher looks through the notebook and maybe he can understand what he means?

Gaoyao felt that after yesterday's incident, it might be possible for him and his teacher... only one layer of window paper was missing?

But even so, she still didn't have enough courage to pierce it;

Maybe if I had been braver yesterday...

"Teacher, here you go, this is my gift to you."

At the same time, Mako handed over the cardboard box expressionlessly.

When Kayako saw this scene, he suddenly felt that if he had half the courage of Makoto, he might have slept with his teacher in his arms, or he might have been kicked out of the house...

Although the second possibility is more likely!

Yoshizakigawa thought it was just a random gift the girl made to thank him for his help, so he didn't think much about it and smiled and thanked her;

When Tomie saw this scene, she showed a sinister smile. She cleared her throat: "Ahem, Yoshizakigawa, this is a precious gift created by the three of us, and it contains what Mako wants to say to you. The most sincere words.”

"So, you'd better open it when you are alone at night, otherwise you will be sorry for the three of us who have worked hard for a day!"


Yoshizakigawa vaguely felt that something was wrong. He took a look at the gift and couldn't tell anything from Mako's paralyzed expression. But judging from Tomie's sinister appearance, it was definitely not something good!

Could it be - a prank?

He looked at Kayako, who was easiest to break his defense. As expected, the latter's eyes dodge, not daring to look at him.

Huh, Yoshizaki Chuan couldn't help but sneer in his heart, thinking that the pranks of this mere child could scare him?

It's so ridiculous!

You know, your teacher and I are a strong man who can face a corpse without changing his expression! !

Don't talk about spiders and cockroaches, no matter how scary it is inside, it will never scare you!

So he put the box away and Yoshizakigawa said with a smile: "Teacher will definitely open it when he is alone late at night."

"it is good!"

Tomie slapped his hand on the table, as if he could already imagine the scene when Yoshizakigawa turned on the video tape at night, and he couldn't wait in his heart;

It’s a pity, I wish I could have seen it with my own eyes;

She was a little regretful, thinking about whether to invite this guy to open this gift in her own home, but after thinking about it again, this guy would never agree, and he might even laugh at her;

Hum hum, I will not be fooled by you!

Several people got on the school bus together with the classmates who had come before;

Mako sat in the front obediently, and Tomie was with her;

Kayako unexpectedly plucked up the courage to sit next to Yoshizakigawa. She clenched her fists and seemed a little nervous;

She raised her head and looked at the person next to her. The next moment, she was slightly stunned, and a trace of distress flashed in her eyes;

Sitting with the teacher at the moment, she was always paying attention to everything about the teacher. She immediately noticed that the teacher's face was a little pale and looked tired;

The teacher worked all night just to take us back today. He worked so hard. The principal is so hateful!

Kayako had already imagined in his mind the image of Yoshizakigawa staying up late to work and getting up early the next day to catch the bus here.

It's all the principal's fault! !

The few hours on the road are always boring and drowsy.

And because of the nightmare last night and the mental exhaustion, Yoshizakigawa seemed tired in the car;

At this moment, Kayako seemed to have made a decision; she blushed and said cautiously: "Teacher, if you are very sleepy, you can sleep against me for a while."

Kayako originally wanted to let Yoshizakigawa lie on her lap to sleep, but she was a little shy and found it difficult to speak out. Moreover, the movements were too big and it would not be good to attract everyone's attention.

At this moment, because he was huddled by the window, no one would notice even if he did this;

"Trouble, Kayako."

Yoshizakigawa was indeed sleepy. A night of fighting, nightmares, and painful wounds on his body were all draining his spirit;

I am, after all, just an ordinary person.

He leaned on Kayako's thin shoulders, smelled the familiar smell, and slowly closed his eyes;

Kayako sat up straight and straightened her back. This was the first time that the teacher was so close to her. Feeling the familiar breath, she tilted her head slightly and pressed her cheek against Yoshizakigawa's head, feeling the strength of the short hair;

We are hugging each other.

The smell of happiness spreads here;

If only this were a car that kept going forward and never stopped;


"Teacher, it's coming."

Yoshizakigawa was shaken awake by Kayako, and looked at the latter with a slightly apologetic look: "Sorry, I fell asleep."

"No...it's okay."

She said with a blushing face, and also said in her heart:

"If you are a teacher, you can just sleep all the time."

Yoshizakigawa leaned against the window and looked ahead. At this moment, the shadow of the school could be seen in front of him. After driving for about ten minutes, the car stopped;

The group got out of the car and after a brief goodbye, Yoshizakigawa returned to the office;

Before my butt was warm from sitting, I saw Teacher Asuka Saito walking over with a necklace in his hand and a nervous look on his face;

She walked over, quietly closed and locked the door, and then placed the necklace on the table, with a strange excitement on her face:

"Senior Yoshizakigawa, are you hiding something from me?"

"Ah? What's the matter?"

"For example, you are actually a descendant of the exorcist family. You have extraordinary power and secretly protect this city from being invaded by ghosts. And a few days ago, you speculated that I would be haunted by ghosts. In order to protect me, you gave me this necklace. Give me?!"

"Or, in fact, you seem to be an ordinary teacher, but you are actually a member of a mysterious organization in the government. The reason why you are pretending to be here is actually a secret mission?"

Looking at the eager gaze of Saito Asuka in front of him, Yoshizakigawa was silent for a while. Damn it, if you take these words and say them alone, there is really nothing wrong with you!

I did protect the world, and I did guess that it was haunted by ghosts——

But, this damn problem is caused by me, brother. If he hadn't come into contact with himself, Saito would not necessarily be entangled by the Pomo Demon.

At one point, he felt like he was coaxing an ignorant girl.

For a moment, I felt a little guilty;

So, he said guiltily:

"Don't be embarrassed. What I protect is the world, not the small Saitama Prefecture in Japan."

(End of this chapter)

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