I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 128 The voice asking for help

Chapter 128 The voice asking for help


Seemingly seeing Yoshizakigawa's doubts, Higa Kotoko explained: "The so-called saints are nothing more than tools used by that disgusting sect to reproduce. The members of this sect or the leader do not have the qualifications to become a spiritual medium, but I don't know Where did he get the evil method, and after adapting it, he created his own method of worshiping evil spirits."

"By worshiping evil ghosts, letting them come into the world, and then killing the reincarnated body, the power of the evil ghosts is enhanced, and the evil ghosts are controlled through the reincarnated body, so as to demonstrate magical powers and confuse the people."

"A few years ago, they tried to bring the evil spirit that had been reincarnated countless times into the world, but I knocked it back. Only part of it came, attached to the baby, and became a new evil spirit. Later, because of my negligence, that The baby's body was taken away, probably they used it to show their dharma."

After hearing Qinzi's words, Yoshizakigawa's mind began to work at this moment, and he began to extract the key words in this matter.

The sect, the saint, and Qinzi have a grudge, and the demon destroys the ritual. The destruction fails, and they target Fujiang...Gayako.

After Yoshizakigawa extracted these keywords, he began to rearrange them according to his own logic;

The saint is a tool for breeding evil spirits and accumulating resentment. Qinzi uses the word "slaying". From this, we can see the actual status of the saint. Although she is powerful on the surface, she is just a tool that can be discarded at will.

Then, this church needs saints to breed evil spirits to increase their resentment and control them.

The senior management is currently unknown.

"Does the saint have real power within their sect or is it just in name only?"

Yoshizakigawa suddenly asked at this moment.

"It should be half-mixed. It is just a name in front of the higher-ups, but it has real power in the eyes of believers."

"The girl before was treated very well before she died, and it was because of this that she was fooled into becoming a carrier."

Yoshizakikawa nodded,

Saint, Fujiang——

He walked forward. He had faced all kinds of evil corpses and rotten flesh these days, and he had long been immune to these horrors.

Wearing gloves, he turned the body 180 degrees, and the head with a sunken forehead was turned around. This may be because she had died a long time ago. Even after such an impact, the woman's face was not congested with blood.

On the cheeks stained by blood, you can vaguely see the regular facial features.

"And all saints must be beautiful women?"

"Yes, this should be written in their teachings. To put it bluntly, their leader likes this. Many people who are deceived will be deceived by the leader..."

"As expected - I probably know their purpose. They want to make Tomie the new saint!"

Only in this way can we explain why Fu Jiang died of torture in his precognitive dream.

Because this perverted sect relies on torture to increase the resentment of evil spirits!

"In other words, this guy may have known what she was about to face and wanted to find someone to replace her. At this time, she took a fancy to Tomie."

Yoshizakigawa pointed to the brutally dead body below and said;

"Because the so-called selection of a saint is to select a concubine for the leader, so as long as there is someone who can replace her or even be more beautiful than her, the leader will definitely not refuse."

As for why she found this place from Tomie, Yoshizakigawa didn't know, but she could speculate based on the existing clues.

Maybe it was because Qinzi had set up a dragnet there and she couldn't get in, and the time for the sacrifice was approaching, so she had no choice but to follow Tomie's line and felt that Kayako was acceptable, so she planned to take action against Kayako?

Then she was lighting a lantern in a latrine, seriously seeking death.

Of course, all this is just Yoshizakigawa's speculation.

He didn't know what the truth was, but he knew one thing - Kayako was also being targeted by people from that organization.

Although Guyana is immune to magic attacks, which sect has the most? Demons are the most stubborn, and they and Kayako are definitely not immune to attacks from entities.

So I have to leave all this to Kotoko.

"Miss Qinzi, Kayako is probably being targeted as well. I need your help to check it out."


Although Kayako's side is scary, it is relatively simple for Qinzi.

Evil ghosts and magic attacks all come here to deliver food, as can be seen from the miserable state of the guy in front of him.

So I just need to ensure that no one attacks.

"However, to guard against thieves for a thousand days, there must be a gap."

"Since this mouse is jumping like this, it should be pinned to death."

Qinzi's tone was calm, but full of murderous intent.

There are too many supernatural ghosts in this world, and she can't control them, so she can only tinker with them. The sect here hadn't made a big fuss before, so she just turned a blind eye.

They just ordered the people here to strictly investigate the cult, but they didn't actually do anything about it.

But since they were looking for death now, they had to take action.

As for how to find the location of their sect? Looking at the corpse on the ground, Qinzi smiled slightly. This was still very simple.

"Yoshizakigawa, I can assure you that after Monday, this sect will not exist in this world."

Looking at Kotoko Higa, who made serious promises and seemed very reliable, Yoshizakigawa once again felt the gap between the two sisters.

But thinking about this, he realized that he hadn't seen Higa Makoto for a long time.

So while following the latter to watch the forensic doctor carrying the body, Yoshizakigawa asked casually: "By the way, I don't seem to have seen Miss Makoto with you recently?"

"I sent her to the United States. That child is not suitable to be a psychic, let alone an exorcist. I sent her to a friend in the United States and asked her to learn how to bake bread from her!"

Speaking of her sister, Kotoko also muttered in Yoshizakigawa's ears like a hard-working mother;

"She can't even bake bread, you know? I heard from my friend that the bread she baked was dry and hard. She even said she would bake bread for me when she came back. It's really ridiculous! You know when I was a kid, she cooked udon noodle……"

As if she realized that she had said too much, Qinzi gave an awkward but polite smile;

"I'm sorry, I can't help but talk about my sister-in-law. Although she can't do anything well, she is my sister..."

Kotoko is the image of a strong woman - at least in Yoshizakigawa's mind, she thinks so.

But who knew that when facing her sister, this strong woman would also complain incessantly and get angry at her.

Watching Qinzi get into the police car and leave, Yoshizakigawa returned home.

At least while Qinzi's protective measures were in place, he had to keep an eye on Kayako so nothing happened.

But at this moment, he felt as if he had stepped on something soft under his feet.

Yoshizakikawa picked up the flashlight and took a photo, only to see a mass of bloody rotten flesh at his feet stuck to the ground;

The rotten flesh looked like a child's hand. If you looked closely, it seemed that there were five fingers.

Obviously, this was what was left behind by the corpse mentioned earlier. Because of the night, this piece of rotten meat was not found during the search.

"Call Qinzi..."

But at the moment when he thought this,

Yoshizakigawa suddenly felt cold under his feet, and he looked up at his feet;

At this moment, a hand grasped his calf tightly.

The next moment, Yoshizakigawa's back felt a slight chill, and a sound like the flapping wings of locusts came from his ears. It was so dense that it made his eardrums sting slightly;

"Save me, save me, save me, save me, it hurts, mom, it hurts..."

This ghost hand seemed to have no malicious intent. After being caught by him, Yoshizakigawa just had countless words for help flashing through his mind.

Yoshizakigawa took out the disposable gloves that he had taken away from his pocket, picked up the minced meat on the ground, and then made a phone call to tell Qinzi about it;

There was silence for a long time, and finally he sighed;

"This child is probably the dead baby whose soul was not devoured by the ghost king last time the sect's sacrifice ceremony failed."

"It seems that the body of the dead baby has been divided up by the cult, and what you should have is the hand of this poor child. Because the soul was torn apart, he could not be reincarnated. Because of this incident, his mother who died tragically is still enshrined in front of the stage, unable to Chaosheng, if I can get this child's body together, I might be able to resolve their grievances."

"I'll be right back to get it."

Listening to the busy tone of the phone, Yoshizakikawa put down the phone.

His feet were a little cold due to the little hand, so he sighed, hesitated, and put the little hand on the ground.

But at this moment,

Yoshizakigawa found that the hand holding his calf did not loosen at all, and even became harder.

and many more?

Yoshizakigawa suddenly discovered something. When he put the little hand that picked it up on the ground without touching it with his body, the words for help and the roar in his head disappeared.

Therefore, this hand did not appear because of the minced meat.


Whose hand is this? ?

(End of this chapter)

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