I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 155 All souls disappeared

Chapter 155 All souls disappeared

Yoshizakigawa thought about many possibilities, including the most terrifying possibility that the curse was behind the scenes.


He never expected that this videotape would be stolen to the so-called church to help him kill his enemies.

If you love yourself, you only need to open the champagne at home, and those so-called dangers will kill you, right?

He couldn't help but feel a little sad for a moment. The contrast happened so quickly that he didn't know what expression to react to.

"There, I'll take a taxi right over."

After getting the address from Higa Kotoko, Yoshizakigawa went out to take a taxi.

You know, if it was normal, he would have shamelessly asked Qinzi to pick him up, but now he was willing to take a taxi himself, which shows his excitement.

"Driver, please hurry up! Here's a fifty yen tip!"

Yoshizaki got into the car and shouted domineeringly.

The taxi driver almost stared out of his eyes. Who is this guy?

Qinzi was already sitting in the back seat, waiting for Yoshizakigawa. When she saw him getting in the car, she moved slightly to get out of the way.

Yoshizaki took the money back angrily.

But Yoshizakigawa is thinking about another thing now. If this sect is destroyed, wouldn't he be able to collect the soul of the baby?

Yes, the child who was so pitiful that he was split into five by this perverted church right after he was born.


"Everyone's vital signs and souls disappeared without a trace. Even the evil ghosts of that sect, I couldn't detect the existence of power from the stone statues."

At that time, we can think of ways to see if we can reincarnate him with his mother.

——Yoshizakigawa never forgot his oath.

"Ahem, it would be nice to just buy a bottle of water."

"I definitely believe you."

He glanced at it silently, and then placed his wallet on the gear shifter. There were no bills less than five hundred yen faintly visible in the wallet.

"There is nothing we can do this time. The thief who went to steal should be a ninja, and his body has traces of ghost transformation. He used ninja methods to bypass my security and barriers, and then stole away through the power of ghost transformation. The videotape, unless we are guarding your room 24 hours a day, there will definitely be something wrong no matter what."

I picked up the hand before and hid it at home. As long as I find its torso, head, and limbs, I can turn it into a complete soul.

"Okay, please, this is also for the safety of Japan."

As soon as Yoshizakigawa got in the car, he couldn't wait to ask: "Miss Qinzi, is that sect really gone?"

The two arrived at their destination quickly. When Qinzi got off the car, she asked: "The scene is a bit scary. If you feel scared and think you will have nightmares at night, I will send someone to clean up the scene first, and then you can go in and collect the video tapes." good."

"But you can rest assured that I will optimize the procedures and improve the level of personnel next."

Half an hour later, the taxi stopped at the police station. As soon as Yoshizaki got out of the car, a police officer saluted and opened the door for him.

Yoshizakigawa had a slight worry about Kotoko's security system. If the security was like this, then he felt that Tomie and Kayako had no guarantee at all.

Qinzi patted Yoshizakigawa on the back, like a mother, with a very gentle tone: "Trust me."

Mako's video tape is so terrifying, it even wiped out his soul?

"But to be honest, there is one thing I still don't understand. Logically speaking, Ms. Qinzi, you have placed a lot of people around me. How come people from that sect can bypass the security and steal the video tape?"

Hearing this, Yoshizakigawa couldn't help but take a breath.

"There's no need to worry. I've been through a lot recently, and these small scenes are not worth mentioning to me."

"OK then."

Moving forward in parallel, Yoshizakigawa also saw the strange scene in this ancient temple, a total of five people.

Some people were sitting on stools with their heads lowered and their bodies already stiff.

Some people were still sitting cross-legged, with blood flowing out of the corners of their eyes, and the blood solidified on their cheeks, forming two blood streaks.

Some people died peacefully in their sleep, and some looked ferocious, seemingly unwilling, with their eyes wide open in anger.

Yoshizakigawa lifted the black cloth in the front room. A man in black stood stiffly with his hand still on the handle of the projector. In front, a withered middle-aged man slumped on the sofa tilted his head. Sit there quietly. The scene was not as cruel as the previous branch church.

At the branch church, blood pooled on the ground and formed puddles. There were stumps and broken arms everywhere, and people were everywhere on the ceiling, floor, and walls.

But here, everyone died extremely peacefully.

But this gave Yoshizakigawa an even more terrifying feeling than the Biji Church, because the deaths were so inexplicable, as if they died inexplicably in a dream.

Yoshizakigawa walked to the front of the projector and found that the tape in the projector had been automatically rewinded, and he did not even need to rewind it himself.

He put the tape away and put it in his pocket.

"Are you ready?"

Qinzi asked outside the house.

"All right."

After a while, the police came in, took out all the corpses, and inspected them one by one.

After another short while, they came to report the autopsy report;

"All the people died of heart failure, and the time of death was within 12 hours. In the pupils, a residual partial image was found, which looked like a palm."

"Also, one of the corpses is very strange. After testing, it was found that the time of death was more than a week, and the body's bone age has reached a hundred years old. All the internal organs in the abdomen have degenerated. The cause of death is unknown."

"Based on the structure of his body and the degree of degeneration of his internal organs, he should have died decades ago. Furthermore, we found corroded plastic, hair, and semi-rotten corpses in the throat of the deceased and the stomach pouch in his abdomen. Baby skull.”


This sentence awakened Yoshizaki, and he said to Qinzi: "It is probably the poor child's skull. Give it to me."

Qinzi also knew what Yoshizakigawa was doing and nodded. She picked up the skull that was packed in a plastic bag. The next moment, she frowned slightly;

"Why is the soul gone?"

"Report, the baby's bones were found in the abdomens of the other four people, including hands, feet, and torso."

"Except for the missing left hand, this should be the body of the same person."

Even an experienced forensic doctor could not help but feel shocked at this moment. He was so shocked that he was speechless for a moment.

What kind of evil sect is this that can do such a thing?

But Qinzi opened every bag with a very embarrassed look on her face and observed them carefully.

After a moment, she walked up to Yoshizakigawa, sighed and said: "The souls on all the torsos have disappeared. The child may have had his soul taken away with these guys."

This sentence was like a bolt from the blue, leaving Yoshizakigawa stunned for a long time without regaining consciousness.

What will happen to the soul taken away by the videotape?

Will it be completely destroyed, or?

Yoshizakigawa felt inexplicably uncomfortable in his heart. He felt that this child should not have ended up like this. He was obviously born with such a big sin, and in the end he couldn't even get his soul together. It was really unfair.

"Everything is fate, and no one can control it at all. Moreover, manpower will eventually be exhausted. Yoshizaki River, please be patient."

Qinzi has seen many such things, she comforted.

This world is inherently unfair. Evil will be rewarded with evil and good will be rewarded with good. It is nothing more than self-comfort.

The hemp rope only picks and breaks at the thinnest point, and misfortune only seeks out the miserable. This is the truth of this world.

Because for good people, any hardship they encounter in life is nothing more than seasoning for them.

For those who are suffering, even the so-called "slight suffering" is enough to completely destroy them.

And this child is a miserable person.

Who is to blame? It’s just a bad life, this is the cruel fact.

"There will be a way. I'm going to go back and watch the tape again to see if I can find a way."

Yoshizakigawa said in a very firm tone.

(End of this chapter)

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