I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 175 Sister, wait for me

Chapter 175 Sister, wait for me

If this were not the case, it would be completely unexplainable why the girl from Minakami Village under the pool would know the name of Yoshizaki River.

Hiss, if Yoshizakigawa's dream is so outrageous, then his identity may not be ordinary!
After all, this is almost equivalent to an out-of-body experience, but normal people occasionally experience out-of-body experiences, that is, wandering around their homes for a while.

It's not bad for Yoshizakigawa. This soul leaves his body in some abnormal places every day.

Kurosawa Saashige didn't realize how much what she said shocked Kotoko. At this moment, there was only one obsession in her incomplete heart, which was to find her sister, complete the ritual, and let the great compensation go away.

Therefore, seeing Qinzi in a daze at this moment, her thoughts moved slightly, and almost instantly, countless red threads were bound in the direction of Qinzi like sharp arrows.

Qinzi seemed to feel the power of this move, and the fingertips of her right hand moved slightly. The next moment, the hanging corpse of the resentful spirit in front was immediately pulled in front of her by some powerful force. Almost instantly, it was tied up with the blood-red silk thread, and its figure was Become a puppet.


"So what...tell me where Yoshizakigawa is, bring him to me, and I will let you go..."


Qinzi was shocked and casually slapped an evil ghost next to her to death with a mirror, and then began to think of countermeasures.

A girl was hung from the wellhead with red silk threads. Her hands and feet were broken, and her white dress was stained with blood.

"The main body is actually on top of the door? No wonder it has such terrifying strength."

Almost instantly, a picture appeared in the mirror.

And it is precisely because these guys are the evil ghosts of the Gate of Hell that they are more powerful than ordinary evil ghosts!

And when the blood left the body for a certain distance, it actually turned into a red line, slowly falling to the ground. It looked very weird, as if Kotoko's body was constantly shooting out small red lines.

Qinzi lightly touched her arm with her fingertips to stop the bleeding, and then looked solemnly at the evil ghost in front of her;
"Then can you let me out? When I get out, I will bring you Yoshizaki River."

Otherwise, even if the village here is wiped out, it is impossible to collect such an outrageous number of evil ghosts.


After all, in Higa Kotoko's eyes, the danger of an accident in Yoshizaki River is much higher than these doors. In fact, the priority of his life is even higher than his own!
But anyway, as long as you go out by yourself, no matter how defiant this guy is, his strength outside will be greatly weakened.

When this fierce ghost launched its attack, the countless evil ghosts hanging on the ceiling began to shake, bared their teeth and claws, and let out unexplained groans or screams, and crowded towards Qinzi's position to attack.

No matter how good Qinzi is, he can't withstand so many evil ghosts at this moment!
So, she had a headache.

"Damn it!"

These corpses should all be hell ghosts coming out of the gate of hell.

In fact, this is just Qinzi's delaying strategy. She will not let Yoshizakigawa be in danger like herself.

So, she lied without changing her expression.

Seeing this, Qinzi cursed in her heart, then stamped her feet, put her right hands together, recited a spell of protection to herself, and quickly took out the mirror of the dragon and tiger portrait in her arms, and shined it at the evil ghost in front of her. .

However, to Qinzi's surprise, the evil ghost in front of her didn't even think. It wavered in the air and attacked her.

"In this case...if he kills you, he will come over. This is our agreement."

Moreover, the number of corpses fell densely in the sky, numbering in the hundreds of thousands.

The girl's body shook slightly, and the next moment, a small wound appeared on Qinzi's arm, and blood shot out a thin line along the wound, like a water gun.

Saitama Prefecture, in a church somewhere.

As the filth in the toilet slowly surged up with a black aura, the next moment, a figure struggled out of the black aura, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Along with the man, there was a thin piece of stone. The man was clearly the one who controlled the policeman and got the "stone" from the camera.

After the man was vomited out by the clean water and covered in mud, he slowly stood up from the filth, his eyes slightly confused, and then the previous memories appeared in his mind.

The next moment, he shook off the dirty breath from his body, then walked to the sofa and sat down slowly.

At the same time, the young man who was sitting on the sofa slowly opened his eyes;

The moment he opened his eyes, the clear water behind him vibrated the air and made a smooth sound: "Dad...Dad...I, why don't I have a body?"

Hearing these words, the man's pupils shrank again, and Qing Shui Gui grew up again. It had developed an independent will and even understood the problems of its own existence.

What kind of existence is that girl?
Perhaps only the Lord knows this?
Thinking in his mind, the man picked up the thin pieces of stone that had been polished from the ground, and then walked towards the hall.

But when he walked to the door of the hall, he couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

Because, at this moment, the Lord is standing aside, and in front of the Lord, a girl in black is sitting on the sofa with her legs crossed.

He was a little stunned. He didn't know what the origin of the girl in front of him was, so that he, the Lord, could be so humble.

At this moment, the man standing in front seemed to feel the movement at the door. He cursed inwardly, and then said: "This is Mr. Kurosawa Yashige, a psychic sent by the headquarters."

"Sent from... the headquarters?"

The man couldn't help but swallowed his saliva. It was hard to imagine that the headquarters would send people to such a useless place.

At this moment, the girl raised her eyes slightly to look at the man in front of her.

When she felt the breath in the man's hand, her thoughts moved slightly. Almost instantly, the man's shadow opened his hands, and the man's body also opened his hands in the same way as the shadow. The stone piece was stretched out by the shadow the moment it was about to fall to the ground. The hand is tightly held in the palm of the hand.

The next moment, a stone piece appeared in the girl's hand.


"Where did you get it?"

Kurosawa Yae asked.

The man did not hide anything. In the face of such a status gap, hiding was of no benefit.

He even told about the strange girl he met at the police station today.

"Is it one of the three people listed as untouchable?"

The girl's voice was cold, and her tone of voice was condescending, making people feel that they had to answer.

"Yes, Lord Kurosawa."

"It's interesting. Qing Shuihui was endowed with his own wisdom just by looking at it?"


Listening to the man's narration, the girl fell into deep thought.

After a moment, she said: "I actually have a mission when I come here this time. Do you know Minokami Village?"

"The door over there may not be closed yet. There are a large number of resentful spirits wandering outside the door. The organization can capture them and drive them away. I need you to find the location of Minokami Village."

In fact, Kurosawa Yae was a person who used to be in Kamimura.

That's why she deliberately took over the task when the organization delegated the task. She murmured to herself:
"Sister, wait for me."

(End of this chapter)

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