I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 186 Fu Jiang: I can’t tell the difference, I really can’t tell the difference!

Chapter 186 Fu Jiang: I can’t tell the difference, I really can’t tell the difference!
Hearing this, the man named Silver Wing nodded slightly, and then looked at Kurosawa Sashige in front of him, just as he was about to take action.

"Don't kill."

At this moment, another man sitting in the passenger seat spoke up to stop him.

"Keep it, you can exchange it for the bounty when the time comes. After all, this guy is also half the person in charge of the research association. If you kill him, you will definitely get into some trouble."

"After all, behind this paranormal research association are those crazy Americans, and I heard that there are congressmen behind their headquarters. Although the government is trying to suppress this organization, there is still a district prosecutor's office in Tokyo. !”

Tokyo District Prosecutor's Office, the full name is Tokyo District Prosecutor's Office.

Although it officially belongs to Japan's prosecutorial agency, it is independent of all agencies and has the power to monitor and arrest officials, big and small, and even the prime minister.

It can even be said that once the United States asks Japan to let go, Japan will have to let go.

And this paranormal research society itself is the Japanese branch of the Global Institute of Anomaly Affairs established in the United States. Maybe others don't know, but as an assassin organization, it is natural to understand what tasks can and cannot be taken on.

"I know all this, but if we kill her here, who will know that we did it?"

"Do it!"

Kotoko's voice was gentle, her wrists were strong, and she planned to pull Yoshizakigawa away with an unquestionable attitude.

"I'm dreaming, yes, I must be dreaming. I didn't go out at all tonight. If...if this is a nightmare, wake up!"

"What about the rest?"

But, even so.

The driver sitting in the main driver's seat seemed to sense something. He just turned his head, and the next moment, what caught his eyes was——

true or false?
Are you dreaming?

A villa.

Kurosawa Yae, whose body is located at the edge of the door, is still unable to leave this place after breaking the barrier. However, his growing resentment and anger seem to fill the sky. The originally faintly shining moon has now become foggy and hairy. .

At the same time, in reality.

But it was just because of the possessiveness caused by Tomie's ability that he was cut into pieces!

Less than ten seconds after the order was issued, all the headlights that were originally shining suddenly burst, and the generator was suddenly turned off due to the surging resentment.

At this time, Yoshizakigawa asked.

The car still continued to move forward, moving aimlessly on the road in the middle of the night.

Once the car hits something else, everyone in the car will die.

Qinzi sighed: "Bless yourself."

"Miss Qinzi, I remember you brought a projector?"

At this moment, Yoshizakigawa suddenly felt his hand being grasped by a warm hand: "Follow me."

Following the commander's words, Yinyi didn't hesitate at all, and the bright blade quickly wiped across Kurosawa Saashige's neck.

In Tomie Kawakami's horrified eyes, blood spurted out from Kurosawa Sashige's neck and onto Tomie Kawakami's face, clothes, mouth, and even his eyes.

She almost lost her temper, screaming and roaring at the top of her lungs, venting her anger.

In just an instant, Minokami Village, which was originally brightly lit, fell into darkness again.

Higa Kotoko's expression changed and she immediately picked up the walkie-talkie: "Everyone, put down your equipment now and retreat immediately, retreat immediately!!"

The next moment, the twin Jizo barriers in the entire Minokami Village began to shake violently, and the resentment that had been suppressed behind the door quickly rose.

If someone could see the scene inside the car, he would be able to find that everyone in the car was asleep.

The originally calm Kurosawa Yae's face suddenly distorted, and after letting out a shrill scream, he suddenly rushed in one direction;
The entire Minakami Village and all the threads suddenly seemed like a sky full of splendor, rising up like fireworks and disappearing into the night sky.

Fujiang's ability will be unlocked after death.

"You've already made a grudge after snatching this girl from her hands. How can you be so indecisive?"


The man driving the car was a little dissatisfied. He looked at the reflector in front of him with a sinister look, reflecting the appearance of the car behind him. The fierce light in his eyes never faded: "If you don't kill her, can you make sure that she stays safe during this period?" Or do you have a way to contain her? "

Fu Jiang stared blankly at everything in front of him.
In Fujiang's eyes, everything in front of her was so false and unreal. The hot blood splattered on her face quickly became cold. In her widened eyes, even the pupils were trembling;

She was about to take Yoshizakigawa away from here, but found that the owner of the hand was motionless, and a voice came from behind:

At this moment, the sky suddenly made a crisp sound like glass breaking;
Yoshizakigawa looked up and saw colorful fragments in the sky, like falling morning stars, cutting through the night sky and falling into the darkness. At the same time, they seemed to be mixed with the sighs of countless sacrificed twins, and the entire barrier suddenly shattered.

Yoshizakigawa's prophecy was both correct and wrong, because Tomie's body was not sacrificed by a cult at all.

"Gudu, Gudu——"

"I...my sister is dead."

I can’t tell the difference, I really can’t tell the difference!

Kurosawa Sa grunted a few times, blood bubbled at the corners of her mouth, her eyes were vacant, and at this moment, her eyes that were originally located at the back of her head suddenly opened, but the moment she opened them, a dagger was stabbed hard from the back of her head. As she entered, she was twitching slightly as a scream as shrill as a cat meowed, with a look of disbelief in her eyes.

"My sister is dead!!!"

And almost instantly,
There seemed to be some kind of power that enveloped the car. The next moment, all the people in the car lost consciousness and fell into a deep sleep.

Hearing this, the co-pilot was slightly silent.

Yoshizakigawa suddenly asked, and when she heard him say this, Higa Kotoko was stunned for a moment, and then rejected him without any hesitation:
"What do you think? That's not possible. Once the curse of the video tape breaks out, it will cause much more damage than this door."

"I know you can't bear it, but these are necessary sacrifices."

"Even when it's my turn, I will choose to do the same!"

Qinzi's words were very decisive, and she did think so in her heart. It's still the same sentence, the majority or the minority, if you can only choose one.

Then Higa Kotoko will definitely choose the "majority", even if she is among the few.


"Try it, I've tamed the curse."

"You can't take this risk, Yoshizakigawa. You are more important than them. Your life is not just for you! I will take you out first, and then come back to save them."

But the next moment, Yoshizakigawa's words caused Higa Kotoko to fall into silence:

"So, what if your sister is among those people?" If Makoto was among those people, would I be so decisive?
This question was asked to Higa Kotoko.

She could sacrifice herself, it didn't matter, after all, she had made such a determination a long time ago.

So, what about Makoto?

Do you have the determination to deal with things about her?
The answer is no. Just like how he dealt with the Pomo Demon before, Makoto is an existence that he can't let go of.

It turns out that I am not so selfless!
Thinking of this, Higa Kotoko was a little disappointed, but she also felt a little relaxed because she could do this. She stopped;
"You give it a try, I will protect you next to you."

"it is good."

The two of them immediately walked towards the previous secret room. Along the way, because Kurosawa Saashige lost her mind, the earth was turned upside down and earthquakes continued. Countless ghosts that had died were resurrected under the power of the door. .

Yoshikawa pulled open the clothes on his chest, revealing the crumpled amulet.

The resentful people who were swarming towards him and Qinzi paused for a moment, and then separated on both sides, leaving the Yoshizaki River and Qinzi unimpeded.

"This thing is really useful."

Qinzi was dumbfounded. When she was down there before, she had killed him along the way.

Now that Yoshizakigawa took out the piece of paper with the curse, all the ghosts around him were avoided.

At this moment, Qinzi was also thinking about whether she should make the piece of Kayako paper into an amulet and wear it on her body?

But then when she thought about how her heart was almost exploded by the curse just now, she immediately suppressed this thought.

Come on, only this guy Yoshizakigawa can use this method of exorcism.

Anyone else who uses it will probably be driven away by this piece of paper first.

This thing is a talisman worn on Yoshizakigawa, and it is a life-saving talisman worn on others.

Under the protection of the "talisman", the curse was broken, and even Kurosawa Yae, who had lost his mind, did not attack them.

The two of them smoothly passed through the previously buried pipe and came down below. Looking at the dark space, the hanging body in front was shaking slightly.

Qinzi suddenly remembered that there is no electricity down here, how to play the video tape?
Hearing Higa Kotoko's worries, Yoshizakigawa smiled slightly: "Believe in the power of idealism."

As he spoke, he inserted the videotape.

The moment it was inserted, the projector, which had no power, suddenly started running. As the machine ran, scenes of scenes were projected onto the curtain in front.

At the same time, an unspeakable terrifying curse erupted from above the curtain.

The next moment, the maddening resentment was suppressed by the curse of the video tape. Even the crazy Kurosawa Yae seemed to feel the curse on his body at this moment. A trace of fear appeared in his crazy eyes, and then he quickly dived into his own body. in the body.

Higa Kotoko immediately turned the mirror of Kamito Ryutora to herself, then hid in the corner and said nothing.

When I felt some kind of force approaching from behind, I felt sleepy.

Yoshizakigawa yawned, and then said sleepily to the curtain in front: "Teacher has something to do today and can't play with you. You can help the teacher calm down the resentment here, okay? The teacher will come to you when he has time." "

No one responded to the curtain, but in just an instant, the entire Minokami Village became calm, and all the resentment and curses from the gate of hell were forcibly suppressed by another force in an extremely brutal way.

Yoshizakigawa touched the projector and smiled: "Thank you for your help."

However, a few words were projected on the curtain;
"Teacher, do you like me, Mako, or Tomie?"

Looking at the question on the curtain, Yoshizakikawa originally didn't want to answer, but when he felt the curse around him become more intense, he could only scratch his head: "Teacher's love for you is equally shared."

In fact, he was complaining madly in his mind.

Damn it, why did Mako come to join in the fun?
Is this a question you should ask?

However, what Yoshizakigawa didn't know was that the real Mako in the video tape was mixed with the guilt of the real Mako towards him, as well as respect, all emotions were friendly, and under the influence of Kayako and Tomie, he had this emotion On the contrary, it is a very normal thing.

"So, who do you like more?"

"Which one of you likes me more?"

Before Yoshizaki Chuan finished speaking, he saw that the curse began to fluctuate violently, but the fluctuations became stable again. It was just that they had an internal quarrel.

It had nothing to do with him, Yoshizakigawa chuckled, and then just as he was about to take Qinzi away, he found Qinzi huddled in the corner.

"Let's go, Miss Kotoko."

Seeing that the latter had no response, Yoshizakigawa patted the latter on the shoulder. Only then did Kotoko stand up silently and said: "My hearing and vision are blocked. I can't hear or see. Yoshizaki Chuan, take me out."

She planned to help Yoshizakigawa protector before, but now it seems... well, she still thinks highly of herself.

In the face of this curse, there is no difference between him and an ordinary person.

"Take me... please... I feel that my sister... is dead. I have to go... to find her."

At this time, Kurosawa Yae, who was severely beaten by the residual power of the video tape and regained his sanity again, said in Yoshizakigawa's heart.

Hearing these words, Yoshizakigawa thought for a moment, then put the body down from the well mouth, and then took it out from the hole.

Because the body had long since turned into old bacon after being dried over the years, it weighed only a few dozen kilograms, and Yoshizakigawa could easily lift it with one hand.

After walking out of the cave, Kurosawa Yae, who had been suppressed among the corpses, emerged from the corpse. After a grateful glance at Yoshizakigawa, he turned into red and disappeared into the darkness.

Higa Kotoko pulled a wounded man out of the rubble, then hugged him with one hand and walked outside. With his left hand, he used the walkie-talkie to say: "Now that the curse has subsided, please take a look at the people around you. If there are any missing persons, report them to the person in charge. Then organize rescue immediately.”

"Wait, which team are you on?"

"Sir Kotoko, we were previously arranged to guard Tomie Kawakami, but after hearing something happened to you, we rushed here without stopping to prepare to rescue you. After you are fine later, we will stay here and plan to wait until the incident here is over. , go back again.”

"Asshole! Who told you to leave your post without authorization? Come back quickly!"

Qinzi was so angry that this was just a simple door, how could it compare to the harm caused by the loss of control over Fujiang.

After an angry rebuke, he told those people to get out.

At this moment, the phone in her pocket suddenly rang. Qinzi, who was still angry, answered the phone. When she heard the content of the call, her face instantly turned gloomy.

Yoshizakigawa was placing Kurosawa Yae's body in the tent, and was preparing to follow to rescue the injured, when Higa Kotoko suddenly walked in from outside the house with a gloomy face as if she could drip water.

After coming in, she only said one sentence: "Yoshizaki River, something happened to Tomie. Now you come with me immediately."

Yoshizakigawa's scalp went numb instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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