I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 192 Your name is Yoshizakigawa, and you have a childhood sweetheart named Kayako

Chapter 192 Your name is Yoshizakigawa, and you have a childhood sweetheart named Kayako
When the outstanding students in front saw the ordinary boy in this class responding to the teacher indifferently, they couldn't help but collectively gasped for a moment. This boy must be so terrifying!
You know, in the past, the bald teacher, who was the devil of mathematics, was ranked as the most terrifying taboo in this school together with the English teacher who looked like he walked out of hell.

Under their hands, no matter what kind of genius they are, it is difficult to escape from their clutches, and they will basically be punished and punished.

But today, this guy actually made the teacher speechless and even used his textbook as a lesson plan for the lecture.

Could it be——

This person deliberately hid his clumsiness before, just to become famous now?
Not only the outstanding students in front, but also the scumbags in the back were extremely shocked when they saw the back that seemed to be arbitrary for eternity, so much so that they felt like they were standing on a mountain.

According to past practice, when the teacher is in a bad mood, after asking questions.

The next step will be to operate on students with poor grades, and then the class will usher in a bloody storm!
However, the demon math teacher was beaten back by the guy in front of him using the rumored supreme problem-solving method that only the top academics could use.

At this moment, that seemingly frail figure was like a giant tree reaching the sky in front of the scumbags behind him, intercepting the dark turmoil brought by the demon teacher ahead.

Yoshizakigawa suddenly felt that the other students were looking at him strangely, and subconsciously looked behind him;
When he saw Fu Jiang's interested gaze, he was stunned for a moment, thinking something bad in his heart.

If Fu Jiang pays attention to him like this, the sense of disobedience will sooner or later kick him out.

He must behave like an ordinary person. Thinking of this, Yoshizakigawa showed a proud smile on his face, as if he was showing off his abilities in front of Tomie Kawakami.

The next moment, he froze on the spot.

Yoshizakikawa felt a little weird in his heart. In reality, he usually said this to others.

He simply felt that there was nothing to do, because although he didn't know how much time had passed outside and it must not have been much, in this dream, a lesson was a real lesson.

Of course, Yoshizakigawa’s intention was not to be in the limelight.

A math class passed quickly.

That thing probably didn't happen now. Thinking of this, Yoshizakigawa left and went to the office.

Even if the main subject is English, the results in each subject are definitely not bad. It is easy to beat a teacher from a non-famous high school in mathematics.

The next moment, a tall young man with glasses and slightly long black hair walked past him outside the house holding flowers.

Forty-five minutes, although I thought the class was a bit novel at first, I got tired of it later on.

Sure enough, Fujiang's original curiosity turned into disgust in an instant, and he looked at the textbook.

Yoshizakigawa was stunned for a moment, watching him steadily walking towards Tomie who was sitting in the middle. He immediately guessed that this was the guy who pursued Tomie and caused the bloody farce behind?

Even though he was pretending to be cool at the moment, it felt like bullying a child, but Yoshizakigawa unexpectedly felt pretty good.

Then, when you get to the office, take a quick glance at it as a habit.

Yoshizakigawa traveled through time and inherited all the memories of his original study abroad experience, as well as his own experience of studying before he time-traveled.

The tablemate sitting next to Yoshizakigawa watched the whole process, his eyes widened, and his shocked eyes seemed to say, you guy, how did you become so awesome in just one summer vacation?

"Yoshizakigawa, come to the office."

So, who is her childhood sweetheart?

He looked normal and was about to walk out the door;

I glanced around the classroom, but no one got up. I guess that childhood sweetheart is not in this class?

At this moment, the bald math teacher holding the lesson plan suddenly knocked on his desk and then walked to the office.


He saw another Yoshizaki River, or in other words, a Yoshizaki River that was carved out stroke by stroke according to his real appearance.

While he was in a daze, the man raised his head slightly, as if he had known that he was coming back. He smiled at Yoshizakigawa, and then shook his head slightly.

When he saw this iconic action, Yoshizakikawa immediately understood his identity.

Tomie's original dream self, the dream Yoshizaki River in charge of the second level of dreams.

He also came to this deep dream, and had the same identity as in the previous dream - English teacher?

Moreover, he has not lost himself. Like himself, he has the memory of the outside world.


Yoshizakikawa thought to himself. However, this is not the time to reminisce about the past, and your actions must comply with the rules of this dream.

Once you violate this rule in front of other dream characters, you will be expelled from this dream.

Thinking of this, Yoshizakigawa lowered his head, and then walked to the math teacher's desk, looking like he was asking for advice humbly.

"Yoshizakigawa, you were silent before. I didn't expect to give the teacher a bombshell when I came back this summer. It shouldn't be easy to study alone during the summer, right?"

The bald math teacher showed a kind look on his face, and then took Yoshizakigawa's hand: "Actually, the teacher has always known that you are a talented person. You have been squandering your talents before, but now you are the real you. Teacher, I am very happy to see such a change in you. You must remain humble and study hard in the future, understand?”

Hearing this, Yoshikawa nodded obediently: "I understand, teacher."

"By the way, do you know about the Mathematical Olympiad competition?"

"Know a little, but not a lot..."

Yoshizakigawa didn't want to become the king of mathematics in this dream. He just wanted to pull Tomie out of this dream quickly and return to reality.

"So, are you interested in it? It's very valuable. If you want to enter some prestigious schools in the future, if your scores in other subjects are not enough, you can get extra points or even direct admission. I feel you have talent in this area. If you want Don’t you want to learn it?”

Hearing this, Yoshizakigawa pretended to be thoughtful for a moment, then scratched his head and said: "Well, those previous questions were just something I happened to learn during the summer vacation. I feel that I may not have the talent in this area. I knew those Mathematical Olympiad questions before. Many can’t understand it.”

Hearing this, the math teacher in front of him seemed a little disappointed, but he still said with a smile: "You should think about it!"

"Well, I will consider it carefully, then I'll leave first?"

The math teacher nodded. Just when Yoshizakigawa was about to wet his hands, he heard "himself" sitting in the corner suddenly calling: "Yoshizakigawa, come here."

It's a strange feeling to be called by your own name.

But in Yoshizakigawa's memory, the teacher in front of him who looked exactly like him was named Heisei, and he was generally called Heisei-sensei.

It may be that the dream's self-perfection prevents its name from conflicting with its own, so he was given such a name.

Dreamland Yoshizakigawa patted Yoshizakigawa on the shoulder: "Follow me, I have something to ask you."

Yoshizaki Kawa knew that this was a clue given to him by himself in the dream, so he went happily.

On the way forward, the self in the dream first asked himself a few questions according to his personality and answered them one by one.

He then stopped smiling, walked to a flower stand, sat down, and motioned for Yoshizakigawa to sit down as well.

When Yoshizakigawa sat down, he said: "You shouldn't come in."

"Then do you know the consequences of not coming in?"

If she didn't come in to save Fu Jiang, she would really die when she dreamed of her own death.

"I know, it's just that she died and I disappeared, but this is actually a good thing."

"She died in the dream. As long as you dispose of the body properly, then nothing like what you think will happen. You don't have to worry."

Hearing this, Yoshizaki looked at the strange man in front of him, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

"You are me, with my memories and my personality. You should know that it is impossible for me to do this."

"So, that's your weakness."

Yoshizakigawa's expression in the dream did not change. He lowered his head and opened the lesson plan, and suddenly asked: "Do you know your identity in this dream?"

"My identity? I am just me, an ordinary and well-behaved high school student. As long as I stop that thing, I can save her."

"Well, it seems that you haven't figured out your identity yet, or that your memory has been ignored in the conflict. After all, your soul is indeed special, and even she can't completely change your memory."

"Let me tell you, your name is Yoshizakigawa, and you have a sound family. In an accidental car accident, your parents adopted a girl named Kayako. You grew up together and were childhood sweethearts. In an incident, your parents died unexpectedly and left a large inheritance. From then on, there were only the two of you in this family. "

"When you entered high school, you saw Tomi Jiang and fell in love at first sight. You began to get tired of Kayako. You didn't even want your classmates in your class to know that Kayako was living with you."

"By the way, you will do one more thing in the future."

"Because Kayako made trouble when you were confessing your love to Fujiang, you picked up the pen on the side and became evil in your heart, stabbing her to death——"

(End of this chapter)

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