Chapter 203 Seal
Even though Kurosawa Yae had expected that Kotoko might have arranged some kind of trick on the spell, he had no time to care about it at the moment. After all, his sister's soul was sealed on the token, so even if he knew there was a trap on it, he could only force it. Take it.

But the moment he touched the token, the surrounding space stagnated slightly, and then countless crooked hands suddenly spread from behind the token and grabbed Kurosawa Yae.

As it approached, the hands became infinitely large, covering the sky and the sun, and a sharp mouth in the middle of each finger slowly opened, about to bite Kurosawa Yae.

But the black glow on Kurosawa Yae's body disappeared in a flash, and those hands suddenly broke like broken ropes into red threads, and then quickly decayed.

The foul smell immediately spread out from the scene.

"You're just trying to catch me with this little trick?"

Kurosawa Yae grabbed the token. At this moment, she did not dare to get too entangled with Higa Kotoko here. After all, this place was not her home court. When she returned to the door, even if Kotoko had monstrous power, she would never be able to do it there. The place defeats itself.

Thinking of this, she swept away the token and immediately prepared to transform into a red thread and escape.

But just when she was about to transform into silk thread, the shape of her body did not change. Kurosawa Yae was slightly startled.

She immediately realized that the problem was with the token, and after only hesitating for a moment, she planned to throw the token away and then find a way to pick it back up. However, when she threw her hand away, she found several chains on the token. I don't know when, it has taken root in the palm of my hand.

The most important thing is, above the dark curtain.

The originally white palm was now penetrated by a dark chain. On the chain, an eyeball hung on it. The blurred flesh of the eyeball seemed to be squeezed flat and stuck to the chain. At this moment, he seemed to feel that someone was looking at him. He even turned slightly and stared at Kurosawa Yae.

The remaining one is to use the power of the ghosts who hate and are afraid of sleepiness to first lock the guy, and then use the power of sleepiness to make him fall into a long-lasting sleep.

Of the three spells just now, two of them sealed the evil ghosts born in hell who hated "insomnia" and longed for sleep, and the emotional evil ghosts who stayed up all night and hated themselves for not sleeping.

Just like the street lights turned off in rows, when all the eyes are closed, the road and the world fall into silence and darkness, with an indescribable sense of weariness, like carrying a mountain on your back, your eyelids begin to fight, and finally— —Can’t help but close it slowly.

At this moment, those eyes slowly closed one after another;

Countless eyes are looking at him closely. They are like stars in the sky, and like the only light in the darkness, emitting some light in this dark world.

At this moment, the surrounding world had turned into pitch black at some point.

Moreover, the whites of their eyes are full of bloodshot eyes, like those who have been sleepy for countless years but still cannot sleep. Just by looking at them, you can feel the feeling of tiredness and longing for sleep.

Kotoko put the token into a box, and then sealed the box with a white paper and black ink talisman.

But after destroying those eyes, Kurosawa Yae felt no joy at all. She floated in the air and looked around.

But at this moment in this world, the concept of opening one's eyes and closing one's eyes is still forcibly written into Kurosawa Yae's soul.

The next moment, the eyeball trembled slightly, then exploded and oozed countless red threads.

Even though, as a ghost, there is no such thing as sleeping with eyes open.

Higa Kotoko took the token that fell from the sky and hit the ground. At this moment, behind the token, the original three charms had been burned out, and above the token, it was wrapped in flesh and blood, and there were chains in the flesh. Tighten it, and in the middle of the flesh and blood, there is a tightly closed eye, which is particularly weird.

The ghosts in the world are made up of all kinds of negative emotions.

As for how long it takes to wake up? Those evil spirits who cannot sleep in hell and have been tortured for hundreds and thousands of years feel the beauty of sleep and naturally want to sleep forever.

Well, during the two hours of hesitation, she had been thinking of ways to deal with this evil ghost.

After all, the latter is blessed by the power of the door. Once it escapes around the door, even you can't stop it. At this moment, Higa Kotoko's heart was filled with dust, and she planned to enshrine the box.

For ghosts, worship is not a good thing.

Because ghosts are the product of extreme emotions, worshipers have the power to corrode their emotions and dissolve their resentment. The most important thing that constitutes a ghost is resentment. Once there is no resentment, it means that it has become an ordinary soul and should go to hell and enter reincarnation. .

"I'll help you solve things in reality, and you should do it as soon as possible in your dreams."

Looking at Yoshizakigawa who was still asleep, but the detector showed that his nerves were active, Higa Kotoko sighed.

Because it's almost dawn.

Once it gets light, things will be easier for the school, and I won't ask for leave for that guy once or twice.

The key is, how to explain the coconut milk?
——For Higa Kotoko, she naturally doesn't know that Kayako is also in a dream.

After all, she didn't dare to enter the room where Yoshizakigawa and Kayako lived together.


In the dream, when Yoshizakigawa woke up, he saw Kayako curled up and hugging him, still holding his fingers in his mouth.

After a moment of silence, he quietly took his hand out, and then rubbed it on his clothes.

Then he looked at the big bed and found that the big bed could accommodate one more person. Well, the space was reserved for Tomie.

He pulled away to get up, but was grabbed by the corner of his clothes by Kayako;
The gloomy look on the sleepy-eyed Kayako's face was gone, only a weak desire could be seen: "Don't leave me, brother."

Looking at the appearance of Kayako in the dream, Yoshizakigawa felt a little disobedient in his heart, so he could only smile and said, "I'll cook, be good."

The dream was like a play-house script. In fact, Yoshizakigawa had no sense of involvement. When he first saw Kayako crying, he felt a little inexplicably sad.

Now he just wants to end this drama as soon as possible and return to reality.

Virtuality is always virtuality. No matter how real the characters in it are, they are still virtual and are just imagined by Tomie Kawakami.

It was precisely this sense of disobedience that made Yoshizakigawa unable to accept Mengjing's second suggestion.

After all, living like this for a lifetime is a bit too much for every family.

Looking at his brother's busy figure in the distance, Kayako's heart darkened. The joy of last night seemed to be in front of his eyes.

But what came face to face was Yoshizakigawa's indifferent attitude.

He will always have love and tenderness for Tomie-san, but facing himself, he will only feel bored.

He may have forgotten all about the vows he made.

So, who do you think you are?

(End of this chapter)

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