I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 206 Brain Death

Chapter 206 Brain Death

In the rescue room, Higa Kotoko listened to the doctor's report with a gloomy face. The content of the report was also very concise. Loss of brain activity was referred to as brain death.

Kotoko had no idea what happened in the dream. From her perspective, it was that Yoshizakigawa suffered a cardiac arrest inexplicably like he had been poisoned before.

According to Yoshizakigawa himself, the reason why he was resurrected before was because of Tomie.

But this time, Fu Jiang disappeared.

Looking at Yoshizakigawa being rescued in front of her, Qinzi felt a little at a loss for a moment. She was very good at killing people and even exorcising demons, but she barely knew how to save people. Even the previous first aid was only learned on the spot.

"Are you sure it can't be restored?"

Under normal circumstances, Qinzi would not ask the same question more than twice in a row.

But now, perhaps because she didn't want to believe it, or because she was expecting a mistake, Higa Kotoko asked again.

When she received a positive answer, she fell silent.

Qinzi's mood was a little complicated, as if a friend was leaving without saying goodbye, but in fact, she had experienced this kind of thing a lot.

The exorcists who once worked together may die during the next exorcism.

If it were her in the past, she would definitely start thinking about how to deal with the aftermath of Kayako and the others, but now Yoshizakigawa can be considered a friend of hers, and she has had a life-or-death relationship in addition to facing the curse. Now that she knows this result .

According to the doctor, although Yoshizakigawa's life was saved after resuscitation, his brain activity has almost dropped to a minimum, which means that he is now in deep sleep, and only the basic metabolic function of his brain has not been lost.

Car accident? Poisoned? Overworked?

Kayako is suspicious and thoughtful. Yoshizakikawa doesn't even need to tell himself. This can be seen from the fact that the latter always lowers his head but always looks at everything around him.

Therefore, she did not lament her life or death. After a brief moment of sadness, she began to think about whether she should confess this matter.

For a patient, intubation means that his life has entered an embarrassing and devoid of dignity countdown.

The most important thing is the coconut milk side——

Completely turned into a brain-dead vegetative state.

Ah, Fu Jiang hasn’t been found yet.

For the suspicious Kayako, she will not believe everything she says, so the worst result is that resentment overflows, overwhelming the kindness rooted in Yoshizaki River's heart, and then, the curse comes.

After briefly thinking for a fraction of a second, she decisively suppressed this thought.

Will she believe that child?

Intubation refers to inserting a flexible tube into the airway, gastric tube, and urinary tube, and mechanically assists breathing, pumps fluid food, and guides urine output.

This kind of thing is also normal for the group of exorcists.

At this moment, Kotoko Higa, who was a little sentimental, thought about Tomie. She patted her head with a smile, then turned around and said, "Intubate."

Or maybe the second good result was not very good. Kayako began to investigate all this. Under the influence of the curse, even he was not sure whether he could keep all this secret with his own ability?
And if Kayako knows the whole story of this incident, for Fujiang...

If Kayako knew about this kind of thing, how could he explain it?

From here on, the patient does not even have the dignity to die.


But compared to having no dignity, Higa Kotoko believes in that miracle. Maybe one day, he will survive?
——After all, for the supernatural world. The so-called brain death is actually caused by the loss of the soul, because Yoshizakigawa had previously dreamed of Tomie.

Therefore, his soul was lost in Fu Jiang's dream.

It's just that Higa Kotoko really has no way to get it back in his dream, he can only rely on himself.

What she can do is wait as long as possible so that when he comes back, this body can still be used and there are no serious illnesses.

According to Kurosawa Saashige, at dusk, the van where Tomie is located will appear on the road.

But when Kotoko Higa walked out of the ICU and took off her sterile clothes, she saw a missed call from the police station on her phone.

She called back, her tone was respectful and her words were few;
"Miss Qinzi, we found the missing van at the intersection of Dongjin Road and Haitao Avenue. All the people in the van were killed except for a little girl. Now we have taken the little girl to the police station temporarily. Please come here as soon as possible."

Listening to the police's report over there, Higa Kotoko asked a very strange question for the latter;

"Is she awake?"

"Being awake."

When she heard the word wake up, Higa Kotoko couldn't help but clenched her phone tightly, and then slowly loosened it:

"I am coming over now."

The owner of the dream is awake, but the person entering the dream is not yet awake, and the originally active brain is inactive.

Based on Qinzi's understanding of dreams and the words of some dream masters who had consulted for Yoshizaki River before.

There is only one possibility, that is, Yoshizakigawa died in the secondary dream and fell into the chaotic subconscious, thus losing the ability to return to reality.

There is currently no solution to this situation.

Because this is equivalent to the soul falling into self-contradiction and thinking that it is dead, so it has become a state of life and death. Unless you can see through it, no one can save it.

Higa Kotoko stepped on the accelerator, and the speeding car made a roaring sound, as if confirming her bad mood, and moved forward recklessly on the road. She rolled down the window, and the howling wind swept in.

The cold wind made her mind a little clearer:
"What a good person! A stingy and good person!"

Inexplicably, this sentence suddenly came to her mind.

Then he laughed to himself, as if hearing some kind of joke again.

When Higa Kotoko saw Kawakami Tomie, the blood on the latter's body had been washed away, but the coat was replaced by the clean school uniform in the school bag, but the shirt inside was not changed, probably because there was no shirt.

There are still dots of blood like plum blossoms.

If Yoshizakigawa were here, he would be able to see that the shirt looked exactly the same as in the original dream.

She observed the inside for a moment at the door, then unscrewed the door handle and slowly walked inside.

Fu Jiang's character changed again. What happened in the dream?
With this question in mind, she took the hat off her head, put it on the shelf aside, and walked towards Kawakami Tomie.

As he approached, before Higa Kotoko could speak, he heard Tomie Kawakami say in surprise:

"I know you."

(End of this chapter)

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