I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 244 Shooting

Chapter 244 Shooting
"And that money was donated by someone else. Now they regret it and want to take it back. When that person calls the police, the matter will be irreversible!"

Although he was anxious and unable to argue, Yamamura Mako still cleverly wanted to use the police to suppress the couple in front of him;

"Then you call the police. What are you waiting for?"

However, they don't follow Yamamura Mako's tactics. As far as Hobrou is concerned, even if they call the police, it's nothing more than returning the things.

The money has gone into his own pocket, so why take it out?

At the same time, in reality.

After receiving Yoshizakigawa's answer, Abe Chosai suddenly felt like a deflated ball and stood there in a daze;
I did something wrong... I did something wrong.

The main reason why he wanted to use his own life as an anchor was because the exorcist's instinct "perceived" that he would die, but his instinct was deceived.

In other words, the decision I made at that time was a wrong decision made while being deceived.

And this decision... will cause Miss Qinzi to be completely lost in the underworld.

Before he finished speaking, Yoshizakikawa took out his gun and fired a shot into the sky;
"Again, please cooperate with my work."

that door;
The door contracted by Miss Kotoko, according to the contract, when she dies, her soul will return to the door, but once Miss Kotoko dies there, her soul cannot return to the door...

When Yamamura Mako was so anxious that he was about to cry, Yoshizakikawa didn't say much when facing the ghostly couple who were as fleshy as hobs. He just showed the police card in his pocket, which Kotoko had previously applied for for him, and left. When he came to the couple, his tall body looked down at the two people in front of him:

He was just about to tell Yoshizakigawa this matter, but he saw Yoshizakigawa slowly walking towards him and pointing at the gun in his hand;

Now, Yoshizakigawa is the only hope.

Then under Abe Changzhai's hesitant gaze, he took the gun away and put it on himself;

"You say you are a policeman, you are a policeman, then..."

And the most important thing is——

"That money is suspected of fraud by a multinational group. Please cooperate with my work."

That door will be a disaster.

To remedy it, we must find a way to remedy it!
Miss Kotoko is an existence that absolutely cannot cause trouble. Currently, the evil spirits all over Japan and the existences enshrined in some shrines are basically suppressed by her. Once it is known that she is gone, Hyakki Yakou will become an incarnation for the entire Japan. A horrific disaster.

If this couple existed in reality, Yoshizakigawa would have more methods, but at this moment, he alone could only use some so-called "illegal" operations.

Of course, originally he meant the firing pin of the empty gun to show that his gun was real.

Who knew that the guy Abe Changzhai had already loaded the gun, so when he pulled the trigger, the bullet shot to the ceiling instantly, wiped out sparks and disappeared into the room:
Only the buzzing in the ears, the dumbfounded ghost couple in front of them, and the shocked Yamamura Mako were left;
Although he knew that the identity of the teacher in front of him was unusual, he was probably the legendary mage who could see ghosts. But when Yoshizakikawa took out his police ID and inexplicably pulled out a gun from the air, Yamamura Mako realized that the identity of this teacher was even more complicated than he had imagined.

This operation was smooth, without any sluggishness. It seemed that he often did this kind of thing...Has he really killed someone?

"I want to file a complaint against you!! What is your police number!"

As the woman was stunned and returned to her sharp voice, the husband next to her held her back. He looked at Yoshizakigawa with some fear, because... on the police card just now, there were two words: special and secret. Although he has never seen this type of ID, judging from the fact that he can pull out a gun in front of him and shoot at will;

His identity is definitely extraordinary;
Hearing these words, Yoshizakigawa woke up from the daze and then said:

"Sorry, my police number says that if you want to make a complaint, you can do so at any time, but because the money involved is huge, I can only do this out of necessity. Please forgive me."

He was thinking about a question just now, that is, why did that guy Anbei Changzhai load a gun and come in when he saw him?
"But you reminded me of something just now. When we were packing up my father's belongings, he had a strange wooden box. Seeing that the wooden box seemed useless, we buried it casually. Maybe the card In that box?"

The man in front of him quickly made up a reason for himself, and for such a reason, Yoshizakigawa did not need to argue with the two ghosts: "Okay, take me there."

"plz follow me--"


In reality, after seeing Yoshizakigawa shoot a gun at the ceiling, he started talking to himself again;

Abe Changsai knew that he must be talking to those ghosts, so he waited patiently. The reason why he had to load the gun before was very simple. Once Yoshizakigawa said that his world was the underworld, he would not hesitate. He hesitated to pull the trigger and shoot himself to confirm whether this thing was true or not.

This curse is tempting and deceiving oneself.

Therefore, he can't tell what is true and what is false, so he can only use this method.

To be honest, even now that Yoshizakigawa has confirmed that the world he is in is the world of living people, he still wants to shoot himself to confirm the authenticity.

Because, all of these are indistinguishable, indistinguishable!

When Yoshizakigawa walked out, it seemed that the conversation was over. Although he didn't know what was next to him, Abe Chosai simply told the guy in front of him everything about him;
"...The results of the previous trial director came out, Yoshizakigawa, I thought I was dragged into your world, so after Master Qinzi called, I told her that I died and she lived, and she will see me in the future , I am a ghost, she is a human,
I anchored it in this way. What she saw was reality, but in fact, I was still alive, and she had entered the underworld where you are for some reason, and because of my words, when she saw me, She would think that I was a ghost. With Miss Kotoko's character, she would not believe anything I said to her at that time. Instead, she would firmly believe that the world she lived in was the real world of living people. "

"So, she will be completely lost in the underworld for this reason. You have to find a way to find her! You must find her and use the method she believes in to tell her that the world she is in is the underworld!!"

Abe Changsai's series of words made Yoshizakigawa feel dizzy;
Because not only did he have to talk to Anbei Changzhai, but he also had to watch the ghost digging in front of him.

After Abe Chosai repeated it several times, Yoshizakigawa understood, but he also had a question;
"How do I determine which world is real?"

When doubt arises, the seeds of doubt begin to take root.

(End of this chapter)

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