I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 246 Murder

Chapter 246 Murder (Second update)

When the couple inside were frightened, he pointed the gun at the latter's forehead;

For ghosts, guns are absolutely impossible to kill.

So Yoshizakigawa had no psychological pressure to do this. He just wanted to use the gun to remind the couple in front of him that they were ghosts.

Break through the confusion in their hearts so that they can be liberated;
After Yoshizakikawa took out his gun and pointed it, he took out a piece of paper from his pocket, glanced down, and then said: "Sasahara Sohei, a paper mill worker, 28 years old, disappeared on March 24, Tahara Saki , female, years old, also disappeared on March th.”

"You are not the dean's family, nor are you Ouchi Dui and Nan Airi."

"It's time to wake up."

"Crazy! What a crazy person!"

The fear in his heart almost overwhelmed Da Nei Dui. Where did the madman in front of him get the gun?
What Sasahara Sohei, he didn’t even know who he was!
What did the lunatic in front of me mean by waking up? Before, he thought that the guy in front of him wanted to kill someone because of the project money.

"What on earth are you talking about? What..."

After being pushed to the extreme, and his courage under the extreme fear, he finally couldn't help but speak out;

And at the moment when he made a sound, Yoshizakigawa was about to pull the trigger. The speed of sound propagated very fast in the air, but compared to the initial speed of the bullet, it was far from enough;

When the sound was heard, blood had already burst out. The body in front was pushed back by the inertia of the bullet and hit the ground. The blood from the back of the head soaked the ground;
Yoshizakigawa's marksmanship has been trained for a period of time before, and at such a close distance, the hit rate is 100%.

When the body hit the ground, Yoshizakigawa was stunned for a moment. Why was he really dead? Not a ghost?

The thought in his mind flashed away, and the woman in front of him rushed towards him crazily, holding a kitchen knife that he didn't know where he got it from.


The bullet seemed to have crossed time and was shot from the future to the past. The sparks of the bullet flashed away in the darkness, and the figure with claws and teeth in front fell down in response;
After shooting these two people to death, Yoshizakigawa felt confused because... they didn't seem to be ghosts?
Why do ghosts die after being shot? Shouldn't they have a hole in their forehead, then find out that they are actually ghosts, and then dissipate in the end?

"Thank you~"

At this moment, an old voice sounded in his ears;

Yoshizakigawa looked to one side absentmindedly, and saw an old figure glowing slightly over there, as if he had received some kind of salvation;
That person...that "dean"?
"Hehehehehehehehe, why?"

"Why can't you stop loving me for 20 million? I raised them, and I gave them everything, but for 20 million, they actually chose to kill me?"

"Thank you for helping me get revenge!"

Before he finished speaking, the man in front of him no longer looked young, and his body began to decay;
I had seen before that he was a young policeman under his old skin. At that time, I was still wondering why he had such an old child who was already married and had children at such a young age;

But, now it seems that the age of his soul should have been fixed the moment he was modified.

It's just that even he himself doesn't know...

But why, when he knew clearly that his memory had been modified, why did he still plot against himself and let himself kill the two living people with his own hands?

He had no doubt that the policeman in front of him would deceive him. The main reason was that he knew that his memory had been modified.

So, why?
The root of all this, in the eyes of the evil ghost in front of him, should be Yamamura Mako. Why did he kill his son and daughter-in-law?
Yoshizakigawa didn't understand, really didn't understand, he was even a little confused; also, Mako lied to himself;
It was the couple who attacked the dean. Why did she lie to herself——

At this moment, a possibility suddenly emerged from Yoshizakigawa's mind;
What if Mako was also involved in this matter?
She deceived herself and wanted to take advantage of her kindness to shoot the couple?
Yoshizakigawa couldn't believe that Yamamura Mako turned out to be such a person!
And when he saw Yoshizakigawa's expression, the ghost whose obsession was about to dissipate laughed a few times and said angrily: "Mako, I lied to you, she also wants to avenge me..."

Before he finished speaking, his figure disappeared from the spot;

The white light that was about to envelop him and disappear again was suddenly replaced by his new obsession;
In fact, he erased the memory of his daughter-in-law on the first seven days, but because he was a newborn ghost and had no ability to affect reality, he could only do this to this extent;

Later, when Yoshizakigawa arrived, he started acting;

As for ghosts, they talk nonsense and do things. Why do ghosts need human reasons?
Well, if I have to give a reason, there is one;

From the time he was first coerced and obsessed with seeing Mako, until Mako's obsession dissipated, he knew everything that happened to him, and then he developed the obsession of wanting to see his daughter-in-law die tragically. Until now -

"You're lying to me."

The next moment, when he was pretending to be converted, Yoshizakigawa said this;

"I know Mako's temperament. It's impossible for her to deceive me about this kind of thing. So, you are lying to me. Are you erasing their memories?"

Although it was the first time he had actually killed someone, Yoshizaki River, who had gone through the storm, quickly came out of that dazed state and began to think about the specific circumstances of the incident;
Undoubtedly, he told lies and was deceived by ghosts.

Then, he won't mind lying to himself a second time without a reason, because ghosts don't need a reason to do things;

Mako, let’s just say she’s half a human being, she also needs a reason to do things.

In terms of deceiving herself, if she just wanted to use her kindness to kill the couple, then all the operations would be too complicated.

Moreover, after thinking about it now, Yoshizakigawa determined the most important thing;

Mako, it is impossible to know that the couple in front of him is a ghost in his eyes, because he has never said such a thing at all!

Therefore, there is only one truth;
That's because the old ghost in front of him is deceiving himself!
Thinking of this, Yoshizakigawa slowly took out a white talisman from his pocket;

- Medium, although he has no power of his own;

But you can use the power of ghosts to fight against ghosts.

Unfortunately, with the help of Higa Kotoko, Yoshizakigawa signed a contract with a fierce ghost;

"Lend me some strength."

He muttered silently, and the next moment, in the world of Mako, the white talisman was lit in response;

Almost instantly——

A few strands of hair fell from the air,

Blood hit the ground like a waterfall;
(End of this chapter)

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