I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 248 Qinzi’s experience

Chapter 248 Qinzi’s experience

Qinzi repeatedly weighed what she might encounter if she went in. The best scenario was to meet Yoshizakigawa, but only if he stayed in the courtyard during this time;
But the passage of time in the living world and the underworld where Yoshizaki River is located is completely different. It is daytime here now, but it may be a bleak night over there.

You may not be able to see it.

For various reasons, Kotoko left this place as soon as she stepped on the accelerator. Now she should find a way to leave the city through the migratory bird sanctuary. Then she would call Yoshizakigawa and inform him of these things.

To be honest, Yamamura Mako's ability is the weirdest ability that Qinzi has ever encountered. The transformation between real and fake. So far, she has never encountered such a weird ability.

She even felt that Mako's ability was more terrifying than the curse.

At least in the Grudge place, you can understand your own death, but here, you can't decide whether to live or die, even whether to live or die.

Qinzi stepped on the accelerator hard, and the car whizzed past.

The car drove into the migratory bird sanctuary, looking at the slightly bright sky outside and the birds taking off or staying at the edge of the sea, as well as the sea with jagged light;

A strange feeling arises in my heart;

Migratory bird...sanctuary?

A migratory bird made a clear cry, spread its wings, and flew into the sky. Under the pale sun, its shadow gradually blurred;

During the brief conversation, those birds that looked black to Higa Kotoko because the sun reflected on the water made them blind, seemed to notice the only pedestrian on the road, and looked over one after another;

The next moment, the overwhelming black shadows flew up;
She didn't know if it was Qinzi's illusion, but she always felt that the shadows of the birds dragging their long tails looked like a person, and the shadows squirming like birds on the shoals, were they really birds?

Of course, she also knew that she couldn't feel this way for no reason, so she immediately braked and stopped at the intersection;
Higa Kotoko opened the car door, stood on the edge of the road and looked at the shallow beach in front of her. Although the sun in front of her was not very bright, it was inexplicably dazzling. She could only cover her eyes with one hand, and then looked forward. ;
In this world where there was no sound, she finally saw what was ahead, that...

Not a bird.

It’s hands, countless hands;
They struggled to get up from the ground, with countless hands intertwined and grasping each other. Under the reflection of the sea, the blind spots looked like seabirds;
When she saw this, she instantly understood one thing;

I... what I see now should be the view of Yoshizaki River.

And Yoshizaki River...

He walked through the door and reached the underworld.

I...actually have been in the underworld! So, he is dead?

No, this is just the inducement of a curse. In this strange world, I must keep Anbei Changzhai's words in mind!
But even if he thought so in his heart, after seeing this scene, his instinctive subconscious was uncontrollable and spread out in various directions;

The road beneath our feet seemed to have turned into shoals of black mud at this moment;
The body was sinking slowly as if in a swamp, and the spells, magical powers, and curses seemed to be of no use at this moment;
When the seeds of doubt are planted, sooner or later they will take root, take root in your heart, and grow into a monster;

But at this moment,
There was a sudden burning pain in Higa Kotoko's chest. She suddenly came back to reality and kept looking around;
I saw the sun shining on the sea, and seabirds flying and chirping;

But for me, standing on the coast, nothing happened at all.

"Gayako's notebook."

She took out the amulet made of notebook paper from her chest. The corners were slightly black at the moment, as if there was a curse condensed in the corner;

When she saw this, Higa Kotoko immediately confirmed that she was alive.

Because it is impossible for Mako to simulate such a heaven-defying thing as a curse!
However, this amulet can no longer be used.

It's not because it will be damaged, but because of the curse that condenses like ink. As long as I use it a few more times, the curse on it may be stimulated.

Folding the piece of paper and putting it into her pocket, Higa Kotoko continued to look at the unknown end of the road ahead. "Mako...it's really scary..."

After muttering something to herself, she got into the car, started the car, and drove back.

It seems that only by returning to that orphanage can we escape from this strange world.

Now, this car is a real car, but it is traveling on the road of the underworld. What does this mean?
It shows that falsehood will become reality in front of some people.

That's why Kotoko Higa once again lamented how terrible Yamamura Mako was.


After Yoshizakigawa returned to the orphanage, he did not see Higa Kotoko either in the orphanage or the police station;
Obviously, she chose to avoid this place and did not wait for her arrival.

He turned on his phone, which showed more than a dozen failed call records.

All the calls Yoshizakigawa made to Qinzi here showed that the other party was not in the service area.

She may have been lost in the underworld, or in this delusional world of Mako, she has gone further and further away and cannot find her way back.

Yoshikawa had a headache. Although he could see the underworld, his body was in reality.

Therefore, he cannot go to some illusions.

For example, what appears to be a flat road in the illusion is actually a collapsed cliff in reality. What is a house in the illusion is probably a mountain in reality.

He can't go to these places.

But those who are completely in an illusion can go.

Therefore, once Kotoko really leaves these places that do not exist in reality, even Yoshizakigawa cannot bring her back.

After calming down his somewhat anxious mood, Yoshizakigawa had already taken back the 20 million.

Now is the final time to resolve Yamamura Mako’s obsession. If her obsession is resolved, will the world she created also collapse?

Yoshizakigawa didn't know, but at this moment he could only choose to do this;

"Mako...you want me to take the money back, right?"

In the dean's office, Yoshizakigawa asked.


Mako didn't hesitate at all about this, because she didn't want this to make Kayako and her teacher unhappy.

He is a good person, just like the dean, good people should be rewarded with good things.

"Then, I can take back the 20 million, but I will not break the promise I made before."

"I will be the dean. If the money is used to build a welfare home, I will never use it for other purposes."

"Actually, Mako, you are more suitable to be a student, my student, rather than becoming the dean at this age."

(End of this chapter)

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