I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 256 Good boy ghost and wonderful boy ghost

Chapter 256 Good boy ghost and wonderful boy ghost

After saying this, Yoshizakigawa seemed to have grasped something, and his thoughts became a little clearer;
"Zhenzi, come here, I have something to ask you."

Although Yoshizakigawa is not sure what the situation is now, there is no doubt that Mako is the most crucial person in breaking the situation.

At this moment, Mako returned, and after clearing his thoughts, he also figured it out. Only from her could he understand what happened.

Moreover, during the time when Mako disappeared, Yoshizakigawa was also slightly curious about what kind of memories had been stuffed into her by Yamamura Sadako.

When Yamamura Mako heard what Yoshizakigawa said, he was not surprised. Although he had reached an agreement with the teacher before, in the end he still did not agree with the teacher to hand over the money to the welfare institution.

Later, the teacher even became a little angry about this matter, but he couldn't just watch the teacher live a hard life, right?

Mako didn't want this to happen, just like the dean, such a good person shouldn't have such a result.

This is also one of her obsessions.

At the same time, although he was a little angry that Yoshizakigawa didn't even look at him, but after all, what happened to Mako, that guy's reaction was normal, but Tomie was still a little angry, this guy He didn't even say a word to himself, he didn't even call his name!

Yoshizakigawa sat on the chair, perhaps because he was in a familiar place, and the feeling of surprise in his heart was slightly relieved.

So that’s it, does Mako’s memory still stay with that card?

At worst, I would live with him on the first floor, which would only result in more mosquitoes, nothing more!

But facing the girl in front of him, he didn't know what he had done in her memory, so for a moment he didn't know how to speak.

On the way there, he even took the time to send a message to Higa Kotoko, telling him about Mako's appearance.

"The teacher called me here, it must be about the bank card, right?"

Fortunately, Mako, who had always been taciturn, spoke first at this time, relieving Yoshizakigawa's embarrassment.

Kayako and Fujiang, as future evil ghosts, have more or less paranoid thoughts.

The person over there was also very upright. He sent me a "?" directly, but he didn't reply after that. He probably either rushed here or continued to look up information.

The key is that Mako is Sadako's dream, so why is she still there now that she wakes up from the dream?

Before Yoshizakigawa could speak, she continued: "Now the welfare home is not short of money, and everyone can live a normal life relying on donations. Besides, the land has been acquired by the Japanese government. Teacher, I know you It’s a good intention, but it doesn’t have to be that way.”

Yoshizakigawa felt that Sadako might be lying to herself. For her, Mako was not just a dream.

Hearing these words, Yamamura Mako understood Yoshizakigawa's thoughts and hesitated for a while.

Because there is no way to argue, this is indeed the teacher's private property, and he can use it however he wants. Mako knows that the teacher still intends to use that money to help everyone in the orphanage.

Yoshizakigawa led Yamamura Mako to the office at a leisurely pace. Although his steps were still steady, many questions in his heart almost seemed to burst out.

But when he first saw Yamamura Mako, she was even more normal than a normal person. He couldn't believe that this was the famous evil ghost.

Soon, we arrived at the office.

It was decided that when that guy comes to live in his home, he will be given the worst room.

Compared to the so-called "dream", he felt it was more like the feelings of Alessa and Elsa in Silent Hill, the opposite sides of good and evil.

From now on, if she is pure good and the real evil is Sadako, then all this will make sense.

The thought in his mind flashed away, and he was not stubborn about what Mako said at this moment. He thought that the 20 million was the anchor of Yamamura Mako's obsession before, but now it seems that it is not, so seeing him like this at this moment, He also relaxed: "Well, the 20 million yuan itself is what I want to donate, but since it is not needed now, it is also regarded as my personal property. I can use it how I want to, right?"

——But this is nothing more than a different name from the previous donation.

The teacher is indeed a very stubborn person. He has talked about this before, and he said the same thing. Now he is just repeating what he said before.

But I still can't do anything about this sentence, but in this case, the money will always be with the teacher, and it won't cost much to buy things for everyone in the courtyard. Seeing that Yamamura Mako didn’t reply,
Yoshizakigawa turned off the vibrating cell phone, then slowly stood up, walked to her and squatted down;

"Zhenzi, I know what you are thinking, but the teacher is not so biased because of you. In fact, even if the teacher knew about the existence of the orphanage before meeting you, I would donate it. ”

"After all, the teacher has also come from hard times. Looking back on those things in the past, I always feel that those who stand up should lend a hand to those who fell to the ground and pull up those who fell on the ground."


Hearing these words, Mako's heart was touched. She thought of the children who supported the stone slab for her.

"You are truly a great person."

This sentence definitely came from her heart.

But it sounds a little weird to Yoshizakigawa's ears. You're going to kill me soon, you know? How great is this!

He complained in his mind, but in reality he just shook his head: "Since we have agreed on this matter, you can go back to class first."

Mako nodded and was about to leave, but was stopped by Yoshizakigawa: "Mako,"

She paused, turned around, and looked at Yoshizakigawa who was about to speak but hesitated.

"Study hard. The road has some twists and turns, but the future is bright."

Yoshizakigawa originally wanted to ask something more detailed about the orphanage, but he felt that asking this might make the kind-hearted Makoto be affected by evil thoughts, so he could only say this sentence.

Many things have happened recently, and Yoshizaki Chuan has found himself a little helpless.

For ordinary people, even if they know all this, dealing with this female ghost is not an easy task.

Although Mako was confused as to why her teacher suddenly said such words to her, she didn't think much about it at the moment. She might have to wait until Yoshizakigawa died before she could understand the meaning of this sentence.

Watching Mako leave, Yoshizakigawa took out his mobile phone. The vibration just now was a message sent to him by Kotoko Higa.

"I know what's going on with Mako Yamamura, come here quickly."

After sending several messages in succession, followed by exclamation points, Yoshizakigawa could feel the surprise in Higa Kotoko's heart even through the screen.

She is surprised by Qinzi's efficiency, but it seems that she is an extremely efficient person from beginning to end?

There was no time for emotion and shock in his heart, so he immediately went out to take a taxi, and then according to the address, he came to the bar where Higa Makoto used to work...

Walking towards that position, Yoshizaki hurriedly asked before he could even sit down: "What on earth is going on."

There was a piece of paper in front of Higa Kotoko, which seemed to have something written on it. When she saw Yoshizakigawa coming, she put the paper away, and then said: "The former ghost and the latter ghost are two ghosts. You should know?"

After hearing Higa Kotoko's words, Yoshizakigawa suddenly understood: "You mean..."

"Wait until I finish. The former ghost's real name is Good Boy Ghost, and the name of the latter ghost is Wonderful Boy Ghost. These are the names that Xiaojiao gave them after he conquered them. In order to use their 'names' to control them, they."

"The words "good" and "wonderful" are actually linked to their nature. Good is not really good, but good deeds and good deeds. This is obsession, and wonderful is not really wonderful, but deception. Lies and curses.”

"In short, Zhenzi's goodness comes from her obsession with good. If she is obsessed with evil, then the so-called good will also be the good she thinks, which is essentially evil, and the curse of Zhenzi is Miao. The ghost of children, the ghost of deception, change and curse.”

"So, the dream she mentioned was to deceive me?"

Yoshizakigawa clarified some of what Kotoko said, and it was similar to his previous guesses.

"Yes, she is deceiving you. She essentially just wants to kill you, but maybe because of some of your characteristics or other reasons, she is unable to kill you directly, so she deceives you to prevent you from resisting?"

"Yoshizakigawa, you lost your fighting spirit from the moment you got in the car, but it's not like you used to be. Your will was affected by Wonder Boy Ghost."

(End of this chapter)

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