I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 258 The Principal’s Last Words

Chapter 258 The Principal’s Last Words
Yoshizakigawa's idea is not groundless.

Again, if there is no serious illness, how can it turn into that kind of unsolvable horror?
Although Kayako and Fujiang seem to be getting along well now, who knows whether this harmony is temporary or lifelong. In the long journey of life, no one can predict what will happen in the interim.

At some point, Yoshizakigawa may have been influenced by some traditions in his previous life. He felt that death is like dust and should return to heaven and earth. To put it more selfishly, if he dies now, maybe he can die well.

When it comes to the Shura Field in the future, with the power of these unsolvable evil ghosts, it is simply a luxury to hope for a good death.

As mentioned at the beginning, if you mess around between them, the biggest possibility is to become a fierce ghost - this is not bad, but I am afraid that like the old dean, he does not know life and death, and his will is also unknown. Not controlled by oneself.

Yoshizakigawa is not a noble person, and he is also afraid of this happening.

Including the first time he saw Kayako, he was out of pity at first, but when he knew her true identity, he was out of fear.

Later, I even thought about escaping to the United States, but after knowing that this was not feasible, I gritted my teeth and took the plunge.

In fact, at that time, I had no feelings for Kayako.

This situation lasted until the moment when Kayako gave him a bracelet. To be honest, at that moment, his heart was really touched.

In the evening, Yoshizakigawa asked Kayako to go to Tomie's house to sleep as usual. Perhaps to escape, he claimed that he had something to do and left first.

After leaving the school early, Yoshizakigawa remembered what Mr. Saito Asuka said before that the principal seemed to want to see him?

Mainly because I was afraid that the sound would be too loud and disturb the principal in front of me, causing him to accidentally die. Then I would be guilty of a big sin.

But now looking at him lying alone on the bed, he is really pitiful.

So in the back, in addition to fear, there may be a little more sincerity.

Because he didn't want to meet them, Yoshizakigawa decided to go see the principal at night.

I vaguely remember how high-spirited the principal was when he was drawing cakes for himself in the office.

"Yoshizakigawa, what happened to the children on the poverty alleviation list I gave you before?"

There seemed to be some emotion in his tone, his tone was intermittent, and he paused for a moment every time he said a word. Yoshizaki Chuan didn't know what he had experienced during this period, but he seemed to be able to imagine it.

In the hospital, when he saw the principal with a weathered face and life-sustaining equipment, who looked like he might die at any time, he fell into silence, and he felt a rare feeling of guilt for this corrupt principal.

Hearing Yoshizakigawa's words, the principal, whose eyes had been closed and his will was blurred, suddenly became energetic. He grabbed Yoshizakigawa's hand: "Yoshizakigawa-kun, is that you?"

This is truly an unforeseen disaster, and it also shows that in this world, not all money can be greedy.

"However, at this time, maybe you are the only one who comes back to see me..."

"I heard that you have something to do with me?"

After buying some fruits and flower baskets on the street, Yoshizaki took a taxi to the hospital.

Yes, maybe girls have strong and passionate feelings for themselves, but can they really complete this journey?

But even now, Yoshizakigawa asked himself, did he really like her sincerely, or was it because of other unavoidable reasons?
If you have fear and impure emotions, can you really complete this journey?
At this moment, Yoshizakigawa was also in confusion,

Putting the fruit and flower basket on the cabinet aside, Yoshizakigawa asked in a low voice.

Hearing these words, Yoshizakigawa was stunned for a moment. He did not expect that when the principal called him over, the first question he asked was about poverty alleviation for children.

This is somewhat unbelievable. You must know that before, this person was greedy for nearly half of the money.

Although he thought so in his heart, he still said on the surface: "I did as you asked." "Yoshizaki River, sometimes, maybe only when you fall ill do you realize that money is not that useful. In this world, there are There are many things that are more important than money.”

"When I was sick for so long and my children and grandchildren quarreled only about my money, I understood this truth. Maybe this is my retribution!"

Perhaps remembering his own experience, he seemed to have gained some energy. His speech was not as choppy as it was at first, and he spoke much faster.

Yoshizakigawa didn't understand what he wanted to express.

"Yoshizakigawa, I know that you have never taken that money. You have your own bottom line. There are too few people in this world who have a bottom line."

Having said this, he suddenly asked: "Yoshizakigawa, can you always keep your bottom line?"

"I do not know."

Faced with the principal's doubts, Yoshizakigawa shook his head.

"Time will tell you the answer."

After saying this, he took out a box: "Take it with you and help me find the answer. See if you can hold the bottom line."

"The box is not locked and you can open it at any time, but I want you to open it after a week. As long as you can do it, I will fully recommend you to be the next principal - although you cannot be a full-time principal, but the deputy position is a problem Not big.”

The principal in front of him suddenly seemed to remember something, and after speaking he laughed inexplicably, but the loose skin on his face looked a little weird because of the sagging.

After saying this, the principal drove Yoshizakigawa away.

Although he was a little curious about the contents of the box, Yoshizakikawa also decided to keep his promise, because seven days later would be his own death date, so he should leave this curiosity until the last moment.

With this thought in mind, when Yoshizakigawa walked into the hospital elevator, he saw a cart covered with white cloth hurriedly walking in from the front;
"I'm sorry, please sit down for a while. After all, it's not good to stay with 'guests'."

The nursing staff at the hospital said that guest is the word they use to refer to corpses. Because this is taboo, they will not explicitly refer to corpses.

Yoshizakigawa was just about to shake his head, saying that he was not taboo about this, after all, he had already died, but when he saw the corner of white cloth raised, he was stunned for a moment, and then retreated silently.

The principal is dead.

Although only a corner of the white cloth on the cart was exposed, when he saw the familiar gold watch, Yoshizakikawa recognized at a glance that this was the principal who had just spoken to him.

However, having experienced too many supernatural events, he was not afraid at all, he just felt surprised;

The principal is dead, so what exactly is the thing he gave to me?
Why do you have to wait here for me?

There might have been some curiosity about the box before, but now it has turned into a lot of curiosity.

However, you still have to keep your promises when following a ghost.

Thinking of this, Yoshizakigawa told Higa Kotoko what happened here and then walked to his home.

Kayako is at Tomie's place, and Yoshizakigawa doesn't have the courage to face this for the time being, so he plans to stay at home for a day.

However, when he first arrived home, he found a light in the front room.

I seemed to have guessed something in my heart, so I opened the door, and sure enough...

The voice of Fu Jiang came from Kayako's room.

How did these two guys get to their home?
(End of this chapter)

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