I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 262 The return of the soul

Chapter 262 The return of the soul
The voice on the opposite side of Yoshizaki River was familiar, and the tone was exactly the same as before, but there was absolutely no way he could return home directly without looking for him when he came out of there.

Unless, in his world, he has found himself.

But Qinzi has never seen him, and the only proof that he is still alive is the blurry back picture taken by the policeman.

The threads here seem to be tangled together randomly, making it confusing and confusing for people to cut and sort out, making it difficult to make a clear clue.

Therefore, the only way Higa Kotoko can come up with is to find out what "thing" this Yoshizaki River is before talking about anything else.

She picked up the missing person investigation list and looked at it carefully;
[Missing Person: Anbei Changsai, a super exorcist, mysteriously disappeared from his family shrine on December 1994, 12. All the surveillance images along the way were invalidated. The 'Food Harvest' jade pendant disappeared. On the only remaining mobile phone, a message was found. The call lasted for about ten seconds. After tracing the origin of the call and analyzing the audio, it seemed that he was chatting with another female exorcist and was ordered to go somewhere for investigation——]

[Recent activity time: On December 1994, 12, he performed an exorcism ceremony and successfully eliminated the spirit in the mirror. Since then, he has been practicing at home and has not gone out. 】

[Missing person: Yoshizakigawa, confidential personnel, missing time: unknown, origin: please see the following information for details. The person disappeared at an unknown time and unknown location. He once worked as a foreign language teacher at Saitama University. On the only remaining mobile phone, a message was also found The phone call lasted for two minutes and thirty-one seconds. According to analysis, he chatted with an unknown woman and learned about the death of a certain character. He agreed to the request on the phone and went somewhere...]

[Missing person: Higa Kotoko, a confidential staff member, disappeared on December 1994, 12 (returned on December 14). This person held a confidential position. In the early morning of the 12th, she received a call from 'Yoshizakigawa' at Twenty seconds later, after receiving the call, the person drove away and went to a certain location before disappearing. He appeared in the suburbs on the 18th, was found, and was taken to the hospital. 】

All the concatenation of cause and effect is a phone call.

Therefore, from beginning to end, Yoshizaki River did not come out.

Yoshizakigawa is like this, he is like this, Abe Changsai... Even if he has nothing to do with this matter, judging from the initial call he made to himself, because he is related to himself, so... he was... curse.

Before, he had wanted to become a medium and asked him to sign a contract with him as part of the carrier of the curse.

He himself had not spoken to him, and he only thought that what he heard and saw was only what he thought he saw and heard.

In her heart, she was horrified by Sadako's ability, but on the surface, Higa Kotoko was still sitting there, thinking carefully about countermeasures.

bad idea?
What a bad idea? I haven’t seen you at all during this period of time!

Thinking in his mind, the doorbell in front of him rang as promised.

But he used his life to get himself out of that place.

Sadako should not be able to simulate the curse, so Kotoko plans to use this to test the authenticity of Yoshizakigawa.

In fact, the method to identify this Yoshizaki River is very simple.

If this guy thought he was "Yoshizakigawa" and had a similar personality, he would never say that and ask questions again.

Whether it is words or phone calls, as long as you hear them, you will be cursed and tempted.

She thought so in her heart, but Higa Kotoko said calmly on the surface: "You can't read some exorcism materials."

Higa Kotoko feels that, as Yoshizakigawa said, Sadako's ability may be spread through information.

The meeting took place at the police station. Qinzi hid the information. Yoshizakigawa opened the door and saw this scene. He smiled and said, "It was the same when you had bad ideas before. Now you are hiding something." ?”

As expected, the person in front just said it casually, and then moved the topic to another point;
"Qinzi, I have told you what happened to me yesterday. I left the house inexplicably while I was sleeping. I suspect that I was manipulated while I was sleeping."

Looking at the serious expression on Yoshizakigawa's face in front of her, Higa Kotoko sighed in her heart. The real Yoshizakigawa's precognitive dreams were almost invincible, and it was almost impossible to be manipulated in his sleep.

Not to mention Sadako, even if a curse entered his dream, he might get a few big slaps. "Yoshizakigawa, have you forgotten that there is a spirit in your body? If something like this happens, you should at least find out where you went yesterday. Wouldn't it be better if you just ask the spirit directly?"

The main purpose of Kotoko's words is actually to make this fake Yoshizaki River show its true form——

She didn't believe that the fake Robot River could summon the spirit entrusted to the real Yoshizaki River.

Especially when this spirit has an unclear relationship with the curse.

And when he heard Higa Kotoko's words, Yoshizakigawa patted his forehead;

Suddenly I felt that my brain might have been useless for too long, and I was suddenly surprised. Yes, such a good "recorder", I didn't even think about it for a while.

So, with Kotoko Higa looking on coldly, he opened his sleeves to reveal the tattoo on them;

Then, in Higa Kotoko's eyes ranging from cold eyes to shock;

Summoned Miyuki.

Higa Kotoko's heart was shaking at this moment. She couldn't believe the scene she saw in front of her. How could it be possible...how could he really summon it? Could he be the real Yoshizaki River?

What about the photos I took and the news I got?
Meanwhile, Yoshizakigawa didn’t think so much;

As part of the curse, Kuze Miyuki appeared bitter and resentful. Yoshizakigawa immediately asked: "Miyuki, you were in my body yesterday. Do you know where I went?"

Hearing this, Kuze Miyuki did not hesitate, she immediately pointed in one direction;
When he saw the direction she pointed, Yoshizakikawa was shocked, because that direction happened to be the direction of Yamamura Sadako Welfare Home.

I kept walking that way yesterday;
Didn't come back until dawn?
Yoshizakigawa never dared to think that he would actually go to that place——

Sadako, this guy, clearly said he would give himself seven days, but he still has to clock in and out every day during these seven days, right?
At this moment, Higa Kotoko seemed to have recovered. She looked in the direction Miyuki was pointing, her lips moved slightly, as if she was asking another question.

Yoshizakigawa didn't hear it, he just looked at the latter curiously;
At this moment, Higa Kotoko's expression seemed to have changed a little unnaturally. This expression disappeared in a flash, and then she pulled Yoshizakigawa over;
"In that case, I will hide near your house tonight and watch where you go at night."


This is also what Yoshizakikawa is thinking about.

At this moment, Higa Kotoko was chatting, but her illuminated eyes were looking calmly at the feet of the Yoshizaki River;
under the sun,
There is no shadow at the foot of the Yoshizaki River.

The sunlight shone on him, as if passing directly through, and on the wall in front of him.

The Yoshizaki River in front of me,

not human.

The question Higa Kotoko asked Miyuki just now was also very simple. She asked: "Has Yoshizakigawa returned to that town."

Kuze Miyuki replied: "Yes."

(End of this chapter)

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