I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 277 The So-called Meaning

Chapter 277 The So-called Meaning

In the hospital, Tomie and Yoshizakigawa remained silent.

"Is Kayako here too?"

After a moment, Yoshizakigawa was the first to ask.

The scene just now seemed to have caused a great psychological trauma to Tomie. From the time she got on the car to now in the hospital, she has not said a word.

But there was a hint of fear in her beautiful eyes, like a frightened kitten. Even in response to Yoshizaki Kawa's words, she did not say a word. That fear made her realize for the first time how dangerous exorcism was.

——Before, in order to prevent Kayako from getting into trouble, although Tomie was timid, she still took on the responsibility and sent Kayako to another place. She went to Sadako's welfare home according to her previous speculation. In the welfare home that was almost in ruins, she saw Kotoko with her limbs torn off, and Yoshizakigawa who was covered in blood and leaning against the wall.

Before this, in Tomie's imagination, exorcism was nothing more than chanting a spell, and the evil spirits would be destroyed immediately. How eye-catching and pretentious it was!

Now what happened between Kotoko and Yoshizakigawa has torn a huge crack in her chest, bringing her back to reality from her previous delusion. This is exorcism, this is the real exorcism.

Either you die or I live.

That's right, even at that time, Tomie thought of herself first, not Yoshizakigawa and Higa Kotoko.

She is a rather selfish person in life.

After thinking back on it, I felt ashamed, because at that time, I should have cared more about Yoshizakigawa and Master Kotoko, but at that time, the first thought that popped into my mind was that kind of immoral and selfish thought.

Sometimes she felt extremely disgusting, so disgusting that she couldn't describe it.

Because I backed down, and this thought has continued to this day, and I am still thinking uncontrollably.

Death is an extremely terrifying thing.

Tomie Kawakami still vaguely remembers seeing her grandparents on the verge of death and their desperate looks when she was young, which left a deep shadow on her childhood.

Perhaps that was the reason why she truly glimpsed death for the first time. Even the death of her parents later on was not as frightening to her as it was at the beginning.

But at this moment, the long-lost, even forgotten fear once again emerged from the bottom of my heart when I saw that scene, and it was so close to me.

Seeing Tomie remained silent, Yoshizakigawa sighed, feeling somewhat helpless;
In fact, he still didn't understand what had happened. Since entering Changming, he only knew that he had been exploring inside and found the magic weapon left by Kotoko specifically to restrain Yamamura Sadako, and then... he knew nothing.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Kotoko lying in a pool of blood, Sadako's domain had completely disappeared, and even the imagined welfare home had turned into ruins.

Kotoko must have done something to pay such a heavy price.

The limbs were severed, and according to the doctor, the possibility of reconnecting them was extremely slim. Even though the top surgeons from Tokyo had been chartered over, the situation was still not optimistic.

Kotoko was seriously injured and Ampe Chosai's life or death was unknown. At this moment, it seemed that even if they were not injured, it would have become a shame. Yoshizakigawa felt a little guilty.

But at the same time, there was a question in his mind that was difficult to dispel for a long time: Is Sadako really dead?
It was thought that Sadako was dead several times before, but these incidents all turned out to be Sadako's traps. Perhaps this is the true strength of the unstoppable evil spirit. Even if such a high price is paid, so much preparation is made, and a top exorcist is added, it is still difficult to eliminate it.

There was already a gloom in my heart, but I would have to wait until Kotoko woke up to know what had happened.

At this time, Kawakami Tomie, who had been silent until now, finally spoke: "Kayako... is here too. I sent her to another place."

"She noticed something was wrong with you before, and felt like you had become a different person, so we came here to find out the truth."

She also explained why she and Kayako came here.

Hearing this, Yoshizakigawa nodded;

What they saw of themselves should be just Sadako's illusion of themselves, not their real self. In fact, he had never left Changming Town;

"Are you afraid?"

However, Yoshizakigawa, who knew all this, suddenly asked this question;

The fear in Tomie's eyes had not dissipated. After hearing what Yoshizaki Kawa said, she was no longer in the mood to argue and just nodded silently.

"This is daily life, the daily life of an exorcist." Although this seems a little bit bad, Yoshizakigawa still wants to take this opportunity to persuade Tomie to leave this industry.

Exorcist Tomie sounds nice, but she is too unstable. If something happens to stimulate her in the future, who knows what kind of abilities she will develop. It is still unknown whether those abilities are beneficial or harmful. What's more, the three sisters are not ordinary. If she finds out that Kayako and Sadako are different, it might be a disaster.

"Did you come here this way, too?"

Tomie discovered that Yoshizakigawa didn't seem to care much about the miserable condition of his master Kotoko, as if this was a common occurrence.

This made Tomie wonder whether he had ever had such a moment before?
Of course, this was purely Tomie's overthinking. Yoshizaki Kawa only knew one thing: worrying was useless, and it would be better to think about what to do next. If Kotoko's limbs could not be restored, the Yin-Yang world in Japan would inevitably be in turmoil, and then there would be chaos again.

You know, the entire spiritual world in Japan is basically controlled by her alone. If she can't control it, there will inevitably be chaos in the world.

And I must at least find a way to shoulder this responsibility at a time like this.

——Kotoko had said before that the second-best exorcist below her in Japan was Ampei Chosai.

Now, Ampere is missing and Kotoko is seriously ill.

The future situation is becoming increasingly unclear.

Yoshizakigawa was a little worried, so in response to Tomie's words, he just shook his head and said, "I am a very lucky person."

After saying that, he immediately changed the subject to Kayako;

Although he knew that Kayako would not offend Sadako because of Tomie's arrangement, he was still worried: "How will Kayako react when she finds out that it's not me at home?"

Tomie knew that Yoshizakigawa was trying to change the subject, and she vaguely guessed that perhaps Yoshizakigawa also had a tragic experience that he could not bear to look back on. She felt more and more cowardly and selfish in her heart, and she didn't even know if she was still qualified to like Yoshizakigawa.

Because even though I like him, I might abandon him when he is in danger due to my selfish character...

The image of Yoshizaki Kawamo in front of her was more like a thorn that pierced her heart, making her unsure of how to face her true self.

"…She just told me that you weren't yourself anymore, and then asked me what to do."

"Kayako already trusts you so much."

Yoshizaki's words made Kawakami Tomie stunned. She was about to explain something, but Yoshizaki didn't give her a chance to speak:
"Tomie, fear is human nature, and so is fear. Some people are naturally fearless, while others are terrified. This is not something they can overcome with their reasoning. So sometimes, giving up appropriately is the way to truly move forward."


"I want to stand with you!"

Now Tomie can say such words without any pressure.

That's right, her original purpose was to urgently know everything about Yoshizaki Kawa, to stand with him, and to see the world that he saw.

Only in this way can she feel that perhaps she is also a responsible person, rather than a cowardly coward who is being protected.

"Have we ever been apart?"

"Aren't we always standing together?"


Yoshizaki held the latter's hand, and his words were not overly emotional. He just said calmly: "I hope you are all behind me. When I see you smile, I can feel that what I do has meaning. It is also the source of my persistence. In fact, we have always stood together, Kayako, you, and me."

Whenever he saw smiles on Kayako and the others' faces, and whenever he saw their personalities change because of him, Yoshizaki felt that everything he had done was extremely meaningful.

No matter what the result is, I did it and changed everything in the middle, so it makes sense.

"Aren't we born to protect?"

(End of this chapter)

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