This Paladin is so despicable!.

Chapter 14 Moonlight is also light

Chapter 14 Moonlight is also light
  Under the leadership of the Knight Commander, Wright came to the interior of the Holy Tower.

A teenage boy was trapped by chains, kneeling on the ground with his head lowered.

"Is he the werewolf?"


Just as Wright was about to step forward, the young man suddenly jumped up and rushed towards him.

Although the movement was very fast, the iron chains as thick as the child's arms were no joke, not to mention the sacred words engraved on them.

The moment the werewolf boy showed off the power of the dark race, he was enveloped in the exciting holy light. He whined and then fell heavily to the ground.

Looking at the werewolf covered in smoke, Wright narrowed his eyes.

"You actually want to break out and hurt people inside the sentry tower. It seems that your resistance to the Holy Light is not very high. Are you some unknown new breed? Or have you received some kind of special baptism?"

The werewolf boy raised his head and smiled sadly, turning his head away without answering.

"Hey! Sir, I'm asking you something!"

The knight commander raised his whip and wanted to whip him, but Wright waved his hand to stop him.

"If you don't tell me, I can't figure it out? Little brother, you look down on others too much, right?"

While speaking, Wright formed sword fingers with his hands and placed them over his eyes to gather the holy light. Then two pairs of fingers cross each other to form a diamond shape.

The diamond-shaped aperture suddenly surged, covering the entire werewolf boy, and then one after another light flowed back and forth, like a scanning instrument, passing through the entire body of the other person.

After receiving the result, Wright's face became extremely ugly. He gestured to the knight commander, and the two of them turned around and left the guard tower without saying a word.

In a secret open space in the camp, the knight commander looked at Wright carefully.

"Your Highness, is the situation serious?"

"The visitor is evil. There is nothing special about this werewolf boy, but he does have the means to resist the detection of the Holy Light.

According to the test results, unless they actively use the dark power or are directly contacted by the device, it will be difficult to be identified by ordinary test results. "

The muscles on the knight commander's face were twitching. The Holy Arrival Ceremony was about to begin. If the dark race had this method, they could quietly send an army to blend into the pilgrim crowd and sneak into the holy capital...

"How could this happen? How did they do it? Is it some kind of magic or alchemy?"

Wright rubbed his fingers and his eyes became deep: "Do you know, the Elf Era?"

"Of course I know. Legend has it that before humans dominated the continent, elves were the overlords of the world. They were the founders of magic and the mentors of humans.

Your Highness, does this matter have anything to do with elves? "

"No, what I want to say is that before the Elf Era, there was a period of history called the Troll Era. At that time, it was the world of totems and blood sacrifice witchcraft.

Those techniques are very similar to those of the barbarian clans on the permanently frozen glaciers. "

Wright looked at the gate of the sentry tower: "If my analysis is correct, then what was cast on this werewolf is a mixture of blood magic and blood sacrifice witchcraft."

After hearing this, the Knight Commander shook his head repeatedly: "Your Highness, this is impossible. Although I don't understand the blood sacrifice witchcraft of the Troll Era.

But blood magic is the special skill of the vampire family! Although they are both from the dark race, they and the werewolves are sworn enemies.

How could they..."

Wright waved his hand to interrupt the other party: "It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, the important thing is to report this matter to the Holy See as soon as possible.

Those who have already entered the city have no choice. In the remaining time, they must strictly detect the people entering the city and prevent the enemy's conspiracy as much as possible. "

"Yes! I'll have someone prepare the magic scroll for the message!"

After transmitting the information to the Holy Capital, Wright led the knight commander to the gate of the camp.

Looking at the bustling crowd of pilgrims in Linta Town, the knights were one and two heads tall.

"Your Highness, how many assassins of the dark race are there among these people?"

"You want to know?"

Wright glanced at him: "I can expose them now.

But what followed was turmoil, and killings like dogs jumping over walls. Do you want to see a large number of civilian casualties? "

The Punishment Black Knight has no scruples when performing his mission. But the knight commander knew Wright's character, so he decisively shook his head. But he was still curious: "What can you do?"

"Use moonlight. All the dark races are basically descendants of the moon. As long as they are illuminated by the full moonlight and their power surges into riots, they will naturally be exposed."

The knight commander smiled bitterly: "Your Highness, there is no full moon today, and there has been no full moon recently."

"Moonlight is also light. As long as it is light, I can make it."

Wright leaned against the goalpost: "The biggest problem now is how to avoid casualties of ordinary people as much as possible."

"Your Highness, is there any good idea?"

"It is best if the effect range covers everyone, but is harmless to ordinary people, and can have an effect on the enemy..."

Wright suddenly clapped his hands, but the knight commander apparently also thought of the answer and knelt down with a clang.

"Your Highness! No!"

"why not?"

"No matter what, you are not allowed to preach here!"

Wright was a little unhappy: "I've said it many times, it was a speech! A motivational speech!"

"It doesn't matter what you call it, in short, you can't do that!"

"Do you have any other better ideas now?"

The chief knight couldn't kneel down: "Your Highness, this is not allowed! Every time you preach, the Holy See will spawn new factions!

What Mahayana Holy Light Sect! Light Messenger Sect! And the most obscure Ulu Torahman sect!

Do you know how much effort and energy the Holy See has put into managing and restraining these new sects?

The revised version of the Holy Light Book is now in its fifth edition!

You can't preach anymore, please. "

Wright was also a little embarrassed: "Okay, okay, let's find another way."

"What, what can I do?"

Wright pondered for a moment: "I'm going to make a dark ethnic trap. What do you think?"

"The key is, what are you going to use to trap?"

"Wait for me for a while!"

Wright turned around and ran towards the carriage, and came back after a while carrying a big bag.

"Look at these."

The knight commander took the package that was half a man tall, opened it, and as soon as he saw the first item, his head began to spin.

"This! This is the seventh volume of the Code of Sin! There is also the tooth dagger of the evil beast of disaster! The black gold weeping blood sword! The medal of blasphemy against the Mother Goddess? The crystal skull of Gaeltos?"

The knight commander slammed the package shut and his whole body began to sway.

Every one of them is on the list, and some of them can even be compared with natural disaster level wanted criminals.

If it falls into the hands of someone with intentions, it can cause a regional level extinction event in minutes.

"Your Highness, you are..."

Wright puffed up his chest: "It's a gadget I got from hunting in the jungle for three years. I plan to hand it over to the Holy See when I go back, and then exchange the reward for one-third of an acre of land.

From now on, you can become a wealthy businessman and live a life of wealth and wealth.

Don't be nervous, I've sealed these.

I'm going to use a few pieces to make a nest, and then use one piece as bait to lure out all these dark races! "

"Are you still making nests?"

"Of course! If you don't make a nest when fishing, you won't catch much!"

(End of this chapter)

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