This Paladin is so despicable!.

Chapter 335 They murdered the moon

Chapter 335 They murdered the moon

During the period when Wright led the elf army to attack the capital of the First Empire, Lilith remained in the capital of the elf empire.

It looks like she has nothing to do, but in fact she has been spying on Sisilis, the librarian of the Leaf of Life.

Lilith knows her position very well, she is the guarantee placed by Wright in the Elf Empire.

Only with her as a guarantee at the rear, Wright could safely take Emily to accomplish what he wanted to do.

And her mission is also very simple, that is to ensure that the Tree of Life does not alienate, and at the same time ensure the stability of the rear.

But just as the war on the front line was raging, the half-dragon and half-elf who had always seemed honest and honest finally made some moves.

Sicilis, who was afraid of contact with other elves, walked out of the gate of the Leaf of Life and hurried all the way to the entrance of the Emerald Dream.

Lilith hid her figure and followed her to the entrance of the dreamland.

"There is indeed something wrong with this woman. It seems that Wright's prediction was right."

Lilith was already a conceptual powerhouse at this time, and it was easy to kill Sicilis.

Neither side can do anything to the other, as if they have entered a state of checks and balances.

Although the holy class is a very powerful individual combat power under normal circumstances. But in front of the malicious Lilith, it really is nothing.

She sneered and appeared at the entrance to the dream.

"Fortunately, Wright arranged for me to be stationed here to defend against this."

When she looked back, her expression changed dramatically. Although she quickly covered it up, she still couldn't escape Lilith's eyes.

"Ms. Sicilius, where are you going?"

Sicilis laughed awkwardly: "After all, everyone has gone to the front line, and there are very few elves here. I also took this rare opportunity to come out and wander around."

Sisilis spread her hands, her boundaries blurred and her body began to twist as part of her died.


"It's a pity that you can't compete with me just by relying on concept-level combat power."

In other words, a part of her began to die. But the other part was not affected at all.

Although Sisilis was still standing here, in Lilith's eyes, she had begun to die.

"Why, you don't like going out, but you still want to go out for a walk occasionally?"

As soon as the two sides collided, they began to influence each other.

A soft female voice came from the crack, and then the power of corruption became strong, suppressing the power of evil thoughts.

Lilith stood there with her hands behind her back: "But how much strength can you achieve with just one holy level sacrifice? At the end of the crossbow, die!"

You can take control of the opponent casually.

"I didn't expect that there is a conceptual level strongman in this world."

Having said that, there is no restraint or correspondence between corruption and evil thoughts. The fight between the two sides turned into a purely conceptual level wrestling.


The black mud of evil thoughts is constantly swallowing the rotten pus, and the rotten ichor is also eroding the black mud of evil thoughts.

When Lilith saw this, endless asphalt-like black mud spewed out from under her feet, rushing towards the rushing rotten ichor.

After falling into the ambiguity between life and death, there is no distinction between living and dead for her.

"Mrs. Corruption, the seventh apostle, really has something."

Lilith said proudly: "I originally wanted to wait until Wright came back to kill you, but it seems I don't need him to come back at all, I can kill you myself!"

However, the next moment, her expression changed.

However, Sicilius' presence did not disappear.

Unexpectedly, the opponent was able to block his attack.

Are you going to hand it over on your own initiative now, or should I subdue you first and then take it from you? "

Lilith snorted coldly: "Apostle, are you amazing? You just borrowed indescribable power. What's so arrogant about it?"

Immediately afterwards, a putrid smell began to gush out from the place where she disappeared, just like a crack in the barrel containing swill, and the dirty and smelly sewage began to leak out.

"Ah, yes, I just... came out for a walk."

"You! What did you do?"

Lilith was very surprised. Her conceptual power had transformed and evolved twice, and she had even swallowed and absorbed part of the power of blasphemy.

The evil thoughts surged again, and he successfully pushed the enemy back due to the smelly sewage.

Lilith reached out and grabbed her, and endless malice gathered around her, instantly crushing her into ashes.

Lilith obviously had no patience: "That's enough, Sicilius, I'm not here to play house with you.

Sisilis was startled when he heard a voice coming from behind.

"As you can see, just now, I killed the [dragon] part of my body, using part of the power extracted from the dragon slayer's cry."

Sicilius stepped back after hearing this and looked at Lilith in amazement.

However, in this competition of hard power, Lilith was suppressed by the opponent.


Lilith gritted her teeth. She was originally very confident in her own strength, but she didn't expect that she would be suppressed by the opponent now.

Is the apostle really more powerful than the ordinary conceptual level?
However, the next moment, after gaining the suppression, Madam Corruption still had some of her power available and surged directly towards the Emerald Dream.

Lilith felt bad when she saw this, and quickly called out from the bottom of her heart: "Pinocchio! Hurry up and close the passage from the Emerald Dream to the fairy tale subspace."

"I know, I've already shut it down."

Obviously, the Demon of Lies was keenly aware of Du Yuang's presence from the moment the aura of the Corrupt Lady began to appear.

Despite the long distance, Pinocchio instinctively felt the crisis and immediately sealed off the fairy tale subspace.

Fortunately, because of his emergency escape, this corrupt power did not invade the fairy tale subspace.

But it is a pity that the Emerald Dream, which has been passed down within the elves for countless years, began to turn into a dirty and corrupt nightmare under the influence of the power of corruption.

"Don't even think about it!"

Lilith was furious when she saw that the other party was still making plans even though she was blocking her.

She opened her mouth, and a burst of blasphemous power spurted out, rushing directly into the crack.

Mrs. Corruption immediately let out a cry, and the corruptive power flowing around her also restrained a lot.

"Hmph, you know how powerful it is, right?"

"Blasphemy is indeed a tricky concept. However, you seem to have forgotten one thing. This is a fragile world..."

With a click, large cracks appeared in the world's barriers under the impact of three conceptual-level forces. The gap just turned into a huge breach, and the power of corruption poured out like a dam bursting.

Mrs. Corruption's voice was full of gloating: "You can continue to use your power to compete with me, but I don't know if this world can still hold on."

Lilith gritted her teeth. She never expected that as a demon, she would be threatened by the other party.

This is really not like her style.

Sure enough, once you have a bond and something you care about, you will become weaker. Whether human or demonic.

"Why do you want to resist the truth?"

With Madam Corruption muttering to herself, the Emerald Dream was completely polluted.

Then several sacrificial arrays lit up, wrapping up the entire dream. Lilith wanted to stop it, but was suppressed by the opponent's power. She didn't dare to increase her strength for fear that the space barrier around her would collapse further.

There was a buzzing buzz.

The Emerald Dream shrank into a ball, wrapped in the power of corruption and rising into the sky.

The sky quickly darkened and the moon appeared. The target of the Corrupt Dream is obviously him.

"do you know?"

Mrs. Corruption suddenly spoke again: "A long time ago in the Life God System, there were two God Kings.

One is the sun and the other is the moon.

They are all the source of life.

But people only know how to thank the sun, praise the sun, and worship the sun!
Gradually, the moon was forgotten.

But after losing the moon, life begins to become unbalanced and disasters begin to occur.

This is what those guys did themselves.

But instead of reflecting on their own mistakes, they blamed all of this on the moon's negligence!

These crazy guys unite and do something even crazier! "

Madam Corruption's voice became distorted and shrill, like a harsh cry.

"Them! Them! Those gods!

They murdered the moon! "

Lilith's eyes widened, staring at the hole in the world barrier.

High in the sky, the Emerald Dream has returned to the moon, dyeing it blue-black. The entire world is shrouded in the light of the power of corruption.

"Those criminals packed the disaster into the moon's body and threw it far away.

They continue to live their lives as if nothing has happened. "

A figure walked out of the crack. She was covered in bright moonlight and wore a dignified moon crown. Her smile was so kind and kind, but her eyes were full of madness.

She is Lady Moon and Lady Corruption.

He is another god-king who was betrayed by the gods of the life system, and is also a resentful spirit that grew out of his own corpse and death.

She is alive, she is dead, and she is neither.

She is corrupt.

Lilith looked at Madam Corruption and suddenly sneered: "I once heard from Wright that the madmen from the Life God System killed King Sun.

I didn't quite believe it at the time. After all, which pantheon would be stupid enough to kill its own god king?

It seems I was wrong, it really does exist.

Moreover, this is not the first time they have done it.

However, it seems that King Lieyang is not as lucky as you.

After having the experience of murdering the moon, when he hunted the sun again, he was more ruthless and decisive, without giving him a chance to resurrect. "

Mrs. Corruption opened her hands too much to show off her divine body: "Do you think I am resurrected?"

"You have become a concept level... As far as I know, the two god kings of the Life God System were not at the concept level."

"Thank you for the truth."

After saying this, Mrs. Corruption pointed her hand towards the sky. The blue-black moon emits rich moonlight, and everything that is illuminated begins to be corrupted and distorted.

"This is not okay!"

Lilith clapped her hands and her body turned into nothingness. Then a huge barrier opened, sealing off Madam Corruption's power in a large area.

"It's a useless struggle. Although you and I are both conceptual level, your power is even stronger. But it's a pity that you can't fight with all your strength.

Not to mention, my gifts for the gates of truth.

Delaying time and wasting your conceptual power will only make you lose worse. "

Lilith's laughter suddenly came from all directions: "Hahahaha, there is no win or lose between you and me, because your opponent was not me from the beginning.

My mission is to prevent the situation from reaching an irreversible point and to minimize the losses as much as possible.

To be honest, I'm not interested in the nonsense about your life system.

But since you dare to touch this world, all that awaits you is ashes and smoke.

Oh, here he comes.

And you, Lady Corruption, Lady Moon.

Welcome to your final end. "

Before Lilith finished speaking, the moon high in the sky suddenly lost its light.

A figure passed through the malicious barrier and came to this blocked area.

"Lilith, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, it's just...I couldn't stop Sisilis."

A ball of malicious power fell in front of Wright. He reached into it and quickly understood the cause and effect.

"I see... the power of slaying dragons can be used in this way. It seems that she has actually figured out how to achieve the absolute judgment of [Dragon].

What a great talent, but he didn't expect that he would reach such a dead end.

It seems that she was originally from the Tower of Truth.

Yes, he likes to delve into research, and has an extraordinary worship and desire to explore the principles of all things. Tower of Truth likes talents like this.

As a fishing bait, it's a bit wasteful.

It would be great if his consciousness could be wiped out and merged into the Holy Wisdom Cloud Library. "

Wright walked slowly towards Mrs. Corruption, reached out and took out a scroll and gently crushed it.

In an instant, the air of death filled the air.

The God of Death carrying a huge scythe appeared in front of Wright, and turned to look at Madam Corruption who could only stand aside.

"Are you still cooperating with the God of Death? It's useless... If they could catch me, they would have caught me long ago."

Mrs. Corruption is full of confidence. She can pull several worlds into the Underworld Sea one after another. Now she is still at large. Naturally, she has a way to avoid being locked by the great will of the Underworld Sea.

In fact, this is also the reason why Death cooperated with Wright in the first place.

They hoped that Wright could take action against this corrupt lady. They didn't need to deal with her, but just wanted her to expose a flaw that could be locked by the will of the underworld.

However, how could Wright comply with their wishes?

"I called Death just to ask them to help identify it."

Wright pointed at Ms. Corruption: "Is this the one you mentioned last time?"

Death didn't speak, but nodded slightly.

Then the next moment, Wright waved his hand, dispelling the aura of death and the god of death.

"That's fine, then I'm going to kill him!"

(End of this chapter)

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