This Paladin is so despicable!.

Chapter 356 If it’s light, then it’s under my control

Chapter 356 If it’s light, then it’s under my control (please vote for me)
In the center of the Holy Flame Bone City and the dirty harbor, Wright led everyone to a stop.

After selecting the location, let the last dark monsters begin to build the dungeon core altar.

He stood there, looking first towards the direction of Harbor City, and then towards the Holy Flame Bone City.

"This will form a line, and I will use this line as the diameter, draw a semicircle with the Dark City as the origin, and build a strategic city wall with a rapid military path on it.

Then build the dragon city at the middle point of the arc.

Then build a strategic wall from Dragon City to Dark City.

In this way, we can travel between the four cities at the fastest and fastest speed.

At the same time, I will hide the channels for transmitting energy under the diameter of the strategic city wall.

And such a semicircle will be the fundamental core of our development in Mingtan! "

Wright faced the distance and opened his arms: "It won't be long before we can conquer a large territory.

We want to do it with great fanfare, make it known to everyone, and make it impossible for Mingtan to live in peace!
Let the door of truth have to know us!
This is the challenge I issued to him. He must accept it even if he doesn't accept it! "

Lilith was a little jealous: "You are really willing to sacrifice money for Joanna."

Wright stretched out his hand to take her into his arms: "Not only for her, I am also secretly collecting information about blasphemy and looking for opportunities to completely eradicate this scourge.

I will never let anyone or anything harm you.

No matter how powerful they are. "

Lilith fell softly into Wright's arms and hummed softly.

At such a warm and sweet time, Emily ran over at an inappropriate time.

"Okay, okay, do you have to do this in the underworld? Let's finish the matter quickly and go to the Elf Empire as soon as possible.

To be honest, even with the Holy Flame of the Dead, I don't like this place. "

"Then I'll punish you by stationing here!"

"Hey hey hey! No!"

Lilith chuckled lightly and patted Wright's chest: "Okay, okay, let's get down to business."

It just so happened that the central altar of the dungeon had been repaired at this time. Wright reluctantly let go of Lilith and came to the altar.

"I need the best, Emily, jump in."

"I do not want it!"

Emily ran away in a flash. After Wright shook his fist at her, he threw in the mushrooms and city-building scrolls with corresponding attributes as if he had just built a harbor.

Then Wright began to communicate with the Dark God Realm in accordance with the contract.

As the powerful dark power filled the dungeon altar, the dark mushrooms also began to increase crazily.

In the blink of an eye, it grew to the same level as the other two magic mushrooms.

As the Dark Mushroom grew, the entire underground city rose from the ground, rapidly taking shape under Wright's control.

At this time, Wright was already familiar with the game. He stretched out his hand and pointed at the Dark Mushroom. The shadow of the fallen fungus master came down and enveloped the Dark Mushroom.

"To be honest, this big black mushroom reminds me of the Destruction Mushroom. However, the appearance and color matching are similar, but the power laws contained in it are different."

"Destruction mushroom?"

Emily blinked her innocent big eyes: "Don't dragons have the power of destruction? If you add the dragon's destruction power to it, wouldn't it be a proper destruction mushroom?"

Wright's eyes widened and he finally slapped his forehead.

"Damn it, sometimes I really can't believe it. Your intuition seems to work better!"

Wright silently wrote down this idea, planning to find time to implement it and see if it could be reproduced.

After all, magical plants that need to explode, such as red peppers, cherry bombs, corn cannons, etc., all need to be filled with destructive elements in order to truly hurt the gods.

"It's so strange..."

Wright heard Jenny muttering in a low voice and immediately leaned over.

"what happened?"

"No, I just feel a little strange. I didn't expect that this city was built so smoothly. During the whole process, you didn't do any weird operations that would shock people's jaws.

To be honest, I was quite looking forward to what would happen this time. "

Wright laughed loudly: "How do you know that I won't cause trouble?"

Emily next to her sighed: "Jenny, why did you say you provoked him?"

Jenny had her own thoughts: "But... he is the Holy Son of the Holy Light Church and signed a contract with Minghai, which resulted in the special features of the two dungeons just now.

But, in the Dark City, what methods can he use? "

Wright shook his finger: "You have this question, which means you don't understand the power of darkness.

Let me ask you, what is darkness? "

Jenny replied matter-of-factly: "Darkness means no light."

"Wrong, pure lack of light is black. Darkness is not, darkness is a state of weak light.

Do you know why corruption and darkness are connected?

Because the first thing in the world to be infected by the power of corruption is light.

Light, after the Fall, turned into darkness.

It was like there was an oil lamp, emitting light.

But due to some reasons, or the quality of the lamp oil has deteriorated, the wick has become shorter, and it is not as bright as before.

At this time, everyone will say that the lights have dimmed.

Understand, although darkness is often mentioned together, they are actually two different things.

One is pure lightlessness, the opposite of light.

And darkness is the light of corruption. "

As he spoke, the entire Dark Fallen City was completely completed.

Wright walked to the Dark Mushroom and put his hand on it.

“The reason why the Dark Fallen City was placed between the Dirty Harbor and the Holy Flame Bone City is also for this reason.

It is a buffer, a transition, and at the same time an alternative to light.

But since darkness is also light, it must be under my control, even if it has fallen, there is no exception.

This is also the reason why it is the center of the entire territory. "

The rolling power of light flowed down Wright's palm and poured into the Dark Mushroom.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of magic mushrooms began to emerge from the dungeon, and soon gathered into large clusters.

Although these magic mushrooms are in the underworld, they are emitting a glimmer of light and accumulating energy.

"This is... what is this?"

"The source of energy and our right-hand man to expand our territory.

Its name is, Dark Light Magic Mushroom. "

Wright picked off one of them and put it in the palm of his hand: "Even on the underworld, it can gather the power of light and become an energy supply source for other magical plants.

Although the dungeon cluster relies on huge energy sources, there is no need to worry about it.

But if we want to fight out and fight deep in the underworld, then the energy supply of magical plants will be a big problem.

After all, this is the Nether Beach. Magical plants based on life cannot replenish themselves here.

With the energy of a world, it is simply wishful thinking to have a good meal in Mingtan.

We still have to draw energy from the underworld itself as a long-term combat energy source.

The Dark Light Magic Mushroom is the solution to all these problems. "

(End of this chapter)

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