This Paladin is so despicable!.

Chapter 361 Choose a good day

Chapter 361 Choose a good day

Jenny was surprised when she saw Wright take out a card from his arms and hand it over.

"what is this?"

"It's a gift. Or it's a reward for the help you've given me recently."

After Jenny took the card over, she discovered that it was a magic card with the same texture as the Gray Wolf card that Emily often used.

She turned the card over and saw a small seven-color flower printed on it.

"This is……"

"'Jenny and the Colorful Flowers', do you still remember the origin of your name?"

Wright took out another blank set of cards and threw them to Jenny.

"I asked the Lord of Fairy Tales to help you find this magical contract beast that suits you. But this is a flower, so it feels a bit weird to call it a contract beast.

In the future, this world may need to rely on your power. "

She didn't know why, but she felt that this flower was really close to her.

Maybe, in the future you will become an arms queen with a large number of magical plant contract beasts.

In addition, your witch nemesis has the ability to flexibly use the other six witch powers.

Your upper limit is not low.

"As long as I'm here, it won't happen."

You need to find Emily and ask her to hand it over to you.

"Actually, you can try to contract some magical plants, such as pea shooters, watermelon pitchers, corn cannons, etc.

"Of course, I'd be happy to do so."

Jenny laughed and put the card away happily.

Jenny looked at the seven-color flowers on the card and liked it very much.

Enjoy the joy of being an army of one!

To set the card, you need to go to the Dream Gap or Fairy Tale Subspace to conquer it yourself, just like Emily.

Seeing that she agreed, Wright said with a smile.

That's right, help me take care of them for a while.

Jenny held the card in a daze: "Does the world need witches? Our existence is to destroy the world."

Yes, I hope you can travel with Emily and Alice for a while at the beginning of the journey.

The fairy tale path is still being improved, so just make do with it.

Just work hard.

May I? "

As for how to go to the dream gap, how to conquer new partners, and how to use these props.

"Since you said so, I will definitely find everyone."

Of the seven witches, there is still one who has not been found, namely the demon-slayer witch Little Red Riding Hood.

Of course, although Wright already knew who the Blood Witch was, he never had time to care about her.

Wright understood Jenny's decision very well.

Among the witches around him, she and Emily were particularly persistent with other witches.

To them, those victims of the Witch Project whose life experiences are as pitiful as theirs are relatives they have never met.

As the witch's nemesis, Jenny chose to cooperate with Wright partly because of his kindness to the witch and his good deeds of redeeming the witch.

But part of it was to get the witch power from the fairy tale subspace from him.

After all, with this backer, she can attack normally from now on, without having to worry about replenishing the witch's power.

"If you find the remaining witches, you are welcome to bring them over."

Light flashed at Wright's fingertips: "Now, I am the only one who knows the full story of the witch's plan, as well as all the witch's feast conditions.

Only I can lift the curse of witches and let them live a normal life.

Moreover, I am the only one who has the strength and ability to place them. "

Jenny nodded heavily: "I will, I will thank you for them first." "Oh, right!"

Wright raised a finger: "One thing you need to pay attention to is that in addition to the Blood Witch and the Devil Witch, Cinderella, the Light Witch, is also on the run."

"What? I thought..."

Wright laughed dryly and told Jenny the last details of the major incident in the Holy Capital.

"So, if the witch's curse is not truly lifted, but simply expelled, the consequence will be that it will find a new host and give birth to new victims.

Under my instruction, the church has been searching for the screening, but unfortunately it has not been found so far.

So this time you go out to look for the witch. It would be great if you could find the new witch of light. "

"I understand. Don't worry, even if they don't want to come, I will find a way to bring them back."

Wright raised his hand: "You should go and pack your luggage. You can pick whatever you like from the Elf Empire. By the way, keep an eye on Emily and don't let her go too far."

Jenny bowed deeply to Wright, then turned and left.

Looking at the opponent's back, Wright pinched his waist and sighed.

"Look, look at people, this girl Emily is still a noble! It was fine before, but now she looks less and less like a noble!
Really, I don’t know who I learned it from! "

Lilith gave him a big eye roll: "What do you think? A good noble lady was assimilated by you into what she is now.

It is estimated that when she comes home to visit relatives, her father will not recognize his daughter. "

Wright chuckled, and his hands became dishonest again.

"Then what do you think, should we have a son or a daughter in the future?"

"Huh? You're so beautiful. Ask Joanna, isn't she going to give you four children?"

"Then you can't fall behind!"

"I will give you thirteen children! One for each of the Demon Realms and Hells, okay?"

Wright hugged Lilith and laughed: "I think the guys at the reception will be very happy with your idea.

However, the demons from the Victims' Support Association are going to have a headache.

With so many heirs, the accounts will become complicated again. "

Lilith shook her head: "Hmph, those demon gods in the mutual aid association have long given up on the illusion of getting their money back."


At this moment, a figure jumped down from the entrance of the cave. Wright looked back and saw that Emily was riding the King of Unicorns, flying towards him.


"Emily, why are you back?"

"Wright, come on, come on, sister Joanna is looking for you in an emergency!"

Wright was stunned for a moment: "Is there something wrong with Joanna? Why didn't she directly send a divine edict to inform me?"

"Sister Joanna said she couldn't contact you."

Lilith clapped her hands: "Oh, it may be a problem in the dungeon. And the strong energy fluctuations can easily cause interference.

Go quickly, it looks like you are really in a hurry. "

Wright nodded slightly, took the Unicorn King from Emily and got on his horse.

The Unicorn King hated the underground environment so much that he turned around and ran towards the exit.

As Wright walked away, he didn't forget to shout back.

"Lilith, don't forget! What happened on the day Joanna was promoted!"

Emily looked at Lilith blankly: "Sister Lilith, what did he call?"

"Nothing, let's go."

Emily muttered, "I always feel like you are hiding something from me."

Lilith smiled and changed the subject: "By the way, do you know what the emergency is?"

"Hmm... I'm not sure. It seems that some kind of messenger from some life god system came and wanted to take something back."

(End of this chapter)

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