This Paladin is so despicable!.

Chapter 363: Can I call a bill if it’s not outrageous?

Chapter 363: Can I call a bill if it’s not outrageous?
Wright sat on the main seat and watched the angels push the messenger away bit by bit.

"Although, this is also a law god."

Aphra looked at the unconscious envoy and marveled: "You are too dark now."

"After the beating, I feel much better."

Wright twisted his shoulders: "Where is Joanna?"

"I was upset by his noise, so I took Noi and Nora inside to rest first."

Wright's eyes narrowed slightly: "Then this sword blow was not unfair, if I had known I would have used the blade directly instead of the sword body.

Cut in half it seems easier to handle than it is now.

So, does this guy want to take back the Sun King's crown and the Moon God's crown? "

Aphra snorted coldly: "Not only that, they also want to take Noi and Nora back. They are probably afraid that without the blood of the Flame King, they will not be able to exert the full power of these two artifacts, right?"

And they seem to be still plotting against the elves.

After all, they don't have many great elves on hand.

Anyway, that's what they want to dream about. Really, it drove me crazy.

Sister Joanna was so well-educated that she laughed in anger.

How shameless!

Noi and Nora told me before that they were not welcomed by others in the Life God System and were often bullied.

I also wondered if they were exaggerating.

After all, they were the little princesses of the God King before, and they were loved by thousands of people.

Maybe, a little pampered.

As a result, after their father's death, their living conditions declined, which was magnified in their hearts.

Now it seems that they are definitely not talking nonsense!
Even for the sake of the face of the Life God System, to put it mildly!

This god system is really disgusting!

Even if I die, I will not let Sister Nola go back to this pantheon!
It's really, really annoying! "

Wright waved his hand, signaling her to stop for a moment.

"Arrogance and arrogance, I probably know what the virtues of this divine system are. It's ridiculous to still want to threaten us with divine war.

Now that they have talked about this, let's not be polite to each other. "

Aphra was stunned for a moment: "You...what do you mean?"

"The Gate of Truth wants to plot against us, and now the Life God System is also joining in the fun!
Then fight! "

A bang!
Wright nailed the Sin Light Sword to the ground: "Holy Light Divine Court will never accept this kind of war extortion!

If they want to fight, we will fight with them!

Just take this life-god-system sacrificial flag and let other guys who are ready to take action take a good look at the consequences of bullying us! "

Hearing what Wright said, Aphra was a little hesitant.

"Are we really going to start a war between gods?

I reminded Qianha that this is not the same thing as the war between gods in the lower world.

At best, it was a battle between relatives and an attack between churches. When the final outcome was almost determined, the gods would then fight to bring the war to an end.

Although the gods will participate in the battle, most of them will not fight to the end, and the winner will be determined.

But once the war between gods begins, it is normal for the gods to fall.

Moreover, although the life divine system is not as good as before, such an ancient divine system is not so easy to shake.

What's more, in our divine court, except for me, there are basically no gods who are good at fighting.

Moreover, I don’t have a magical weapon yet. "

Aphra looked at Wright: "I know you are very strong, but are you ready to be promoted to the God Realm?

If you break the rules and come to the God Realm to participate in battles in this way every time, how much divine power will you need to consume? "

Wright shook his finger: "In your mind, you have narrowly defined the members of the Divine Court as the twin goddesses of Holy Light and the twin goddesses of life.

I won't talk about the angels.

Flesh Poseidon, White Mushroom Lady, Corrupted Mushroom Master and Filthy Mushroom King.

They are all..."

"They are all false gods created by you!" Aphra said mercilessly: "Do you really expect them?"

"What are false gods? They have godhood, divinity, priesthood, divine base, and even their own dependents and a main city of faith!
Why do you say they are false gods?

Don't be arrogant. If you pick any one of the four of them, you may not be able to win.

Moreover, haven't you noticed that they have been getting stronger recently? "

Wright pointed to the four gods he created, with pride written all over his face.

Not to mention the flesh-and-blood Poseidon, the huge base of believers and the divinity prepared by Wright himself are destined to have a high ceiling.

Although he is only a law god now, I believe that it won’t be long before he can challenge himself to become a rule-level powerhouse.

As for the remaining three, they are indeed not as good as the flesh and blood Poseidon, and Wright spent less time on them.

But one thing is that all three of them are responsible for key links in the [Minghai Sewage Treatment Project].

The oil and water in the project alone is enough to fatten the three of them up to the regular level.

After all, the three of them are the remnants of Madam Corruption, a conceptual powerhouse.

Looking at it this way, although the eight gods in the Holy Light Divine Court are still only at the law level.

It won't be long before you can be promoted to the regular level one after another.

The Holy Light Divine Court is still very capable of fighting.

Aphra muttered unconvinced: "Hmph! When I have the artifact..."

Wright was a little speechless because of her anger: "That's not right, I asked the Demon Realm to transfer you a sum of divine coins last time, which should be enough for you to buy an artifact.

Why haven't you bought it yet?
You...look me straight in the eyes! Where is your magic coin? "

Aphra smiled awkwardly: "Well, I want to try something big, so I'm going to buy the magic ingredients and prepare to make it myself!
you do not know!

At the same price, you can only buy one finished artifact. If you use it to buy divine ingredients and refine it yourself, you can refine two and a half artifacts! "

Wright narrowed his eyes slightly: "I have seen this statement in many online stores that assemble computers.

You won't be..."


"And then failed again?"

"It just didn't quite work out."

Wright covered his face and sighed: "I deeply doubt who made Joanna angry."

"Boss, the messenger has been dug out."

After hearing the four-winged angel's report, Wright looked back and found the envoy of the Life God System lying on the ground, still unconscious.

It seemed that the angels really didn't want to see him, and they didn't even prepare a thinner cushion.

"What should we do now?"

Aphra looked at Wright: "After all, he is the messenger of someone else's god, and he was beaten like this by your sword..."

"Who was hit by my sword?"

Wright's voice suddenly became louder: "It was obviously this guy who committed murder with weapons in our divine court, and he was subdued by us.

Are you right? "

Angel ladies, you look at me, I look at you, they replied in unison.

"Yes! The boss is right!"

"We want the other party to claim compensation! Regarding the loss of items in the temple, make a list and find an outsider to send it to the Life God System.

Open more, such as lost work fees, mental loss fees, ground repair fees, and loss of tables, chairs, and benches.

Write it all in! Include his treatment expenses and food expenses as well! "

The angel lady kindly reminded: "Boss, gods don't need to eat."

"You don't need to eat, but it's not like you can't eat!"

"Oh! That's right!"

The angel in charge of writing the list suddenly became enlightened and felt that the door to a new world had opened!
Wright said with a smile: "Tell them that if they want to continue talking to us about the ownership of the artifact, they should pay the money first."

Aphra looked confused: "Aren't we going to start a fight?"

"First steal the money, and then start the fight. Just delay it for a while, so that I can fully upgrade you one by one."

(End of this chapter)

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