This Paladin is so despicable!.

Chapter 385 The Vicious Life God System

Chapter 385 The Vicious Life God System

Amid the grief and anger of the Elven Dragon God Heraquiril, the second gambling battle slowly began.

The opening is still about choosing the venue for the gambling fight.

Under the power of the Great Will Arbiter of the Arena, the Arena quickly selected a world that had just been born.

After choosing the stage for the duel, the two sides can begin the official duel.

However, just when Aphra was about to draw the next card according to Wright's arrangement, suddenly a bright light came from the duel platform opposite.

"Judge, I apply to use the divine gift to descend."

[The ruling is approved and can be used. 】

The gods in the audience were shocked. This duel had just begun, and neither side had sent believers to their destination yet. How could they use divine gifts so early?

This is a divine gift that can only be used three times in a gambling battle! Are you going to waste one of these opportunities?

However, the next moment, Helakiel's operation made the scalps of all the gods present go numb.

"I activate, the withering of life."

Heracleil took out a scepter from behind and pointed toward the arena below.

A generation of green light bloomed from the scepter and injected into the shadow of the arena.

And then, in that young world, green light bloomed in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, all life in this world began to wither quickly.

In the blink of an eye, this new world completely lost its vitality.

Such a scene made the gods feel numb when they saw it. Even Wright frowned and clenched his fists involuntarily.

Joanna subconsciously grabbed Wright's arm: "They, what are they going to do?"

"These crazy people used such vicious methods."

Wright rubbed his forehead: "I expected them to change their tactics, but I didn't expect them to be so heartless."

He then shouted loudly in the opposite direction: "It's obviously a life god! It actually uses such vicious methods that desecrate life!

You are simply an insult to the name of the Life God System!
Shameless! Extremely shameless! "

Facing Wright's wrath, the Elf Dragon God and the life gods also looked ugly, but they had no intention of repenting at all.

"Childish! Ridiculous! This is a gambling fight!"

The Elf Dragon God was also a little shaken at this moment. After all, not everyone, not even a god, had this consciousness of killing all life in an entire world.

What's more, this matter is completely contrary to his divinity.

"I activate the second divine gift!"

[Judgment passed, can be used]

The Elf Dragon God took a deep breath, and then took out a palm-sized scarecrow.

"I activate the Voodoo Grass Man, a special prop in the arena!"

[Decision in progress, please wait...]

The appearance of the voodoo man caused an uproar on the scene.

Many gods don't even know what this is. Fortunately, there are some veteran gods who often hang out in the arena to answer questions.

"This is a special prop of the arena! It is a reward that can only be obtained by gods who have completed certain achievements in the arena.

You may not know it, but the arena is not only a place for gods to settle personal feuds.

At the same time, in order to survive, the arena itself will organize a series of duels!
After all, for the arena, if no one comes here to gamble and fight for a long time, the great will of the arena itself will gradually die out.

It is like a big tree that has not been fertilized or watered for a long time, and it does not receive sunlight.

As for the prizes of these competitions, as well as achieving certain achievements in the competition, you will get some props with arena privileges.

Although these props are only valid during an arena duel, their overbearing effects and rarity make them more valuable than ordinary artifacts.

Basically, you are in a situation where you may not be able to buy it even if you have divine coins. Hum!

The God of Life system is not good at fighting. Although it has participated in this type of competition in recent years, there have been no eye-catching competitions.

On the contrary, it was the Dragon Clan who had good news one after another.

I estimate that this straw man prop was probably given by the Dragon Clan.

These two major forces are obviously united to deceive the Holy Light Court.

Damn, you are really using your power to bully others, so shameless! "

[Judgment completed!
Special props for the arena - voodoo straw man.

Prop effect: You can choose to sacrifice your own initial number of people to destroy the enemy's initial number of people.

Ask the user to provide the number of sacrifices. 】

The Elf Dragon God took a deep breath and slowly spit out a number.


When the audience heard the result, they started talking like crazy. There are two reasons.

Firstly, a missionary-run gambling battle is completely different from a gambling battle involving slaying demons and reclaiming a lost land.

For missionary gambling battles, the initial maximum number of believers is 10.

The Elf Dragon God directly blew up nine of them, choosing to die with Aphra.

In other words, the number of people both sides can send to the target world now is only one.

The second reason is because business gambling cannot increase the number of people involved.

In other words, after releasing ten people from the beginning, both parties cannot continue to release new believers into the world.

All new believers must use the ten initial believers to develop the world's indigenous people.

Because the focus of this kind of gambling lies in preaching and management.

But because of the previous [Degeneration of Life], the result was the cessation of vitality for all living individuals in the target world.

In other words, there will be no such thing as aborigines.

Now everyone's number of believers has been pegged at 1.

So can this competitive showdown continue?
Unless both parties now have another special item in hand, which can increase the number of initial believers outside the specification.

Otherwise, everything seems to be at a dead end.

After completing the first two divine gifts, the Elf Dragon God let out a sigh of relief, looking like he was sure of victory.

Aphra was stunned on the spot, not knowing what to do.

Later, the audience saw that the Elf Dragon was fascinated by this completely dead world and released its only believer-the Holy Elf.

When the Holy Spirit descended from the sky and came to the dead world.

He cut his palm open and spilled blood on the lifeless earth.

Then, new life bloomed, flowers, grass and shrubs burst out like springs, and tall trees rose from the ground.

In the blink of an eye, the Holy Spirit created a large oasis and became the only life in this world.

Then he reached out and touched the plants.

Flower fairies flew out of the flowers, little grass spirits popped out of the lawn, wood elves were born in the bushes, and huge trees turned into treants.

In the blink of an eye, the number of believers belonging to the Life God System began to skyrocket!
If this continues, it won't be long before they win.

Aphra looked at Wright, who had a calm expression and made a drawing motion towards her.

Aphra was stunned for a moment, then she took a deep breath and pulled out the next card.

I saw only one word written on it - spore.

(End of this chapter)

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