This Paladin is so despicable!.

Chapter 522 Welcome New Employees

Chapter 522 Welcome New Employees

"I am willing!"

The Blood Witch Scarlett stared at the Abyss Crystal in Light's hand, and Light.

The witches present were all relatively young.

The oldest, Emily and Jenny, were still teenage girls. Alice, Unica, Gladys, and the witch slayer Little Red Riding Hood, whose name was not yet known, were all still little girls.

And Scarlett has lived from the first generation of witch to the present.

To her, the witch's curse had already reached its final stage.

This can be sensed from the witch's strange fragrance emanating from her body.

To her, Light's attraction was much greater than this pure crystal of the abyss.

All I can say is that thanks to the fact that she is a vampire, she has much stronger control over her body and is able to suppress this impulse.

"We'll discuss your matter later."

Wright looked at the Dark Queen who looked like she was going to eat him, and subconsciously took a half step back.

He handed the Abyss Crystal to Little Red Riding Hood and gave what he thought was a kind smile.

"I need your strength now. If you are willing to join, I will give you a good treatment."

Little Red Riding Hood swallowed her saliva, her eyes fixed on the Abyss Crystal in Wright's hand.

The seven witches are all different and have their own sorrows.

As Little Red Riding Hood, she has always been troubled by hunger.

Feeding on demons qualifies her as a natural enemy in the food chain.

But her appearance, which was too much like a devil, also caused her to suffer.

She has been living a wandering life these years.

And in order to survive, they have to find ways to fight against demons, these terrible creatures that everyone avoids.

After all, she is just a human girl, but she has to bear such a fate.

If possible, she definitely doesn't want to feed on demons and wants to live a normal life.

"Your body has become demonic because of your indigestion."

Wright turned the crystal in his hand and spoke in a persuasive manner.

"As long as you eat this kind of crystal in the future, I will help you remove the demonic remains in your body.

You will be able to return to the appearance of a normal human girl."

Hearing this, Little Red Riding Hood immediately became excited.


"Of course!"

"I don't believe it... I don't believe you have the means to cure me."

Wright shook his head and pointed to the witch killer beside him: “You can ask the others, they are all witches.

I have killed the instigator of the Witch Plan and have mastered all the contents of the Witch Plan.

If you want to give up your witch body and become an ordinary girl, I can help you too.

If you really don't believe in my ability, I can let Jenny do it all.

She is a witch killer, specially customized by the Tower of Truth to restrain you witches.

Her ability can't be fake, right? "

Jenny understood immediately, "Do you want me to use Angel, the witch approximation of the Demon Slayer, to accomplish this?"

“Yes, I remember you did a great job last time when you helped Emily expel the corrupt demonic power from her body.

The same principle applies to expelling the demonic factor from her body."

Jenny thought about it again and again, and finally looked at Little Red Riding Hood who had a dull expression.

"Yes, no problem."

Little Red Riding Hood was captured by Jenny, and she has a natural fear of her. In fact, except for the heartless Emily, the other witches are more or less afraid of Jenny, the witch killer.

When she heard that she was sure she could, Little Red Riding Hood's eyes lit up.

"I am willing to sign a contract with you, Boss!"

"Oh! A wise young lady, what's your name?"

Little Red Riding Hood replied solemnly: "Ruby, my name is Ruby!"

Wright threw the Abyss Crystal in his hand to Ruby, and seeing Scarlett still looking eager, he threw one to her as well.

But unfortunately, the desire in her eyes showed no sign of fading.

"Ahem, since you call me boss, you will be my employee from now on. Don't worry, I won't treat you unfairly."

Wright reached out and lifted up Little Red Riding Hood: "This way, we have gathered six of the seven witches."

Emily looked confused: "Isn't it seven?"

"Will you count again?"

Emily quickly counted them one by one.

First is the [Dream Witch] Alice, whose power comes from "Alice in Wonderland"

Then there is Scarlett, the Blood Witch, whose power comes from Snow White

Next is [Sea Witch] Unica and the mermaid princess Gladys, whose power comes from "The Daughter of the Sea"

Next is [Demon Slayer] Ruby, whose power comes from "Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf"

Finally, there is [Witch Killer] Jenny, whose power comes from "The Little Match Girl"

And she herself is the [Demon Slayer], and her power comes from "Beauty and the Beast"

After counting, Emily slapped her forehead and said, "Oh, I forgot that the Sea Witches are a pair.

No, Sister Joanna is the Witch of Light in Cinderella, so she has all the qualities. "

Wright reached out and tapped Emily on the forehead: “Have you forgotten that the last power of the Light-Extinguishing Witch escaped.

Now, I don’t know which world he has gone to or which innocent girl he has possessed.

Only by finding the new Witch of Light can we gather all seven witches, and then we can summon the dragon!"

Emily blinked her eyes. "As I recall, when the seven witches gather, a witch party will begin, and the world will be destroyed in the end?"

"I know, I'm just making a joke that no one can understand."

Wright put down his hands dejectedly: "It's not that the world will be destroyed, I have mastered the secret of the witch and can avoid this kind of thing.

But the Witch of Light cannot be left alone, otherwise it will cause new tragedies."

Speaking of the tragedy of the witch, all the girls present lowered their heads in sorrow.

Jenny sighed: “The only thing that can be confirmed is that this power is definitely not in this world anymore.

Otherwise, I would have felt it.”

Wright waved his hand: "Don't worry, it's very simple.

Thanks to the efforts of the dragon clan and the life gods, the "Fairy Tale King" we published has been circulated in most of the mortal worlds.

Therefore, we can screen out suspicious worlds through the amount of power that the fairy tale kingdom absorbs from different witches in each world in the fairy tale element subspace.

When the time comes, you can feel them one by one, and you will find them, right? "

The girls were stunned: "Can it be used like this?"

Wright straightened his chest immediately: "Of course. And we can also judge which force is bigger and more dominant in a world based on the intensity of the power of different witches in a world.

This is called big data analysis! "

"Then what are we waiting for? Hurry up..."

Wright waved his hand to interrupt Jenny: "I know you are anxious, but don't be anxious.

The reason I came to you this time is actually because of Lilith."

(End of this chapter)

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