This Paladin is so despicable!.

Chapter 97 A big gift for you

Chapter 97 A big gift for you

The missionaries who came to attend the meeting were actually a little worried.

They are all well-informed people, and they have learned more or less about Vanessa from other channels.

When such a bad thing happens, these people have complicated thoughts in their minds.

Some want to see the Holy Light Church's joke. After all, their former saint, the eldest princess of the First Holy Kingdom, actually assassinated the Pope.

Even if it is instigated by the remnant of truth, it is still a very damaging thing to the reputation of the Holy See.

Some envoys are not so optimistic. The church is not a soft persimmon. Since this incident has happened, the church will definitely make up for it from other things.

And people like themselves are likely to encounter unreasonable disasters.

More envoys were distraught. They had no ideas and just came to complete their tasks.

Originally, this kind of three-year errand was a good job. Traveling to the Holy City at public expense, food and accommodation are included, and you can also pick up some popular gadgets when you leave and go back to make a small fortune.

But since the bloody advent three years ago, special envoys suddenly became a high-risk profession.

Moreover, I heard that the Pope was ill, and the person who was presiding over affairs in the Holy See was the same person who beheaded several envoys in front of the goddess three years ago.


The door to the conference room suddenly opened, and Wright walked in with his head high and Taylor followed closely behind him.

With the arrival of the two people, the special envoys from various countries' missions who were still whispering suddenly became quiet.


I don’t know which envoy took the lead to stand up first, and then the other envoys stood up and saluted as if they had just woken up from a dream.

"I have met His Highness."

"Sit down, everyone, don't be nervous."

Wright took the head seat at the conference table, and Taylor took the first seat to his left.

Everyone knew that that seat should have been occupied by Vanessa, the special envoy of the First Empire.

Regarding this arrangement, the special envoys present did not know the reason and did not dare to have any objections.

"Before the meeting begins, I have prepared some small gifts for everyone here. Come here, bring them!"

Wright clapped his hands, and a group of nuns came in carrying brocade bags on silver trays and placed them in front of the envoys.

He looked at Wright, who was smiling all over his face, and then looked at the beautifully wrapped gifts in front of him. Suddenly, I had the illusion that this man might not be so scary.

The atmosphere in the conference hall relaxed slightly.

Wright reached for the gift in front of Taylor and explained to everyone while opening the bag.

"Come, let's take a look at the first item, which is the pass for the Papal Palace. I issued it myself, so that if you want to come to the Papal Palace, you can just show your ID, so the guards don't have to stop you.

The second item is a map of the Papal Palace.

It is marked in detail and clearly, including the Pope's living room, the restaurant where the Pope dines, the Pope's royal kitchen, the Pope's three daily offices, and the probability of his appearance. "

The envoys felt that something was not right at this time, but they could not say anything.

Then Wright took out the third thing: "This, this is the patrol route map and defense change schedule of the Papal Palace guards."

As soon as this thing came out, the faces of the special envoys present changed drastically, and they didn't know what to say for a while.

"Your Highness, what are you..."

"and this!"

Wright took out a dagger from his bag and nailed it to the marble table with a bang. The edge of the dagger pierced into it, and the tail end was still vibrating back and forth.

"A sharp dagger, whether you cut your throat or stab your heart, is guaranteed to kill you with one strike!

It’s really the best choice for home travel and murder and arson!

These are given to you for free today!

Not happy? "

The conference room suddenly fell into dead silence, the atmosphere hit rock bottom, only the dagger was still vibrating.

The suffocating silence made the envoys breathless. The four things in front of me are not gifts. They are simply a reminder.

Some timid envoys only felt it was difficult to breathe, while other envoys also tried to turn their gazes away, trying not to look at the gifts, and some even closed their eyes tightly.


One of the more senior envoys tried his best to smile: "Your Highness, what do you mean by sending us these?"

Taylor sneered: "What do you mean, isn't it obvious?"

Wright moved the dagger standing on the table: "I heard people say that you special envoys come to the Holy Capital for a purpose.

For what purpose? That is to assassinate the Pope!

Therefore, in the spirit of hospitality, be anxious about what others are worried about and think about what others are thinking!

We have prepared a four-piece assassination set for you!

Just asking if you are considerate or not? "

intimate? So considerate! My heart is almost gone!

The whole conference room was in an uproar. All the special envoys were madly explaining that they had nothing to do with this matter, for fear that they would be slowed by others and end up being taken advantage of.

Seeing everyone speaking enthusiastically, Taylor suddenly took out a circulation board and stood up with a thud.

"Your Highness Wright, I think this matter is the First Empire's own problem. They cut themselves off from the Holy Light and their faith!

This is an act of treason and rebellion!

I am willing to prove this and sign it!

To prove that the countless assassinations of the First Empire's special envoy Vanessa were all planned by the First Empire itself. "

"Oh! Really? It's so gratifying! It seems that this matter really has nothing to do with your country!"

Wright gave a thumbs up: "Sign your name and sit down."

The special envoys present were all dumbfounded. They were just wondering why His Highness Wright would accompany His Highness Taylor to the meeting.

oh! Is co-writing just to perform such a clumsy double act?

How clumsy!

But clumsiness is clumsiness, and this is indeed a fatal blow.

Although Wright's intention was not stated clearly, anyone who could be this special envoy must not be a fool.

There are only two choices on this table today.

Or, accept the gift.

Or, sign your name.

This is actually forcing everyone to take sides without saying so clearly.

Because it's very simple. The rights and missions of the special envoys here are not complete.

They only came to discuss the issue of increasing or decreasing holy taxes. They had no qualifications or rights to choose for the country whether to side with the First Empire or the Holy See.

But the poison of Wright's move was that he did not let these envoys do anything beyond their capabilities.

I don’t need you to choose a side, I just need you to testify to me that it was the First Empire represented by Vanessa that attacked the Papal Palace.

With so many envoys testifying and signing together, even if the First Empire wants to default on its debt and prepares to cut off from Vanessa, it may not work.

Use these people to tightly bind Vanessa to the First Empire, without giving the other party any room to make detours.

And if they did, they would be a serious stab in the arm to the First Reich.

Having blood on your hands is better than standing in line.

This is everyone’s vote of approval today!

The circulation board went around and everyone on it signed. Everyone lowered their heads, and the atmosphere was a bit gloomy. Wright handed the circulation board to Taylor and showed a sunny smile.

"Now that we are all a family, let's talk about some happy topics, shall we?

I am going to waive all the holy taxes for the next three years. "

As soon as these words came out, almost everyone looked at Wright in horror, unable to believe their ears.

The entire holy tax for the next three years is simply an astronomical figure. Why don’t you just say you don’t want it?

But soon, everyone calmed down again.

These people are all smart people, and they know very well that there will be no pie in the sky. Since Wright was exempted from such a large sum of money, he would definitely make up for it elsewhere.

He is not a loser.


Hearing what Wright said, everyone suddenly showed expressions as if this was indeed the case.

"I ask everyone to help me lobby your royal family for this plan after I go back."

Wright clapped his hands, and the same group of nuns walked in again carrying silver trays. Some envoys couldn't help but become nervous, but fortunately this time there were only books of information on the tray.

Although they didn't know what the plan meant, everyone present read it carefully from beginning to end for the sake of the three-year tax exemption.

After reading it, they finally understood why the Holy See was qualified to waive the holy tax for these three years.

To put it simply, if this thing is successful, the benefits obtained will be so great that the holy tax is simply not worth mentioning.

The most important thing is that there are almost no victims in this scheme, and everyone can make a lot of money.

Coupled with the exemption of holy taxes, the finances will be greatly improved in the next three years!

“Transport the elves’ food to the barbarian tribes, then sell the barbarians’ ore to the dwarves, and then sell the dwarves’ iron creations to the human nations.

At the same time, the elves' food can also be used as a reserve for disaster relief in various countries...

The most important thing is that these developed trade routes can also be used by private chambers of commerce.

This project will greatly promote the business development of the entire continent! "

The veteran envoy clapped his hands repeatedly. He started out as a merchant in his early years, later married a down-and-out nobleman, successfully rose to the top of the kingdom, and served as finance minister for a long time.

It was after he retired that he was idle at home, so he took up the job of special envoy to travel around.

He is very optimistic about the bright future depicted in this plan.

"But Your Highness Wright, the Magician Foundation you mentioned, and the control of magic products...

I'm afraid, it's not that easy to do, right? "

Wright smiled slightly: "As the saying goes, if it is easy to realize, it is not a dream. If you give up easily, it is not a promise.

Only by working together can we create a bright future! "

After hearing these empty words, everyone present looked embarrassed.

Upon seeing this, Wright spread his hands and said generously: "You don't have to be embarrassed, this activity is voluntary.

It’s okay not to participate.

But don’t talk to me about tax exemption.

I won’t threaten you either, let’s just deal with each other as usual.

In addition, your country will not be taken into consideration in the above business cooperation.

Such as iron tools made by dwarves, magic scrolls and potions produced by elves, and talisman ores produced by barbarians.

You can talk about it yourself.

But I have told them.

They either do business with the Holy See or they do business with you.

So I don’t think they will sell it to you.

Of course you can also buy and sell from other countries, but as long as we find out, the country involved in this matter will also be kicked out of this circle.

Oops, three years...

Maybe, it won’t even take three years!

The national strength of this country that did not participate is compared with the national strength of the countries that participated in this plan.


But don’t worry, if a conflict arises between member states and non-member states, the Holy City will not favor member states.

We will treat them equally, no matter what. "

All the thoughtful people present were dumbfounded.

What else to play?

He's dead!

If you can't catch this express train, your country will be faced with an army wearing armor crafted by dwarves, holding high-quality weapons, and carrying a lot of magic scrolls and magic potions produced by elves in their arms.

They still have endless military rations! It can even be equipped with some barbarian war totems.

Until then, don’t say you are a big country or a small country!

Manpower and land area are no longer the most important factors affecting victory or defeat, money is!

Or, get in the car with you.

Or, waiting to be eaten by other countries that are fat and strong.

This plan is more sinister than the alternative just now. Because it has no choice at all.

When everyone looked at the young man sitting at the conference table, their hearts were filled with awe.

Maybe it was because of his glorious deeds of killing without blinking an eye before, but now he really felt frightened.

In the hands of his teacher, His Majesty Pope Paul III, the Church seemed like a kind old man.

But in Wright's hands, the Holy Light Church suddenly turned into a ruthless power machine.

He can play the cards in his hand in a way that maximizes benefits, leaving no room for the enemy.

"You can take these documents back and show them to your royal family, but there is one thing you need to understand."

Wright said as he raised the plan in his hand: "This plan has a date, which means that countries cannot keep considering it until it expires.

In addition, the number of places in the first batch of pilot countries is limited. If you register late, you will have to wait for the next batch. "

"Wait! We're participating!"

"We are also participating! Your Highness! Please make sure to save a place for us!"

"We're participating! No need to ask about the royal family! I am a member of the royal family!"

Wright waved his hand: "Registration will begin after Holy Advent. This matter is of great importance, so it is better for everyone to make more preparations.

After all, it's not entirely without danger.

However, if you have difficulties, you can seek help from the local branch of the Holy See. After Advent, we will strengthen branch construction. "

One of the special envoys trembled: " mean to increase the number of troops?"

“You don’t have to increase the number, but when the time comes for unlicensed magicians to cause turmoil and caravan robberies, you will have to deal with it yourself.

Are you interested? "

The envoys shook their heads wildly.

"Very well, this ends today's meeting. Please leave."

Wright patted Taylor on the shoulder: "Call the dwarf envoy representative to come in."

(End of this chapter)

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