Elf: A bad trainer starts from farming

Chapter 202: Chu Chu makes plans to celebrate birthdays of two people

Chapter 202: Chu Chu makes plans to celebrate their birthdays (please vote for me)

January 1th is just a normal or busy working day for most people, but here at the manor... it is actually the same.

Although Mingyu and Xiaozhao have the same birthday, they don't plan to make it particularly grand. They can simply buy a big cake and blow out candles.

This was not the original plan, but Mingyou is planting trees everywhere these days, and Xiaozhao is also working with him, so he really doesn't have time to do this.

In the end, Xiaozhao decided to keep it simple. There is no need to make a birthday the same as a farewell ceremony. The most important thing is to be warm. Buy a big cake and eat it together to make Punpun and the others feel involved.

Mingyu didn't have any objections to this. After all, it wasn't a particularly important festival, and apart from Tonglu, he didn't see many Pokémon looking forward to it.

In the evening, after finishing today's work, Mingyou and Sly-Antlered Deer went to Emerald Town to bring back the cakes they had ordered. They placed them against the wall of the living room and put them up layer by layer when they were ready to eat.

But just after he left, a figure suddenly poked his head out of the window, stretched out his thick arm, and took out the cake he had placed.


Mingyou, who had no idea that the cake had been stolen, had arrived at the lake in the backyard.

Now there is a piece of purple stems and leaves growing by the lake. As night falls, these stems and leaves begin to bloom with a faint light. These ghost water chestnuts planted here have matured yesterday. The Pokémon living in the lake will pick these. Come and eat.

Xiao Zhao was chatting with Yu Tail Blackfish by the lake. She originally planned to take him to Blueberry Academy, but now after seeing so many savage bass, she decided to let him stay here too.

"Already agreed?"

Mingyou stepped forward and asked.

"Yes." Xiaozhao nodded lightly and turned around: "It promised to stay here, and I will have to trouble you to help take care of it in the future... But I always feel that I don't look like a responsible trainer, sir. I’m asking you to take care of the Pokémon.”

"How could it be? Everyone likes you very much, and it is their wish to stay here, whether it is the Sly-Antlered Deer or the Moon Bear."


Xiao Zhao sighed softly, shook his head, and then asked: "Did you get the cake back?"

"Well, but is there anything else to prepare? I always feel that just eating a cake for my birthday is a bit too monotonous. Although I haven't celebrated my birthday for a long time, I still have to at least cook some food, right? Or drink? There are still a few people at home. A jar of tipsy fruit wine.”

"Forget it!"

Xiaozhao waved her hands quickly, with a blush on her face. She once again thought of what happened when she was drunk on the New Year's Day. She really didn't dare to touch it. What if something happened...

"Okay, are your bags packed?"

"Well, it doesn't have much in itself."

"Then go back to the house first, it's cold outside, and then call them over to get ready to cut the cake!"

With that said, the two of them turned around and went back to the house, unaware that there were many eyes around them quietly watching their every move...

Back in the house, the two of them were talking about tomorrow's events along the way. Xiaozhao would leave tomorrow morning and today was the last night. To be honest... both of them were actually a little reluctant to separate.

All the way to the living room, Mingyou suddenly discovered that there was no Pokémon at home. This made him feel a little strange. It would be dinner in a while. Could it be that Chengdu was still playing video games? I obviously told you in advance that I was here to eat cake.

What about cake?

Mingyou suddenly came back to his senses and looked at the place where he had placed the cake. There was nothing there now. His expression was stunned. He stopped for a few seconds and rushed out of the room, shouting: "Kabimon! Where's my cake!" "

He and Xiaozhao came to the front of the video game store and saw Kirby lying here sleeping comfortably and did not go in to play games.

Mingyou reached out and patted it, and shouted: "Wake up first, where is the cake I bought and put in the living room?"

Hearing the sound, Kirbymon slowly opened his eyes, sat up, and rubbed his eyes.


I can't come...

"Then what is the cream on the side of your mouth?"


It’s cake~


"Okay, okay, don't be impulsive."

Xiaozhao put her hand on his shoulder. There was no need to be angry about this. Anyway, the cake was bought to share with everyone, so just treat it as being eaten in advance.


Mingyou has a headache. This is a birthday cake he spent a lot of money to customize from Kuye City. He didn't say not to let you eat it, but it's not right to eat it alone without saying a word, so what should I do now... No birthday cake.

"It's okay. It doesn't have to be necessary. You can just go to the kitchen and make some apples to cope with it."

Xiaozhao is still very open-minded, and she specifically asked for leave to stay. Spending her birthday with Mingyou was actually just an excuse. Her real intention was to stay with him for a while and help out at the manor.

Therefore, she doesn't particularly care about birthdays. Anyway, she has never experienced it...

After instructing everyone to prepare for dinner, the two returned to the quiet room. Only then did Mingyou finally realize that someone was missing and asked, "What about Tuxedo? I don't think I saw it in the video game store."

"I don't know. You haven't seen it since you went out to get the cake."

"It's strange...it doesn't usually run around. Let's go look for it later. I feel like the atmosphere at home is very strange today."

"It's true..."

With that said, the two of them were about to walk into the kitchen, but at this moment, the lights suddenly went out, and the entire villa was instantly shrouded in darkness. The two of them froze at the same time and blinked, too caught off guard.

"There's a power outage again? It shouldn't be!" Mingyou was a little confused. The ice on the lake was broken. Logically speaking, there should be no power outage, unless someone destroyed the generator or destroyed the villa. The main gate is closed.

Xiaozhao picked up her phone and turned on the flashlight, looked around, and said softly: "I'm going to check on the generator. You can go to the stairs and see if the main gate is okay."


The two were about to separate, but at this moment they suddenly heard many footsteps approaching. Xiaozhao immediately pointed the flashlight there, but at this moment, the lights in the living room suddenly turned on!

The momentary discomfort caused the two of them to subconsciously close their eyes, but when they came back to their senses and slowly opened their eyes, the scene in front of them completely froze them in place.


I saw all the Pokémon living in the manor, whether they were Windhounds, Ring Bears, or even Dark Demons... they were all gathered together at this moment, and it was so lively.

Riolu and the Sharptooth Land Shark stood aside and fired the salute in their hands, and the sprayed confetti fell from above and scattered on the two of them.

He Yuexiong stood behind, holding a banner that everyone asked Smoocha to help write.

On it were crookedly written birthday wishes for Mingyou and Xiaozhao. Although the writing was ugly, it was full of their emotions.

The two of them didn't know how to express their feelings at the moment, so they looked at the baby bears and got out of the way.

Zoroa stepped on Kabimon's head, and Kabimon walked in with a small cart. On top of it, there was a ten-layer cake, with the sweet and sour aroma of cream and fruit floating around. .

The shape is very abstract, as if many people made it together without considering whether it would be a suitable combination. The cream is piled with various fruit slices from the manor, as well as jam, and Pokémon shapes piled with cream, but it can be seen that it is indeed Attentive.

Latias walked aside, smiling proudly, as if she had a large part of the credit for the cake. Lalulas, accompanied by Kirulian, was looking forward to it. This cake was her game. I saw the giant Frosted Milk Fairy Queen in it, and I came up with the look, and then I made it together with everyone.

The cake was pushed in front of the two of them before it stopped. Mingyou and Xiaozhao looked at each other blankly, no matter how stupid they were, they understood what the situation was now.

Looking at this scene, the two of them smiled helplessly. Mingyu put his right hand on his waist, looked at Kirby, and asked: "You didn't eat the cake I bought just to give this cake to us, right?"


It’s something that everyone eats together~

Kirbymon directly confessed to Latias and the others, which made Mingyu not know what to say for a moment, and he was tricked again... But this time, he was really happy!

"Are you really... hmm?"

At this moment, Tongchun, who planned all this, finally appeared. It was holding a smaller cake in its hand, with the names of Mingyou and Xiaozhao written on it, and their pictures were drawn with jam.


"Happy birthday!"

With an expectant smile on his face, he raised the cake and asked the two of them to blow out the candles. He did this alone while watching the video on Rotom on his phone. He failed several times before finally succeeding.

"You kid..."

Mingyou wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and no longer knew what to say. At this time, Xiaozhao smiled and patted his shoulder gently, saying: "What are you still thinking about? This is everyone's opinion. Let's work together." Blow out the candles, everyone is waiting."


The two looked at each other and smiled, keeping in sync, and blew out the candles on the cake together. Watching this scene, Kirby and the others laughed happily.

This is their reward for taking care of Mingyou for so long. They can't always make the other party so tired while also being responsible for taking care of them. As for the next step... it's time to eat cake!

Everyone cut the cake neatly together. Although it was noisy, it was still warm. Mingyou and Xiaozhao looked at the cake in their hands. Neither of them expected... They didn't plan to have an overly grand birthday, but in the end it turned into this. Looks like it.

But that’s not bad!

Xiaozhao scooped up a piece of cake with a spoon and put it into his mouth, nodding with satisfaction. Even the desserts made by Tongchen were so delicious.


Tongchen swayed happily. It has been helping in the kitchen. Although it is still not as good as Mingyou, it will study hard.

"come on!"

Xiaozhao smiled and encouraged the other party, but while tasting the sweetness of the cake, she sighed in her heart. This was the first birthday in her memory.

Although she was invited to participate in birthday parties held by students several times when she was at Blueberry Academy, she always just sat on the sidelines, more like an outsider, and did not really participate.

But this time...she really felt the atmosphere of enjoying her birthday with her family.

On the side, Mingyou was enjoying Tao Chun's works with satisfaction when he suddenly noticed her expression. Seeing the girl gradually slowing down her movements, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes, he was slightly startled and asked subconsciously.

"You cried?"


Xiaozhao shook her head in panic, and quickly wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes with the back of her hand. Her face returned to its usual expression, pretending that nothing happened, but Mingyou could tell that something seemed to be on her mind.

So he stretched out his hand, gently put it on the other person's shoulder, and said with a smile: "It's better to be happy today, everyone is here."


Xiaozhao nodded gently, smiled, and continued to taste the cake... This kind of life is enough, with Mingyou, Tongchen, and everyone...


(End of this chapter)

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