Elf: A bad trainer starts from farming

Chapter 277: The promise with Meloetta, let it become hope

Chapter 277: The promise with Meloetta, let it become hope (please vote)
Xiaoguang's expression was completely stunned, and so was Xiaozhao. Although they had seen each other's photos before, when they actually met, they both felt as if they were facing a mirror that reflected themselves.

"The two finally met..."

Mingyou complained softly, this time he finally got a chance to compare.


Tongchen looked at Xiaozhao and Xiaoguang with a confused face. Could it be that these two are sisters?
Not only it, but other Pokémon as well, not to mention that many Pokémon are relatively face-blind to humans, making it even harder to recognize them if they look the same.

As the two began to look at each other, an inexplicable and quiet atmosphere gradually spread. Fortunately, Shali finally broke the atmosphere, took out her camera, and said with a smile: "I just realized now that you two are really similar." Sisters, do you want to take pictures?"

"This... let's talk about it later."

Xiaozhao shook her head slightly, came back to her senses, and looked away. Maybe she was really related to Xiaoguang by blood, but these are not important anymore.

The two actually knew each other. After the Sinnoh Alliance Suzuran Conference ended, through Mingyu's relationship, they added their contact information to chat.

However, the two of them are usually very busy and have their own things to do, so they talk less later.

"She learned from those ancient books that Meloetta seems to be related to a place called the Undersea Ruins, where many unknown secrets are hidden and guarded by Meloetta and some humans. This may be the reason why Team Rocket wanted to capture it. .”


A few people chatted and put all their luggage in the car. In order to talk to Xiao Zhao, whom he had been looking forward to seeing, Xiao Guang drove Mingyou to the passenger seat, while he sat in the back and started chatting with Xiao Zhao.

"Yeah, I didn't expect to meet here."

"I just seem to be superfluous."

Hearing this, Mingyou looked at Shali curiously and asked, "So when you said you were going to pick up someone at the airport, did you mean to pick up Xiaoguang?"

"Yes, she came back from Raven City and is preparing to participate in the Youth Cup in the next few days."

Mingyou complained helplessly, and Shali in the driver's seat couldn't help laughing.

When she said this, Shali glanced at the rearview mirror and seemed to be watching to see if anyone was following her. After confirming that there was no one, she continued: "There are some books in the library that require permission from Shuangyong City Mayor Xia Ka. Reading, but Sister Zhulan, as an archaeologist and mythology scholar, has already established this relationship a few years ago."

Xiaozhao responded with a smile. In terms of personality, he is relatively more mature and stable. After all, he is a few years older and has experienced so many things. However, Xiaoguang's lively and cheerful personality is also quite lovable.

Then the vehicle started, the engine roared, and drove forward along the coastal road. At this time, Shali remembered something important and glanced at Mingyou: "By the way, is Meloetta still with you?"

"Sister Zhulan made a special trip to Shuanglong City for this matter, which is the oldest town in the Hezhong region. Many legends and stories about the Hezhong region are recorded in the Shuanglong Library."

"Hmm...then what?"


Xiaoguang has now recognized the other party. He recovered from his daze and showed his lively personality. He waved and said hello: "Sister Xiaozhao, I finally see you~"

"Just like us..."

Meloetta, who was hiding her figure and sitting on Mingyu's lap, gave her a confused look.


Hearing this, Mingyou glanced around cautiously. Shali shifted into fifth gear and accelerated, using the sound of the car to cover up their conversation, and then said: "After I left Blueberry Academy that day, I came here to find Sister Zhulan, I told her about this matter."

Mingyou still trusted Sha Li. He nodded slightly, and Sha Li didn't ask any more questions. He continued, "If nothing else, you must have been targeted after you left Blueberry Academy."

Hearing what Shali said, Meloetta lowered her head gently. It just wanted to freely bring beautiful and beautiful songs to others, but why do such bad people always appear... not just now, but for a long time It's been there before.

It doesn't like this...

After understanding the situation, Mingyou was silent for a while, gently put his hand on Meloetta's head, then looked at Shali and asked, "So, I'm being targeted by Team Rocket guys again?" again?"

Shali didn't quite understand the meaning of this word, so she didn't think too much about it. She continued to drive and responded: "Maybe... but in addition to them, there are also those guardian queens who used to protect the underwater ruins with Meloetta. people."

At this point, Sha Li sighed softly and continued: "You were too reckless last time. You should not let Du Ruo know that Meloetta is with you. Those descendants of the guardians seem to be in Shuanglong City. Blueberry School It's not convenient for them to enter the garden, but when you come out now, they will definitely come to look for you, and then..."

"Take Meloetta away, right?"

Mingyu had basically understood the situation. He originally planned to send Meloetta back, but after spending time together, he discovered something else.

Meloetta was captured by Team Rocket and was finally rescued by Shaka and the guardians, but she took advantage of the chaos and escaped and followed the ship to Blueberry Academy. She could have gone back then, why?
Just looking at Meloetta's expression when she played happily with everyone and taught everyone how to sing every day, he didn't want to disturb the other person's short happy time because of this problem.

But now he already knows...

The United Kingdom was a country that died out many years ago, and Meloetta has been on a mission to protect a relic since that era?
Maybe it was voluntary at first, but after so many years, the people who first guarded the ruins with it have changed generation after generation, and all familiar friends have passed away, only it will never change.

What kind of torture is this?
But even so, even though the United Kingdom no longer exists, those people still don't let Meloetta leave and live in the deep mountains and forests, generation after generation. Is this so-called secret really that important?

And this so-called mission has brought so much danger to Meloetta. It just wants to sing happily and does not want to experience this...

Mingyou slowly opened his eyes, gently stroked Meloetta's hair, and asked softly: "You want to be free, right? You don't want to go back there."


Meloetta hesitated for a moment and nodded lightly. This was her true inner thought. It might be irresponsible or an escape, but she no longer wanted to shoulder such a mission.

"oh, I understand now!"

Mingyou's eyes instantly became serious, and he stretched out his hand to gently hold the other person's hand. At that moment when Meloetta was stunned, he said in a serious tone: "Let's make a promise, I will be your last hope!"


Listening to these words, Meloetta's body trembled slightly. It seemed that it had been waiting for a thousand years just for this moment, because it knew that the man in front of it would definitely do it and fulfill the promise!


It threw itself into Mingyou's arms, holding back tears, and inadvertently released its invisibility and revealed its body. Sooner or later, one day, it would no longer rely on its invisibility and could appear in front of everyone openly, and that day, it would The day will come when it will be reborn!
Sha Li has been observing this side. Looking at this scene, he smiled and asked: "It seems that you already have your own plan. Let's talk about it and see."

"Let them come as many as they want, I will leave no one behind... drive them all away!"

Mingyu's tone was a bit dangerous. He was willing to do anything for Pokémon. Even the old Den from the north had no temper with him. What's more, these old Dens from the United States were still guarding the customs of the past and living by the rules. will be swallowed up by the development of the times.

"Hey~ You are really powerful!"

Sha Li chuckled softly. This was not a mockery, but a belief that the other person could really do it and be recognized by Zhulan. She did not think that he would stop here and would definitely make a big news to the whole world!

At the same time, Xiao Zhao, who was sitting in the back row and having a daily conversation with Xiao Guang, actually kept her attention on Ming You, and she heard everything about the conversation just now.

Recalling the Tao Gang incident at the beginning of the year, she clenched her fists hard and murmured to herself: "Let it go and do it. This time... I won't hold you back anymore!"


As if he heard her muttering, Xiaoguang showed a puzzled expression, but didn't pay attention.

Soon Shali drove into the villa area, but shortly after the vehicle passed through the gate, a light blue drone Rotom quietly appeared in the air, and the camera kept looking at the off-road vehicle in the distance.

"Loto~ Meloetta appears~"


(End of this chapter)

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