Elf: A bad trainer starts from farming

Chapter 282 The melody of love, officially dating Xiaozhao

Chapter 282 The melody of love, officially dating Xiaozhao (please vote for me)


Seeing that Team Rocket had captured Meloetta as bait and wanted to force Mingyu to go over, Tongtun forced himself to calm down and hid the letter.

It could feel that Lance was still looking at it, and it couldn't make the other party suspicious, nor could Mingyou and the others discover any abnormalities and disrupt the date.

So it walked behind Mingyou who was buying marshmallows, took off the ghost mask, and barked softly.



Hearing the cry, Mingyou turned around and asked with a smile: "Want to eat marshmallows? Why are you the only one and how many of them are there?"


Tongchen just replied that they were strolling nearby, then deliberately blocked the sight from behind with his cloak, and handed over the errand fee that Lance gave him.

Tongchun was still careless, thinking that he would only stare at her and leave after seeing that she had delivered the things, but Lansiduo was cautious and would not leave until Mingyu saw the letter with his own eyes.

Everyone was immediately confused, Orange?
When they were confused about this, all the Pokémon became alert with the violent aura that came quickly, and they finally came to their senses.

It was only after looking at the change in his hand that Tuxun just handed him over that he realized that the child had grown up, and it was normal for him to not want to talk to him about his privacy.

There are many rocks on the beach, which are the nests of some giant tongue clams and starfish. However, at this moment, these Pokémon seemed to be able to predict the danger outside, and they hid one after another and did not dare to come out.

"Mad! It's Kamen Rider!"


Tongtun smiled and did not tell the story about Meloetta being captured by Team Rocket. After a brief response, he put on the ghost mask, turned around and left with the marshmallow, and disappeared into the crowd.

"Don't throw it away. This one is very sweet, and the ingredients are fructose made from our fruits. If you like it, you can buy it later. By the way, ask Meloetta if you want them. If you want to buy something, use your mobile phone. Rotom just swipes my card."

After hearing the answer, Mingyou nodded happily: "Is it the change you earn from delivering things to others? You have also begun to learn to make money on your own."


Everyone in Team Rocket laughed softly, and at this moment, the ones lurking here are not only those Black Luca, Bankiras, Tyrannosaurus, Three Dragons, Metagross... so many powerful Pokémon controlled by Team Rocket, but also Give Mingyou an unexpected surprise!

"How is it possible? Sir Lance only left after seeing him accept the letter. And even if he comes here now, what can he do without Pokémon? He can't do anything!"

"what happened?"

Saying that, Mingyou gently bent down, reached out to take it, and then handed one of the two pink marshmallows he just bought from the wind fairy boss to Chunchen, and just bought another one for himself.

It has obviously promised Mingyou to protect Meloetta... This is a promise. It must be like Mingyou, and will definitely fulfill its agreement with others no matter what. This is what it likes most about Mingyou.

but now……

At this moment, Chunchun has put on a Huozao mask. The mask is his current mood, full of anger, but underneath the mask is a look of self-blame.

Lance was a little regretful. As the most cruel leader in Team Rocket, he had naturally thought of various ways to torture Mingyu and make him spit out the manor's core technology before dying.

"Haha~ After seeing the content of the letter, don't you want to involve that woman? You even put on a fake smile and pretended that nothing happened... It's a pity that I originally wanted to beat her to death in front of you!"

"Want me to save it for you? Well, come find me when you need it."

However, it was too late at this moment. The fire of anger ignited ragingly, and the vines wrapped around the thorn stick turned fiery red. It was waved like a sword of fire, and the dazzling flames completely illuminated the Fire Stove Mask!

But now it’s better to end it as soon as possible. You can’t make the same mistake as Lambda. He acted against Boss Sakaki’s orders, which resulted in the complete collapse of the plan. Get rid of Mingyu as soon as possible, and then tie up the rocks and sink into Ripple Bay to feed the savage bass. As a late night snack!
Lance sneered and turned around to leave, heading to the agreed-upon meeting place. All his men were already ambushing there. In such a short time, even if Mingyou really wanted to find help, he wouldn't be able to do so in time.

Xiaozhao saw that he hadn't come over yet, so she walked over carrying the prize of the goldfish fishing competition. Mingyou shook his head slightly, with a smile on his face, indicating that he was talking as he walked, so he accepted the change that Tuxun gave him.

Not far away at this moment, Lance was still paying attention here, staring at Mingyou who looked at the paper in his hand with a heavy expression one second, but hid the paper and smiled after his girlfriend came over the next second.

Want to follow along and take a look?
The thought came to his mind and he immediately took action.

"Is Lord Lance back?"

Just like the last time he spent a day using the synchronizer, he saw many scenes of people helping their companions. Normally, he would not know this at all, because he was usually the one doing this kind of thing.

"what happened?"

At this moment, somewhere on the beach far away from the bustling city, compared to the bright lights in the distance, it was calm and quiet, a place where even the moonlight could not shine.

"We're still on the way. Mingyu won't be here first, right?"

It thought it was because it heard Meloetta's location in the woods but didn't go to find her, which was why it was caught by Team Rocket.

"makes sense!"

Mingyou looked at Tongchen's disappearing figure with a slightly puzzled expression. How could he not see that this child was hiding something from him after being together for so long.


While he was heading to the beach, Chun Chun was already running there faster than him...

Everyone in Team Rocket has already ambushed here. They have just received the message from Lance and are ready to welcome Mingyu.





At this time, several black ruga smelled the smell of ponkans at the same time. The members of Team Rocket who were responsible for investigating the situation immediately warned: "Something is coming! It's not Mr. Lance, it seems to be something... an orange!"

Not Kamen Rider, but God of War!

He swung the stick at the face of the Team Rocket member who had just spoken, sending him flying dozens of meters away. The other people who reacted immediately directed their Pokémon to attack it, and at the same time, they also took out various Team Rocket equipment and took out The stun gun is out and ready to fire.

But at this moment, Tongchun slammed the thorn vine stick on the sand. Many fiery vine whips grew out of the beach instantly with the high temperature. They grabbed all the Rockets members and slapped them hard like toys. On the beach and rocks, all the weapons in his hands were smashed, leaving no chance.

"Damn! What the hell is this? Come on, kill this guy!"

The members of Team Rocket lying on the beach continued to shout, and the Tyrannosaurus immediately launched a fierce offensive, flapped its blood-red wings, and unleashed the storm.

But the mask on his face instantly switched and turned into a foundation stone mask. The rock-hard thorn vine stick was thrown out like a boomerang. With just one stick, the storm dissipated and the Tyrannosaurus crashed on the spot.

Chuchen also rushed forward at the same time, grabbed the fallen thorn vine stick, and immediately switched to the green grass mask, turned 180 degrees and swung the stick, knocking Bankiras who sneaked up on him dozens of meters away, and hit him Many rocks were broken into pieces and he lay half-paralyzed in the sea water.

But Metagross's offensive finally arrived at this moment. The metal claws pinched Ponkan from behind. The terrifying power that could crush even the mountain exploded instantly, and it was about to squeeze out the Ponkan juice.

But in the next second, it surprisingly discovered that its own strength could not hold it at all. Even if it surpassed the computer's computing power, it could not figure out what was going on.


How can Puppy's power be shaken by this guy? He grabbed his claws and threw him to the ground, causing him to shut down on the spot. Then he used a big windmill to spin three people in the air who were about to release a swarm of meteors. The evil dragon hit a home run...

In less than two minutes, all Team Rocket's Pokémon were wiped out. The remaining members of Team Rocket who were still unconscious did not hesitate to pretend to be dead, trying to muddle through, while their hearts were full of panic. What kind of terrifying power is this!
Could it be a legendary Pokémon?

But why did you find them?

It's obvious that he has never been offended at all, right?
This was the question in all of their minds at the moment, and whether they were pretending to be dead or not, Tongtun could all detect it, but it found that there didn't seem to be Meloetta's aura here, so it grabbed one of the Team Rocket members who was pretending to be dead, Slap on the sand.

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

When life and death are at stake, no bullshit orders matter. Living is the most important thing.

However, Tongtun always acted in a measured way and would never harm anyone's life. It just wanted to know where Meloetta was, and was worried that the other party wouldn't understand its voice, so it even used Rotom on its cell phone to type out questions.

"Meloetta... isn't here. It's Sierra's mission to catch it. Sir Lance doesn't know if he has caught it yet. He just deliberately said that it was caught to lure Mingyu into taking the bait."


Hearing the answer, Tongtun was slightly stunned and knocked the other party unconscious. So that's it. Then is it too late to go find Meloetta now?
Um! We must go quickly!
After quickly getting rid of the remaining people who were pretending to be dead, it immediately turned around and ran away, but by chance, it ran into Lance who was rushing here.


When Lance saw Miao, he was stunned subconsciously. Isn't this the child just now? Why are you here?

The moment these questions appeared in his mind, the thorn stick was already knocked on his head. Lance didn't even have a chance to react, so he lost consciousness and fell on the beach.

It wasn't until long after Fengchen left that Silla, who was originally assigned to capture Meloetta, arrived quietly and walked to Lance's side. After observing the other party's miserable condition for a moment, she glanced around and murmured to herself.

"It seems that we can't take down Mingyou just by relying on strategy. I only received the news a few minutes ago, and the entire army has been wiped out. Even if I go to find him to avenge Yaluo and Cliff, I'm afraid..."

A look of solemnity appeared on Sierra's mature and charming face. She stepped on the unconscious Lance's face with her high heels as if to vent her anger, and fell into deep thought: "I didn't go to Meloetta's place either. How are we going to get along with her now?" Where is Boss Sakaki on a mission?"

"As expected, it's better to run away..."

As for what happened on the beach, it wasn't until fishermen went out to fish early the next morning that they finally discovered these Team Rocket members covered in starfish, but that's a story for another day.

Back in time...


Fluttering the Wings, they continued to follow Mingyou and the two, but they were a little confused. Just now they saw Tongchen suddenly appear and take a marshmallow, then suddenly disappear, and Meloetta was never seen.

But as the time approached eight o'clock in the evening, they were gradually filled with the atmosphere and anticipation that the fireworks show was about to begin.

Zhan Yifa has not seen fireworks for many years. He remembers that the last time he saw them was seven or eight years ago when he and Mingyou's family were in Niangguang City. Not to mention Teng Teng Snake, Blueberry Academy had never done anything like this.

However, Riolu and the Fanged Land Shark didn't have the same expectations as they did. After all, they had seen it several times in Beishang Township, and they released it themselves during the Chinese New Year, which made the Vine Snake and others envious.

Mingyu and the others still didn't know much about being followed. He and Xiaozhao came to a strait slightly away from the downtown area. The location was quite high, there were few people, and there were better fireworks.

"Let's stop here. There doesn't seem to be anyone else around. It's just the two of us."

Xiaozhao looked around for a moment, put his hands behind his back, feeling a little nervous, then looked at Mingyou, smiled and said: "Why don't you call them over, watch the fireworks with everyone here, it really reminds me of Last year during the masking ceremony.”

"It said just let us see."

Mingyou put down his cell phone and Rotom, and smiled helplessly. He always felt that it was really strange today, so he might as well go back and ask about it later.

He retracted his thoughts, walked to Xiao Zhao, and looked at the lively celebrations below with the girl. Thinking about tonight's date, he said softly: "I'm really happy tonight. It's the first time for me... to be alone. Girls go shopping together.”

"Me too, it's my first time with a boy...can I continue like this in the future?"

Xiaozhao smiled and looked sideways, with a slight blush on his face again. At this time, what should happen in the ambiguous environment where the two of them are alone, right?

She was somewhat looking forward to it, but at the same time she was also a little worried, worried that something would go wrong again.

Feeling the sight, Mingyou took a deep breath and turned around to look at her. When their eyes met at this moment, her heartbeat began to speed up. At such a close distance, if she didn't talk now, it would be really difficult to have another chance.

"Whatever you want to say... just say it boldly!"

Xiaozhao spoke again. She understood what the other party was thinking. Although she didn't like to be passive, there were some things she still hoped the other party would take the initiative to say, instead of always taking the opportunity away from herself.

After all, the two of them are really similar to a certain extent. In the past, every time she and Mingyou thought about the same thing, she would be the first to speak, and they would always be complained by the other party. Therefore, this time, she hoped to be able to The other party goes first and gives the opportunity to the other party.

Looking at the prepared little photo in front of him, Mingyou bit his lips lightly, still very nervous. Just looking at the expectation on the other person's face, a trace of disappointment gradually emerged, and he suddenly felt self-blame.

But at this moment, Meloetta, who had disappeared for a while, flew towards this side with a beautiful melody in the night sky, flying on the shining notes.



Seeing that Meloetta suddenly appeared at this critical moment, they couldn't even stop it with fluttering wings, and could only watch it completely approach the two of them.

Listening to the melody of the song, Mingyu and Xiaoteru's attention was also attracted, but they did not look at Meloetta, but were immersed in this mood-evoking and emotion-filled melody.

The two of them inadvertently recalled the past when they got along with each other, from the first meeting at the door of Mozawa store, to the goldfish fishing competition, working part-time selling fruit, pretending to be Santa Claus on Christmas Eve, making dumplings and smashing them together, and New Year's Eve together. , first kiss...

The tension in Mingyou's heart gradually dissipated. He saw himself. He had missed many opportunities. In this melody, he also saw himself from Xiaozhao's perspective.

The person he thinks is the best and deserves his admiration actually thinks that he is the best in his heart, and he also has a little admiration for him.

"Is that so..."

The two of them couldn't help but say this sentence at the same time, and the last obstacle was completely eliminated at this moment.

Sure enough, they are still the same kind of people. Mingyou smiled calmly in his heart, looked at the girl in front of him who was full of expectations again, and said softly: "I can finally say this... I like you!"

"I finally waited until you said it!"

Xiaozhao opened her lips slightly and responded with a smile. Only then did she realize that the other party was reluctant to speak, not because he was dumb, but because he admired her, but she was not such a perfect person.

However, under the melody composed by Meloetta for the two of them, she finally truly understood Mingyou. She took a deep breath, relaxed her body and mind completely, and said with a smile: "Then it's my turn next! I'm not that This is a girl who will suffer a lot!"


Mingyou was slightly startled, what do you mean? So does this count as consent? He looked puzzled and didn't quite understand what the other party wanted to do.

At this moment, Xiaozhao suddenly leaned forward slightly, slowly closed her eyes, stood on tiptoes, and kissed Mingyou deeply on the lips at the moment when fireworks bloomed in the night sky...


Mingyou was completely stunned, feeling the soft and moist touch on his lips. Time seemed to stop at this moment, and his body felt like an electric shock. He did not expect that the other party would be so proactive.

But he also gradually began to cooperate, reaching out to hold Xiaozhao into his arms, entangled with each other in an unskilled manner, and the girl's face became more and more rosy.

After a long time, their lips parted, and Xiao Zhao took a step back with a shy face, seemingly at a loss for her bold move just now.

Then she looked at Mingyou, with her hands behind her back, letting the sea breeze blow her hair gently, her lips and teeth slightly parted, and with a hint of playfulness, she said: "This is it, let's date!"


(End of this chapter)

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