Elf: A bad trainer starts from farming

Chapter 295: Legend of United, N and Zekrom

Chapter 295: Legend of United, N and Zekrom (please vote for me)
That afternoon, the southern outer layer of the Giant's Cave.

Perhaps due to the recent Pokémon out-of-control incident, it is rare to see wild Pokémon appearing. A few occasionally appear, and they only take risks to pick tree fruits in order to find food.

Mingyou and N walked together, and were preparing to cross the outer hillside to the high platform of the Giant's Cave, which was specially built by former researchers to better observe the scenery of the entire crater.

To avoid damaging the environment of the crater, there are no roads built here. They are all mountain roads taken by tourists who come to visit or survey.

The place is now overgrown with weeds and no tourists have been there for a while.

"There's still a long way to go, let's take a rest halfway up the mountain first."

Mingyou looked up, tilted his head and said.

He went out a little late because he was helping Miss Joy repair the door of the Pokémon Center that was damaged by a dragon-headed gopher. Originally, he had planned to reach the top of the mountain at this time, and then stay on the top of the mountain for one night.

N nodded lightly. He hadn't had much conversation with Mingyu until he left. Instead, he was observing the other person getting along with Pokémon. He was also paying attention to the special situation in the Giant's Cave and became more vigilant.

The two of them found a relatively flat place. Mingyou sat on a rock, took out some food from his bag and handed it to Tongchen and the others. He also asked him to take two pieces of bread and give them to N.

"This Pokémon is very special. I can feel that it contains very terrifying power, but here, it is like a newborn child that is curious about everything."


"It's not that it's innocent. It's just the first time it's come to this world. It has never experienced these things. It is adapting to them little by little and becoming friends with them."

"Thank you~"

"Well, you ask."

N asked in a serious tone. Due to his special abilities and some of his own experiences, as well as knowing what Team Plasma had done, he felt more and more that the Pokémon should not continue to suffer.

But he couldn't understand it when he saw Mingyou and Chuchen living like family, without any use, with only trust and bond between each other.

"Can I ask you a question?"

As he said that, he looked at N who was still confused, stood up, patted his pants, and continued: "But this is my answer. As for the answer you really want to hear, you have to find it yourself. Let’s go before it gets dark again later.”

Liberate Pokémon, let all Pokémon regain their freedom, and live away from humans...


The two started climbing again. On the way, Tongchun kept using his cell phone Rotom to capture some scenery that he thought was beautiful. He would also bring the vine snakes and the others to take pictures together, and then send them to Mingyou.

Although it is not as majestic as Ghost Mountain, Tongtun is still very satisfied with the scenery of Giant's Cave, but there are a few wild Pokémon and it doesn't look too lively.

"Do you have to find the answer on your own..."

Mingyou took a bite of bread and responded softly.

In response to his question, after Mingyu ate the last piece of bread, he smiled calmly and responded: "Humans and Pokémon cannot live alone in this world. There may be many bad people who take advantage of Pokémon. , but there are also people like me who live with Pokémon."

N nodded as if he understood, tore open the package in his hand, and his eyes fell on Meloetta. He recalled the casual agreement before again, then looked at Mingyou, was silent for a moment, and finally spoke.

N took the bread, found a place to sit down, tore open the package, looked at Milton who was hating the fast sandwich with everyone, and couldn't help but ask curiously.

He has always thought this way. Although he was deceived by Team Plasma who used him, his ideals have never changed.

"I want to know what you think about the relationship between humans and Pokémon!"

N murmured these words softly and looked at the scene where Riolu grabbed Mingyu's backpack to help him carry it. Perhaps the answer would be known soon.

All this was seen by N.

Except for Mingyu, what N cares about the most here is the other person. He can hear the Pokémon's thoughts. Although every Pokémon except Milton likes Mingyu very much, only Tonglu is the most special.

So he walked up curiously and said hello: "Do you like taking pictures?"


Chunchun held the cell phone Rotom and nodded with a smile. During these days in Lianyi Town, he also asked Shali to teach him some photography skills.

But in addition to taking pictures, it also likes to make desserts. After returning home from the Hezhong area, Mingyou promised that he would help open a dessert shop in Beishang Township, and then invited Sister Xiaozhao and the others to come and eat~
"Open... a dessert shop?"


Tongchen nodded slightly, as long as they were friends of Tonglu and Mingyou, they could come and eat for free.

Hearing this, N became more interested and asked with a smile: "Can I go then?"


Of course you can, because you are Mingyu’s friend, and his friends are Tuxun’s friends~

N was slightly startled, what does this mean?
Until he reached the top of the mountain, he kept thinking and trying to understand this problem...

At the top of the Giant's Cave, from the artificially constructed high platform here, you can overlook the entire crater.

Mingyou stood on a high platform with his hands on his hips, looking at the forest below, his face full of shock. The entire crater was nearly three kilometers in diameter. It was hard to imagine what a meteorite with such a huge power had caused at that time. What a disaster.

If such a meteorite fell in Beishang Township, I'm afraid the entire Beishang Township would be destroyed, right? In the face of natural disasters, life is still too small.

He took out his telescope and looked down. Unfortunately, the crater was now in the state of a primeval forest due to long-term neglect, and he could only barely see a lake in the center.

"It's not bad. Let's camp here tonight and go to the forest below tomorrow." Mingyou looked at the crater and had already planned the next arrangements. But when he took out his cell phone Rotom and planned to take photos and record them, But suddenly he discovered that his mobile phone had no signal again.

"Huh? What's going on?"

He waved his phone and saw that there was indeed no signal. He sighed helplessly. He originally wanted to have a video call with Xiaozhao here tonight, but it seemed that he had no chance.

Not far away, Milerton seemed to feel something, but he didn't pay attention to it. Instead, he was called by Meloetta and led around for a walk to familiarize himself with the terrain.

With the arrival of dusk, the temperature on the top of the Giant's Cave began to drop sharply. With the help of Cun Cun, a fire was lit to dispel the cold and began to cook.

Mingyou didn't prepare a tent. He brought too much food and couldn't fit it in. Anyway, the sleeping bag was enough. Then they sat around the campfire together. Unfortunately, the weather was not good tonight, and the moonlight was shrouded in haze.

"Fortunately it won't rain, otherwise I would have to dig a hole and hide in it to sleep."

He watched the weather forecast for a while and saw that the curry in the pot was almost cooked, so he called everyone over to eat.


Where's my sandwich!

Milton saw that there was only curry, and a trace of disappointment flashed across his face. Mingyou gently touched its head and took out the sandwich that had been prepared.

"Don't worry, we've prepared everything for you."


"Eat here, don't go too far."

Seeing Mingyu prepare their favorite food for the Pokémon, N ate curry rice and said sheepishly: "I'm in trouble again."

"It's okay. You don't eat as much as they do. I've prepared ingredients for half a month."

Mingyu responded with a smile.

But N had begun to gradually understand why the other party liked Pokémon so much, so he took out a Poké Ball from his pocket.

This scene happened to be seen by Mingyu, and he asked in surprise: "Don't you hate conquering Pokémon? Why do you still carry the Poké Ball with you?"

"Do not……"

N shook his head slightly and explained: "This is the only Poké Ball I found that couldn't be opened when I liberated the Pokémon captured by them from the Team Plasma warehouse."

Before escaping from Team Plasma, it was the only good thing he did by relying on his status as the leader. Then he looked at the elf ball in his hand. With the light of the campfire, Mingyu finally saw the color of the elf ball clearly!
"This is!"

With that green paint, there was no doubt that it was a strange ball, Xiao Zhao’s lost Pokémon. I didn’t expect to meet it here.

He explained the situation, and N was very surprised after hearing it: "No wonder I haven't been able to open the elf ball because it's still sleeping?"

"Yes, can you give me the strange ball? I want to send it to the trainer."


N fell into a moment of hesitation, pondered for a long time, and finally handed the strange ball to Mingyou.

"Thank you."

"No, if it can be returned to the person it likes, it will be happier."

"Isn't this starting to make sense?"

Mingyou took the strange ball and smiled calmly. He believed that the other party would get the answer he wanted soon, but he was a little curious and didn't know which Pokémon would be in the ball. He would tell Xiao Zhao later.

He put away the strange ball, and since the conversation started again, he continued the previous topic and asked curiously: "By the way, why did you escape from Team Plasma? Or did something happen in the middle?"

"This one……"

N put down the bowl and chopsticks in his hands and hesitated for a moment. Originally, he didn't intend to mention this to anyone, but if it was Mingyou, maybe...

He took a breath, raised his head, and asked, "Do you know the legend of the Hezhong area?"

"The legend of the founding of the United Kingdom? I have heard about this before. The black hero and the white hero defeated the enemy together and founded this country."

Mingyu responded aloud, and Meloetta seemed a little curious about the story and came closer.

N nodded slightly and continued: "The black hero Zekrom and the white hero Reshiram, they assisted this kingdom in the past, until this country lost its justice, and they also left."

"But Team Plasma wants to possess these legendary powers, re-establish the United Kingdom, and then rule the world. In order to achieve their goals, they have trained me since childhood..."


Meloetta tilted her head, not quite understanding. Is there any connection between these two things?

N smiled helplessly and responded: "I have the ability to listen to the voices of Pokémon. They have instilled in me the ideal of liberating Pokémon and letting Pokémon regain their freedom since I was a child. People with firm ideals are those who train as Zekrom. One of the conditions of home!”

"But that day... when I was performing the ritual to summon Zekrom, I suddenly lost consciousness for some reason, and the entire ritual site was destroyed by the violent Zekrom."

"It wasn't until I was rescued and woke up that I learned that the father who raised me tried to take away my power after the ceremony and took over control of Zekrom. As a result, an accident occurred..."


(End of this chapter)

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