Elf: A bad trainer starts from farming

Chapter 297 Prison Chief, when can we win the resurrection match

Chapter 297 Prison Chief, when can we win the resurrection match (please vote for me)

Milton turned into a bolt of lightning and ran on the top of the mountain. Perhaps their movements were being monitored. Soon, the out-of-control Vulture Na and Metagross rushed into the sky from below and attacked them.

"Although I know this was not your intention, I still feel sorry for you. I will treat you after this incident is over!"

As he said that, Mingyou's eyes lit up, he waved his hand and shouted: "Pun-pun, drive them all away!"


Fengchun put on a fire stove mask, stood on Milton's back and waved the thorn stick, used the abyss thrust to interrupt Metagross's mental strong will, and swung the stick towards Vulturena, hitting her head. The backthorn club flew back to its hand like a boomerang.

Somewhere in the Giant's Cave, Satellite Head, who was watching this scene on the screen, couldn't help but be surprised.

"Oh ho? Did this Pokémon escape the control of the radio wave? No... It should have resisted. It seems that it is necessary to capture it and conduct an experiment on it, but before that..."

He pushed the frame of his glasses, and the lenses reflected the light on the screen, and then continued: "I can't let you chase me here. If you find out what's going on here, I'm afraid my research funding will not be guaranteed, so let more Let the wild Pokémon go over!"

On the other side, after easily defeating the two attacking Pokémon, Tongtun did not relax his vigilance. Sitting in Mingyou's arms, Meloetta, who had transformed into a singing form, looked at Tongtun who could only fight alone. It also really wants to do its part to help everyone.

As Milerton and Mingyou glided down, they seemed to hit something. On the top of the mountain that should have been empty, a colorful light curtain suddenly appeared. After flashing, a boat pole appeared.

Mingyu doesn't quite understand that such a large-scale group is out of control and can even be controlled. Is Team Plasma's black technology so outrageous?

Many sun rocks and moon rocks, as well as metal monsters and iron dumbbells...the wild Pokémon living on the top of the giant cave seem to be waiting here for a long time to stop them.

Milerton listened to the conversation. If he didn't have this strength, why would he fight?
It doesn't quite understand it, and it's hard to understand Meloetta's thoughts at this stage...

With that said, he turned and left the room.

"How on earth is this done?"


I too... can fight!

Slowly descending along the extremely thick metal ship's pole, Milton landed smoothly on the metal deck. What was revealed after the colorful light curtain dissipated around Mingyou was shocked.

As long as it changes into the dance form again, it can still fight even if it cannot last for long.

Facing so many Pokémon, Mingyu silently said sorry in his heart and prepared to fight them, but Mingyu didn't want to waste time.

Milton heard the sound and moved. The light wings on both sides of his head instantly unfolded, extending out two colorful light wings. The jet structure on the hind legs also sprayed purple flames at this moment, and then flew into the sky!

Milerton continued to drive them forward, but at such a speed, Riolu was not seen. Just when Mingyu wondered whether Team Plasma had other tools to pick them up.


Tongchen also smiled and nodded, which made Meloetta feel a little uncomfortable and troubled everyone again.


After a moment of shock, he pushed the frame, pressed a button next to the screen, and raised the corner of his mouth slightly: "There is no other way. It seems that I can only go to greet this guest. You broke in on your own!"

Satellite Head, who was admiring how they would be blocked, was dumbfounded after seeing this. As a scientist, his thoughts and ideas were shaken for a moment, and he couldn't understand the structure of this motorcycle at all. .

Seeing it trying to do its part, Mingyou forced a smile, touched its head, and said, "It's okay, just leave it to Tongchen."


Then he waved and shouted: "Millerton, please, fly!"

Under the cover of night, a warship with its sails furled is like a giant steel dragon, perched on the top of the giant. The flag on the ship is fluttering in the wind. Black and white symbolize the ambition of Team Plasma.

The turrets and various military equipment mounted on both sides showed strong armed deterrence, which shocked Mingyou greatly. The crew members in black uniforms who kept coming out of the front and rear cabins were well-trained, with cold faces, and they were blocking the ship. All escape routes are eliminated.



Both Tongchen and Meloetta were stunned. Only Milton was full of questions. What kind of toy is this?

"It seems...I'm afraid I saw something I shouldn't have seen."

Mingyou came back to his senses and chuckled. He didn't expect that Team Plasma would use optical camouflage to dock such a huge destroyer here. If there was a sudden attack, no one would be able to withstand it, right?

As soon as he finished speaking, the members of Team Plasma surrounding him dispersed to both sides, and a satellite head wearing a white coat came out holding a tablet computer and looked at them with a smile.

Then he said hello: "This is the first time we meet. Although I don't know who you are and I don't care about your identity, since I found this place through my own ability, I must give you a warm reception!" "Isn't this a little too warm? "

"Haha, just ignore them."


"Let me introduce myself first. I am Akromar, the current chief scientist of Team Plasma. As for my job, I am not in a position to disclose it."

Akroma pushed up the frame of the mirror and was very enthusiastic towards Mingyu, without any feeling of an enemy at all. He then continued: "I hope to temporarily invite you to be my friend and go visit the inside together."


Tongchen didn't want Mingyou to have such a friend. This guy obviously didn't look like a good person.

Mingyou stretched out his hand to tell him not to do anything for the time being. Instead, he looked at Acroma and nodded gently: "Okay, I also want to go in and visit!"

He knew that the other party must have a purpose, but he still didn't know if N and Riolu were here, and he still had to figure out the reason why the Pokémon lost control, so naturally he wanted to be "friends" for the time being!

Akroma waved his hand and told the other members of Team Plasma to disperse. He led Mingyu and the others into the cabin alone. The two had a brief conversation, and then he finally learned Mingyu's name.

"Wow, so you are the one who develops mutant crops? I thought you would be very old, but I didn't expect you to be so young."

"It's all just a false name, but I would like to know what kind of research Dr. Acroma is conducting here. My Rioluco was abducted."

"As I said just now, it's not convenient to say this, but I can take you to visit it."

Akromar pushed the frame of the mirror, and then said with a hint of apology: "As for that Riolu, I just need a Pokémon with nimble hands and feet to help me catch N. After all, it was arranged by the leader. Job for all of us, and if he doesn’t come to the Giant’s Cave, I won’t go out and get him.”

"is it?"

"Of course, I am immersed in research and am not interested in those things. Your Riolu is in the laboratory below right now. I just want to take you there. You can take it with you at any time."

"That's good, so where is my friend N?"

Mingyou asked with a smile. Acroma pushed the frame of the mirror and did not respond immediately. After a moment of silence, he said with an expression of embarrassment: "It's hard for me to deal with this. After all, his identity is not simple."

Although the two of them talked harmoniously like friends, their words were full of contention, and neither of them meant to trust the other at all. They were just waiting for something.

Walking into the door of the laboratory, a chill hit her face, making Meloetta wary. Milton just looked at it calmly and didn't care.

In the laboratory, the atmosphere was extremely strange and cold. There were many experimental vessels that Mingyou could not understand, as well as various pipes and glass jars filled with liquids.

But these are not the most important. Mingyou's attention was instantly attracted to a giant glass jar in the center of the laboratory. He looked at it with surprise on his face, only to see that there was one in it, with connections all over his body. Conveyor pipes play a role in transmitting energy!

It was a gray-blue Pokémon that stood on two legs and had an asymmetrical body. It had a long neck, and its face and jaw were icy blue, resembling a broken ice pick. It stretched upward to form two icy horns, and its eyes were closed. It has a unique ice-blue spiny nose.

It has a yellow crown horn on its head, and its two claws have two fingers each, which are connected to two ice wings. The ends of the wings are flush sections and have two ice spikes on each side. The end of the tail only has three ice spikes. , the whole thing looks empty and void.

[Kyurem: Realm Pokémon, when sleeping, don’t disturb it. When reality or ideals appear, it will wake up and fill its body with them to protect that future. It can only become recognized by Reshiram or Zekrom. , in order to gain its favor]

"This is……"

Mingyou's eyes widened and he stopped talking.

Prison Chief, why did you get caught and use it as a power bank before you won the resurrection match?

Looking at his shocked expression, Akromar thought he didn't recognize him, so he stretched out his hand and introduced: "This is the third dragon that has not been recorded in the legend of Hezhu. It also has the power to surpass Zekrom and Rai. The terrible power above Hiram!”

"So this is your plan?"

"Half of the answers are correct. I'll give you 75 points."

Akroma pushed the frame of the mirror, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and seemed to finally stop acting. He snapped his fingers and said with a smile: "Kyurem's power is certainly terrifying, but it's useless if he can't wake up!"

"So I absorbed the power in its body and converted it into the power energy of this destroyer and the starting energy of the controller I developed. That's why I fooled you here, otherwise how could this Pokémon be possible? Will you follow up?"

With that said, Acroma waved his hand, and from somewhere in the laboratory, an electric wave formed by absorbing Kyurem's power hit him directly towards Tonglu!

Seeing the precise hit of the radio wave, Akromar also completely revealed his true nature at this moment, smiling happily: "This Pokémon is mine now!"


(End of this chapter)

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