Elf: A bad trainer starts from farming

Chapter 301: The incident comes to an end, the resistant king King Rem

Chapter 301: The incident comes to an end, the resistant king King Rem (asking for monthly votes)

The night became more and more oppressive. Lightning was like violent dragons and snakes, shuttling between the clouds. The wind was surging and the thunder was piercing the ears. The violent thunder and lightning came galloping like a herd of out-of-control wild horses. The energy in the sky completely exploded, as if it was about to destroy the entire city. The world is torn apart!

A true battle of legendary Pokémon!

Milton and Zekrom were firing on all cylinders. The purple and black energy kept colliding. The thunder and lightning that spread out instantly caused a power outage in the Hezhu area, shrouded in boundless darkness.

"It's no way to go on like this!"

Although protected by Milton's electric field, Acroma could predict that if these two comparable energies continued to collide, the entire Hezhu region would be severely affected.

"If I could communicate..."

There was nothing N could do. Although Zekrom was summoned by him, the other party now belonged to Quechis and could not hear him at all. Even the initiative to communicate would be rejected.

Mingyou looked at it with a calm expression. This was the first time he had seen such a scene. If there was anything he could do now, it would be...

"Meloetta, please, please spread your singing voice!"

I want it too, help everyone!

N seized the opportunity created by Mingyu and Meloetta for himself, stretched his hands to the sky, and slowly closed his eyes. This time, Zekrom did not refuse his communication, and N successfully heard the other party's voice.

And unlike before, Meloetta used high notes to sing this ancient tune from the past United Kingdom, conveying her current emotions to every listener here through the melody!

It doesn't want to cause any more trouble to everyone...

"Yes, I am the one who calls you and inherits your ideals. Please..."

N opened his eyes suddenly. Yes, this breath did belong to Kuiqisi, but what about the other person?

But before he finished speaking, a strange and familiar force suddenly cut off his conversation with Zekrom, and once again made the other party refuse to respond.

Mingyu encouraged him. Since Meloetta can shake the emotions of out-of-control Pokémon, there is a high probability that Zekrom, who rejected N, will also be affected. Then, when the time comes, N will be allowed to communicate with the other party.

Meloetta is a little unsure. Everyone's hopes are placed on her, but can she really do it? But this is also the first opportunity for me to really help everyone.

When he was puzzled by this, Zekrom suddenly turned on the overclocking drive mode again at this moment. Golden electric light enveloped his whole body, and he crashed at full speed towards Milton, who was immersed in the music and relaxed his vigilance!
Come and cheat! Come for a sneak attack! It's an old comrade from the future!
With a loud bang, Milton's body hit the destroyer that was leaning towards the cliff, triggering a violent explosion. The sound of the explosion drowned out Meloetta's singing, and the electric field protecting Mingyou and the others was instantly lifted, and everyone They all fell on the deck and were about to fall off the cliff together with the destroyer.


"You can do it, believe in yourself!"


Meloetta opened her singing voice, turned her body, opened her arms, and danced on the moon. At this moment, the melody of the ancient song spread across the battlefield again.


This is the power of music, the expression of the soul, and the resonance of the soul. Listening to the familiar ancient song, the blue current rotating at the tail of Zekrom stopped at this moment, ending the overclocking drive mode.

N wants to communicate honestly with it and tell it the answers he got from Mingyou and what his true ideal is.

Milton, who was about to launch the next round of offensive, listened to the melody and looked down with surprise. Even Zekrom, who was also about to attack, gradually stopped moving during the music.


"The blood of Harmonia..."

After being silent for a long time, it raised its head and glanced at Mingyou and Tongchun. Then it looked at Milton, who was fighting alone in the night sky, and his eyes became completely determined!

"Hurry up and climb up!"

Mingyou shouted to everyone, but an explosion from the laboratory below came again. N, who was still confused about the problem, failed to react and was caught in the explosion and was blown away directly in front of Mingyou.


Watching N's body fly out of the cliff, Mingyou rushed out without any hesitation. With the help of the explosion behind him, he jumped into the air. At this moment, a green light suddenly bloomed in his pocket.



Everyone was shocked by this move. Meloetta had no strength left in her last song, and Tsubaki also ran out immediately without hesitation.


Tongchun took out the thorn vine stick and stuck it on the cliff. With the other hand, he grabbed Mingyou's hand, and Mingyou grabbed N's hand.

The two of them were hanging in the middle and upper section of the cliff. Facing the constant explosions coming from above and the situation of the destroyer that was about to fall, it would be very dangerous if they didn't leave quickly.

At this time, N finally came to his senses and looked at Mingyou with confusion. He didn't understand why the other party risked his life and jumped down to save himself. It was obviously unnecessary.

"Hehe... Although I'm not a very powerful person, I won't watch my friends in danger in front of me and remain indifferent!"

"Friends..." N heard the word again. Although he had many Pokémon friends, he didn't want to get along with humans, but he didn't have any human friends, and he never thought that he would have human friends.

While he was dazed, Mingyou forced a smile and asked, "So have you found the answer you want?"


N murmured softly, a smile finally appeared on his face, and he nodded lightly: "Well, it's not for liberating Pokémon from humans, but for the ideal that humans and Pokémon can bond with each other and coexist beautifully in this world. Let’s create the future!”

"Hehe, it seems that the two of us get along very well, although I don't do it for ideals."

Mingyou smiled happily, and finally noticed the familiar light blooming in his pocket, but before he could respond, the explosion impact from above blew away many spacecraft parts!
Tongchun had no time to dodge, and was hit in the head by a metal plate. The hand holding on to the thorn stick was released, and he fell down with the two of them.


Meloetta, who was watching this scene from above, screamed, but at this moment, with the light, the two people who fell quickly were caught by a black and red claw and stayed in the air.

"accustomed to!"


Mingyou, who was still in shock, looked up and saw a tall figure fixed on the cliff with sharp claws and covered with silver-gray hair.

Its hair, face and legs are exposed in purple, and there are topaz-like structures on its forehead and chest. The streamer behind its head reaches to its waist. The front is black and the back is red. At this moment, the corners of its mouth are raised confidently...

[Dora: The cliff-climbing Pokémon comes here from a distant place and assumes the responsibility of guardianship. Humans who protect their companions regardless of life and love to protect Pokémon will be recognized]

"This is……"

N stared blankly at this Pokémon that he didn't recognize. Mingyou smiled lightly, breathed a sigh of relief, and responded: "You rescued it from Team Plasma, and this is its reward!"

"Rescue...could it be!"

N instantly recalled the strange ball he gave to Mingyu. Was this Pokémon inside?

"Hey, Daxuanla, please!"

Listening to Mingyou's voice, Da Xuanla could feel the familiar scent on the other party, and acted immediately without any hesitation.

Hanging the two of them on their backs, they kept dodging the falling metal plates and running on the cliffs as if they were walking on flat ground.

Meloetta, who was still watching the situation, didn't even react. Daxuanla jumped up with them and landed perfectly.


"We're fine, we made you worry."

Mingyu was pulled down by the beast, and he caught Meloetta who was hugging him. Tongtun, who had just been knocked unconscious, also recovered and took the thorn stick that Mingyu had brought back for it. It was not yet clear about the situation.

But at this moment, Acroma, who looked embarrassed, pushed the broken frame and said, "We are safe, Zekrom just left."


Mingyou and N, who had just returned, were both shocked. They had gone through so much effort and were leaving now?
Akroma shook his head slightly and said: "Maybe it knew that if it continued to fight the purple dragon, it would be difficult for both sides to win, so it moved Kyurem away and left without looking back. "

"Why was it caught again!"

Mingyu's expression was a little tense. Although N and Meloetta were not taken away, Kyurem's strength was superior to that of Zekrom and Reshiram. Even if he didn't wake up, who could Any idea what Team Plasma is going to use this for?

N pondered for a long time and couldn't think of an answer. He knew too little about Kyurem. Maybe he needed to go to Shuanglong City to investigate.

However, Zekrom left, and this incident did not end satisfactorily. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Only Milton, who was attacked by surprise, flew into the sky from the smoke, released thunder and lightning, and vented his emotions...

Borrowing Milton's power, the fire on the destroyer was completely extinguished. Without the impact of the explosion, the destroyer did not continue to fall and remained tilted on the edge of the cliff.

Mingyu breathed a sigh of relief again. There were still a lot of Pokémon in the destroyer, so to avoid another accident, he asked Daxuola for help to move all the Pokémon inside.

Tongchen dragged his exhausted body and wanted to help, but was stopped by Mingyou, so he had to sit aside and rest for the time being, waiting for his strength to recover before going to help.

But at this moment, Mingyou suddenly came to it, with an extremely serious expression, which made Tongchen take it seriously, thinking that something serious was going on.

But the next second, Mingyou pulled it and whispered: "Don't tell sister Xiaozhao about this, and don't tell her that I'm injured, you know!"


"Think about it, Sister Xiaozhao is such a good girl, gentle and generous, and knows how to take care of others. But now she has high blood pressure every day. If she knows these things, she will definitely be angry again, and she may even catch us. A reproach.”


No, you are the only one who will be scolded...


(End of this chapter)

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