Elf: A bad trainer starts from farming

Chapter 315 The collision of Z moves and MEGA evolution, harvesting the Z bracelet

Chapter 315 The collision of Z moves and MEGA evolution, harvesting the Z bracelet (please vote for me)

Lucario almost jumped from the ground to mid-air with a wave missile in his hand as soon as the tree owls drew their bows. Not to mention sniping the tree owls, even the audience had no idea what had just happened.

"What kind of reaction speed is this!"

Shock flashed across Mitsuki's face for the first time. In her understanding, Lucario, who had not done anything except put on an attack stance and hadn't even seen the waveguide energy coming out, shouldn't have been able to do it so quickly. Just roll out a wave of missiles and launch an attack.

But now is not the time to think about this, and as an experienced hunter, Sniper Tree Owl reacts very quickly. He will not ignore fighting moves just because he is a ghost Pokémon. That is a waveguide!
So it chose to give up archery without hesitation, and instead used the action of drawing the bow to spread its wings sideways to avoid attacks. Being able to fly was an advantage. Lucario only had a small Groudon. If he couldn't fly, he would have to wait for the opponent. When your attack fails and you start to withdraw your strength, it's your best time to attack!

The idea was very good, and it was also very successful in avoiding Lucario's attack trajectory. As soon as the wave missile was launched, it was impossible for the opponent to stop the attack...

"Knock it off!"

Mingyu's shout suddenly came, and at the same time, Lucario suddenly clasped his hands together in mid-air.

The wave missile that was about to be launched in his hand disappeared in an instant, and then turned into a long blue bone rod, pulled it out, and swung it hard to the right!
The end of the bone stick accurately hit the wing of the sniper tree owl that was about to fly away, knocking it hard to the ground. For a moment, scattered beige feathers were flying in the wind.

A very smooth set of seduction combos, both the sniper tree owl and Mei Yue were completely deceived, but many viewers still couldn't understand it.

Lucario takes steps, and as it moves faster, almost every step it takes, there will be many more figures that are almost exactly the same as it, until it finally stops when there are nearly a hundred!

"It's very stable...but if we fight a protracted war, the advantage will still be on our side!"



"Is it coming?"

However, Mitsuki didn't quite understand, but she could also understand that this was the effect of Mingyu and Pokémon fighting together. She couldn't just pay attention to Lucario's situation, but she also had to pay attention to Mingyu's state.

However, the old hunter still had to be more calm. After catching a shadow ball, he sneaked into the shadow beneath him and escaped with a stealth attack.

Coupled with some functions of the synchronizer, now it can follow Mingyou's ideas without thinking, and the opposite is also true. Just now, he was showing off his flaws, and Mingyou was operating and commanding.

Dr. Kukui, who has done research on shadow clones, couldn't help but sigh at the difficulty of doing such a thing. Lillie and the others beside them looked at Mitsuki and Sniper Tree Owl with nervous and worried faces.


Watching Lucario land, Mingyou smiled and explained: "This child and I are completely mentally synchronized. As long as I can react, then it can respond."

Meiyue kept reminding herself in her mind and carefully observed the situation, then her eyes flashed, she waved and shouted: "Now, Xiu Ying!"

Meiyue was already sweating profusely, but she was still waiting for an opportunity. Old hunters were the most impatient, whether it was sniping tree owls or her...

"It's really strong..."

Meiyue took out her trump card, revealed the white bracelet on her left wrist, took out a green diamond-shaped crystal and embedded it in it, raised her hands...

Completely ignoring so many waves of missiles, the sniper tree owl once again pulled the black arrow on the string, the eyes under the green hood staring closely below...

"A Z-move unique to the Alola region..."


Successfully won the bid! Accurate!
Watching this scene, many viewers couldn't help but stand up and shout, this is so exciting!

Although the distance was once again widened, Lucario was not depleted in terms of physical strength. Mingyu was observing the flight path of the sniper tree owl and roughly guessed what the opponent was waiting for.

Everyone in Alola became excited.

"Keep calm, don't be nervous..."

Lucario has been learning from Mingyu, and he understands very well what the other person will think about when encountering certain things. Since the last time they were completely in sync, this feeling has become deeper and deeper.

Lucario stepped on the ground, unable to leave the range of his shadow. He turned sideways and looked at the arrow stuck in his shadow, trying to break free. At this moment, Mitsuki's chance finally came!

And the next second, all the Lucarios took off at the same time, with the same movement, and the condensed wave missiles in their hands covered such a large area. Even if the sniper tree owl could fly, it would be impossible to escape. As long as it is shot down again, then It won't have another chance.

This is not the first time Z-moves have appeared in the Youth Cup. Although this battle system has serious side effects, it is also very easy to reverse the situation in singles battles and achieve the most critical counter-kill.



Mingyou stared at the moving shadows on the field, waved and shouted: "Earthquake!"

But now the initiative was with him, so he waved his hand and shouted: "The shadow clone rushes forward!"

The two sides spoke at the same time, and the sniper tree owl immediately rushed straight up from the shadow, barely avoiding the violent fluctuations from the earthquake, but now it was completely trapped in a headwind situation.

That's the truth.

The sniper tree owl fell to the ground. Just as he was about to get up, Lucario, who was already beside him, pinned him to the ground with a claw. The shadow ball was then released close to his face. It was impossible to give the opponent a chance to distance himself. After all, melee combat was very difficult for him. be more advantageous.

Listening to these words, Zhulan on the podium nodded lightly and commented: "The bond between them is very deep. Even if the Pokémon completely trusts him, it will be difficult to do this. From this Lucario I can even see some shadows of Mingyou on my body."

All the audience were shocked by its multiple shadow clones that were exactly the same as the original body. There were waveguides on each figure. Even the original body at the beginning was not clear where it was now...or rather, all these Luca Leo, they are all true bodies!

This move ignited the passion of many spectators, who started to stand up and shout.


"Fly up quickly!"

"You are not the only one who can fight with Pokémon! I, who was blessed by Kapu Mingming, the patron saint of Melemele Island, can do the same!"

"What kind of spiritual power is this!"

A black light cut through the air at this moment, with the confidence of an old hunter, taking the enemy general's head among the thousands of troops, penetrating the body of one of the Lucarios, and all the figures completely dissipated at this moment!

It's a pity that the knockout round is a big brawl, and the effect of Z-moves is not particularly good. Once you don't kill all your opponents, you will become a braided sheep waiting to be slaughtered after consuming all your strength to use Z-moves.

But it's different now. This is the decisive game, and there's only one chance to turn the tide of the battle!

Xiaozhao stood up with a hint of panic and began to look down nervously. Danyu Wuli and the others beside them, seeing her reaction, suddenly felt something bad in their hearts. It was impossible for Lucario to accept this situation. Use this Z move.



Don't lose!

Lucario gave up on breaking free from the shadow, and looked up at the sky with the same solemn expression as Mingyu.

At this moment, Meiyue finished her last action, and a dark green energy shot out from her body, turned into Z power and enveloped the sniper tree owl, and then released it with all its strength!
"Shadow arrows that cover the sky!!!"


After the words fell, the sniper tree owl spread its wings to block the falling sunlight. The surrounding scene also began to change. At this moment, all the arrows hidden in the feathers flew out and surrounded it.

"It's just the Z move..."

Looking at the scene in the air, a smile appeared on Mingyu's face. If he couldn't overcome this level, how could he fight against Xiao Zhao!

Lucario also had the same smile on his face, raised his hands, looked at the figure blocking the sun in the sky, and began to gather the waveguide in his hands, preparing to face this fierce offensive. It would never take half a step back. But companions!

The sniper tree owl shouted and swooped down at full speed. The arrows around it began to surround it as it moved, and continued to accelerate, shooting downwards like thousands of arrows!

Unable to evade, Lucario used his body to directly attack. The waveguide condensed into a barrier in his hands, intercepting those dark arrows. However, there were too many, and arrows began to penetrate the barrier and shoot. The body that wears it is inserted into the ground.

Such a scene was so tragic that some spectators who were still shouting enthusiastically couldn't help but quiet down and looked at the situation on the field.

They were not the only ones watching this game. In the manor in Beishang Township, everyone was also gathered in front of the big screen in the video game store. Especially Lucario’s former companions were watching the live broadcast nervously. Even Lei The champions all put down their melon seeds.

Xiaozhao, who was standing in the audience, was biting her lip, and she didn't even know that it accidentally broke and exposed blood.

"A little stronger than expected..."

Mingyou clenched his fists and forced a smile. Everything Lucario was enduring at this moment could be felt by him in a state of mental synchronization.

But Lucario wanted to break the synchronization at this moment, just like the last time he fought against Genesect in the destroyer, not wanting him to get hurt.

But last time he had no choice, and this time he chose to refuse.

Mitsuki also endured huge consumption when using the Z move, giving her own power to the sniper tree owl. How could he refuse to synchronize and make Lucario suffer more pain... Rather, to make this synchronization, Keep deepening!

The moment Mingyu had this idea, Lucario also felt it completely. As if using a synchronizer, the consciousness of both parties was completely synchronized at this moment. A force also exploded in Lucario's body, forming a The red air wave shoots straight into the sky! "Leo!"


Everyone's attention at this moment was attracted by the red wave of air rushing into the sky, and when they withdrew their gaze and looked at the figure enveloped by the flames on the field again, they couldn't help but be stunned.

"How could such a thing happen!"

"MEGA evolution? You obviously didn't see the key stone and evolution stone!"

"What on earth is this..."

Amidst everyone's confused exclamations, Lucario, enveloped in red flames, once again transformed into the posture he had when he defeated Genesect, maintaining completely synchronized movements with Mingyu.

The barrier formed by the waveguide completely disappeared at this moment, and turned into a red wave missile, scattering all the dark arrows that landed on it.

"This is... a hyperwave missile!"


Mingyu and Lucario kept in sync, shouted at the same time, and launched the wave missile. The red air wave formed a trail, pushing the wave missile straight into the sky, and met with the sniper Tree Owl who swooped down after all the arrows dissipated. , crashed together violently!
With a bang and strong light, the environment formed by the Z power was completely shattered at this moment, and the jungle hunter who was blocking the sky was blown away by the waveguide!

The sniper tree owl, which had been hiding under its hood all day long, had its face illuminated by the falling sunlight at the last moment before losing consciousness.

At last……


Meiyue, who looked exhausted, stayed on the spot, looking at the sniper tree owl who had fallen to the ground and lost his fighting ability, and could not recover for a long time.

Until the moment the referee announced the result of the game, the audience cheered enthusiastically throughout the venue, drawing the curtain on the last game of the day and the most exciting game.


Danyu and the others were extremely excited, and their tense emotions were finally released. While Xiaozhi was happy for Mingyu's victory, he was also very curious about Lucario's final changes.

Meloetta was too excited and revealed her true body. Fortunately, Tonglu was discovered and covered her body with her body. Everyone watching the live broadcast in the manor was extremely excited and even thought of coming over to participate in the competition.

Xiaoyou nodded with satisfaction somewhere in the audience, and then left quietly. Zhulan nodded with the same satisfaction on the podium.

On the other side, everyone in Alola felt extremely uncomfortable because of Mitsuki's defeat. It was such a pity, but they really tried their best. It's not a shame to lose to Mingyu. The worst is to wait until the next time to win back!
Meanwhile, on the field.


Lucario returned to his original appearance again, and when he was almost unsteady due to severe physical exhaustion, Mingyu, who also looked tired, stepped forward to support him, stretched out his fist, and smiled.

"Well done!"


Lucario smiled and bumped fists with him. From wandering on the streets of Binhai City to the glory of the current arena, he has really... experienced a lot.

Mingyou raised his head, intending to take it and Flapping Hair for treatment first, but suddenly found that Meiyue had left the scene with the Sniper Tree Owl at some point, which made him a little regretful. He originally wanted to have a chat. .

Today's game is all over...

Mingyu, who had returned from Miss Joy, was about to leave to meet Xiaozhao and the others outside, but when he walked down the stairs, he bumped into Mizuki head-on.

"You haven't left yet?"

"Waiting for you...there are some things that are inconvenient to be handed over to you in public."


Just when Mingyou was puzzled, Meiyue suddenly handed over a white bracelet with three diamond-shaped crystals of different colors.

"What are you doing?"

"Thank you."


"If outsiders want to get the Z bracelet, they must participate in Alola's island tour. To avoid trouble, I will give this to you. This is my thanks for your help to Alola."

Meiyue thanked the other party for her assistance to Alola and her agreement to fight her with all her strength. She has always been a person who repays kindness. If Alola has anything of special value that she can use as a thank you gift, of course It’s the Z bracelet.

Anyway, she still has the Shining Stone in her hand. She can just ask the King of the Island to make another one when she goes back.

Hearing what she said, Mingyou couldn't seem to find any reason to refuse, so he had no choice but to accept the Z bracelet and the Z pure crystal with three attributes: water, fire and grass.

"Well...thank you very much."

"It's just a small matter. I'm convinced that you lost today. Of course I don't want you to lose in the next game, so you can seize the time to rest tomorrow and practice the Z move as a trump card!"

"I will!"

"Well, I'll leave first. If you don't understand anything about Z-moves, you can come to me. We won't return to Alola until the Youth Cup is over."

After leaving these words, Meiyue waved her hands and turned to leave. It was not that she had any special feelings for Mingyu, she was just grateful to him.

Mingyou stood there and looked at the Z bracelet in his hand. He didn't expect it to be so easy to get. An idea he had once might be able to be carried out.

Putting away the Z bracelet and Z pure crystal, he avoided some media who wanted to interview him, successfully left the competition venue, and found the small photo waiting for him.

"Why did it take so long to come out?"

"There's something a little bit wrong...where are they?"

Mingyou looked around, but did not find Danyu and the others. Xiaozhao responded softly: "It took too long to wait for you, and so many winning players gathered outside the venue, which was a bit eye-catching, so they went to eat first. There’s a place for us to go.”

"Oh... hmm? What's wrong with your lips?"

"What do you think..."

Xiaozhao put her finger on the lip that she accidentally bitten. Watching the game really made her nervous. She didn't expect that Mingyou would win in the end. The opponent might also have a lot of hidden cards that she didn't know about.

After hearing the reason, Mingyu smiled awkwardly. The final situation was actually beyond his expectations. He had obviously tested it many times before and failed to let Lucario MEGA evolve. Who knew that he would encounter it today.

I still need to study it further!

He made some decisions in his mind, and then asked: "By the way, the list of the quarter-finals is out, right?"

"Well, the quarterfinals are divided into groups. I'm in Group A and you're in Group B. Are you happy?"

"So we can't meet before the finals?"

"I sent you the list."


Mingyou took out his cell phone Rotom and looked at the message Xiaozhao sent him. The list of group A was relatively ordinary. Except for Xiaozhao and Ziyu, he didn't know the rest of the people. But group B...

"The first game is Ali and Xiaozhi? These... two battle maniacs meet together, but it's okay, so the second game is between me and... Xiaoyu? Huh?!"

Looking at his opponent's portrait, Mingyou froze on the spot, meeting him now? No!

Listening to his exclamation, Xiaozhao said with a slight regret: "I really want to fight her. How about you just lose to her?"

"Sister, this is not funny..."

"Just pretend I didn't say anything. I'm going to take a day off tomorrow. Do you have any plans?"

"not yet."

"Then why don't you go to the museum with me? The exhibition of Bright Stone is tomorrow, and I really want to go and see the situation."


Mingyou was silent for a moment, looked down at the white dragon mark on his right hand, and nodded slightly.

"no problem!"


(End of this chapter)

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