Elf: A bad trainer starts from farming

Chapter 318: The fog and haunting incident in Beishang Township?

Chapter 318: The fog and haunting incident in Beishang Township? (Ask for monthly ticket)

Lei Guanwang was knocked out by Milerton in an instant. He lost his ability to fight and was recovered by Mingyu with a precious ball.


Let me take another bite! Just one bite!
Milton didn't feel satisfied and wanted to continue biting King Lei Guan's head, but Mingyou stopped him with a voice.

"You can't eat this! It will make you stupid!"



Because of the movement just now, everyone noticed Milerton, and his purple metal appearance immediately reminded them of the Easter eggs that appeared in the video game store. Although it has not appeared again recently, this treasure really does exist. What a dream!
Everyone immediately gathered around.


Suddenly surrounded, Milton raised his head like a frightened kitten and became alert.


"Huh? I see..."

"We are all family, there is nothing to avoid. Besides, we haven't seen you for a long time."

However, the noise still disturbed the sleeping Kirby. It rubbed its eyes and stood up slowly. Its huge size of more than three meters was very intimidating.




But then he realized that everyone was just curious about him, so he waved his paws and greeted them. Although he didn't realize it, he actually liked this feeling of welcome.

After hearing He Yue's explanation, Mingyou realized that Lei Guanwang came here in person because of the match between him and Xiaoyou. In order to show the difference of Kohlrabi, he even bought a precious ball and conquered it by himself. , an unprecedented operation.

The Sharptooth Land Shark said hello to it. The two of them had a very good relationship since they were the Round Land Shark and the little Kirby, and they played together every day.

What a useless guy!

"What happened to the kohlrabi?"

Mingyou smiled and pushed her gently, asking her to go over and say hello to everyone. Then she finally paid attention to King Lei Guan and looked at Xiong Da Heyue.

Looking at Chirurian and the others surrounding Milerton, Ivy Snake didn't know how to go up and say hello. It was not very good at taking the initiative to contact them, so it was a little embarrassed for a while.

Mingyou breathed a sigh of relief. What he was most worried about was the uncertain Milerton. Although he had adapted to this era a lot now, he would still do some dangerous things when he got involved occasionally.

Kirbymon smiled, and then noticed Meloetta sitting on his belly watching the fun. With Takumi's introduction, he successfully met Meloetta.

Zhan Yifa couldn't stand it anymore, so he grabbed the Ivy Snake and headed over there, no matter how hard the other party struggled, and almost started to quarrel again. Fortunately, Lucario appeared in time and stopped both parties.

The originally quiet park turned into a vegetable market in a blink of an eye. Xiaozhao suppressed her inner joy and said with a smile: "It's so lively. It even feels like I'm a bit redundant. How about I avoid it first?"

He shook his head slightly. He didn't have much free time to deal with the problem of King Leicester at the moment. He would talk about it after the Youth Cup was over and he returned to the manor.

But He Yue still had something to say.


"Huh? You mean Latios?" Mingyou was stunned for a moment. Heyue told him that Latias' brother often ran to the manor during this period. Although he didn't do anything, this kind of thing was definitely Still need to explain.

"Okay... I guess it's just to see how my sister is doing and whether she's been bullied. As a parent, I can understand this kind of behavior. Are there any other important things besides that?"


He Yue nodded and said that there were always some outsiders who wanted to enter the manor in the name of visiting, but they were all kicked out by the Pokémon living in the manor.

In addition, the railway construction in Beishang Township seems to have started. When an owl passed by in the sky, he happened to see some big steel snakes and strange forces digging into the mountain and carrying stones, and there were also construction teams following them. Together.

The previous thing was not surprising, but the latter thing made Mingyu happy. He didn't expect the action to be so fast. He originally thought he would have to wait a while, but that's okay, it's best to finish it quickly!
"Is there anything else? Besides the manor, there are some issues about Beishang Township."


Heyue scratched his head with his paws, feeling that it didn't seem to be important, but it still reminded him of one thing, about the mask-covering ceremony.

This year the Mask Festival was held as scheduled, but some tourists and Pokémon went to the top of Ghost Mountain to take pictures, but they encountered fog unexpectedly and said they saw a ghost.

But the weather was very good that day, there was no fog at all, but many tourists happened to see it one after another, so the administrator had no choice but to seal off the top area of ​​Ghost Mountain to avoid accidents.

Later, the administrator found Lei Guanwang and begged him for help, but Kohlrabi was busy with the studio, so he left the matter to the Night Devil in the haunted house, but the Night Devil was busy working in the haunted house and was too lazy to go.

"You guys..."

Mingyou hesitated to speak. Where did the ghost from Beishangxiang come from? It couldn't be Momo Gang who won the resurrection match, right? So he continued to ask: "Then what?"


He Yue shook her head slightly. The matter was pushed back and forth, but in the end no one was willing to go all the way, and it had no time to take care of the safety of the manor. However, there were indeed many unknown secrets in Ghost Mountain.

"This... okay."

Mingyou was silent for a moment. Although he was a little curious, it was impossible to go back to Beishang Township to investigate this matter now. Since there were no accidental casualties, it shouldn't be particularly serious. Let's wait and see again after returning. Anyway, the Youth Cup will be over the day after tomorrow. .

He continued to ask He Yue about the situation, and after confirming that it was nothing serious, he took back his thoughts and stopped asking. He looked at the Pokémon over there who were interacting with Xiao Zhao, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Okay, let's go eat first. Tomorrow is the competition. Get ready!"


The time went until night, and they said they were adjusting to the situation. In fact, the two of them took everyone to play in Longme Town. Ivy Snake completely integrated into the group, and unexpectedly got along well with Kirulian.

The same is true for Meloetta. Everyone likes it, but it is very interested in the mischievous Smoocha. Its well-behaved and peaceful character is gradually revealed in the overly comfortable environment around Mingyou. My own naughty heart.

Latias, under the guidance of Mingyou, went to meet Liliae. At the same time, he also found Mitsuki and asked her about the use of Z moves...

In this way, the short day was about to pass, and the exhibition of the Bright Stone came to an end at five o'clock in the afternoon. Xiao Zhao kept keeping track of Daxuanla nearby to prevent Team Rocket from sneaking in and stealing it.

However, as the museum closed, this worry finally disappeared. The Bright Stone was taken away for safekeeping by Adek, who was completely unaware, and it was also announced that it would become the prize of the Youth Cup, unless the Rockets dared to go directly Grab it from Adek.

A night without words was fleeting.

After the off-season, the expectations that all the spectators have been waiting for all day will be released in today's more intense quarter-finals.

In the competition venue, the audience's enthusiastic cheers aroused everyone's emotions. The players' relatives and friends also sat in the audience and began to cheer for the players participating in the competition.

After waiting for a whole day, as the two players who had adjusted themselves in the first game of Group A came to the court, they took out their Poké Balls and faced off with fighting spirit. It was finally announced that the Youth Cup quarter-finals had officially begun!

(End of this chapter)

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