Elf: A bad trainer starts from farming

Chapter 320 Don’t be nervous, this is not a trick, Kirby is just that strong

Chapter 320 Don’t be nervous, this is not a trick, Kirby is just that strong (please vote for me)
Kirbymon was fast asleep on the field. Even when faced with the probing harassment from the steel-armored crow, it simply turned over and ignored it at all.

It was so embarrassing to see such a scene at the Youth Cup. Even Mingyou had a confused expression on his face.

"What are you doing? Get up quickly! How can you sleep at your age?"

Dan Yu shouted anxiously in the audience that if he loses again, he will be eliminated. The Pokémon has been sleeping on the field and does not react, but it will be judged as a negative game and will be directly counted as elimination.


Xiaoyou doesn't know what's going on, but it's better to end the battle as soon as possible!

After the words fell, the steel-armored crow folded its wings, but the damage caused by the fang land shark still had some impact on it, and its speed slowed down significantly.

But facing a fat man who can't move at all, these problems have no impact at all!
Will it win?
Will win!
The steel-armored crow was about to pounce, but at this moment it was suddenly shrouded in black shadow, and everything around it turned into darkness. It didn't even have a chance to react, and it was completely swallowed up in time, and it never made a sound again.


Kirby turned over in his sleep, and his huge body pressed the rushing steel-armored crow directly under his buttocks. The entire audience was completely silent at this moment.

"One hundred thousand horsepower!"

Even the audience thought it was too abstract.

What is this?
His small eyes were full of doubts. He turned sideways and looked at the steel-armored crow that had been crushed by him. His feathers were scattered all over the floor. The helpless expression on his face seemed to say, "I'm very sorry, I didn't let Master Kirby!" Use all your strength".

Without even giving the opponent a chance to react, Kirby opened its arms and lay down directly towards the Ace of Flames, with a bang and dust...

But the next second, Kirby made an action that made everyone stunned again. It put away its belly, leaned back, put its hands on the ground, and kicked the flying knee of the Flaming Ace to rub the hair on its belly. It passed, and finally hit the ground with a loud bang and rolled several times.

"How can this be!"

Kirby was startled. Mingyu held his forehead and shook his head. He was the one who was frightened. Well, he didn't wake up the opponent after calling for a long time. He thought he was going to be judged as a passive player and be eliminated directly.

Until then, Kirby felt something uncomfortable underneath him. He finally woke up, stood up slowly, stretched out his claws to scratch his butt, and pulled out a metal feather stuck on it.


Looking at this scene, the audience continued to remain silent. They had seen the powerful strength of this Flaming Ace all the way through the Youth Cup, but now they were beaten by Kirby and were unable to fight back.

The hair on Kirbymon's body lights up with golden light, exudes an orange aura, and rushes forward at full speed.

But since it comes on stage now, it means that the good brother the Sharptooth Land Shark has been defeated, so let it take revenge and help the good brother regain his position!

I haven't adjusted well to the jet lag, I'm too sleepy.

Flare Ace uses bounce, just to use the free agent characteristic to turn himself into a flying type, jump higher, and avoid the opponent's attacks.

Xiao Zhao complained, and her companions around her breathed a sigh of relief...



Kirby showed a fierce and cute expression, took heavy steps, used its thick fat properties to catch the fire ball, and punched it away. When the flames dissipated, Kirby had already come to the flash point with everyone shocked. In front of the Flame Ace, a million-ton fist was swung down hard!

"Forget it, let's get serious next time."

I'm afraid there is no need to continue the discussion at this point. Who is stronger, Fluttershy or Lucario? Mingyu's real ace Pokémon may have been decided...

Xiaoyu was shocked. He didn't expect that this Kirby beast, which was far larger than the normal size, could be so fast. It was obviously not in line with the norm.

Kirbymon was instantly full of energy and looked forward, although it was not actually here to participate in the competition, but wanted to eat the food prepared by Naruyu and Teru.


As soon as the words fell, Flare Ace immediately jumped up and activated his free character, transforming into a fighting Pokémon. He raised his knees and kicked Kirby hard. The opponent was so big that it was impossible to avoid it.

"So fast!"

The Flaming Ace kept kicking the pebbles around him, wrapping them in flames, turning them into a burning football, and kicked it forward with all his strength.

But the pain caused by the leg injury still affected its speed. As soon as it took off, the Kirby beast rushed over and grabbed the injured leg, dragged its body and smashed it to the ground!

"Don't scare me."


Kirby slowly stood up. The Flame Ace and Steel Armored Crow under him had the same fate. They were both decompressed into zip files and had lost their fighting ability.

Xiaoyu's face was full of confusion. Seeing Kirby doing moves that only gymnasts could do, she felt like her whole world was shocked.

Xiaoyu took back the steel-armored crow, never dreaming that he would lose to a sleeping Kirby, which was no different from the green caterpillar slapping Rayquaza to death with an electric grid.



They both shouted at the same time again.

"We all said there was a game today."

At the moment of her shock, Kirbymon's attack had already hit, and Flare Ace's body flew backwards, but he quickly stabilized his body, and she immediately came back to her senses and shouted: "Flying Knee Kick!"

Mingyu responded with a smile. Although he often did not exercise, the flexibility he had during his childhood as a Kirby beast not only did not deteriorate due to the increase in size after evolution, but instead became more flexible and his body was extremely flexible!
At this moment, due to the flying knee kick, the Flaming Ace was like a player injured playing football, sitting on the ground with his hands on his knees, holding back the pain...

"It's a flexible fat man!"


The game continued, Xiaoyou finally sent out the Flaming Ace, and his state recovered from the abstraction just now, he concentrated on it, waved his hand and shouted: "The battle is over, Flame Ball!"

One wears two, this is a fat otaku beast.

"Well done Kirbymon!"


The group of relatives and friends were very happy, and King Lei Guan's eyes widened. He didn't expect that big fat man to be so fierce. He obviously only eats and sleeps every day, and doesn't even listen to his own words at all, living very freely. They may not be aware that Mingyu and Kirby actually knew each other earlier than Tsubaki, and they even almost became his starting Pokémon.

Xiaoyu sighed softly and took back the Flare Ace. If this was a full-status Steel-Armored Crow, Kirbymon would definitely not win so easily. However, it was a pity that the status was consumed by the Sharp-Tooth Land Shark, coupled with his carelessness, he underestimated it. Without the ability of that Kirby beast, otherwise the situation would definitely not develop like this.

But you have to admit when you lose in a Pokémon battle. Learning to admit your failure is the basic training of a trainer. Therefore, Xiaoyu will not be disappointed, but will learn the lessons of careless mistakes and take them more seriously!

"let's go!"


Xiaoyu and Mingyu shouted at the same time again.

Along with the red light, the martial arts bear master finally appeared, standing on one leg, staring ahead, ready to fight at any time.

The appearance of the martial arts bear master immediately attracted enthusiastic cheers from the audience. How could the legendary Pokémon from the Isle of Armor not make everyone excited!
"Is that the martial arts bear master!"

"It's the first time I've seen it..."

"What a powerful momentum!"

Xiaozhi and the others were discussing very excitedly. Xiaozhao gently twirled her chin with her fingers and stared seriously below. She didn't know Mingyou's arrangement, and even now she couldn't figure out who would win.

"come on!"

After a brief excitement, some spectators looked at Minyu who took back Kirby in seconds, and began to guess what Pokémon he would send to fight against the martial bear master.

Is it flapping hair? Or Lucario?

"If I were to fight you, of course it would be better to use this Pokémon!"

Mingyu didn't give them any time to guess, he smiled and took out a poke ball. Xiaoyu guessed who it was in an instant, and a smile appeared on his face.

"bring it on!"

"It's up to you!"

A red light flashed, and He Yue appeared quietly on the field, looking lazily ahead with a dead fish-eyed expression. She seemed to have no momentum at all, but her ferocious demeanor still scared many viewers.

"This is……"

Zhulan stood up excitedly, even Shali who was taking pictures somewhere in the venue did the same. Mingyou had previously avoided trouble in the Sinnoh area and did not let them see Heyue, so this was the first time they saw it.

But both Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang have seen it, and the former has even fought against and been trained by Heyue, so they are very aware of its powerful strength.

"Heyue? Battle with bear-type Pokémon!"

Xiao Zhao's face showed expectation.


Come on, Uncle Bear~
At this time, regardless of the audience's amazement at seeing He Yue, a Pokémon they had never seen before, He Yue and the martial arts bear master looked at each other. They did not expect that they would meet again after so long.

"Although you can't use Dynamax this time, you can't use Dynamax either!"

Xiaoyou murmured softly, showed an excited smile, waved his hand and shouted: "The water flows continuously!"


The martial arts bear master walked lightly, and with every movement of his hands, streams of water formed around him. He grabbed him in his hand, quickly approached He Yue at the speed of flowing clouds, and launched a fierce offensive.

The speed was too fast, and the punches were very effective. Heyue was not as flexible as Kirby. He withstood all the attacks, then grabbed a ball of pink energy with his backhand and slammed it on the head of the martial arts bear master!

Neither side gave in to the other. The martial arts bear master was knocked away by the power of the moon from close to his face. However, he quickly stabilized his body and continued to take light steps. The water flow wrapped around his body and rushed forward with lightning speed. Come forward and punch He Yue on the forehead.

"Water jet!"

Xiaoyou's voice fell after that. Because she had many experiences with Heyue and never won once, she had already cooperated with the martial arts bear master to simulate the process of fighting Heyue many times, and finally came to the conclusion. ...Melee combat is beneficial to our side!

Heyue took a step back. After several attacks, it also noticed that the opponent had indeed improved a lot in terms of speed in approaching the target.

"Don't you know how to fight Heyue in close combat..."

Mingyou smiled calmly, waved his hand and shouted: "No need to avoid the attack, just use the power of the moon again!"


Heyue once again concentrated energy in her hands.

The martial arts bear master immediately relied on his speed to flash behind him to avoid being hit directly by the attack, and then quickly waved his fists to engage in close combat.

But at this moment, He Yue suddenly closed his right eye, and his left eye covered by darkness lit up instantly. His inner eye directly captured all its movements. At the moment when the martial arts bear master was about to punch, he turned around suddenly and grabbed the moon. He slapped him in the face with all his strength!
Not able to fight in close combat?

It's just that after hundreds of years, it has understood the essence of long-range combat from close combat. The experience will not disappear, it will only appear when you need it!
Just like last time, the martial arts master Xiong was once again taught a lesson by the experienced He Yue. He just wanted to retreat and distance himself, but the sky of the entire venue was suddenly shrouded in night. All the audience looked up in horror, looking at the hanging above. That blood moon...

"What's happening here!"

"too horrible……"

At the moment when they were frightened, He Yue had already caught the martial arts bear master who wanted to distance himself. The opponent's light steps could not escape him at all, and he did not even react. Ming You's voice also fell at this moment.

"Blood moon!"


A blood-colored beam of light shot out from He Yue's forehead at this moment, directly hitting the martial arts master Xiong's body, instantly knocking him out of the field, and hit the audience with a loud bang, scaring the audience away...

The martial arts bear master did not lose his fighting ability. Instead, he learned his lesson again. He stood up in embarrassment, shook his head, looked at the motionless He Yue in front of him, and assumed an attack posture again.

Come on, Master Heyue!
Even though it knows it can't beat it, it still wants to ask the other party for more experience!


(End of this chapter)

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