Elf: A bad trainer starts from farming

Chapter 323 Pikachu vs. Zekrom, Zekrom reappears

Chapter 323 Pikachu vs. Zekrom, Zekrom reappears (please vote for me)
As the final round of confrontation came, Tongtun finally appeared, without a mask on his face, revealing his cute little tiger teeth, and a pair of starry eyes staring fiercely at Pikachu who stopped in front of him.


Not to mention the audience, even Xiaozhi on the opposite side looked surprised when he saw Tonglu appear, tilting his head and making a question mark.

"Huh? That turns out to be a Pokémon!"

"I always thought that was his sister. I always saw him running around holding her."

"Why do I look like my own daughter..."

"Because he looks so similar to Mingyou."

"It seems to be a rare Pokémon called Ergui. The name and attribute information can be found in the illustrated book, but everything else is unknown."

"Puppy is so cute, I want to hold her to sleep..."

The audience discussed one after another, because Ergui would always wear a ghost mask when he ran around, and he would always follow Mingyou like a close-fitting little cotton-padded jacket. People who have not specifically understood Ergui would generally regard it as a ghost. A little girl dressed strangely.

His momentum changed in an instant, and the power contained in the mask enveloped his body. Then a vine and a thorny thorn suddenly stretched out from the cloak, and extended at an extremely fast speed. He chased after him, but Mingyou's voice slowed down. Only one step fell.

Tongchen tugged and seemed unable to separate.

"But cats still have tasks..."

The trio of Team Rockets were pushing a trolley and selling Feiyun ice cream. Since they arrived too late this time, they were unable to enter the venue smoothly. They could only wander outside and continue to observe the surrounding situation.

Xiao Zhao smiled, but she didn't expect that she didn't even know about this after spending so many days together.

At the same time, outside the competition venue.

Hearing the sound, the two of them also looked at each other: "It's really them, they are here. Since they are here, let's go and catch Pikachu later, and then give it to Boss Sakaki as a meeting gift!"

"makes sense……"


Should I say that Pou Chu is well disguised, or are these people just too stupid? But let’s put these aside and continue watching the game.

It is also for the purpose of making Pok Pok a popular star Pokémon on this much-anticipated stage and letting everyone know about it!

As the family's favorite, there is no one who doesn't like Tuxedo. Seeing it officially appear, Latias and the others immediately started cheering, and even Meloetta couldn't help but want to go over and play the war song.



Pikachu swung downwards forcefully, hitting Pikachu in the head because he saw the weapon and had no time to avoid it. The damage was very significant, and most Pokémon would fall into a baby's sleep after being hit like this.

Xiaozhi waved his hand and shouted, he didn't know the specific situation of Chun Chun. He just took a picture with his mobile phone and saw that it was grass type. Although I have the advantage in reverse attribute battles, I'd better play it safe first and wait to test out the opponent's ability before proceeding. It's better to deal with it.

The Rocket trio were immediately dejected and had to give up this plan for the time being and continue to sell Feiyun ice cream.

I saw that the vines and thorns that were originally tied with a "dead knot" were caught in the hands of the rushing Tongchen, and the thorns were automatically wrapped around them. They demonstrated the making process of the thorn sticks live, and then held it with both hands.

Pikachu used its own movement speed to suddenly turn over, tap its cheek with its small hand, release electricity, and then start turning quickly like a hip-hop dance.

Back at the venue, as the two Pokémon's eyes completely met, the battle finally began!
"Move at high speed!"

Xiaozhi did not give up such a good opportunity and immediately shouted: "One hundred thousand volts!"

"It's the boss, I'm here too!"

At the same time, in the audience, Alice and the others were also belatedly aware of it, with expressions of disbelief on their faces: "Pun-tun is actually a Pokémon?"

Mingyou was also slightly surprised and murmured to himself: "Is this a counter punch protective shield? You can still play like this. It seems that you have learned some tricks."

"This topic has passed."


"Great cooperation, but it's our turn!"

Pikachu fell to the ground and rolled twice, and Tongtong swung the thorn stick again, but this time the quick avoidance skill finally came into effect. He successfully dodged the attack with a flash of lightning and distanced himself from Tongtong.

"Strong whipping!"


"Then capture Pikachu and Pikachu together! Leave Pikachu to us, and hand Pikachu over!"

Seeing Pikachu moving quickly around, Tongtun immediately entered fighting mode, took out the green grass mask from under the cloak and put it on his face.

Pikachu jumped onto the "dead knot" tied in front of him, his red cheeks suddenly flashed with electricity, his tail and cheeks burst out with electricity covering his whole body, and along the vines, he released a dazzling yellow electric light.

At this time, Meow Meow's attention was suddenly attracted by the big screen that was live broadcasting the game, and he stretched out his paw and pointed over there: "It's Xiao Guitou and Pikachu, Meow!"

Dan Yu responded with a smile, feeling that she suddenly had something to show off.

Pikachu, who was being tracked by vines, also noticed the situation behind him, but did not panic. Instead, he met Ash's eyes and responded with a smile.

Now is the first time that Puppy has truly appeared in front of the public. This is of course Mingyu's arrangement, not only as his own starter Pokémon, but also as his own starter Pokémon to fight against Ash's starter Pokémon.

Mingyou smiled slightly, waved his hand and shouted: "Just rush over and knock the gopher!"

Not only did he avoid the powerful whip, but he also relied on his speed to twist the vines and thorns that were chasing him from two directions into a dead knot.

"Good idea...but why does the person he is fighting look familiar?"

Despite the 100,000 volts that had little effect, Tonglu did not retract the vines, but immediately rushed forward. After Xiaozhi noticed it, he quickly asked Pikachu to avoid it, but this magical skill was not of much use here. .

Xiaozhi also asked quickly at this time.

"Is it okay!"


Pikachu nodded slightly reluctantly. This time his opponent was indeed very strong. He even felt that he was no worse than Latios who fought during the Suzuran Tournament. He had to take it seriously.

"Okay, let's do it again!" Xiaozhi regained his smile, waved and shouted.

At this moment, Pikachu burst out with a stronger current than the one hundred thousand volts just now, covering his whole body, and then sprinted forward at full speed.

With the increased speed of high-speed movement, the speed at which the Volt attack was released even left a faint arc in the air, making it impossible for Tsubaki to dodge.

But it had no intention of avoiding it at all. Instead, under Mingyou's command, it immediately put on a well mask to increase its water attribute...

So at this time, someone must ask, Pikachu is an electric type and Pikachu is a grass type. Why should we add water type to eliminate it with little effect?
General Mike Mingyou, the five-star shell-breaking master who lives nearby in the Hezhong area, commented that when dealing with reverse attribute masters, you should do the opposite!
Although it no longer had little effect, Tongchen held the thorn stick that turned blue with both hands and successfully blocked Volt's attack after it was only knocked back half a meter!


The thorny part of the thorn vine stick in his hand emitted blue-green light, and was wrapped in the light into the shape of a wooden stake. Pikachu had no time to dodge, and the mallet turned into a thorn vine stick was slammed in the face.

There was only an explosion, and Pikachu was seriously injured and flew out. Tongtun was also shot in the body by the broken fragments of the mallet. The back injury also caused a lot of damage to himself, but an electric current flashed through it. Pikachu's electrostatic properties paralyze him.

Both sides were suddenly at a disadvantage, making the audience clenched their hearts again...


Pikachu managed to stand up, and after responding to Ash that he was fine, he looked forward.

Now is the best opportunity to attack. Triggering static electricity is actually a tactical consideration. No matter who is in the paralysis state, they will have a headache. No one knows whether they will be charged in the next second.

Xiaozhi gently held his hat with his hand and took a breath. He knew that if Pikachu continued to be hit in this state, it would definitely be difficult to continue fighting, so this was a last ditch effort!
"Before it releases its paralysis and recovers, defeat it in one go!"


Pikachu raised its tail, but suddenly, the originally sunny sky suddenly became filled with dark clouds, and cold raindrops began to fall along with the rolling thunder. This sudden scene made everyone unable to react. Shouldn't the weather forecast be good?

"Why is it raining?"

"I haven't gone back to collect my clothes yet..."

"Damn it, let's watch the game first!"

The game is reaching the most critical moment, and no audience is willing to leave. Even if it rains heavily today, they must persist until the last moment!
Zhulan raised her eyes and murmured words such as "This is an unlucky sign". She turned sideways and looked at Adek, making eye contact with him.

Listening to some complaints from people around her, Xiaozhao looked up at the sky, frowning slightly, vaguely feeling something, but it was not worth caring about now, so she just took off the headscarf, put it in her bag, and let the rain fall on her. On the long hair that she tied up.

The rain and thunder became louder and louder. Mingyou's coat was completely soaked by the rain. The cold rain eliminated the temperature of the white dragon mark on the back of his hand. However, not far away, the rain did not leave any traces on the coat of Tongchen. , and even seems to be absorbing the rainwater.

Although it fell into a state of paralysis, it still assumed a fighting posture, enduring the burden that paralysis may bring to the body from time to time, and looked forward...

At this moment, a bolt of lightning suddenly fell from the dark clouds covering the sky and hit Pikachu directly, causing everyone at the scene to be shocked.

But under the shower of thunder and lightning, Pikachu was not only safe and sound, but even burst out with golden flames, as if he had finally found his power!

Now, Pikachu's mood was as high as ever. Xiaozhi seemed to be able to fully understand its mood. He immediately smiled, became serious, and turned the hat with the Poké Ball pattern over!

"Go with all your strength, Volt attack!"


Pikachu was surrounded by golden thunder and lightning, erupting with momentum and power ten times... or even a hundred times stronger than before.

The raindrops falling in the air are continuously connected by the arc diffusion, forming a huge power grid, firmly blocking all escape routes, leaving only Pikachu running wildly on the field alone!
"Come on, come on!"

"Come on, Pikachu!"

Shouting in support of both sides also sounded from all over the auditorium. Danyu and Wuli shouted at the top of their lungs, while Xiaozhao also completely ignored her restraint and stood up to shout louder than anyone else.

The support for both parties passed through the rain curtain and was truly conveyed to them. The electric current that cut through the entire venue boomed, and linked to the power grid covering the entire venue to detonate. The terrifying thunder and lightning shot directly into the sky, covering the dark clouds in the sky. Shoot them all!
All the Rotom drones that were filming in the audience temporarily lost their signals at this moment. The audience was stunned and couldn't believe that this kind of power was actually caused by a Pikachu!
So what about Ergui?
The audience who regained consciousness immediately looked towards the field. As thunder and lightning shot through the dark clouds, the sky suddenly became clear and the sun was shining. Only some rainwater in the potholes sparkled in the sun.

Tongchen stood on the field intact. Not to mention defeated, even the paralysis was completely cured, as if he had secretly taken a pot of full compound medicine.

"Don't look at me, I didn't do it."

Mingyou tried his best to quibble...


Pikachu, who was exhausted and almost unable to stand up, and Xiaozhi looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief. How could he be unscathed!

Fenchun took off the mask and revealed his cute face. It didn't do anything. The volt attack did hit. It's just that the well mask bloomed with a bright aura, absorbing all the offensive rainwater and converting it into its physical strength. It was really did nothing.

This explanation may not convince everyone, but it still stands there, which already explains the result. Such a shocking offensive ended in such a nonsensical result.

Zhulan retracted her thoughts, crossed her arms, and said with a smile: "It seems... he is also a very unexpected player."

"Haha, it's really interesting."

Adek also smiled and nodded.

On the field, Pikachu walked lightly, walked forward furtively, and came to Pikachu, staring at him with a pair of cute star eyes.

It did not raise the thorn stick again, but slowly squatted down, stretched out its hand and lightly poked Pikachu in the face. Just like the last Kyogre that crushed Groudon and could not fly, Pikachu finally could not continue. Support, eyes rolled around, turned over and fell down...


So it’s Tongchen who won~

The winner was decided, and after a brief silence, there was an even more enthusiastic explosion. Listening to the referee announcing the result, Xiao Zhao lifted Latias high in her arms, looking so happy that she was almost speechless.

Meloetta and the others on the side also kept shouting for Mingyou. The Danyu siblings even hugged each other with joy. Although Xiaoguang and the others had regrets, they were also happy for Mingyu.

Just at this moment...

Mingyou opened his hands, caught the child who jumped into his arms, and picked up the child. But while he was happy about winning, he looked up at the sky with a slight worry, and glanced at the white dragon on the back of his hand. imprint.

The last dark cloud that appeared just now was undoubtedly caused by Zekrom after he activated the overclocking drive mode, including the lightning that fell on Pikachu. But why did Zekrom, controlled by Quechis, suddenly pass by here? ?
"There are so many mysteries, let's wait until N wakes up... What we should pay more attention to now is tomorrow's final with Xiao Zhao!"


(End of this chapter)

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