Elf: A bad trainer starts from farming

Chapter 328 Xiaozhao’s test, shameless grab the mask

Chapter 328 Xiaozhao’s test, shameless grab the mask (please vote for me)

The appearance of the Xicui Great Sword Demon really surprised many people. The last time it appeared was in the Sinnoh region 78 years ago. It has been extinct for a long time, but they didn't expect it to be cultivated.

It is indeed Blueberry Academy, full of talents!
Everyone already knows that Xiaozhao is the youngest teacher of Blueberry Academy. Naturally, she is equated with a genius. Not only is she good at fighting, but she is also quite capable in research.

In their eyes, Mingyou is also a genius. He is capable of fighting at such a young age. He even develops mutant crops and sells them all over the country. He has achieved wealth and freedom at such a young age...

At this moment, in their eyes, this final is a battle between geniuses. Even if they win the world championship, it will be at the level of high-level golf!
Now, the battle between the two sides is about to break out.

"Gather Qi!"

"Sword Dance!"

The two of them did not attack in the first round as if they had a tacit understanding. The Great Sword Demon and Lucario looked at each other and increased their momentum. This time... I am afraid there will be no more surprises.

"Shell Blade!"

Xiaozhao knows that the opponent has the attribute of Heart of Justice, so naturally he will not use evil-type moves to deal with it. He does not currently have an advantage in terms of attributes.


But after catching a glimpse of Mingyou's body shaking slightly, her heart tightened, and she instantly understood that this was the other party synchronizing to help Lucario resist the injury.

"It's enough to cause damage once."

It was faster, and at the moment when it was about to collide with Lucario, it quickly swiped downwards with a cross sword motion, giving the opponent a knowing blow.

Judgment from justice!
It is no longer the mischievous little ghost. The heart of justice and sword dance combined with close combat are enough to send away any evil forces. The effect is so overwhelming that the Great Sword Ghost can't even take 100,000 lives.

Listening to the cries from the audience, Xiao Zhao looked at Lucario, wondering why the opponent's actions were not restricted at all, and even deliberately used a flaw to allow him to attack.

"Secret Sword Qian Zhongtao!"



"Forget the pain and just get on it!"

But in terms of sneak attacks, with Mingyu here, Lucario didn't need to worry at all, not to mention that it had been such a guy before, so without looking back, he pushed back the bone stick in his hand and stabbed the opponent accurately.

She really didn't understand why the other party did this. She was not an outsider. Fighting with all your strength was not desperate. It was not necessary to win or lose...

Xiao Zhao could tell at a glance that the blade fragments had taken effect and affected Lucario's speed, so he immediately asked the Great Sword Demon to use water jets.


The injuries caused by the Great Sword Demon healed very slowly, and the pain caused was also very severe. After Lucario was knocked away by the continuous sword energy, he almost couldn't stand up due to the pain.

Immediately, the sword of the Great Sword Demon instantly released a continuous attack like a raging wave. Its sharp characteristics were activated, and like layers of large waves surging forward, the dark sword energy continued to slash at Lucario.

Although the audience didn't know what riddle they were talking about, the competition finally reached its climax at this moment. Mingyu had the advantage, with two Pokémon left, and Teru had only the last one left.

Lucario hesitated for a moment, but despite his unwillingness, he still obeyed Mingyu's wishes and used great speed to rush towards the Great Sword Demon.

With every attack, many blade fragments would be scattered around and even embedded in Lucario's body, but this was not the most serious thing.

The third round of confrontation ended with Lucario successfully defeating the Great Sword Demon.

Hearing this, Xiaozhao was stunned immediately. He seemed to be recalling something in his mind. He bit his lips lightly, complained to himself in his heart, and even wanted to slap himself.

Xiaozhao waved his hand gently at this moment.

Mingyou put his hands on his chest, pretending that nothing happened, and said softly: "It's our turn!"

Xiaozhao almost couldn't hold back her accusation. She was really angry. It was just a competition. As for fighting hard, she just wanted to win? Even if you try your best and lose, I can still help you get the light stone.

And if she continued to take this offensive, she was a little worried that Lucario's injury would be fed back to Mingyu in the next battle. After all, it would be a competition, not an unruled battle in the wild.

Seeing her expression from a distance, Mingyou had already guessed what the other party was thinking. He smiled slightly and responded: "Because this is...a promise!"


But what she didn't know was that Mingyu and Lucario were in sync from the beginning, and the pain was already reflected on her body, and she almost failed to stand.

It's just that the heart of justice in its body has been awakened. Such pain will only make it stronger, its momentum continues to increase, and its eyes look forward firmly.

But just as it swung out its foot blade, a hand suddenly grabbed one of its front legs. Just when it was shocked and about to slash it, a fist slammed into its face...

At the moment of the hit, Lucario turned around suddenly, raised the bone club in his hand, and prepared to press him to the ground for a close combat, but the big sword ghost suddenly approached at this moment, and with lightning speed, he used his head to cover his ears. The sword blade wrapped in darkness stabbed its body.

Xiao Teru waved his hand to let the Great Sword Demon move away first. The pain caused by the blade fragments embedded in Lucario's body would affect the opponent's actions.

But considering that the other party was someone who would abide by the agreement no matter what, she retracted her accusation and sighed... But that didn't mean that she would easily forgive the other party for this matter!

Upon hearing the sound, the Great Sword Demon immediately raised his front legs, pulled out his two foot blades, transformed into the form of a sword, and jumped up. Lucario also collided with his fists, pulled out a bone club, and struck back with the bone club. .

"bring it on!"

"It really hurts..."

"too slow!"

The light quickly dissipated, Lucario's eyes turned red, and his body was wrapped in red aura. However, the change did not occur when Mega evolved, but the aura was completely different from before!

Upon hearing the sound, the Great Sword Demon's whole body was wrapped by the water flow, and he rushed forward at lightning speed. He raised his two-legged blades in the water and used the water flow surrounding him to form a pair of water wave knives.

With just one punch, both foot blades exploded instantly. The curved blade on the head of the Great Sword Demon also shattered under the impact. His body turned into a ray of light and flew out of the field, almost hitting the guardrail of the auditorium.

The sword and the stick kept touching and clashing. In the flash of sword and shadow, Lucario released the waveguide, but the Great Sword Demon suddenly seized this momentary opportunity, leaving an afterimage formed by water that flashed behind him.

Mingyou looked forward, knowing that the Pokémon at the bottom of the box must be unusual.

Sure enough, maybe because there are only three Pokémon that have been conquered in this world, Xiaozhao finally took out a Pokéball. Most people may not recognize a Pokéball with such an appearance, but Zhulan and Xiaoguang, at this moment, they were full of emotions. Face shocked...

"Is it coming?"

The corner of Mingyou's mouth raised a slight arc. At the beginning, he roughly guessed that the other party might use past Pokémon to end the final with him.

Xiaozhao didn't make any response, just gently picked up the strange ball, and a purple light shot out from it. For some reason, everyone present couldn't help but feel that the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped!

What appeared on the field was a fire beast, but it was different from the fire beast in public perception. Its figure was a bit thinner and its eyes were closed. It didn't feel much momentum, but it was full of evil charm.

"Firemon in the green form?" Mingyou was slightly startled. Could it be that this was the Pokémon inside the strange ball that the other party refused to tell him yesterday? It seems he hasn't woken up yet.

Xiaozhao nodded gently and looked at the back of Firestorm with nostalgia. Memories flashed through his mind, and then he introduced with a smile: "Well, it is my first Pokémon, and it is also the one that has been with me the longest. Companion, I think there is no one more suitable to draw the curtain on the battle between us."

Her words were passed quietly to the ears of the fire beast, and a ball of... no, a whole hundred and eight purple-red flames actually ignited next to the fire beast and surrounded its neck.

At this time, the fire beast slowly opened its eyes. A pair of bright eyes were almost exactly the same as Xiaozhao. Both the expression on his face and the character displayed were exactly the same as hers. Only the elegance revealed in his behavior was slightly different. one.

It is difficult for a Pokémon that has not been with its trainer for a long time to have this kind of similarity.

Feeling the warmth, the fire beast turned sideways and looked back, smiling at Xiao Zhao. Even though it had just woken up, it already understood what it was going to do.


The cry of the green fire beast was soft, but its gentle tone made people feel comfortable. It stretched out its small hand and waved towards Lucario.


Lucario took an attacking stance, but the pain after the synchronization was released returned to it again. In the instant when its body shook slightly, many cold purple-red will-o'-the-wisp fires surrounded it.

Abyss of Fire!

The flames swallowed up Lucario in an instant, even purifying his restless mind, soothing his heart and making him give up resistance. With just one blow, the battle ended.

Watching the flames dissipate, Lucario fell to the ground, and the audience couldn't understand. He obviously didn't suffer much damage during the battle with the Great Sword Demon, so how high is the level of this fire beast?
"Is this the real trump card..."

Mingyou frowned slightly, but his face was full of excitement. He had learned from the Deer that Firebolt had always been Xiao Zhao's strongest Pokémon. It plays a big role in defeating mythical Pokémon in battle.

Although the last blow to defeat the Arceus clone was struck by Koteru herself with her fists, the damage from the previous blow was caused by Firestorm Beast, which successfully stun the Arceus clone!
To Mingyu, these stories are like listening to fantasy stories that really happened. Even though they know that their victory over Arceus' clone is a test given by the deity, the kind with full buffs, but they can participate in that level of battle. The strength can be imagined!

After taking back the fallen Lucario, Mingyu only had the last Pokémon left. Facing such an opponent, he didn't feel any nervousness in his heart. Instead, he was very grateful to Xiao Zhao for the feast he had prepared for him. However, as a family, just No need to say thank you.

"検椪, the decision is yours!"


Still not taking out the elf ball, Mingchen heard the call and took the initiative to appear in front of Mingyou.

Seeing Puppy's appearance, the whole audience burst into cheers. Yesterday's battle with Xiaozhi could be said to have boosted Puppy's popularity.


Tongchen waved and said hello to Sister Xiaozhao, saying that he would not let go. This move made the fire beast a little surprised, and at the same time he was curious about their relationship, but we will talk about this after it is over.

"Don't be distracted, spray fire!"

Xiao Zhao smiled and waved and shouted, of course the final battle between the initial Pokémon of both sides must be fought with a smile.

Hearing the sound, the fire beast gracefully raised its right hand, and a purple-red flame appeared on the fingertips, and turned into a blazing flame ray in the next second.

Fengchun immediately took out the well mask to put out the fire, and waved the blue thorns wrapped around the thorn stick to stop the jet of flames.

But the strange thing is that these flames have no temperature. Not only are they not extinguished, they are even wrapped around the thorn vine stick. Frightened, Tongchun quickly loosens the thorn vine stick and gently tests it with his feet.

"A will-o'-the-wisp turned from a spirit body?"

Mingyou took one look and guessed the truth.

This water type move really won't have much effect, but just use the evil type.

"Abyss Thrust!"


Tongchen picked up the thorn vine stick and used the abyss thrust to hit the ground. The flames disappeared instantly. The fire beast couldn't help but want to praise him for knowing the principle so quickly, but he couldn't be distracted during the battle.

"Big characters burst into flames!"

"Change the foundation stone mask and use it to lift it up!"

The two of them gave instructions at the same time, and the fire beast stretched out his hand to write the word "big" in the air. Tongchen, who had changed into the foundation stone mask, had already rushed forward, dispersed the big character explosion flames with a stick, and swung it at the fire beast.

The effect is outstanding and the damage is considerable.

But Xiaozhao suddenly showed a successful smile. Before Mingyou could react, the will-o'-the-wisps on the fire beast's body spread to the foundation stone mask, and then turned into a beast-shaped spirit body with wings. Take off the mask and fly into the air.


"Punchen's power comes from the mask. If there is no mask..."

Xiaozhao simply reminded that masks can be taken away, and losing four masks means that Puxun will lose all his power.

She really didn't want to hurt Fuxun, and if there was a fight, both parties would be seriously injured. She might as well use this safest method to directly take away all the masks and make Fuxun lose the ability to fight.


Give me back the mask!

Tongtun raised his hands to grab the mask, but like Groudon, it couldn't fly, so he could only watch as the mask was taken away by the fire beast.

Seeing that Xiaozhao chose such a tactic because he didn't want to hurt Fuchun, Mingyou felt a little disappointed and sighed softly. Although he could understand it, he didn't want to do this, so he clenched his fists and shouted: "As long as we defeat Huo Bao Beast, just take it back!"


Tongchen immediately took out the Well Mask from his cloak again, but this time he was more careful. No matter how cautious it and Mingyou were, they never expected that the entire competition venue would be covered by the spirits dispersed from the will-o'-wisps by Firestorm Beast.

This is its ability. It was influenced by the spirit of the Lingshan Mountain in Tianguan Mountain during the Cleansing Period, and evolved from the Fire Rock Rat. It has the ability to purify the soul.

During the Emerald Age, it was very common for humans and Pokémon to be exposed in the wilderness for various reasons, but Xiaozhu was kind-hearted and would always dig a hole and bury it with her companions so that the dead souls could rest in peace.

But there will still be many souls who can't find their way to the spirit world for a long time and have nowhere to go. They gradually get lost and gradually transform into evil spirits. The fire beast will purify these souls and guide them to the spirit world.

But some souls have been lost for too long and have forgotten everything. After purification, only an empty shell of spirit body is left. It is useless even if they go to the spirit world. They will voluntarily follow the Fire Beast who helped them in the end and become part of its power. .

This is the source of the fire beast's power. When Tongchun took out the well mask and didn't put it on, he noticed its characteristics early and commanded these will-o'-the-wisp spirits to snatch it away!

Being robbed again, too much...


(End of this chapter)

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