Elf: A bad trainer starts from farming

Chapter 335: Meloetta is seriously ill, and the underwater ruins are calling

Chapter 335: Meloetta is seriously ill, and the underwater ruins are calling (please vote)

The sound of explosions on the sea attracted the attention of Meloetta, who was burying the Crown King, and glanced in that direction curiously.



Ivy Snake grabbed the small shovel with its vines and added the last shovelful of sand to King Lei Guan. Finally, he was buried in the sand with only his head exposed.

From a distance, it looks like a large thistle bud is about to bloom growing on the beach. In the sea breeze, it exudes a faint fragrance of thistle, making everyone want to take a bite.

Meloetta came back to her senses and looked at the "masterpiece" she and everyone had completed together. She was very happy. During the Youth Cup, she was always unable to run out and play freely. She must have a good time this time.


Looking at the crown prince buried in the sand, he recalled the time when the other party pestered him to join the band. He was silent for a moment and had something on his mind. When he was holding the trophy yesterday, he wanted to compose a song for the winner. The thoughts of Mingyu and Mingyu who won the championship.

But after thinking about it for a long time, it gave up on several melodies that came to mind. It was not very satisfied. It always felt that something was missing.

This time it is no longer just a gift for Ming You, but a gift for Ming You and everyone else. Do you want to ask everyone for their suggestions? Incorporate their preferences into the melody.

Xiao Zhao breathed a sigh of relief, and the Great Sword Demon on the side also quickly apologized. It was all caused by his own mistakes.



So it left temporarily, smiled, and planned to ask Kirbymon and the others.

Mingyu smiled helplessly and gently touched its head. Lucario and Xiao Zhao came here immediately, also asking if everything was okay.



Kirulian was the only one who stayed nearby and did not attack King Leicester. She was always playing with a GBA handheld console. When she heard it suddenly ask her, she naturally picked up the game console and told the other party the answer.

Meloetta froze on the spot, looking for the sound, and then a figure hugged it hard and threw it on the sand together. The volleyball flew from above and accurately hit Kirby's head, but Fat Mansion sat firmly as a mountain.

So it took advantage of the situation and asked everyone in front of it about their interests and preferences.

But at this moment, a volleyball pierced the air and suddenly flew towards it. The sword ghost hit the ball too hard, causing the volleyball to fly out of the field.

Mingyu let go of Meloetta in his arms. Fortunately, he was standing close, otherwise he would have almost missed it. Looking at the confused little guy, he asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

Mingyou stood up and suddenly noticed the small notebook that fell on the sand beside him. So he reached out curiously and picked it up. He saw that there were some words on it that he couldn't understand, and his face was filled with doubts.


"Fortunately, it's a sandy area, nothing happened."


"That's good."

Meloetta nodded lightly and took notes in a small book she took out from nowhere. Then she got answers one after another from Latias and the others. Although their preferences were different, this also made her understand the relationship. My companions, we have some new understandings.

"As long as nothing happens."

"Look around more when you walk."

"what is this?"


Meloetta jumped up and down, not hiding anything. She happily explained to everyone that these characters were ancient characters from the United Kingdom period. Although she could understand modern characters, she couldn't write them...

After understanding the reason, Mingyou showed an interested expression, touched his chin, and nodded gently: "Do you want to survey everyone's preferences to create music? It seems quite interesting, but I basically know what they like, and I will tell you directly. Well, lest..."


Before Mingyu could finish speaking, Meloetta shook her head decisively and refused. It wanted to ask everyone one by one, so that it could better understand everyone's thoughts.

Hearing this, Xiaozhao smiled, while Mingyou was stunned for a moment, then showed a pleased smile and said, "Well, if you have any questions, you can come to me at any time."


Meloetta smiled and nodded gently. Seeing Lucario here, she took the opportunity to ask him.

When Xiao Zhao saw this, he couldn't help but sigh: "This child has changed so much. I still remember that we went to buy a harmonica overnight to lure him out."

"Yeah, it would be nice if it could stay like this forever. It would be best if nothing happens."

Mingyou responded with a sigh, then didn't continue the topic and said, "Let's go, keep playing."

"I'm tired and sweaty. Let's take a rest."

"Okay then, I'll get you some juice."

"Let's go together. I happen to be hungry too... By the way, do you want to go swimming later?"

"Aren't you soluble in water? You can drown even if you lie down in the bathtub, but you still dare to swim?" "There is a swimming ring, so just go to the shallow water area and play. All the fish are there, and you just teach me how to swim."

"Okay...when you drown, I will give you artificial respiration."

"Haha, no problem, nothing will happen~"

A pleasant vacation is always short-lived. The weather starts to get cooler and the time suddenly comes to the evening.

Not satisfied, everyone helped pack things and then went back to the villa. It might rain later. We originally wanted to have a late-night snack at the beach, but now we had to give up and move the battlefield to the backyard of the villa.

Mingyou picked up the autistic Xiaozhao who was sitting by the parasol, and took him away with him. He confidently said that there would be no problem, but he floated in the shallow water within ten minutes.

"You can put your head in the water with a swimming ring, you are also a talent."

"Stop talking about it, forget about it..."

Xiaozhao looked helpless and snuggled into Mingyou's arms. How could she have known that her bare feet were in the water and she suddenly slipped and fell, and then couldn't turn over?
Back at the villa, Meloetta has collected everyone's preferences. She only needs to give it one more day to compose a new song.

Lei Guanwang, who climbed out of the sand, was looking forward to it and wanted to see the strength of the new employees. Millton was also waiting for the new song.

Just after everyone returned to the villa, a cool breeze blew and a few drops of rain fell. The chill spread and quickly turned into a downpour.

"It was so dangerous, I almost became a drowned rat."

Xiaoguang felt happy for a while and patted his chest.

On the side, Cattleya was a little disappointed. She was having fun playing volleyball with Sister Zhulan, but unfortunately sometimes, even her abilities were powerless. She couldn't change the weather for her own happiness. There were many Pokémon in this heavy rain. Looking forward to it.

Sha Li put down the camera and said with some confusion: "Starting tonight, it will start to rain throughout the Hezhong area, and it will rain heavily in the next few days. I don't know what's going on."

Hearing this, Xiaoguang was shocked: "Ah? This won't affect our flight tomorrow, right?"

"If you haven't received a notice of flight suspension, it means you won't. Anyway, you are right to leave early."

"Huh~ That's good."

Listening to their conversation, Mingyou also looked at the weather forecast out of curiosity. With such heavy rain, it would be more dangerous to go out to sea to investigate the underwater ruins. It really didn't matter what he didn't want to come...

After a dinner at the villa, Cattleya and the housekeeper left together. Due to their flight tomorrow morning, Dan Yu and the others also went to rest early. Sha Li also had to go back with a few people and rest early. The bustle suddenly became Quiet and lonely.

"In a blink of an eye, there are only a few of us left."

Zhulan took a sip of green tea, put down the tea cup, looked at Mingyou and Xiaozhao who were doing nothing in front of her, and said softly: "I will go to Shuanglong City tomorrow and meet N by the way. What are your arrangements?"

"It depends on the weather."

"The weather...the weather is a little weird."


"The rainy season in the Hezhong area usually only occurs in spring. It rarely rains in this season, let alone heavy rains like this for several consecutive days."

Zhulan told some of her knowledge. Of course, she did not rule out coincidence, but she had a hunch that something big was going to happen in the Hezhong area next.

After hearing these words, Mingyu and Xiaozhao looked at each other and understood what the other meant. If they could be related, then only one of Team Plasma or Team Rocket was behind it.

Zhulan also had doubts about the two people's speculations, but there was no definite evidence. For the time being, this was all she could do. Let's see the situation first, but she still reminded the two of them to pay more attention to safety.

Leaving the living room, the two of them had a brief discussion on the topic just now, and then went back to their rooms to rest. Mingyou had something to talk to Tongchen and the others, so he did not rest with Xiaozhao tonight.

Late at night, it was raining heavily outside, and the house was dark and silent. Only the white dragon mark on Mingyou's hand still shined brightly in the darkness.

Listening to the hypnotic sound of raindrops falling on the windowsill, everyone slept very comfortably. Meloetta lay on her side on Kirby's belly, immersed in sweet dreams.

In the dream, it finally composed a new song for Mingyou and the others and played it for everyone to listen to. Seeing how happy they were, it was also very happy.


Thunder roared outside the window, and the thunder light passed through the curtains, illuminating a black figure in the rain. The figure could not be identified. It was unclear whether it was a human, a Pokémon, or something else. It seemed that no one saw it, and even more Not perceived.

Meloetta, who was sleeping, suddenly realized that she was in a forest she had never seen before when the thunder sounded. All the companions around her disappeared, leaving her alone.

Just when it was panicking, a majestic pyramid appeared vaguely in front of it. Even after years of ravages and the majestic colors faded, the pyramid still stood on the earth.

At the same time, a black shadow was climbing the steps of the pyramid. Meloetta looked at the other party, and all the memories that had been temporarily sealed in her mind were recalled at this moment, and the black shadow gradually became clearer.

That is... my responsibility, to guide and protect the underwater ruins, I must go...

As the surroundings gradually darkened, Meloetta, lying on Kirby's belly, was immersed in sleep, showing an expression of pain, breathing heavily, and moaning helplessly.


The thunder was still there, and the sound of rain covered everything. Only Mingyou listened to the thunder, opened his eyes suddenly, and looked towards Kirby's belly.


(End of this chapter)

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