Elf: A bad trainer starts from farming

Chapter 337 Bailong wants to take advantage of Mingyou and trick Team Rocket into doing work

Chapter 337 Bailong wants to take advantage of Mingyou and trick Team Rocket into doing work (please vote for me)
A powerful blow fell from the air, and even Mingyou could clearly feel the terrifying pressure.

This was probably the aura of a powerful existence that Xiaoyou mentioned, but the other party was just passing by at that time and was not attacked. But now, there is no doubt that they are regarded as enemies and targets of attack.

"He's actually hiding in the sky to launch a sneak attack. Team Plasma... hurry up and get out of the way first!"

Mingyu didn't have time to complain. He had a lot of grudges with Team Plasma. They would not let him go. If he was hit by Kyurem's attack, becoming an ice sculpture would be the best outcome.

But the coldness swept over him. Such a low temperature actually made Milton feel uncomfortable, and his joints began to become stiff. He had never experienced such a cold, and the DNA belonging to the motorcycle lizard in his body was afraid.

"Move, why don't you move!"

Mingyou wanted to control Milton to leave, but then he finally discovered that Milton was afraid of the cold, so he wanted to take out the synchronizer from his backpack, let himself endure the cold, and then leave together.

I'm afraid it's just time...

"You still have to rely on me, remember to raise your salary!"

King Lei Guan, who was sitting in the back, shook his head slightly and then raised his arm. It had lived in the ice and snow of the King's Crown Snowfield for thousands of years and had long since lost its ability to withstand the cold. This level of attack had no effect on it at all!
But before it could bloom and release its power, a ball of cyan flame bloomed in Mingyou's right hand instantly, using high temperature to resist the falling ice beam, while also bringing warmth to Milton's body.

But it is indeed a little difficult now. Unexpectedly, Milton is afraid of the cold. Facing Kyurem, the strongest dragon on the surface, it must be very difficult.

Milerton showed a cold look. Now that he has lived with his companions for so long, he has gained a lot of humanity and his own personality, but he does not accept the loss just now.

And why Reshiram didn't take the initiative to appear from the light stone? Based on N's experience of summoning Zekrom from the dark stone, it is speculated that the black and white dragons must be summoned to come out. This is a mechanism.

After leaving the sea for the time being, Mingyou breathed a sigh of relief. Then he looked at his right hand, remained silent for a moment, and said thank you to Reshiram, even though he knew the other person's intention to help him.

"Lai Ao!"

Mingyu agreed with it. Although he was eager to save Meloetta, he couldn't get carried away. Moreover, fighting in a place like the sea would be unfavorable.

But Mingyou has no such intention at all. Reshiram's purpose is not simple, and he does not want to fall into this kind of "kidnapping" of his duties.


"Okay, okay, let's find a way. They have a large number of people and such powerful weapons. It's obviously impossible to break through directly."


Mingyu took out his telescope and continued to observe the sky. The haze that the beam attack had just broken through had now returned to normal. If he could stay in the sky for such a long time, Team Plasma probably still had destroyers.

Damn it... I just don't believe I can't control you!
I'm committed to you!
Reshiram's confidence as a legendary Pokémon disappeared in front of Mingyu.

Can you win?
I'm afraid I can't win...

Just as he continued to think about how to take the next step, his eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of the sea surface. There was a "savage bass" that surfaced after death, which was the submarine mentioned by Milerton just now.

The beam was directed at the sea surface, but the low temperature did not freeze the seawater at all. This made Mingyou, who was out of the attack range, suddenly notice...

He didn't pay attention to the other party anymore, but looked up, but it was such ignorance that made Reshiram very unhappy. He refused one after another. Don't you want to have the power to change the world?

Reshiram's voice sounded in his mind. This time he could understand the other party's meaning directly, and the light stone was now in the backpack. As long as he agreed, Reshiram could fight for him immediately.

"Lai Ao!"


This time Milerton finally recovered, and at the moment when the flame disappeared, he led Mingyou and the others out of the beam attack range like lightning.

King Lei Guan is more rational. After analyzing the situation, it has no possibility of success now. Moreover, it guesses that the location of the underwater ruins is probably in the same sea area just now, but it cannot be seen.

"Did you escape while taking advantage of Kyurem's attack just now? But it doesn't seem possible..."

Mingyou murmured softly, naturally he would not ignore death, and decided to rescue the people in the submarine, and then went back to discuss with Xiaozhao what should be done.

"Go over and have a look."


Although Milton was in a bad mood, he was still happy to listen to Mingyu's instructions. He didn't eat so many sandwiches in vain, and now they have a good relationship.

When he came below and clearly saw the structure of the broken submarine, Mingyu couldn't help but complain: "Is this thing recycled from the scrapyard?"

"The taste can only be described as tragic."

King Lei Guan also shook his head slightly.

At this time, the exit of the submarine was suddenly opened, and then three figures quickly appeared from it. They were panting heavily regardless of the rain. It was obvious that they had been trapped in the sea for too long and were somewhat deprived of oxygen. Seeing that it was this trio again, Mingyou was slightly startled, then smiled with interest and jumped from Milton to the submarine. At the same time, the electromagnetic field that blocked the rain also covered the area.

Hearing the movement, Kojiro turned around subconsciously, and when he saw the person coming, he immediately let out a cry of terror.



Listening to Kojiro and Meow Meow's screams of terror one after another, Musashi also turned around and looked, and was stunned in place, unable to even speak.

Seeing that the trio of Team Rocket were frightened by him, Mingyou smiled and said hello, "I haven't seen you for two days. Weren't we still flying flying robots before? Why are we so depressed, driving such a shabby submarine?"

Lei Guanwang then added: "Everyone else drives the Kyogre Submarine, but you drive the shabby Savage Bass Submarine. If you don't get in trouble, who will get in trouble?"

"That makes sense..."

The Rocket trio seemed to understand something, nodded slightly, and then finally reacted, hugged each other, and shouted: "Boss, let us go! We are not trying to catch him today."

"Let's go? Okay."

Mingyou crossed his arms, raised his eyebrows, and continued: "I'll ask you some questions, and I'll let you go after I answer them. Well... you have no right to refuse. Tell me honestly why you came here."

"This one……"

Hearing this question, the Rocket trio fell into a dilemma. It couldn't be said that it was because they wanted to continue to monitor the villa to confirm whether the figure playing in the sand yesterday was Meloetta. As a result, the submarine radar malfunctioned and was affected by heavy rain. I lost my way due to the impact and was probably washed here by the current.

If you say this, you will definitely not be able to escape, and you will definitely be thrown into the sea to feed the fish...

Fortunately, Kojiro suddenly came to his senses, clapped his hands and replied quickly: "We are fishing!"


Musashi and Meow Meow looked at him with idiotic expressions. Not even an idiot would believe this answer!
But Mingyou just believed it and nodded lightly: "Don't go out fishing when it's raining so hard. If you really can't survive, you can come to me to introduce a job. You can forget about what happened the day before yesterday. After all, that's what you do. , understandable.”


Hearing what he said sincerely, the Rocket trio were immediately moved. In their impression, Mingyu had always looked annoying, but in fact he was a very gentle and good person.

Mingyou just smiled and continued: "I was just chasing the thief here, and I happened to see the submarine frozen in ice. I thought it was important to save people, but I didn't expect that it was you inside."

"It's raining so hard to chase a thief?"


Mingyou shook his head, looked up helplessly, and continued: "It's the white gem I won in the Youth Cup. Today, people from Team Plasma sneaked into the room and stole it. After I discovered it, I chased them all the way. Come here and listen to them yelling about the underwater ruins being here..."


Hearing what he said intentionally or unintentionally, the Rocket trio looked at each other in confusion. Was the Lightstone stolen by Team Plasma? And the underwater ruins are here?

Just when they were shocked, Mingyou sighed softly: "It's a pity that I let them escape in order to save you. I couldn't catch them when they flew into the sky. Maybe there is some air base above... Now I can only go back and look for them. Miss Junsha asked for help.”

When he said these words, neither his demeanor nor his movements looked like he was acting at all, and then he continued: "But let's send you to Ripple Town first. This submarine will definitely not be able to open."

"No, no! Our Rockets' core technology is the best in the world. Even if there is only a fish skeleton left, we can still drive it back!"

The Rocket trio quickly refused, not caring about the other party's suspicion. They suddenly got such important news and had to report it to Boss Sakaki.

The location of the underwater ruins has been found. Why do we need Meloetta? Just come here. Moreover, Team Plasma dares to steal Team Rocket's light stone. I don't know who is the boss!

Seeing that they didn't want to follow him, Mingyou didn't feel embarrassed. While complaining, he pretended to call the police and left quickly on Milton.

Until then, Lei Guanwang, who had remained silent throughout the whole process, finally spoke up: "As expected of you, for a moment I didn't know who was the fool."


The corner of Mingyou's mouth raised a slight arc. He had sent a lot of important information, some of which were true and some of which were false.

Although meeting a few of them was purely accidental, wouldn't there be a chance now? The Rockets must not be able to sit still. The grievances between the two sides can be wiped out at once!

"Let's go, go back first!"


(End of this chapter)

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