Elf: A bad trainer starts from farming

Chapter 350 Turtle? Follow-up of the Haunted Incident in Ghost Mountain

Chapter 350 Turtle? Follow-up of the Haunted Incident in Ghost Mountain (please vote for me)
On the streets of Cuilu Town, the construction of some facilities is still continuing. The statue of King Lei Guan was erected in the center of the town and became a new belief in Beishang Township. Its unique shape attracted many tourists.

However, compared to the kohlrabi, the statue of Pongchun placed in Pongchun Square is more popular. Pongchun's performance in the Youth Cup made many tourists fall in love with this cute little guy.

Kitakami Township is now in the period of the Mask-Making Festival. Although it is almost over, the number of tourists has not decreased at all, but is actually increasing. In addition to the influence of the Youth Cup, there are of course some other reasons.

Mingyou came to the street and did not deliberately hide himself, but his sense of existence was really low. If someone hadn't seen Mingyou, no one would have noticed that he was here...

"I have become famous but still have no sense of existence..."

"Who told you that you never pay attention to your image and always look very casual. If you want to feel present, you should change your outfit to show your temperament."

Xiaozhao joked and complained. When she was blocked by tourists, she also set her sights on an office building that had been built but was still being renovated. She asked curiously: "What is this for? For office use?"

"This building belongs to us, but there is nothing in it now, so there is no need to visit."


"It's Rutabaga's studio that used my name to ask for investment from Lillie, and tricked the residents of Beishang Township to help with it. It's a shame that it can go around in such a long way to get this thing out."

After sending away the fans, the two continued to look at the changes in Green Town. On the way, they met Dan Yu and Wu Li's grandfather Xuezhong. After some questioning, they learned that the siblings were still with Xiao Guang in the Chengdu area. Let's take a walk together, maybe we can come back the day after tomorrow.

Before he could speak, Mingyou took the lead and joked: "Uncle is smiling so happily. The tourism industry must be very prosperous recently. He has made a lot of money, right?"

Are the administrators so flattered that they build a school in such a remote place and only teach children from Emerald Town?
"There are also some villages around Beishang Township. After the railway is built, traveling will be more convenient, and schools are still necessary. Learn about trainers and Pokémon, and you will be more able to travel as a trainer in the future. Safety."

Mingyou spread his hands helplessly, but the administrator's words reminded him, so he expressed his idea of ​​building a school in Beishang Township.

"Build a school?"

So the two continued to go to Mozawa Store, but the news of their return had already spread, and the administrator quickly found them, with faces full of flattery and joy, but there was no trace of dissatisfaction or complaint in his heart.


Hearing this, Xiaozhao couldn't hold back, laughed out loud, coughed twice, and joked: "Obviously he is not a trainer himself, haha."

The administrator also knows that this matter is of great importance. Now that Beishang Township has returned to the same old state after the tourist season, it really needs some vitality.

A few people continued to chat about some recent events in Beishang Township. Most of them were normal, but the administrator still mentioned something related to the ghost mountain.

"Sister, this is not funny..."

Xiaozhao took over the topic and said, hoping that the administrator could have a good discussion with the residents. Building a school would be of great help to the development of Green Town.

There are few young people in Cuilv Town, and most of them work outside. If the family can afford it, they will take their children out to go to school. If they can't, they can only let their children stay here as left-behind children. If the school is built and the railway is opened, there will definitely be many people. Will all come back...

Xiaozhao raised his eyes and saw, is there still such a thing?
"Is it serious?"

"Well, I'll go talk to them!"

After saying these words, Mingyou felt helpless.



When Meloetta heard this, she was immediately full of expectations. The band studio that Lei Guanwang told it about was here. Unfortunately, it also invited Milton to join it, but now Milton is no longer here...

"No matter where there is..."

The administrator smiled and continued: "Everyone saw your match in the Youth Cup on TV. Now many children in the village regard you as an object of admiration and want to become a trainer."

"It had a slight impact, but fortunately there was no major accident. It was just that some tourists who encountered the situation were frightened. However, when word of the haunting spread, it attracted many more tourists to Beishang Township."

The administrator smiled bitterly. Naturally, he was happy because of the increase in tourists. However, the impact of the Moogei Lang incident really frightened him. He was afraid that something unexpected would happen again this time. Beishang Township finally managed to get back on track with Mingyou's help. He really didn't want to Let’s stop messing with those things.

Regarding this matter, Mingyou heard He Yue say before that the administrator hoped to ask Lei Guanwang to solve it, but Rutabaga left the matter to the night demon in the haunted house, but the other party also refused to do it, and finally went around and around, No one has ever investigated this issue.

There are indeed many secrets in Ghost Mountain. Now that he is back, Mingyou wants to inquire about it and asks: "Has the Crystal Light Pond been sealed off?"

Jingguang Pond is a pond with Taijing crystals on the top of Guishan Mountain. It is also the source of all rivers in Beishang Township. Its birth time is uncertain. Guishan is an extinct volcano. Therefore, many scholars who have investigated here have concluded that Jingguang Pond may have been in Born after the last volcanic eruption.

Hearing the question, the administrator nodded and responded: "It was closed after the first haunting incident, but curious tourists still sneak up there from time to time. Fortunately, no accidents happened."

"What about the first tourist who encountered a ghost? Did he show any special symptoms?"

"No, and he has been staying in the village until a few days ago."

"Huh?" This surprised Mingyou. He didn't leave even after encountering a ghost. Does he still want to find a ghost?
After thinking for a moment, he raised his head and asked, "Do you have any information about that tourist?"


The administrator directly sent the identity information left by the other party when he lived in the public hall to Mingyou. This was not a random leak of information. After all, insiders knew that Mingyou was the real administrator.

Mingyou flipped through the messages, and when he saw the person's name and photo, a flash of surprise flashed across his face. It turned out to be Paipa whom he had met in Niangguang City. He still remembered that the other person's mastiff godfather was posting missing persons notices everywhere. .

Noticing his expression, Xiao Zhao asked curiously: "Is this Pipa your friend?"

"We know each other, what's wrong?"

In the previous case of disappearance in Niangguang City, Pipa was captured by Zhenyifa and brought into the online world. Later, after being rescued by him and Xiaoqing, the other party stayed in the hospital. When he was discharged, he had already returned to Beishang Township, so there was no Too many opportunities for familiarity.

However, Piper's mother is Dr. Olin, who developed the Tai Jing Bead. She is by far the most in-depth researcher on the Tai Jing Bead. Unfortunately, I heard that the doctor seems to have passed away.

After receiving the answer and explanation, Xiaozhao was even more surprised and continued to ask: "Xiaoqing? Is he the youngest champion student of Orange Academy?"

"Yes, do you know each other again?"

"Well, she was invited by Principal Xi Lan to come to Blueberry Academy for a while a few months ago. I also gave her lessons. She is a very lovable child, and she also has a cute little old dog with her. This Pipa also came with her at that time.”

"You haven't even told me..."

"You didn't ask..."

Xiaozhao looked innocent and continued: "She returned to Orange Academy a week before you came to Blueberry Academy. Before leaving, she beat up all the Four Heavenly Kings of the Blueberry Alliance, including Ali."

Hearing this, Mingyou didn't know what to say, so he happened to stagger them all. However, when he left Niangguang City, he seemed to have indeed heard them say that he planned to go to Blueberry Academy to investigate Tai Jinghua.

So he looked at the administrator and continued to ask: "Did Pipa come with anyone else?"

"No, he came alone."


Mingyou nodded lightly. It seemed that after the other party and Xiaoqing returned to Padiya, they came to Beishang Township alone again. They probably came here to investigate Taijinghua.

Moreover, fog and ghosts on the top of Ghost Mountain seemed to have never happened before in broad daylight. Such a thing happened as soon as Pipa arrived. Could it be that the other party did something in the Crystal Light Pool at that time?

This guess was not revealed in front of the administrator. It was only after he was sent away that he revealed his guess to Xiaozhao.


Tuxun, who had been quietly eavesdropping, also said that he had lived in Ghost Mountain for hundreds of years and had never heard of anything haunted.

Xiaozhao gently twitched his chin with his fingers, nodded slightly, pondered for a moment, and said, "Your guess is indeed possible. Do you want to go to the Crystal Light Pool together now to confirm?"

"Well... let's talk about it later."

Mingyou shook his head. There were so many tourists in Beishang Township now. He was worried that he had caused big problems in the past and affected the tourists. Moreover, the Crystal Light Pond was now blocked, so no accidents happened and it was relatively safe.

So it was better to wait until the tourist season was over before he went over to check on the situation and try to keep the noise as low as possible.

Seeing what he said, Xiaozhao didn't say anything more. She just reminded him to be careful. When the tourist season is over, she will have to go back to work at Blueberry Academy, so she can't continue to assist Mingyu...

The two of them did not continue this topic, and went to the Moozawa store with Tsubaki and the others. Now the store has expanded a bit, and Momozawa's mother-in-law is still here, but the business is so good during the tourist season, and her children who will be away from home are also called I'm back to help take care of the store.

After purchasing ingredients and seasonings at Mozawa Store, we put aside those miscellaneous things and went home together to start processing the ingredients and hold a banquet. Tonight was destined to be another sleepless night.

At the same time, in the crystal light pool on the top of Ghost Mountain, the afternoon sun gently shines on the water, creating a layer of golden ripples. Through the water, it shines on the dazzling crystals shining with bright particles below.

It was just such a bright weather, but thick fog suddenly appeared, covering the top of the crystal light pool, and the water surface rippled again.

A dark blue figure resembling a tortoise swung its limbs in panic on the water, as if it was drowning. On the shore, Pokémon and human figures walked quickly past, doing some unexplained actions.

Until the dazzling sunlight fell on the water again, no matter the thick fog, the turtles or the human figures, they all disappeared.

Except for Menas who was wandering in the crystal light pool and the crystal light flowers floating aimlessly on the shore, no one saw this strange scene again...


(End of this chapter)

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