Elf: A bad trainer starts from farming

Chapter 356: Gulton vs. Reshiram, find Chapter Milton’s plan

Chapter 356: Gulton vs Reshiram, the plan to retrieve Milton (please vote for me)
Time flies by, and half a month has passed since Xiaozhao left. Although the tourist season has passed, there are still many tourists visiting Beishang Township from time to time, and they can't stop at all.

As for the railway in Kitakami Township connecting the three regions of Johto, Kanto and Sinnoh, it was completed yesterday. After inspections and other work are completed, it is expected to be officially put into use in a month.

The station is located three kilometers south of the bus station in Cuilu Town. It is not too far away to avoid damaging the natural environment of Beishang Township. The railway does not directly cross the entire Beishang Township.

Mingyou is looking forward to the future development of Beishang Township after the station is officially opened, but today he has a more important thing to do...

He and the Iron Warrior came to a certain place in the fruit forest. The Burning Bug was also beside him, lying on the Iron Warrior's head. They stopped together in front of a tree covered with dragon fruits. The strong fragrance even attracted Reshiram. , looking at it with curiosity.

These dragon fruits hanging on the trees are very big, and the orange peel coat is bulging like a flame. When cut with a knife, the flesh is pure and white without any seeds, which is good news for obsessive-compulsive disorder.

[White Yang Dragon Fruit (B+): The taste is soft, sweeter than ordinary dragon fruits, with a unique aroma. It is the best choice for making jam. It has the effect of repelling cold. Pokémon will increase its resistance to fire after eating it. The familiarity speed of attribute energy. Dragon-type Pokémon approved by Reshiram will gain true power after eating it, greatly improving the special attack attribute ability]

[Additional effect: Pokémon that gain true power can learn the moves Green Flame and Intertwined Flame after eating it]

"Well, it tastes pretty good."

Mingyou tasted the taste, nodded with satisfaction, and gave the remaining half to the burning insects. Reshiram took a dragon fruit directly from the tree without any ceremony and ate it with the skin.

Looking at Xiaoqing, who had grown taller, Mingyou smiled and waved, walked up and shouted, "Didn't you say hello when you came? I remember you have my contact information, right?"

Mingyou was slightly stunned. After holding the burning bug in his arms, he supported Reshiram with his hands and looked down, then he was stunned.

"Are you here already? You kept me waiting for so long!"

"I still have the Philosopher's Stone."

When Reshiram fell, Guluton also took Xiaoqing down slowly, and both of them landed at the same time...

[Black Yin Jiabao (B+): The skin and pulp are hard, the taste is sweet and sour, and some are similar to grapes. It can be used as a food additive or dye. It has fire-reducing effects. Pokémon will increase its electrical energy after eating it. The familiarity speed is very fast. After eating dragon-type Pokémon recognized by Zekrom, they will gain ideal power and greatly improve their attack attributes.]

"Lai Ao~"

Seeing its surprised expression, Mingyou complained, but did not explain the real reason. After all, it would be very troublesome to explain this thing from the beginning.

The fruit of truth?

"Lai Ao!"

"Sure enough, they are all the same, and they even have linkage effects, so let's give them a try first!"

I saw a powerful crimson figure, gliding in mid-air with huge wings spread out on its head. There was a girl's figure on its back, wearing an orange school uniform, seemingly riding a Pokémon. Dream, like an outing nearby.

Riding on Reshiram, it had just flown out of the manor. It looked down with cold blue eyes and screamed as if it felt something.

However, there is still one area left to solve the coastal area of ​​​​the water area. There is no sea water in Beishang Township, so a water-drop slate is necessary. However, there is currently no whereabouts of this slate, so it can only be put on hold for the time being.

"Haha, don't worry, it operates normally."

When it tasted it, it suddenly felt incredible, because not only did it feel a similar taste to its own from the dragon fruit, but it could even vaguely sense the existence of "reality". Is it possible that even fruits can be real now?

[Additional effect: Pokémon that gain ideal power can learn the moves Thunder Strike and Cross Lightning after eating it]

Thanks to Kyurem's efforts, the polar region has been completely built. There are only some details left to deal with. Kyurem lives among the icebergs in the polar region, but it is very detail-oriented and has been thinking about it all day, so don't go there yet. It's better to bother with it.

However, after seeing the effects, you can now safely sell these as limited edition products. Only with the approval of the Three Dragons of the Way can the real effects be shown, so there is nothing to worry about.

Mingyou said calmly, raising the corner of his mouth slightly and letting Reshiram fly down. There was no doubt that the other party had also discovered them.


Xiao Qing pointed to the river to the north of the manor, where there was indeed a red beam of light rising into the sky, which should be a fire attribute crystal.

So after asking Iron Warrior to help record the records, he went to a densely packed fruit tree filled with many grape-like fruits, and an equally densely packed loquat tree with branches piled up together to check the information on these fruits.

In fact, she didn't come to Kitakami Township just to investigate Kulai Orange. She also happened to hear the question about Qishu that day and became curious. The real reason she came here was to assist her friend in the investigation.

With the help of King Lei Guan and He Yue, the remaining grassland areas in the plains and the canyon areas in the mountains have been built using turquoise stone slabs and earth stone slabs, but they are still a little unstable.

Out of curiosity, Mingyou called Liebite Land Shark to try it out. First, he asked Reshiram to recognize him, and then he gave him a White Yang Dragon Fruit to eat.

"Lai Ao!?"

Lie Biting Lu Shark ate the dragon fruit under his instruction, and after a few seconds of silence, Lie Biting Lu Shark suddenly opened his eyes, as if he felt something. The next second, a small ball of blue flames shot out from his mouth. When he came out, fortunately, he was cut off by the Iron Warrior with one sword.

Reshiram's face was full of surprise. How could this be done? The flame just now was clearly Qing Yan, although its power was completely different from his own Qing Yan.

After investigating these new fruits, Mingyou packed up and prepared to go to the town. Now that the manor was taken care of by the iron warrior, he really didn't have much to do, so he went to take a walk in the dessert shop over there and take a look. How is the construction progress of the school?

Although I relied on Reshiram's help to form different weather simulations using the Dragon Stone Slab, there is currently no way to control the thresholds of these two areas to avoid affecting the normal surrounding environment, so I still need Dr. Vero's help. This will wait slowly. That’s it.

The ecological park that currently belongs to the manor, Mingyou plans to imitate the ecological dome and create four areas.

But I can try this effect later.

"I'm not going to the manor, I just saw the Taijing crystal over there and wanted to go there."

[Gray Void Dragon Fruit (B+): fragrant and soft, peelable and ready to eat, mellow taste, somewhat similar to the taste of lychee, girls will prefer to eat it, Pokémon will increase its familiarity with ice energy after eating it , after eating dragon Pokémon approved by Kyurem, they will gain the power of chaos and slightly increase their attack and special attack attributes]

Xiaoqing didn't lie, and she was just a student with a simple and likable personality. She was a bit familiar and natural, and she could chat with anyone.


Then she smiled and continued: "Actually, I have been in Beishang Township for half a month, and I have seen you in Cuilu Town a few times. However, because I still have some things to do, I haven't gone to see you for the time being. Today is a good day. Met you."

"what happened?"

[Additional effect: Pokémon with the power of chaos can learn the moves Frozen World after eating them, and eat White Yang Dragon Fruit or Black Yin Garbo Fruit to learn the moves Extreme Cold Flame and Frozen Volt]

Seeing this result, Mingyou was very satisfied. He had just learned the moves, but he would definitely be able to grow up in the future. Moreover, Reshiram was also a dragon. Can he learn other dragon moves?
But Zekrom is still with N, so this is not easy to solve. As for Kyurem... Brother Tumu is now addicted. He builds houses there every day. He once brought war with chaos, leaving many humans and Pokémon helpless. Shenlong, who has returned home, now has this hobby of building homes for others.

After a brief explanation, Mingyou finally understood: "Gangpa investigates the ghost mountain and crystal light pool, and the reason why Taijing energy appears in Beishang Township?"

"Yes, we have been busy with this these days, collecting Taijing crystals from everywhere... Well, of course, I can't say more."

"It's still the same."

Mingyou smiled calmly. The other person was a good student who was obedient and lovable. However, it could also be seen that what they were investigating might not be convenient to talk about.

But Xiaoqing hesitated for a moment, seeming to recall something. He put his finger on his lips and asked nervously: "By the way, did I tell you about the time machine and our trip to the Padia Crater?"


Mingyou recalled for a moment and nodded slightly, as if this was indeed the case... No!
Thanks to the other party's reminder, he suddenly recalled that the time when Xiaoqing and others went to the Padia Pit to shut down the time machine seemed to be very close to the time when Dream Demon and Burning Bug's Pokémon Eggs disappeared!
I remember that I had speculated at the time that Millarton and his companions would come to modern times, perhaps as a result of subsequent problems caused by the time machine. Is it possible that they are related?

After being silent for a long time, he glanced at the burning bug lying on Reshiram, then looked at Xiaoqing and said, "Can you add me to your investigation? I know Beishang Township quite well."


Xiaoqing, who was still regretting saying it out loud, was slightly startled when she heard this.

Regarding the time machine, Yeci didn't let them tell anyone. The last time it was Mingyu who helped her rescue the captured Pipa and Nemo from the online world, she subconsciously regarded them as companions and then told them.

Although Ye Ci did not blame him, this time...

She was a little hesitant to involve the other party. After all, there might be great danger, even if Mingyu was the Youth Cup champion.

Just when she was hesitating, she suddenly noticed that Gu Ledun next to her was showing ferocious eyes, looking up at the cold white dragon in front of her...


"Lai Ao!"

"Don't fight!" Xiao Qing persuaded Gu Ledun. Although she didn't know what Pokémon this white dragon was, she could feel the powerful aura emanating from its body. Gu Ledun must have felt it too, so there was Got fighting spirit.

That being the case...

"Okay, but there's a condition!"


"That's it... let's fight!"

Xiaoqing's cute face also showed fighting spirit. As a champion trainer of Orange Academy, it is obvious that she loves Pokémon battles. And she watched the opponent's Youth Cup live broadcast from the beginning. I even regretted not participating in the competition.

Hearing this, Mingyou glanced to the side and understood: "No problem!"

The main reason why he wants to participate in the other party's investigation is that this matter is likely to be related to the follow-up issues of the time machine. Since Milton came here because of this, is Milerton going to be brought back?

If it's really possible...

The cold future is not the place where Milton should stay. The manor is his home!
After confirming the fight, Leshiram immediately roared at Reshiram, his face no longer naive, but Reshiram always maintained a cold and elegant posture, standing on the spot, staring at the opponent with lowered eyes.

"Then let's begin!"

Xiao Qing couldn't wait, but Ming You shook his head: "Do you want to completely destroy Beishang Township by fighting here?"

"Um...where should we go?"


Mingyou smiled and pointed his hand in the air: "Go to the sky. If the winner cannot be determined for a while, then let's see who gets knocked down first!"

"Huh? Isn't this too dangerous?"

Xiaoqing quickly understood what he meant. This was for the two of them to sit on the Pokémon and fight at high altitude. If either side made a mistake and fell down...it would be "Ao-chan" and "Yu-chan".

In response, Mingyou smiled calmly: "This kind of danger is nothing to me!"


Hearing this, Xiao Qing suddenly realized that the other party was showing that he was not afraid of any danger at all, and would even have the courage to challenge these dangers.

That being the case, it’s easy!



Therefore, Luton jumped up quickly, stood upright in a burst of red light, and transformed into his complete form. Xiaoqing then rode on his back, holding the blue gauntlet structures on both sides with both hands, spreading his wings, and soared into the sky.

Mingyou smiled and rode on Reshiram's back, letting the burning bug stay on the ground temporarily to avoid accidentally throwing it off later, and then shouted: "Catch up!"

"Lai Ao!"

Reshiram's tail ignited orange-red flames, turned on the overclocking drive mode, and shot straight into the sky, leaving only the Burning Bug in place, staring blankly at the sky.

The two sides continued to pass through the clouds, and then slowly stopped when they reached an altitude of 10,000 meters. At such a height, a ray of sunlight fell, and the crimson pulse started. The sunlight and the flames dissipated the coldness of the high altitude.

Although the burning bug on the ground couldn't see this scene, the falling sunlight made it lose focus for a moment. It raised its forelimbs and waved gently, humming continuously.

The flame-white Kyurem, who was in the polar region, looked up and seemed to say "it's none of my business." Then he used the flames to melt the ice cubes in his hands to shape them, and helped the snow boys in front of him build houses.

And somewhere in the ozone layer, a figure in the shape of a green flying dragon, wearing sunglasses stolen from somewhere, grabbed popcorn-shaped meteorites with his claws, threw them into his mouth, and started watching the fun.

good! I want to see a river of blood!
The two people, who were completely unaware of this, sat on their respective Pokémon and looked at each other. This was the first time such a Pokémon battle had happened to them.

"let's go!"

Ride duel! On the verge of breaking out!
Xiao Qing was obviously a trainer who was better at attacking. He immediately waved his hand and shouted: "Rush over, close the distance and use close combat!"


Under the influence of Crimson Pulse, Guluton's aura was very powerful. He just kicked his legs hard in the air, and suddenly there was a sonic boom and he rushed forward.

Mingyu is not to be outdone at all. Reshiram can also get the bonus from the effects of Crimson Pulse. If you want to blame it, it's your fault. Luton is not a fire dragon. We are the real fire dragons.


"Lai Ao!"

Looking at Guledun rushing over, the flames on Reshiram's tail transmitted energy, opened his mouth, and a circle of cyan energy spread, and then absorbed the sunlight, and a powerful cyan flame shot out!

Guluton and Qingyan collided violently. Xiaoqing blocked the heat wave in front of him with his hands. He was even more excited. He finally met a Pokémon again that Guluton could use his full strength to deal with.

"Use reverse scale!"

As the words fell, Luton's eyes instantly turned red, and his whole body glowed with red light. Then it fell into a rage, suddenly opened its arms, scattered the green flames, and rushed forward in one fell swoop, hitting Reshiram with all its strength.


"Lai Ao!"

Neither Pokémon gave in to the other, but under the collision of physical strength, it was obvious that Reshiram was at a disadvantage and gradually fell into a disadvantage.

However, Mingyu did not immediately choose to fight back or let Reshiram escape. Although Reshiram had his own battle ideas, he always chose to listen to him.

"Sure enough, it's really not suitable for close combat!"

A smile appeared on Xiaoqing's face. She didn't know Reshiram, but looking at the clean and soft hair on the opponent's body, she deduced that it was a Pokémon that was good at long-range combat, and I had the advantage in melee combat.

"I win, let's do it again!"


The continuous effect of the reverse scale has not ended yet. With the improvement of the crimson pulse, Ludun slammed forward again, constantly lowering Reshiram's body. As long as the opponent could no longer hold on, he turned over and dodged, then Mingyou would It will definitely fall.

But Reshiram still had no intention of evading, and Mingyou himself maintained a very dangerous posture, and he would fall if he let go.

This puzzled Xiaoqing, but she understood it the next second...

In the brief chaotic state after the end of the reverse scale, Luton shook his head to keep himself awake and forcibly dispelled the chaotic state. Mingyou's chance was here!
"It's over, intertwined flames!"

As he finished speaking, Reshiram ejected a huge fireball surrounded by two fire rings from his mouth. It absorbed the sunlight, and with the flames at the tail pushing upward, it was released directly against Gu Ledun's face!
It exploded with a bang...

The sweeping heat wave and explosion impact swept Xiao Qing away.


A strong falling feeling came, and Xiaoqing couldn't help screaming any longer. She stretched out her hand to catch Gu Ledun, who was wrapped in flames. However, when the warm wind hit her, a hand suddenly stretched out and pulled her away. live.

Mingyou smiled and pulled her onto Reshiram, saying softly: "Haha, I won~"


Xiao Qing was still recovering from the aftermath of the disaster. It wasn't until she saw the smile on his face that she breathed a sigh of relief and was completely convinced.

"Thank you, I lost..."


(End of this chapter)

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