Elf: A bad trainer starts from farming

Chapter 366: Agni draws his sword, Keldeo’s fiery sword Agni

Chapter 366: Agni draws his sword, Keldeo’s fiery sword Agni (please vote for me)
The teleportation device started very quickly. Except for the ID card identification needed to go to the Zero Area Research Institute, other observation stations can be teleported at any time. It only took a slight dizziness for about a second, and then came to the fourth observation station after recovering.

However, there was no one here at this time. It seemed that the appearance of Iron Spotted Leaf had caused the researchers to take refuge, and the observatory doors were closed.

"Let's go out and take a look. I don't know what Dr. Futu's countermeasures are. Anyway, you don't have to take care of me. You have to help Keldeo deal with the Iron Spotted Leaf before the casualties increase!"


Seeing this human who called himself Mingyu, he didn't know who he was talking to. Keldeo always had a trace of hesitation and vigilance on his face. In fact, he didn't know whether he should believe it or not. He suddenly regarded himself as Strange human companions.

Although he was determined to come with him to fight Iron Spotted Leaf, Iron Spotted Leaf is not a Pokémon, but a killing weapon modified by human technology on Biligion!
Any creature will feel pain, fear, or flaws when attacked, but this killing weapon will not feel that way. As long as the core is still functioning, it can continue to fight.

But there is one thing. This is another time and space, and there will be no laboratory that can repair and replace iron-spotted leaves. It can indeed defeat it completely...

After opening the door of the 4th Observation Station and coming out, he was greeted by a dazzling light that almost made him unable to open his eyes. After a while to adjust, his eyes widened and he looked with shock at the huge mountain in the distance surrounded by spiral terrain. The dazzling gem, the entire underground, is just a huge crystal!


Keldeo was also stunned. He had never seen such a dream-like scene before, or... it had not seen such a natural landscape for countless years. The unpolluted earth was so beautiful.

It’s just that beautiful scenery is always accompanied by danger. The crystals are covered with poisonous crystal flowers everywhere, telling you that these can only be viewed from a distance and not played with, otherwise you will probably pay the price with your life.



Mingyou's voice brought back Keldeo's thoughts. Looking up along the spiral terrain, there seemed to be a very dazzling figure that reflected the light of the Taijing crystal. It was the iron-spotted leaf!
The opponent chose to fall as fast as possible, but the terrain in Area Zero still delayed it for a long time. Fortunately, due to the barren environment in the lower level, the number of wild Pokémon was small, but it cannot be ruled out that there are still many. The Pokémon was killed.

Seeing Iron Spotted Leaf again, Keldeo's eyes instantly turned cold. In sword duels, it lost to Biligeon 951 times, and in life and death battles, it lost to Iron Spotted Leaf 48 times, both before and after death. , I have lost 999 times and haven’t won once.

So this time...can we win?

"We will win! Get ready!"

As he spoke, Mingyu raised his right hand, and the green flame turned into a cross impact. Reshiram waved his wings and appeared from it. The intimidating dragon roar resounded throughout Area Zero. It had already endured it for a long time after listening to Keldeo's story. Now is the time to vent your anger!

Looking at the white dragon flying away, Keldeo froze on the spot. The white dragon of reality... indeed he had seen it right before, it actually existed!

Noticing its expression, Mingyou turned sideways and asked, "Have you never seen it before?"


Keldeo shook his head. He only heard about the titles of other Holy Swordsmen, which were obtained after defeating the evil Dragon of Chaos Kyurem. It was because of its admiration for these legends that it embarked on a journey to accept other Holy Swords. After receiving the teachings of a knight, he finally became a holy swordsman.

Therefore, its title was obtained after its predecessors recognized its strength, and it did not defeat the evil dragon. In its era, the Three Dragons of the Path were just legends, and only the Holy Swordsman was real.

Hearing this, Mingyou put his hands in his pockets and said in a calm tone: "What's the difference between this and self-proclaimed ones? Those who are recognized by Shenlong are the Holy Swordsmen."


Keldeo has always been rather arrogant. Although its edges have been smoothed by pain, it has no reason to refute Mingyu's ridicule. Its holy sword has indeed never killed a dragon. This is a fact.

"Then why are you still standing there?"


"Go on!"


Keldeo hesitated for a moment, but then rushed in the direction of the iron-spotted leaf.

Mingyou stood there and shook his head. He liked this kid very much. Although he was a little silly and had a stubborn personality, his awareness of giving up his life to protect others attracted him very much. This is why he chose to help. Help to the end.

It doesn't matter if the Holy Sword is broken constantly. When the sword in his heart is broken, he is truly dead. That's why he raised the question before, whether to choose revenge or continue to protect. Choosing one of the two will determine Keldeo's success. The road after a second chance.

As for which answer the other party really chose, maybe we can know it through this battle...

Iron Spotted Leaf was blocked by Qingyan. A machine like it, which is completely controlled by the system, will go through countless calculations in the body and finally make the optimal solution. At this moment, there is only one choice.


This shows that the enemy in front of it cannot be dealt with alone. It must find two other weapons with RX numbers in order to defeat it stably.

Although Reshiram really wanted to use the green flames to burn the guy in front of him to death, Mingyu had told it to help Keldeo defeat Iron Spotted Leaf. Although he didn't know the purpose, it could only do this.

The green flames spread out to both sides, allowing Keldeo to enter, and finally surrounded it like a circular arena, trapping both sides inside.


Keldeo looked at the iron-spotted leaf in front of him. Compared with the opponent's brilliance, he was in a state of disgrace. He couldn't even beat him at his peak. As for now...

Before it could react, Iron Spotted Leaf had already used its spirit sword to attack it. After being transformed, the holy swordsman lost his fighting spirit and was given a super power system, which completely restrained it in terms of attributes.

Fortunately, the blue flame formed a barrier to help it resist an attack, and Reshiram's cold cry also came, telling it not to take it lightly and to understand what it should do next.


Hearing this, Keldeo cheered up again and used the air blade, but the attack was easily dodged by Iron Spotted Leaf. The strength gap between the two sides was huge at this time.

"Three o'clock on the left, Yan Hui!"

Mingyu's voice suddenly came, and Keldeo looked back, then immediately rushed forward, using his remaining strength and relying on the broken horn, he finally hit the iron spotted leaf in anticipation of his move.

Although the attack on the opponent was no different from the attack on steel, the only successful counterattack made him realize something. He... was not alone!

Are trainers that only existed in the past?
This is what it thinks of Mingyu at this time. In its era, the profession of trainer has long ceased to exist. All humans are self-interested racists, and persecuting Pokémon is their daily routine.

Now, it finally understood what the other party meant by "companion" before.

Mingyou didn't explain anything. Since you are confused, don't swing your sword. If you believe in your companions, then move forward bravely. The courage to swing your sword at the invincible enemy!


"Kaildeo!" Keldeo stood up straight, recalling the battles he had fought with each other again and again, whether it was during the period of Biligeon or Iron Spotted Leaf... why he couldn't win, because no matter how powerful the Holy Swordsman was, he couldn't do anything To defeat the Chaos Dragon alone.

With companions, you will have the heart to fight to protect others. Otherwise, no matter how you hone your sword skills, you will never be called a true holy swordsman. Although it was fighting to protect others in the past, But in my heart, hatred has always taken over my reason, so in the end... I couldn't hold on to anything.

The only time it protected the Babu Tubo family was in its weakest state. It was also driven by its instinct. It no longer fought against Iron Spotted Leaf for revenge, but truly fought for protection!

Keldeo finally understood that this was what Mingyu really wanted to tell him, and the answer was between these two choices. It was time to really make a choice... No, it should be said that there was only one answer!

bring it on! The guy who controls senior's body!

It looked at Iron Spotted Leaf without any fear. It couldn't fight without a sword? As long as the sword in its heart still exists, it can continue to fight.


Useless struggle!
The electric sound emitted by the iron-spotted leaves pieced together a sentence, and then the electric current flashed under his feet, the electrical field was opened, the quark charge was activated, and the firepower was fully activated.

Looking at this scene, Mingyou shouted: "If your attack doesn't work, then think about what is here that can defeat it."


Keldeo looked at the green flames surrounding him, and he suddenly had the answer in his heart.

That’s right! Flame... No, this is a companion too!

Facing the green flames that could burn the earth, it mustered up its courage and rushed in without hesitation.

But the target that Iron Spot Ye was running towards was not it, but Mingyou who was outside the flame.

Iron Spot Ye already knows who is giving the orders. As long as he kills this person...


Seeing Mingyu being attacked, Keldeo had no other thoughts in his mind at this time. Protecting his companions... this was the only thing he thought about!
Ignoring the high temperature of the green flames, Iron Spot Leaf actually used the spirit sword to break through with the boost of quark charge. But when the spirit sword was about to tear Mingyou into pieces, a flame suddenly struck and stopped it...

Fiery draw sword!

Keldeo rushed out of the green flames. The broken holy sword was now wrapped with green flames and formed the shape of a sword blade, blocking it in front of the iron-spotted leaf.


Iron Spotted Leaf was stunned. There was no such move in its database, not even in Biligion's memory. Why...its performance could no longer predict the opponent's actions.

Mingyou stood there and said calmly: "A machine without a heart will certainly not understand the power that explodes when something is protected, so Milerton and Iron Warrior are Pokémon, but you are not... …You’re just a machine.”

"Lai Ao!"

Reshiram let out a dragon roar, and his body disappeared into the green flames. The flames seemed to be attracted and condensed on Keldeo's holy sword. The holy sword wrapped in green flames suddenly rose into the sky, and the surrounding Taijing particles also Be drawn around.

"it's over!"

Mingyu waved his hand and shouted, Keldeo slashed the Green Flame Holy Sword with all his strength. Iron Spotted Leaf could no longer evacuate, so he could only use his spiritual sword to resist. The invisible purple energy shattered at the moment of collision, and its The performance is simply irresistible.

Tiezaiye, who had never known fear, finally showed fear on his face at this time. Perhaps when it was finally destroyed, it finally gave birth to a "heart of fear"...

The sword blade touches and bursts into flames!
Iron Spot Leaf's body was constantly shattered by the flames erupting from the Fire Sword. The green paint faded to metallic color with the high temperature, and finally turned into charred black. The quark-charged core also exploded...

Keldeo was breathing heavily, and the flames on his head had dissipated. He looked at the remains of the iron-spotted leaf that was constantly being burned in the green flames. It was the 1000th duel, and it finally won, but it didn't know what to show on its face. The joy after victory is still the pain of watching the senior disappear.

Just in a daze, it vaguely saw an elegant green figure slowly floating up from the remains of the iron-spotted leaf like a departed soul. It smiled in recognition and nodded to it.


"It seems that your senior is expressing his gratitude to you and recognizing you."

Mingyou put away a Biligion card he had just obtained and said with a smile.

Keldeo looked at the figure that was gradually disappearing in the sky, his eyes sparkling, he smiled, and nodded. Now that he has found the right path, he will definitely become a Holy Swordsman!
"Lai Ao~"

Reshiram nodded in approval. Although in a sense, the Holy Swordsman and the Three Dragons of the Way were antagonistic, they did not mind lending their power to each other. After all, they were companions!
As Iron Spot Leaf's body completely dissipated in the flames, the battle finally came to an end. Keldeo collapsed on the ground exhausted. As his body relaxed, he could no longer hold on and fell asleep.

"Let the kid rest."

Mingyou touched its head, while Reshiram raised his question at the side.

"Are you asking why I didn't need you to protect me just now? If you were asked to come, then this child wouldn't really make up his mind."

"Lai Ao..."

Now Reshiram understood that he had to intervene himself to let Keldeo take the initiative to protect him. After all, there really needed to be someone to be protected here, and Mingyou, who was the bottom of the family's combat power, was naturally the best choice.

It's a pity that Reshiram will not accuse him of his dangerous behavior, but will praise him for his awesomeness. If he were here, he would definitely stop him from messing around.

"Let's go back to the third observation station first."

"Lai Ao~"

Just as Reshiram was about to attach himself to him, he suddenly noticed that the Taijing energy particles that had been attracted by the burst of green flames were now surrounding him and Mingyou, very active, as if they were with something. Something resonated.

"This is……"

Mingyou also noticed the sudden vision. When he was confused, Futu's serious voice suddenly came from the direction of the 4th Observation Station: "I know, the real reason why you came to this time and space!"


He turned around and saw Futu stopped, looked at them, and continued: "You... no, it should be said that this Reshiram that lives in you has been in contact with Talebagos, right? ?”


(End of this chapter)

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