Elf: A bad trainer starts from farming

Chapter 368: Conquering Keldeo, a cross-dimensional accident

Chapter 368: Conquering Keldeo, a cross-dimensional accident (please vote for me)
At Futu's request, Mingyou asked Reshiram to take away a 1000% pure Taijing crystal from the "turtle nest" of Talebagos, and left the Zero Zone research within the 12-hour validity period. Place.

It is impossible for ordinary attacks to destroy such a pure crystal, unless a legendary Pokémon of Reshiram's level can do it.

After leaving the Zero Area Research Institute, Mingyu returned to the 4th Observation Station alone. The round trip actually took half a day. The section of the Zero Hollow was too difficult to walk, so there was no way around it.

Futu did not go with him, but took away the Taijing crystal and asked him to wait here for a while. Food and water were provided at the observation station, so there was no need to worry about this.

"Is there a way for me to leave this time and space immediately... and find Talebagos?"

Mingyu sat on the chair and thought about it. If Taile Bagos was really asking for help from them, then the people chasing him should be the group holding Zygarde. The enemy was very powerful.

But since there is a Pokémon asking for help, he naturally will not sit idly by. As long as he can find out which time and space Talebagos is in, he must go there.

When he came back, Futu told him about Milerton and the dream monsters who traveled through time.

It should be caused by a fault in the time machine program, which caused the originally stable transmission of Taijing energy to fluctuate, so it was transmitted randomly.

That time machine is related to Talobagos in that world. As long as you go to the Great Hollow of Zero and wake it up, you can easily handle it, such as bringing the departed Milerton back from the future.

But these are just Futu's guesses. When he left, the time machine had not yet been officially put into use, and the only object successfully teleported was the Gultun that is now with Xiaoqing.

Therefore, it is difficult for him to make a complete judgment. He does not rule out that it is also related to the missing Taile Bagos in this world. Its unstable Taijing energy has now connected many past and future.

If we want to completely eliminate the unstable factors, we can only get this Tai Lebagos out of danger. How to solve the problem specifically depends on Dr. Futu...

"Lai Ao~"

Reshiram's voice came, still praising Mingyou. The once real person has now completely become its idol, because no matter what outrageous decision the other party makes, it still believes that the other party will make it. can do it.

Hearing this, Ming You shook his head and sighed: "Without you by my side, I can't do anything by myself. You are the driving force that supports me."

"Lai Ao~"


Keldeo's voice came slowly. Mingyou stood up and looked around, only to see that the other party suddenly woke up and smashed the treatment chamber into pieces... Okay, this is the third one.

"what happened?"


Seeing Mingyu, Keldeo was stunned for a moment, and then realized that his defeat of Iron Spotted Leaf was not a dream, everything was real.


At this time, Keldeo's stomach growled unsatisfactorily. After resting in the treatment cabin for so long, its physical strength had basically recovered. However, its chest was already pressed against its back, and the feeling of hunger made it somewhat unable to walk.

Realizing this, Mingyou smiled and said: "There is food here, although it is some pre-made dishes and water, but if you are hungry, just eat some."


Keldeo didn't care about that much, as long as there was food. He could survive for so long in such a difficult environment, and he was no longer picky about food.

Even this prepped dish, which lasts a long time, is a delicious treat to it, not to mention perfectly clean water!
"Eat slowly, poor child..."

Mingyou shook his head sympathetically. He could even eat this kind of food with gusto. It was obvious that he only had good physical fitness to survive the food he had eaten in the past.

After almost finishing the pre-made dishes, Keldeo sat on the ground contentedly, but soon stood up again. The past experience made him dare not relax, otherwise he would pay in blood!
"It's okay, just rest for a while."


Keldeo shook his head. Even if Iron Spotted Leaf was dealt with, there are still RX-1022 and RX-1023.

That is, the killing machines that were modified by Terrakion and Gopalon. Don't ask why they are so far apart from Iron Spotted Leaf's RX-1010 number. The question is that the order of modification is different.

Pilgeon was the first to be transformed, so Iron Spotted Leaf still has flaws, so the exclusive move Spirit Sword will be a super power type. However, Delakion and Gopalion further strengthened their transformation after obtaining Pilgeon's transformation data. The strength will be stronger!

Knowing this, Mingyou said softly: "Maybe they are still in your original world?"


Keldeo shook his head. In the end, it was attacked by the three iron-spotted leaves at the same time. Although the iron-spotted leaves were closest to him and were teleported together, the impression was that the light at that time did cover them all, so maybe Went somewhere else.

Hearing this, Mingyu fell into deep thought. He also asked Futu when he came back. The other party guessed that it might be the random teleportation of Keldeo and Iron Spot Ye, which happened to be connected to his fixed teleportation, so they matched together. Come to this time and space.

If the mist enveloped everyone in the Crystal Light Pool and they were teleported away separately from me, would it be possible...

"This development is not funny..." Mingyou's expression gradually became serious. If it was Xiaozhao who was teleported, then he could rest assured. Even if the three iron-spotted leaves attacked each other at the same time, they would only be torn apart by Xiaozhao with his bare hands. Parts possible.

But Chuchen and Xiaoqing... each one is more innocent than the other. Four of the entire investigation team are students who have never experienced social torture. Will there be any countermeasures when encountering these cruel guys?


We have to find them first!

"I kept you waiting for so long!"

Futu's voice came, calling him back from his thoughts. He turned around and saw the other party returning to the observation station holding the piece of Tai Jing crystal.

"Is it over yet?"

"Yes, I made a simple time machine by extracting the energy from this Taijing crystal. It is said to be a time machine. In fact, it can only send you back to your original place by consuming the Taijing energy in you. But you can still You have to bring this Tai Jing crystal with you, it’s the key to finding Tai Le Bagos!”

With that, he handed out the piece of Taijing crystal and continued: "You have to carry it with you. You have the aura of Tailebagos on you, and this crystal also has its power remaining. You will find a solution after you go back." Go to the Zero Hollow in your world and wake up the Tailebagos to let it help!”

"I understand!"

Mingyou nodded and took the Taijing crystal. These things are equivalent to the coordinates that can locate Tailebagos. You only need to find another Tailebagos to help you achieve fixed-point teleportation and go to where you want. past or future.

Just when he couldn't wait to go back, he noticed Keldeo beside him. He was silent for a moment, looked at Futu, and asked: "Can it go back with me? Although it is not from my world."


Futu nodded, then took out an empty elf ball and said, "As long as you put it in the ball, it will be treated as your personal belongings."


Mingyu took the elf ball, looked at Keldeo, and asked, "Do you want to follow me back?"


Keldeo didn't understand what a Poké Ball was. In its era, there was no such thing, so Mingyu explained it carefully and asked Futu to help demonstrate how to use the Poké Ball to release the Vulcan Moth.

Only then did Keldeo realize that it was some kind of method of binding Pokémon to fight, but it had also heard their conversation just now. Even if it continued to stay here, it had nothing more to do, so why not Go to other time and space to find RX-1022 and RX-1023 who traveled together and stop them from continuing to kill.


no problem!
Through the previous defeat of Iron Spotted Leaf, Keldeo has recognized Mingyu as a companion, and it also knows that its victory depends entirely on Reshiram's power. If it wants to continue to become stronger, it wants to make this The power becomes your own, and you need to practice with Lashiram.

After receiving the agreement, Mingyu nodded slightly and subdued Keldeo with the Poké Ball. After shaking it briefly twice, the sound of successful subduing was heard.

"it is ready!"

"no problem!"

Futu was already prepared, and handed out a bracelet with a hexagonal decorative ring similar to the one in the middle of the Tai Jing Bead, and said: "This is it, does it look familiar? It is indeed the same as the Tai Jing Bead that is used to condense the Tai Jing Bead. The ring of crystal energy is very similar. This is a simple time machine. After using it, it will absorb the Tai Jing energy charge on your body as power. It is a return ticket. It will be useless to recharge it later. "

"I've been prepared for it."

Mingyou smiled and could see that the other party had probably been preparing for a long time and had always wanted to go to another time and space. Otherwise, how could he have made such a simple time machine bracelet so quickly.

Futu sighed softly, it was indeed the case, but it was a pity that it never succeeded. Maybe this is the last time...Put all your hopes on it!

"let's start!"


Mingyou followed his step-by-step tutorial and started the time machine. Immediately, the decoration in the middle of the bracelet lit up, and a pair of eye-like patterns appeared. It continued to absorb the Taijing energy emanating from his body, and his body began to slowly change. When it becomes transparent, it looks exactly like Milton who was in ruins under the sea.

Just when he was looking forward to finally going home, his consciousness gradually blurred in the light of Taijing. It was not until he felt the wind blowing around him that he gradually came back to his senses, looked around, and was stunned for the next second.

This is a spaceship traveling in the night sky. The spacecraft is very large and cannot be seen in full. There is a wooden deck under the feet. There are faint lights on the ship, as well as the sounds of kittens and girls' voices. It should be There are still people who don’t get a break.

However, he had a familiar feeling that there might be a very familiar person or Pokémon on this spaceship at this time, but the problem was...

This is not Beishang Township!

"Where did this come from!"


(End of this chapter)

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