Elf: A bad trainer starts from farming

Chapter 371 Target Cang Xiang and Emperor Yan, traveling with Rico?

Chapter 371 Target Cang Xiang and Emperor Yan, traveling with Rico? (Ask for monthly ticket)

Feeling the gaze falling on her, Rico was completely confused and didn't dare to move, really didn't dare to move.

She was just a little concerned and wanted to come over to say thank you to Mingyou for saving her and Xinye Miao before, but she didn't expect to see such a scene.

What should I do? It’s so scary!
"Don't be nervous. They are fellow villagers reminiscing about old times. Just pretend you haven't seen them. They will forget them anyway."

Mingyu said apologetically, it seemed that Keldeo and King Lei Guan's tense auras had frightened each other, but King Lei Guan could make everyone who saw it forget about it, so there was no need to worry too much.

"My memory is not deleted. It is just like a passerby who passes by you and will be gradually forgotten in the blink of an eye. But in the current situation, you are not a passerby who can be easily forgotten, so you need to..."

With that said, King Lei Guan was about to release his spiritual power, but Ming You quickly stopped him: "What are you doing!"

"Let her sleep peacefully."

"It's not necessary. Just see it when you see it. You have to go back anyway."

Holding King Lei Guan down, Mingyou sighed helplessly, looked at Rico who was too frightened to move, and said with an apologetic tone: "Sorry, kohlrabi is just scaring you, it is very popular in our place. , is the mascot of the whole village.”


"This is obviously unbelievable..."

The atmosphere gradually became awkward. Seeing that they really had no intention of harming her, Rico put her hands on her chest and whispered: "Actually, I overheard your conversation just now... Are those true?"

She actually stood here for a while. Although she didn't hear King Lei Guan's telepathy, she heard everything Mingyou said.

What about traveling through time and space, helping a Tyrobagos that asks for help, and the future being destroyed by humans, etc... It's just like a science fiction story.

"of course not……"

"it is true."

Mingyu interrupted Lei Guanwang's concealment. Rather than being suspected, it was better to directly explain the origin. Sincerity was the easiest way to gain trust, and he needed the help of Rico's Talebagos.

There was so much information that Rico couldn't accept it for a while. She had been exhausted physically and mentally recently after being involved in the Dream Explorers and Talebagos affairs, and suddenly she learned so much information...

"You'd better go and have a good rest. Don't stay up late as a child. Not to mention that you are still a girl. You should pay attention to skin care... Of course, you can also tell other people about those things."

"Eh? Can you tell me?"

Rico's eyes widened in a cute way, and she was ready to help hide it. At this time, she had subconsciously regarded Mingyu as the kind of hero in science fiction stories who traveled back and forth through time and space to save Pokémon.

Mingyu chuckled lightly and waved his hand: "Just don't spread the word too widely. Pokémon is asking me for help. Of course I won't sit idly by and do nothing, let alone all this is to find our lost companions."

"Retrieve... companions?"

At this moment, Rico imagined many stories in her mind, and Mingyu's image gradually began to become bright and majestic in her heart.


Seeing the girl's eyes suddenly light up and looking at him with admiration, Mingyou asked a few questions and couldn't help but wonder what the child was thinking.

But at this time, Li Ke just clenched her fists with a serious look on her face, left a sentence of "It must succeed, I will help", and then turned around and left.

Watching her walk down the stairs, only Mingyou was left holding the sleeping Tongchun. He was stunned for a while before he recovered and smiled calmly: "This child is quite cute. He can let Tailebagos follow him. There is indeed a An unusual charm, but also accompanied by many dangers, just like the protagonist's halo..."

On the other side, the conflict between Keldeo and King Lei Guan also subsided briefly. Mingyu looked sideways and asked curiously: "How is it?"

Lei Guanwang responded calmly: "It doesn't believe that my dog ​​can beat it, so we made a bet. If it wins, I will teach it how to become stronger. If it loses, I will continue to hold its tail between its legs."

"Isn't your Erha here too?"

Mingyou naturally knew that the dog Lei Guanwang was talking about was the King of Swords Cang Xiang. The other party's real intention was to let Cang Xiang come to Keldeo for special training to improve his strength, so he deliberately provoked and angered the other party.

Hearing this, King Lei Guan clasped his hands behind his back and shook his head slightly: "The Cang Xiang I know is not there ≠ The Cang Xiang I know is not here. Do you understand the inequality?"


Mingyou was speechless for a moment. The other party wanted to find Cang Xiang in this world for help in the name of the Lei Guanwang of this world.

"Don't reveal your secret."

"Find it first and then talk about it. This spaceship is now near Jiqing City in the Galar region. Tomorrow those people seem to be going to the Poke Ball Factory to investigate some ancient Poke Balls. We can go down the road and take the train from Jiqing City to the Crown Snowfield. "Then it's up to you."

Mingyou knew that it must have thought about its next trip. Anyway, Li Ke and the others seemed to be busy with other things now, so they should go to the Crown Snowfield and then come back, and they wouldn't be afraid of running out of time.

With that said, he gently hugged Chun Chun and stood up. He had traveled three times and spaces in just one day. He said that he was indeed quite tired. Let's go and take a rest.

As soon as he took a step forward, he felt something familiar beside his feet, tugging at his trousers. When he looked down, he saw Meltan sitting on the head of the burning insect, about to crawl on top of him.




Mingyou was stunned immediately, thinking it was an illusion. Weren't they rejected when they wanted to follow him? Why does it appear here?
King Lei Guan seemed to remember something and said: "I almost forgot to tell you that the green tea and the two of them hid in your backpack and traveled here together. Now everyone is on this ship."


Mingyou lowered his head and glanced at the Burning Bug and Meltan. After a long moment, he sighed. It must have been planned by Smoocha, the one who liked pranks the most in the family.

But things have come to this, so we have to leave it like this.


The burning bug crawled happily...

Soon the night passed, and the room where Mingyou stayed temporarily became bustling early in the morning. Chunhu sent a message, and Ivy Snake and others knew that Mingyou had come.

"Okay, okay, I can hardly breathe..."

Everyone threw him down on the bed and kept struggling, but there was no pain on Mingyou's face. To him, he hadn't seen them for just one day, but to Zhanyifa, it had been three months, and they were still in such a strange place.

Keldeo stood not far away, his expression completely dumbfounded. He never expected that Mingyu would be so popular, and these Pokémon all looked quite strong. No wonder the Pokémon could command him.

After a while, Mingyu finally struggled away from the bed and introduced Keldeo to everyone, but he did not tell his past, so as not to affect his emotions.

Seeing new companions joining, everyone was as enthusiastic as ever, which made Keldeo a little overwhelmed. It had been a long time... since it had been surrounded by companions like this.

dong dong dong-

There was a knock on the door, and Fried's voice also came: "It seems that the room is quite lively. Are you free now? There are some things I need to tell you."


Mingyu opened the door and walked out, only to see Freed standing in front of the door with a heavy face, and Rico followed beside him. It was obvious that the other party had already told the story.

He closed the door again and then asked, "What's the matter?"

Fried nodded and spoke slowly: "I have heard about your story. Although it may not be explained by science...but I have something to ask for."

Hearing this, Mingyou did not ask what the request was, but chuckled: "Do you believe me so much?"

"There are no bad people among people who treat Pokémon as family. Even if you really can't be trusted, they can't fake their feelings for you."

Fried raised his hand and said, and when Mingyu nodded and a smile appeared on his face, he continued: "I hope you can take Rico to the Crown Snowfield with you, and of course I will accompany you."

"You want to tag along?"

Mingyou was a little surprised. Didn't you remember that they took some action? Could it be that it was cancelled?
Fried continued: "The Dream Explorers are definitely still staring at us in order to capture Taile Bagos, and just last night, someone discovered traces of Emperor Yan in the Crown Snowfield..."

"Emperor Yan?"

"Yes, although we don't know if it is the one we are looking for, we want to avoid losing clues, so we plan to divide the troops into two groups. One team will stay here to investigate the ancient elf balls and attract the attention of the Dream Exploration Team, while the other team will Go investigate the clues about Emperor Yan.”

Fried continued, although Mingyu didn't quite understand what they were looking for from Emperor Yan, they would definitely explain it on the way, and besides, it wouldn't be a problem.

"Well, please give me some advice!"


(End of this chapter)

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