The world descends on Sky Island: God-level talents are drawn at the beginning.

Chapter 98 Mutation, the attack of the pale demonic plant!

Chapter 98 Mutation, the attack of the pale demonic plant!

Just when she was extremely embarrassed.

Han Xing took the initiative to stand up and prepare to communicate with her.

However, before he could speak, Zhang Lianmeng said first, "Ah! What a beautiful girl!"

Her eyes lit up, as if she had discovered a treasure, she moved lightly and quickly walked to Su Xiaoyang's side.

Then, under Su Xiaoyang's blank gaze, she held Su Xiaoyang's little hand with both hands and said excitedly: "Are you the friend that Brother Xing mentioned?"

"So beautiful, woohoo... How can there be a girl as beautiful as you in this world?"

"Brother Xing didn't introduce you to me earlier!"

Facing Zhang Lianmeng's enthusiasm, Su Xiaoyang seemed a little overwhelmed.

But she still replied: "No...nothing, my sister is more beautiful..."

Zhang Lianmeng said quickly: "No way, my sister is older than you and her legs are not as long as yours, so she can't compare with you."

"Speaking of which, your legs are so long and white. Can I touch them?"

Without waiting for Su Xiaoyang to respond, Zhang Lianmeng stretched out his hand.

Feeling the warm touch between her buttocks, Su Xiaoyang shuddered and her legs instantly tightened.

Han Xing coughed twice, and Zhang Lianmeng seemed to realize that he had lost his temper and quickly stopped his idiotic behavior.

Zhang Lianmeng also said with a red face: "Yes, I'm sorry, I was a little too excited to see the beauty!"

Han Xing was also a little speechless. This was the first time he saw the other side of Zhang Lianmeng today.

Su Xiaoyang was relieved.

At this time, Han Xing came over and said: "Hello, I am Han Xing."

Su Xiaoyang recovered from the panic and said nervously: "Hello... hello."

Han Xing looked at the Broken Soul Longbow in her hand, then at her ears, and asked, "Have you changed your job to an elf hunter?"

Su Xiaoyang nodded quickly, "Yeah, yes."

Han Xing nodded. He knew the intensity of the elf hunter profession.

Speaking of which, Su Xiaoyang is really suitable for this profession. Not only does he look similar, but he also has that otherworldly temperament that most people don't have at all.

She and Zhang Lianmeng are completely different types.

Just when both sides were a little embarrassed.

A white branch suddenly stretched out from Su Xiaoyang's territory.

It struck in an instant as fast as lightning.


This branch carried strong hostility, and the target of the attack was Zhang Lianmeng next to Su Xiaoyang!

Han Xing heard the sound of breaking through the air and looked quickly.

When Zhang Lianmeng was about to be hit by a branch, Han Xing immediately entered the state of "anger explosion".

However, even so, he was unable to stop the branch's attack.


Zhang Lianmeng's shoulder was instantly penetrated by the branch, and a string of blood spurted up.

Everyone was a little confused when they saw Zhang Lianmeng was injured.

At this time, Han Xing felt murderous intent rising in his heart!

Being attacked suddenly, everyone immediately entered a fighting state!

On the side, Chen Yun and Cheng Jianyong also quickly picked up their weapons and rushed over.

However, at this time, there was a black light that was faster than everyone else's reaction.

Coal Ball's figure flashed and appeared directly behind Zhang Lianmeng.


The wolf's claws stretched out, and the pale branches broke in response.

At the same time, more branches came.

Only then did Han Xing see that the willow tree about seven or eight meters high in Su Xiaoyang's territory was the one who attacked.

Before, he thought this was an ordinary territorial plant in Su Xiaoyang's territory. Except for the strange color, he didn't take it seriously.

But now, he discovered that this was actually a rare demon plant monster and a level 10 leader monster!

This guy actually attacked Zhang Lianmeng when he was not prepared!

Han Xing's eyes flashed, and he drew the bowstring directly.

Explosive skills, multiple bursts of fire!

The leader of the tree demon sensed the threat and waved thousands of branches, as if he wanted to fight back.

At this moment, Su Xiaoyang reacted, her expression became extremely flustered, and she quickly shouted: "Xiao Qian, stop!"

After receiving Su Xiaoyang's instructions, the leader of the tree demon stopped what he was doing in a daze.

However, at this time Han Xing's arrow had already been shot.

Benedict! Tuk Tuk!

All five arrows hit the trunk of the tree demon and penetrated hard.

Sensing the severe pain in his body, the tree demon instinctively wanted to fight back.


Countless branches are like pale poisonous snakes, ready to launch the most violent counterattack!

However, at this moment, Su Xiaoyang's eyes instantly turned blood red, and she said in a strange, gloomy voice: "Xiao Qian, have you forgotten what I said?"

"Disobedient children will be burned and eaten..."

When the leader of the tree demon heard these words, his body trembled, and all the branches closed in an instant.

Even if Coal Balls attacked it, the tree demon leader remained indifferent.

It seemed extremely afraid of Su Xiaoyang's state just now.

Seeing this, Han Xing frowned and called out to Coal Ball, "Coal Ball, come back."

After hearing Han Xing's instructions, Mei Qian didn't hesitate and returned to Han Xing's feet in a flash. The situation changed so fast that everyone only reacted at this time.

Cheng Jianyong raised his sword high and stopped in place before using his charging skills.

Shen Yun also took out the crystal sledgehammer and prepared to use the blessing skill.


Zhang Lianmeng let out a muffled groan.

She stood aside with a pale face, pressing the blood hole on her shoulder, but the blood continued to flow out.

When Su Xiaoyang saw this, the redness in his pupils dissipated instantly, and he walked to Zhang Lianmeng with a panicked expression, and exclaimed: ", how are you?"

"Sorry, sorry, sorry, I forgot to tell Xiaoqian that I was going to meet new friends..."

"It will attack all strangers who come to my territory. It's all my fault. I'm sorry, wuwuwu..."

Su Xiaoyang's tone already sounded crying, and her eyes were misty.

After Zhang Lianmeng heard this, he also understood that this might be a misunderstanding.

Seeing Su Xiaoyang's crying expression, Zhang Lianmeng touched her hand with some distress and said, "'s okay. It's just a minor injury. A bottle of secret life medicine can restore it."

After hearing this, Su Xiaoyang seemed to have remembered something, and quickly exclaimed: "The secret medicine of life... yes, the secret medicine of life!"

She groped around in her backpack hurriedly, and then took out a large handful of the secret medicine of life, held it in her hand, and said excitedly: "Sister...sister, drink this quickly!"

Zhang Lian dreamed of this, took out a bottle from Su Xiaoyang, and poured it into his mouth.

After Zhang Lianmeng changed his profession to an elemental mage, he was already a two-star survivor.

As the attributes of the survivors have been greatly improved, the secret medicine of life can only be used to treat minor injuries.

But fortunately, Zhang Lianmeng is not seriously injured now.

Within a few seconds, Zhang Lianmeng's shoulder stopped bleeding.

At this moment, Chen Yun threw a 'Holy Light Healing' skill to Zhang Lianmeng in time.

Chen Yun's mental attributes have now reached an exaggerated level. Coupled with the blessing of a set of top-quality equipment, the amount of treatment can be said to be quite terrifying!

Zhang Lianmeng's injuries recovered quickly, and the effect was even better than taking the secret life medicine at one star!

Han Xing glanced at Shen Yun. The role of the priest profession was reflected at this time.

Seeing that Zhang Lianmeng recovered from his injuries, Su Xiaoyang finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then continued to cry: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it, wuwuwu..."

Zhang Lianmeng wanted to say it was okay, but when she saw Su Xiaoyang's pitiful look, she seemed to be tempted to tease her.

So, she deliberately took a breath of cold air and said: "Sister, my sister is still a little sore here. Can you help me rub it?"

Su Xiaoyang didn't know that Zhang Lianmeng was lying to her. Without thinking, she gently put her hands on Zhang Lianmeng's shoulders.

Then, Zhang Lianmeng hugged Su Xiaoyang into his arms.

"Yeah!" Su Xiaoyang exclaimed with his eyes widened.

Before she could stand up, her sight was covered by a pair of huge penises.

Su Xiaoyang, who wanted to stand up, suddenly fell into the gentle land.

"Hmm... so soft..."

Su Xiaoyang was lying in Zhang Lianmeng's arms, with her head buried and her white jade legs stretched out.

Looking at this scene, Han Xing couldn't help but sweat break out on his forehead.

As for Cheng Jianyong and Shen Yun, they had already wisely walked aside and pretended not to see anything.

At this time, Han Xing coughed twice in embarrassment.

Zhang Lianmeng and Su Xiaoyang seemed to have just reacted and quickly sat up from the ground.

At this time, both women were blushing.

However, after such a fight, Su Xiaoyang's initial nervousness and embarrassment were greatly relieved.

Han Xing came over and said, "Hello, let me introduce you again. I am Han Xing. Nice to meet you."

"Thank you also for the blueprint of the secret medicine of life you gave me before."

At this time, although Han Xing looked very unfamiliar, his voice gave Su Xiaoyang an extremely familiar feeling.

Her face suddenly turned red, and she said nervously: "Su...Su Xiaoyang, I'm glad to meet you too!"

At this time, Zhang Lianmeng grabbed Su Xiaoyang's other hand and chuckled: "Hello, my name is Zhang Lianmeng. You can call me sister Lianmeng. I'm also glad to meet you."

Although Su Xiaoyang vaguely guessed that Zhang Lianmeng's relationship with Han Xing was unusual, she had a good impression of this woman. With a heartfelt smile on her face, she said: "Sister Lianmeng, thank you."

Cheng Jianyong and Shen Yun also walked over, scratching their heads.

Han Xing introduced in turn: "The one with an honest face is called Cheng Jianyong, and the other one with a gloomy face is called Shen Yun. They are both my friends and classmates."

"This is also the teammate who will challenge the two-star secret realm together this time."

Cheng Jianyong and Shen Yun felt unconvinced when they heard Han Xing's description of him.

"Oh no, you are the honest one!"

"That's right, who are you calling shady?"

The two retorted.

Han Xing shrugged his shoulders.

Facing the beautiful woman, Cheng Jianyong and Shen Yun touched their heads in embarrassment, and then laughed.

Seeing that they were all easy to talk to, Su Xiaoyang's nervousness dissipated again.

At this time, Han Xing looked at the whirlpool portal behind him and said, "Okay, everyone is here. If there is nothing to deal with, we are going to enter the secret realm."


(End of this chapter)

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