Chapter 105 Aliens

"The first exploration hospital in the city should be not far away, right? I remember it's in the exploration park?"

Zhuang Cai suddenly thought of something and asked.

Most of the surrounding area, or the various industries in this entire area, are built around explorers.

The First Exploration Hospital of Kecheng is naturally also in this area.

If he remembered correctly.

Rongrong nodded, of course she knew.

Seeing Rongrong's affirmation, Zhuang Cai asked: "Then can we go visit them? After all, they are from the same guild."

"You can go visit. That's why the eldest sister only called today, because it was reviewed yesterday."

After hearing this, the two of them prepared to leave. Rongrong went up first to find someone to take her place.

"Take the guild's car." Rongrong said, driving the two of them to the First Affiliated Hospital of Kecheng.

This is Zhuang Cai's first time coming to this hospital.

It covers a very large area and seems to have at least six or seven buildings of varying heights. The tallest building is visually estimated to have thirty or forty floors, and it can already be called a building.

And as soon as the two came over, they saw a vehicle that clearly belonged to the Secret Service, and it was an armed vehicle.

However, it seemed that in order not to alert others too much, no cordon was set up, and the entire hospital was still operating as usual.

Zhuang Cai clearly saw people wearing Secret Service clothes patrolling around a certain building.

It was basically certain that Rainbow Tong's ward should be in that building.

However, even though Zhuang Cai saw it, it was impossible for him to lead the two of them directly towards the ward. Instead, he entered the hall through legitimate means.

There were still two special agents in the hall. After knowing the target that Zhuang Cai and the others wanted to visit, they immediately stared at the three of them with sharp eyes and scanned them up and down for a while.

The scrutiny in his eyes and the sense of danger were almost unabashed.

He came over and stretched out his hand to stop him and said, "Please wait a moment. We can take you there only after confirmation."

The three of them nodded and stood in the hall waiting.

The Secret Service officer who spoke pressed the headphones on his ears and nodded from time to time.

He came over and said, "Okay, then everyone, please come with me."

As he spoke, he led the way.

All the way to the door of the building that Zhuang Cai saw outside just now.

After another review.

An ordinary-looking man walked over wearing Secret Service clothes.

"Captain," shouted the Secret Service officer next to him.

The man nodded, glanced at the three-man number, and shook his head: "You three, come with me."

With that said, he led the three of them into the building.

Take the elevator to the 11th floor.

As soon as you step out of the elevator door, you can feel how tightly protected this floor is.

Except for nurses and doctors, there are no patients around. They are all people from various Secret Service agencies gathered here in twos and threes.

It looks like they are chatting, but in fact they are standing in various positions to ensure the safety of this floor.

Looking at the unfamiliar Zhuang Cai and the others, all kinds of eyes were cast directly on them.

This gaze looked at them unabashedly.

Zhuang Cai, who has a spiritual radiance, can clearly feel the danger in these eyes.

These people are all at least LV 3.

At least this is how Zhuang Cai feels.

You must know that Zhuang Cai doesn't believe that there are so many extra manpower in Kecheng, and they are all LV·3.

It seems that someone is coming from above.

"Your friends are in wards 1 to 4." The captain said and waved his hand, indicating that the three of them could move on their own.

The three of them looked at each other and walked over.

The doors of these wards were not closed, and the three of them looked at the first ward. The person lying in it was Iridescent Pupil, and various machines were beeping.

However, there were several people standing inside, including Hong Gongcheng.

They seemed to be chatting with Rainbow Tonghong who was lying on the bed.

No one was bothered watching this scene. The three of them skipped over and arrived in Ward No. 2.

There are also some people asking, so it’s not easy to disturb them.

We arrived at Ward No. 4, where the inquiries seemed to have been completed.

Except there was someone guarding the door.

The two of them walked directly in. There were two people lying in the ward, namely Chen Jianping and Han Qu.

Rongrong went to Ward No. 3, where Qiaoyun and Liu Yueliu were.

Seeing Zhuang Cai and the others walking in, Han Qu, who was wrapped in bandages and had plasters on his hands, immediately raised his head and smiled at the two of them. It's just a missing tooth.

Next to him, Chen Jianping seemed to be sleeping, half of his head was bandaged, and he was obviously also seriously injured.

"You guys are finally here, but they bored me to death."

Facing the arrival of the two people, Han District can be said to be very happy.

The two of them also held the bench and sat next to Han Qu.

Nan Subei looked at Han District's appearance and couldn't help but said: "It's too miserable for you to be like this, isn't it? Are you so seriously injured?"

However, Han District didn't seem to care about this kind of problem. He smiled twice, shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter, after all, it is a copy of LV·3. And the person who killed me has been merciful, otherwise my injury will be heavier.

Compared to my first failed copy, this one is much better. That time I was really miserable. I lay in severe condition for three days before I woke up. "

Zhuang had just heard Han Qu talk about that time, and Han Qu had to lie down for two months.

"How long do you have to recover this time?"

Hearing Zhuang Cai's question, Han Qu thought for a while and said, "I mainly suffered comminuted fractures in two arms. The other parts are fine. I will be able to come out in about four or five days. But these two arms will have to wait until one or two days." It will take months to recover."

"Then the two of us can't drive in the dark." The person standing next to Nansu North Station said with some pity.

Upon hearing this, Zhuang Cai slapped him on the head.

Now is the time to say this?

On the contrary, when Han Qu heard this, he couldn't help but nodded with regret on his face.

Looking at this scene, Zhuang Cai couldn't help but shake his head. It seemed that Han Qu really didn't think his injuries were anything.

It can be said that my mentality is very stable, and I am extremely optimistic.

After chatting for a while, we started to get down to business.

Nan Subei looked at Han Qu and said, "I heard it from Rongrong, is it true?"

Upon hearing the question about Nan Jiangsu and Northern Jiangsu, Zhuang Cai said directly: "Can you tell me?"

Hearing Zhuang Cai's question, Han Qu nodded: "It's okay, since you can come see me, it means you can know this information.

Otherwise, you would definitely not know now that we were lying in the hospital, right? "

Seeing Han District's smile, Zhuang Cai couldn't help but nodded. It was indeed true.

"Then tell me what you encountered in the dungeon?" Nan Subei asked very curiously.

In other words, it is difficult for some people not to be curious about what kind of situation they encountered in the dungeon that led to this situation.

After hearing this, Han Qu lay on the bed again and stared at the ceiling.

Seems to be stuck in memories.

"You all know about that copy, right? In the third stage of the mission, you may encounter an explorer team from the enemy camp.

There are actually quite a few copies of this type, especially after the big outbreak. Have you heard about them, right? ” ˆ ˜ Hearing Han Qu’s words, the two of them nodded.

Both of them have learned about various dungeon types, which can satisfy their curiosity and maybe they will encounter them in the future.

They are also aware of this kind of copy that will cause explorers and explorers to be hostile to each other.

Seeing the two people nodding, Han Qu continued: "So when facing such a dungeon, if there are multiple teams that want to enter the dungeon to explore, they will usually discuss and stagger them to prevent the two teams from colliding. They will be staggered for at least half a day. time.

As for the dungeon we are exploring this time, there are actually not many teams that want to explore, there are only two.

So we just staggered it by a whole day to avoid meeting each other and causing someone's copy to fail.

This is equivalent to an unspoken rule, so no one said anything, and the order of things naturally started to change.

In this case, unless someone deliberately stumbles, it is basically untouchable.

Not to mention that we are still the last team, and there is no team waiting behind us.

Under such circumstances, we spent 6 days completing the first two tasks. In the middle of the third mission, I met other explorer teams. "

At this point, Han Qu turned his head and stared at the two of them.

"You must not understand how we felt at that time. When we found out that they were also explorers, we were all shocked.

Because before, we thought they were NPCs that existed in the dungeon. "

"Have you admitted your mistakes before? Why?" Zhuang Cai asked with a frown.

He had heard at the time that the team Rainbow Tong and the others joined was the human camp.

The other camps are elves and orcs.

Will he admit his mistake, which means that he looks similar to the explorers of their camp and other people in the camp?

With this thought in mind, Zhuang Cai continued to listen.

Han Qu also explained: "Because they are of the same race as the other NPCs in their camp, and what we met was not one team, but two unique explorer teams.

The Elf camp and the Orc camp each have one, and their appearance is the same as theirs.

According to the information we know, even if someone else chooses the non-human camp, the appearance will not change. It will still be a human appearance, but those NPCs will regard you as an elf.

For us explorers, this does not happen.

So when everyone meets, it is easy to recognize that the other person is an explorer. After all, we are human beings. "

After saying that, Han Qu took a deep breath, with lingering fear on his expression.

"So the shock at that time was beyond comparison, and the rule in this dungeon is that explorers can only understand the words of NPCs from the same camp.

So we in the human camp cannot understand what the elves and orcs are saying unless we are in their camp.

But it's obvious that we can't understand what the explorers here are saying. Even if they hadn't used the power in this copy, we wouldn't have discovered it.

We will always think that NPCs are fighting us.

And that group of people obviously knew the rules of the dungeon, so they did not kill us. When they killed us, they deliberately transferred the fatal injuries to a place where they would not be seriously injured after exiting. "

Having said this, Han Qu also stretched out his head and shook his hands to indicate.

Then he turned to the two of them and motioned to Chen Jianping's bed next to him.

"Brother Jian was not so lucky. He was an assassin, and he was the first to be killed by the enemy when he touched him.

In that case, the enemy won't stop, right? So I just blasted his head, and he is still in a coma. "

In other words, the most seriously injured person was Chen Jianping, and the others were not seriously injured.

After saying that, he added: "Don't worry, I'm just in coma, not life-threatening.

After all, the last time I failed, I got my head shot off. "

After listening to Han Qu's story, Nan Subei looked at the situation outside and said, "So these Secret Service people came to ask you about the information in the copy?"

Han Qu nodded: "When we failed and were sent to the hospital, the eldest sister told this information.

Yesterday, I was asked all day long, basically asking about every aspect I encountered in the copy. "

After hearing these words, Zhuang Cai was not surprised. After all, he had known about this for a long time.

It can also be seen from this reaction that it seems that the official has not had any contact with explorers from other worlds.

This is different from what he thought.

He thought the official had already contacted them, otherwise how could they come up with the correct grading system.

"Brother, what do you think?" Nan Su turned to the north and turned to look at Zhuang Cai and asked.

"What do you think?" After hearing this, he leaned back in his chair and knocked on his forehead. Thinking.

"If you have to say how to look at it, maybe it's reassuring. After all, we know it clearly in our hearts. Things like copies definitely don't appear by themselves.

From this aspect, we can know that someone deliberately controlled and released it.

Maybe it's a god, maybe it's an alien, no one knows.

Now we have met other explorers of other races in the dungeon, and they have shown obvious kindness. This shows that at least for us, it is a good thing for human beings. "

From what Han Qu said before, we can also know that when the enemy killed him, they could easily and quickly kill him with one blow, but they still chose the method that would cause the least damage to him after leaving the dungeon.

The most seriously injured Chen Jianping was only because of his sneak attack and professional reasons that the enemy could not hold back.

And from Han Qu's words, we also know that the enemy doesn't seem to be surprised at all by their appearance.

"But it's a headache to think that similar copies in the future may compete with other alien races." Zhuang Cai couldn't help but say.

"After all, looking at it like this, these are not human races. It's obvious that they know more about the so-called copies than we do."

Hearing Zhuang Cai's words, Han Qu couldn't help but nodded, because he felt this way very clearly during the battle.

They were also shocked that the enemy was also an explorer. The enemy reacted very quickly and agilely, and seemed to have combat experience with other people who were also explorers.

It went very smoothly, and with mutual cooperation, they were wiped out.

On the contrary, they had almost no real fights with other explorers, and they were almost unable to parry after the shock.

"Hmm..." Suddenly there was a muffled groan from the bed next to him.

Chen Jianping woke up.

When Chen Jianping seemed to be waking up, there were quick footsteps in the corridor at the door. Soon several doctors in white coats ran in.

When Chen Jianping woke up, he began to check. At this time, Chen Jianping seemed to be a little dazed. He only felt that his head was swollen, his whole body was sore, and he seemed unable to move.

While he was still confused, the doctor in front of him explained the current situation to him.

After these doctors came in, the ward became a little crowded, and Zhuang Cai and the two had to go out first to make room for others.

As soon as she came out of Ward No. 3, Rongrong stuck her head out and looked here curiously.

"What happened to you over there?" Rongrong asked.

The two of them looked at Rongrong and walked towards Ward No. 3. They said as they walked: "Brother Jian is awake."

Then he walked into Bungalow No. 3 and looked at Qiaoyun and Liu Yueliu on the hospital bed.

The two people didn't seem to be seriously injured, at least there were no signs of injury on their heads exposed outside the quilt.

"Chen Jianping is awake? That's good."

After hearing their conversation just now, Liu Yueliu nodded with some relief.

Looking at the two Zhuang Cai, Rongrong, who seemed to have just learned about the situation in the copy, said with bright eyes: "There are aliens, and they are as beautiful as elves, and they have come into contact with us. .”

Hearing this, Qiaoyun on the bed smiled and said: "If you want to get in touch so much, why don't you explore a LV·3 copy to upgrade?"

After all, Rongrong's attributes have reached the full value of LV·2. As long as you clear a LV·3 copy at random, you will be a LV·3 explorer.

Hearing this, Rongrong shook her head violently, like a rattle: "No, no, it's good now."

Liu Yueliu on the other side looked at Zhuang Cai and suddenly smiled and said: "I watched your new video last night, and I gained even more this time. It's the first pass, and it's full of ratings. It's really amazing." .”

The tone was full of unabashed admiration.

Only those explorers who have actually experienced the dungeon and reached the current stage know the difficulty of each dungeon.

And I clearly know that it is not easy to pass the level with full score.

(End of this chapter)

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