Text-savvy, explore the copy

Chapter 249 Understanding the 12 Divine Words

Zhuang Cai and the others stayed in the military controlled area until the evening, and were finally able to leave on the morning of the second day.

Before leaving, the researchers also wanted to let Zhuang Cai and the others try the effect of the emotional chapter.

However, they didn't want to use it now, so the matter was dropped. They could only wait until Zhuang Cai and the others wanted to use it, hoping to allow these researchers to conduct some observations.

Zhuang Cai agreed to this condition.

As for what the officials will do next, Zhuang Cai and the others have no control over it. It's time for them to go back.

The harvest this time can be said to be very huge, and it will take a long time to digest it.

On the way back, Nan Subei asked: "Brother, when are you going to use the Chapter of Emotions?"

"Let's wait until we have fully mastered the current skills. This time we have obtained another exclusive skill, and it will take a lot of time to master it.

Moreover, my exclusive skills seem to be linked with the last exclusive skills, and have more interesting effects. Is this true for you? "

Hearing Zhuang Cai's question, several people nodded. It seems that this is not an exception. After all, it is a special exclusive skill, completely customized according to the current user's status.

Moreover, they have two exclusive skills, given in two copies.

This means that two exclusive skills may be very similar, but different, and a link will naturally occur.

In addition, this time, I have obtained another S+ skill. I don’t know how much time it will take to master and understand it.

There is also another increase in attributes caused by leveling up, which also takes time to adapt to.

The further the attribute changes brought about by each level increase, the more aspects will be enhanced.

To put it simply, I don’t know how long it will take just to digest and absorb it this time.

Of course, this is obviously a happy trouble.

"Then it will take you a long time this time." Rainbow Eyes said next to him.

Zhuang Cai's situation was even more outrageous than theirs.

Everyone knows that Zhuang Cai obtained 13 stone tablets at once this time, and Zhuang Cai himself said that the divine characters on 12 of the stone tablets were the first time he had seen them.

It was twice as much as what he had mastered before. It can be said that the time it takes this time will be very long.

After all, just mastering these divine words cannot be completed in a short time.

"I can't help it. This is a big harvest. I don't know how long it will take to comprehend and digest this batch of divine words."

After all, Zhuang Cai's understanding of the divine characters is not just about comprehending the divine characters. He now also needs to combine the divine characters to produce more useful effects.

You also need to apply the effects of the divine words to spells, apply them to magic circles, and even build them into equipment.

These are places where more time is spent.

Coupled with his own skills, it would take more time than he dared to imagine.

"Then I'll take the first step. I don't think the skills I acquired this time are that difficult to master. I'll be the first to use them when I feel they're almost ready."

Nan Subei said directly with a smile.

"Are you going to make a video again this time?" Jiang Shuyu asked from the front.

"Do you still have to do it even if you don't have any copies?" Liu Yueliu turned around and asked in a funny way.

Yes, this time even the copy is gone.

If they make a video, the only thing they can give is experience, and the main experience must be the activation and use of color cast and the strategy for [Spirit Devouring].

Zhuang Cai shook his head: "I definitely won't do it yet. After all, the main information this time seems to have to be kept secret and cannot be spread.

Let’s wait until there is definite news later. "

"The more important thing now is to polish our current strength, and then it will be the final test."

After hearing this, everyone fell silent and their expressions became serious.


They knew this information, but they had no way of knowing the information about the copy.

They know that there is only one copy, and it is not in their own country, nor in another country, but on the high seas.

The place where the copy is located is an island that has never appeared before. It is an island that floats with the appearance of this copy.

That's all they know specifically.

According to the officials in the control area that they just left, professionals should be coming soon to take them to understand this information.

"By the way, is Alice still sulking?" Yang Rongrong asked with concern.

Hearing this, Zhuang Cai and Rainbow Tong both sighed and nodded involuntarily.

To be honest, the previous copy was a bit too bloody.

This is the bloodiest dungeon they have ever experienced, and it can be said that there are all kinds of bloody scenes.

Even Zhuang Cai and the others have actually been affected. These bloody scenes are one of the aspects that the Blood God uses to influence others.

And there is no way to stop experiencing and seeing.

Under such circumstances, it was impossible for the two of them to let Alice run around outside, so ever since the chaos began, Alice had been forced to stay in her room.

This made Alice very unhappy, and she was going to stop talking to the two of them and stay in her room sulking.

Now that copies have been released, they are not willing to come out.

The two people now have no experience in this area and are still thinking about how to solve this problem.

Seeing the two people looking a bit sad, several people couldn't help but smile.

They soon returned to the guild along the way.

The two of them finally managed to coax Alice up on the way. Fortunately, Alice herself was considerate enough and just expressed her dissatisfaction with a little sulking.

At this time, he was being held by Rainbow Eyes, happily eating sweets.

An extra candy every day is their reward.

"Ah, I'm finally back. I didn't stay in the dungeon for long this time. Why do I always feel like I've been away for a long time?"

Nan Subei, who was standing at the door, couldn't help but say.

Everyone does have this idea.

The others soon learned of the news that several people had returned to the guild, and gathered in the lounge at the back to chat.

After hearing Zhuang Cai's experience, everyone else pricked up their ears and listened carefully, exclaiming from time to time.

This experience was indeed very special.

"Doesn't that mean we have to find a new dungeon to pass the level?"

Han Qu discovered the blind spot and said suddenly.

The others nodded, indeed.

After all, this time the dungeon that Zhuang Cai and the others had cleared was gone, and there was nothing they could do about it.

"Ah, I'm so envious!"

Qiaoyun leaned on the sofa and couldn't help but say.

But after all, it was time for the six people who stayed to start looking for the dungeons they had cleared.


In the afternoon, Zhuang Cai came to his workshop.

He entered directly into his own space of understanding.

The stone tablets brought out this time were placed inside one by one, together with the previous one that I already owned.

Now there are 14 divine tablets in front of Zhuang Cai.

Looking at the remaining 12 divine words in front of him that he had not yet begun to comprehend, Zhuang Cai couldn't help but sit down.

"It's really confusing."

Zhuang Cai couldn't help but smile and said.

After all, this was the first time he had gained so much at once, and he could even begin to choose who to start with. An experience never experienced before.

"Shoot", "Divide", "Break", "Sheng", "Fire", "Power", "Floating", "View", "Freeze", "Rock", "Lun", "Resist".

Zhuang Cai looked at the 12 divine characters in front of him. Through the knowledge of words, he could know the power they could show by looking at the different divine characters.

Because for the divine character, the meaning expressed by this font is the power it can display, which is very easy to understand.

Of course, there will always be a few individuals who, even if they look at the expressed meaning, cannot understand what kind of power they will show.

Interpret and sort them one by one in order to understand the difficulty.

"shoot": shoot, meaning to eject.

Zhuangcai believes that this divine character is a very good font that can have a linkage effect with other powers and other divine characters. Able to shoot things out.

Increase the priority and reduce the difficulty of understanding.

"fen" means to separate.

It can separate things that are not originally one, and it can also forcefully separate things that are originally one. Just looking at the literal meaning, it is really impossible to understand how to use it and what effect it can produce. You can only know it after you understand it.

Temporarily lower the priority and understand the difficulty to medium or low.

"Broken": A very destructive divine word. Simply put, it means destruction, causing things to be destroyed.

It is a font that you can understand its full meaning just by looking at it. Even if you don't understand it, you can probably know what kind of effect it can have.

Increase the priority and realize the difficulty is medium to high.

"生": growth, similar to the meaning of recovery and growth.

It is speculated that after understanding it, it should be possible to strengthen Zhuang Cai's ability in treatment and recovery.

The optimal level, the difficulty of understanding is medium to high.

"Fire": flame, elemental fire.

The best understood divine word can produce fire or control fire after understanding it. It seems to be the first elemental type of divine word that Zhuang Cai knows.

Placed in the middle, the difficulty of understanding is medium.

"Power" means to strengthen.

It is somewhat different from the translated meaning. It is more similar to the effect of strengthening. The expressed meaning is more auxiliary and strengthens a certain aspect. rather than literal power.

Placed in the middle, the difficulty of understanding is medium.

"Floating" means floating.

It is almost the same as the literal meaning. It can make objects float. It is very easy to understand. You can almost know the effect just by looking at the meaning of the font.

Reduce the priority and the difficulty of understanding is low.

"Guan" means to look over and take in everything.

Just by looking at the surface of the font, it is difficult to judge what kind of effect it can achieve after understanding it. Only after understanding it can we know how it can perform.

Lower the priority and understand the difficulty to medium or low.

"frozen" means frozen, which is different from ice.

Unlike fire, it is not of elemental type, and cannot directly produce ice, nor can it control ice. It is speculated that it manifests itself as the effect of freezing control.

Normal sorting, medium to high comprehension difficulty.

"Rock": represents rock.

Like fire, it is an elemental type and can control the production of stones. The results obtained after understanding are almost predictable.

Normal sorting, medium difficulty to understand.

"luck": luck, the meaning of luck.

It is completely impossible to understand its meaning from its surface, and the effects after understanding it are also unpredictable. It is probably related to something ethereal like luck, and it is very difficult to understand. Just by looking at the complicated words on the surface, you can find that it is almost as difficult as "empty".

Lower the priority and make it more difficult to comprehend.

"Zhi" means to prevent.

I can vaguely understand that it probably means preventing rejection. If it is used to build a barrier, it seems that it may be very useful. It also needs to be understood before one can roughly know its effect.

Normal sorting, medium difficulty to understand.

Probably after some sorting of the 12 divine characters in front of me.

The first thing to understand is undoubtedly the "life" that is very important to Zhuang Cai, at least now.

After all, this looks like a life-saving skill.

However, unless Zhuang Cai fully comprehends these 12 divine words, he will not clear the next dungeon, so it doesn't really make much sense who goes first and who comes last.

Put the high-priority ones first, understand them first, put the low-priority ones last, and spend time on them last.

After lining up in a row, Zhuang Cai sat cross-legged directly.

With the effect of the stele, comprehension space and spiritual attributes being strengthened again, Zhuang Cai's comprehension speed can be said to be very fast.

After two hours of comprehension time, Zhuang Cai clearly felt that his comprehension of the divine words was progressing rapidly.

It seems that the total of 12 divine characters should not take more than a few months. You can also start to use the comprehended divine characters for practical effects at other times every day.

The two are running in parallel, so the time should be shorter than I expected.

Two hours passed quickly.

After realizing it, Zhuang Cai opened his eyes, stood up, and stretched his body.

Then he frowned and looked at his right hand.

The tattoo of thorns on the right hand can be said to be very conspicuous.

Zhuang Cai took off his shirt, revealing his well-coordinated and strong body.

A mirror appeared in front of him, reflecting Zhuang Cai's face.

Look at yourself in the mirror.

The thorn tattoo that began to spread on the wrist of his right hand wrapped around his shoulder and spread to the position of his heart, where a flower bloomed.

The flowers are also surrounded by thorns.

Such a pattern is the S+ level skill Zhuang Cai obtained this time.


The effect is very simple, with the heart as the center, your body is treated as a cage.

Seal something within your own body, seal it firmly, and prevent it from affecting yourself or other things.

You can even control the sealed object through the seal to achieve a certain degree of borrowing power.

To put it simply, this skill is a very powerful sealing skill, and it uses the skill user himself as the sealing base.

Seeing this, Zhuang Cai activated his [Rune Body].

A pair of rabbit ears grew out of his head. The problem was that along with the appearance of the rabbit ears, a pair of blood-red horns also grew out of his forehead.

A pair of blood-red horns look like a demon, but there are also a pair of rabbit ears, which can be said to be very weird.

Zhuang Cai looked at himself in the mirror. Fortunately, the change was just a pair of horns on his head, and there were no bloody lines all over his body like before.

His eyes didn't turn blood red, which was much better than before.

With the use of [Rune Body], Zhuang Cai closed his eyes and could very clearly notice that his mental attributes had increased.

Raising his right hand and squeezing it hard, he could clearly feel that his physical properties had also grown, and that his mental attributes had grown even more.

This is the source of the extra +2 for his mental attributes and the extra +3 for his physical attributes.

As long as he uses his [Rune Body], he can get a 5-point attribute improvement effect, which can be said to be very powerful.

It is equivalent to directly allowing the current Zhuang Cai to jump from full LV 5 to mid-level LV 6.

In other words, Zhuang Cai's level should be half a level higher than his real level anytime and anywhere.

If you reach full value, you will jump directly to the next level, and if you reach the middle level, you will directly reach full value.

It can't be said that it is not powerful.

Logically speaking, this should be regarded as the skill effect of [Rune Body] and will not be displayed on the attribute bar.

The reason why this happens is naturally because such a powerful effect is not brought about by [Rune Body].

Originally, there was a very serious price to pay for such power, but with the newly acquired S+ level skills, this price was reduced to a minimum.

The source is naturally what is bound in his heart, what he uses himself as a prison to close.

The reason why the copy was destroyed was also due to the unexpected situation that Zhuang Cai encountered during the time when Rainbow Tong and the others were unconscious.

It was an unexpected situation that Zhuang Cai had never thought about and never considered, which caused him to suffer such an accident.

I don’t know if it’s a blessing or a curse.

The source of the problem is the physical skills that Zhuang Cai obtained from Milan after clearing the previous dungeon a long time ago.

That is the physical effect that Milan itself has.

【Rune Body】

On that island, it was precisely because of Milan's special body that she became the carrier of the evil god.

Even in the new copy, there is no escape.

And when the evil god was cornered and desperately trying not to be sealed, Zhuang Cai also had such a body.

It became a very good place to go.

This is the reason for Zhuang Cai's current problem.

Everything goes back to the end of the battle.

The evil god had been almost completely sealed, the moment the evil god's body was pierced by the ritual nail in Zhuang Cai's hand. (End of chapter)

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