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Chapter 269: Objects protected are regarded as props

Face invisible units.

In addition to using various auxiliary means, the best way is to spread the spirit.

This is a natural method after the mental strength increases to a certain stage, even for an explorer who is good at physical fitness, once the level reaches LV·4.

His mental attributes can all be emitted naturally, the only difference lies in how far they can spread and detect the environment several meters around him.

Even explorers who are good at fighting in close proximity have skills in this area.

In such an environment, that is anti-hidden.

But this does not apply to Nan Su Bei. He has long solved the situation of being noticed by the spiritual dispersion through the combination of skills.

Even if Zhuang Cai's spirit is spread out, it will not be able to discover the northern part of the southern part of the country. Alice is the only one who can use this method to discover the northern part of the southern part of the country.

A person born with high mental strength.

It's just that Zhuang Cai has a talisman, and after he has a domain, it becomes even easier.

At this time, the invisible Nansu Bei passed through the mental force field scattered around the monster.

As if crossing an uninhabited land, he climbed in through the broken window next to the monster.

What’s interesting is that as you turn from South Jiangsu to North, even the surrounding vegetation seems to have been untouched.

When Nan Subei walked in, he saw another room occupied by plants.

A variety of vegetation, which prefers to live in damp and dark places, spreads throughout the house.

The once civilized land beneath our feet has long been covered with soil, and only some furniture can still stick out of the soil.

It could be seen that this once appeared to be a bedroom, since the bed and wardrobe had not been completely buried after all.

What is incompatible with this room is the top of the wardrobe.

There was no vegetation, no dirt, not even dust.

The clean one is completely out of the same dimension as the surroundings.

On it lies a well-maintained children's rattle.

The bright, vibrant colors on it indicate the age group it's suitable for.

The object being protected is equal to the apparent age of the monster outside.

Although the monster's deformed face is almost human-like, it does look like a child overall.

Looking at that thing, Nan Subei turned to look at the monster.

The monster squatted on the window sill, still looking at Zhuang Cai and the two in the distance, with no intention of looking back.

At this time, Nan Subei turned to look at the object above his head.

He was thinking about how to take it away.

Should he hold it and walk out in a big way, or use shadow movement to teleport out.

Or put this rattle into a space item.

After thinking about it, Nan Subei decided to put him into the space objects first. This was the method that Nan Subei felt was least likely to be noticed.

After all, space equipment is considered another dimension, so it should be very easy to detect.

Thinking of this, Nan Subei slowly approached the closet, reached out and touched the rattle, and immediately threw it into the space equipment.

However, it is counterproductive.

There seems to be no energy response, and ordinary items with nothing special about them other than being clean cannot be thrown in.

It was as if it was being repelled by the expanded space. The moment it was thrown in, it seemed as if it had been thrown onto a soft cushion and bounced away.

The moment he discovered this situation, Nan Subei did not hesitate, and his body turned into a shadow and melted on the ground.

When Nan Su Bei touched it, the monster had already noticed it and turned its head sharply. When he turned around, all he saw was a little shadow flowing on the ground and then disappearing.

The monster pounced like crazy.

The scattered spirit turned into a destructive invisible force, instantly sending the wardrobe, desk, and surrounding vegetation and soil flying into the air.

The powerful force shook the entire house.

The outer wall, which had been eroded by plants and soil, was instantly broken by this force.

The crumbling building began to shake and was clearly about to collapse.

In the eyes of Zhuang Cai and the other two, Nan Su Bei had appeared in a shadow behind them.


With a huge noise, the entire building began to collapse.

This building only has about five or six floors.

Before it completely collapsed, a hole was opened by the splash of smoke and dust amidst the huge noise. A strong force dispersed the soot there.

The monster's deformed body rushed towards the shadow in the distance like a cannonball, where Nansubei was still invisible. Obviously, the monster was able to detect the location of the items he was guarding.

The casual investigation had almost achieved its goal. The monster flew past Zhuang Cai a few meters away and slammed into a transparent wall.

The unscrupulous power caused the huge head to explode instantly, and red and black blood appeared in a sputtering state on the completely transparent invisible wall.

It was like blood suspended in the air.

In an instant, Zhuang Cai felt that a large amount of mental power turned into something like a heavy hammer, slamming into the transparent wall blocking the monster.

But it was of no use.

There was not the slightest collision, not the slightest collision sound.

The collision between the spirit and the divine word invisibly rejects the power of the spirit.


Blocking is an exclusive force.

The Invisible Wall uses this kind of divine word to accurately unfold in Zhuang Cai's domain using the Myriad Method.

The obstructing force is not a wall of mental condensation, nor a shield.

If I had to describe it, it could be described as strong cotton, cotton that can never be penetrated.

Be it strength or spirit.

Because it is blocking, Zhuang Cai attaches his will to it when using it, asking it to block anything related to this monster.

Naturally, this also includes the spirit emanating from this monster.

But even so, the monster kept charging like crazy.

If the spirit is not good, then the body is the best.

Seeing this, Zhuang Cai frowned.

He stretched out his hand and lifted it up.

The soil under the giant-headed child monster suddenly stabbed upward.

The dirt and rocks turned into spikes that penetrated the entire child monster.

After penetrating, the soil was like melted mud, wrapping the child inside it, forming something like a coffin.

The mud wrapped the monster, and under Zhuang Cai's power, it formed into a ball and was squeezed continuously. Only a large amount of black blood and some minced meat could be seen mixed in the mud.

By the end, the soil had completely turned into jet black color.

It fell back into the Earth Ship and merged with the holes on the ground.

At this time, Nan Subei also walked over with a frown on his face.

"what happened?"

Hearing Zhuang Cai's question, Nan Subei frowned and raised the rattle in his hand.

"This thing...this thing is different."

Nan Subei said, taking the children's rattle and shaking it.

"Jingle Bell!"

The clear ringing sound was transmitted.

However, the sound of the bell was accompanied by a wave of mental waves that expanded outward.

This mental wave is extremely aggressive.

Zhuang Cai and Hong Caitong couldn't help but frown when they heard the voice.

"You can feel it, this thing has become a spiritual attack weapon.

This is outrageous, when I first held it, it was just a regular plastic toy.

Even if you shake it, it won't make such a crisp sound. "

As he spoke, he also arched his hands to his ears: "Have you heard the laughter of children in the sound of the bells?"

However, Zhuang Cai and the two shook their heads. They could only feel the crisp sound of the bell and the extremely aggressive mental fluctuations.

According to Zhuang Cai's feeling, once this attack penetrates the spirit, the person who hears it will be in a trance.

Mental attacks that affect status are not very powerful or aggressive.

"Can't you hear me?" Nan Su Bei shook again.

Zhuang Cai and the two were prepared this time. They defended themselves against the attack of mental fluctuations and listened carefully to the sound.

But I didn't hear the children's laughter.

"I can hear it when I shake it. It seems to be the problem with the rattle."

After speaking, the three people's eyes focused on the children's rattle held by Nan Subei.

Although it is very new, traces of the passage of time can still be seen on it.

And the workmanship looks very shoddy, just a plastic children's toy.

But this time the rattle was different.

Zhang Cai could clearly feel the spiritual energy on the rattle.

It has transformed from an ordinary children's toy into a prop, an offensive prop.

"Did it change like this when the monster died?" Rainbow Eyes asked.

Nan Subei nodded: "Yes, it will change the moment it dies."

Zhuang Cai reached out and took the item from Nan Su Bei's hand, holding it in his hand and observing it carefully.

The spirit also scanned it over and over again.

"I'm basically certain that the energy that makes this item so special comes from the spirit of the monster just now.

It's equivalent to the monster's spirit being completely transferred to this rattle toy, just like..."

Zhuang Cai pondered for a moment as he spoke. After thinking for a while, he gave a more vivid description: "It's like the rattle turned into a body to carry his spirit.

It just changed from a living thing to a dead thing. "

As he spoke, Zhuang Cai shook his head.


Children's laughter is very healing and very happy.

"You should have heard it, right?" Nan Subei asked.

Zhuang Cai nodded: "I heard it, I heard it very clearly, the children's giggles.

The happy laughter seemed to be in my ears. "

"Yes, yes, yes, I heard the same kind of laughter, exactly the same."

Looking at the frowning Zhuang Cai, Rainbow Eyes asked: "Did you notice anything?"

After thinking for a moment, Zhuang Cai nodded: "It's a bit like a side effect. Although this laughter is very healing and happy, the irreversible impact on the spirit is very subtle.

Long-term use will definitely cause certain changes in the spirit. I don't know whether such changes are good or bad, but this doomsday-like scene should not be a good thing. "

"That is to say, every item guarded by those monsters will turn into something like this after their death... into a magical prop?

Is it just a prop with side effects? "

Faced with the conjectures of Southern and Northern Jiangsu, neither of them could give a definite answer.

After all, this is only one example.

Only by trying again can you see the exact example.

"It feels a bit like fighting monsters and exploding equipment. It feels weird." Nansu Bei complained.

But I have to say it does look like it.

Zhuang Cai nodded slightly and threw the rattle in his hand to Nan Su Bei.

"Take it and play with it yourself."

"Didn't you say there were side effects?"

"It also depends on how many times it is shaken, and how it is shaken.

Didn't you discover its true use? "

"What?" How could Southern and Northern Jiangsu know this? After all, he just got it.

"Instill your spirit, or attach it to the bell and shake it. This may make it more powerful, but it will also be easier to be affected.

Just two ordinary shakes have almost no impact on our spirit.

If you insist on saying it, the impact can be seen as Yang Rongrong scolding you in your ear. "

"Oh~ That's it." Nan Subei nodded after listening to Zhuang Cai's vivid explanation.

"So long-term use is equivalent to Yang Rongrong constantly scolding me in my ears? Well, it seems that it will indeed be affected in this case."

Nansu and Bei also did some appropriate brainstorming on their own.

The plot has even begun to appear in his mind.

Then the three of them continued their journey.

Nan Subei asked: "Then do you want to take another shot?"

"You can try it."

It has to be said that there should be quite a few deformed monsters. They came all the way from outside the city.

Based on the distance traveled, they only walked about 2 kilometers at most.

But in just 2 kilometers, they had already encountered all kinds of deformed monsters.

Although the strength varies, it is enough to show the high density of monsters here.

So only about 10 minutes later, they saw another deformed monster.

A monster with obvious female characteristics.

The deformities include the arms that almost reach the ground and the mouth that is almost half the size of the head.

"This monster's item isn't the apron she's wearing, is it?"

Nan Subei observed it and said.

The reason why I say this is because this monster is wearing an apron, and the apron looks very clean.

It is enough to say that it is still in this place on the body and can be kept so clean.

"What if we destroyed the thing she was protecting before killing her?"

Rainbow Eyes looked at this scene and couldn't help but said curiously.

This is also a question worth pondering.

"Just give it a try."

Hearing Zhuang Cai's words, Rainbow Tong nodded and directly ejected two steel cables to pull her out.

A golden sword light appeared on the leg.

As the steel cable pulled the figure, he came to the side of the deformed monster at high speed. Before it could issue a warning sound, the golden sword flashed and cut the monster in half.

Naturally, the apron she was wearing was chopped into pieces, and blood spilled out. However, the monster's body had no internal organs and was completely empty.

However, cutting it off at the waist did not stop the monster's deformed body from continuing to move. The slender palms dragged to the ground began to form claws and attack Rainbow Eyes.

Easily dodged, the light on Rainbow Eye's legs turned fiery red, and the burning fire turned into a flaming blade and a sharp knife stepped on the monster's head.

His head was pierced, and the fire burned instantly, turning his head into ashes.

This flame is not just about temperature, it can also cause damage to the spirit.

With this blow, the deformed female monster wearing an apron died on the spot.

Then, right in front of Rainbow Tong, the chopped apron was put back together by invisible force, and even the blood stains on it were cleaned away.

The apron looked brand new and was still tied to the monster's body.

As the monster died, even the blood on the monster's chopped body stopped flowing.

Rainbow Eyes took the trophy in hand and walked back.

"It seems that this item is indeed special. Even if it is damaged, it will be repaired after the monster dies."

Zhuang Cai took the apron, held it in his hand, unfolded it, looked at it, and said: "When I first repaired it, I observed it very carefully. It must have consumed the power that should have been integrated into the crowd to repair it.

In other words, as long as you damage this item to the point where it cannot be repaired even if all the power coming from it is exhausted, then the purpose of destruction can be achieved. "

"So what ability does this apron have?" Nan Subei asked curiously from the side.

This is what matters.

Zhuang Cai felt it and frowned slightly: "It's a bit complicated, not as simple as the ringing bell just now."

Then he handed it to Nan Subei: "You can try it on and you should be able to feel it easily."

"You're not trying to tease me, are you?" Nan Subei looked at Zhuang Cai in disbelief.

After all, this apron is very feminine, with floral embellishments on the pink top and white lace on the side.

And maybe Zhuang Cai discovered some strange side effects and wanted to punish him.

As long as the side effects are minimal, they are not dangerous. Zhuang Cai can definitely do this kind of thing. (End of chapter)

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